

单词 囊肿



Baker's cyst or popliteal cyst (medicine)

See also:

pocket (for money)


emphysema n

External sources (not reviewed)

绝大多数患者在发病后症状逐年减轻或消失,但有 肿 或 囊肿 的 患 者容易抗拒治疗和留下凹陷型疤痕。
For others, abscesses or cysts can form if symptoms [...]
are resistant to treatment; in these cases, depressions in the skin and scars will likely form.
若治疗不及时、炎症更剧则会在皮下形成大小不等的红色结节 囊肿。
If not treated, the inflammation develops into something more dramatic, such as the formation of red bumps
[...] of varying sizes or cysts.
男性患者的典型症状包括尿道分泌物异常,尿痛,以及 囊肿 胀 , 多数男性患者无临床症状。
In men, symptoms may include urethral discharge,
[...] painful urination, and scrotal swelling.
当临近的多个痤疮结节囊肿聚集 融合时就形成聚合性痤疮。
When several
[...] of these bumps or cysts clump together, [...]
the condition is called acne conglobata.
除了乳腺癌,乳腺炎(乳腺感染)、血肿(微小血管破裂)、脂肪坏死(乳腺组织的脂肪细胞损伤) 囊肿 ( 乳 腺组织内极小的、通常会随月经周期变化且可能伴有触痛的充满液体的囊)和纤维腺瘤(最常见的良性乳腺肿块,可以在青少年时期或怀孕期间迅速生长)也可能造成良性乳腺肿块。
In addition to cancer, benign breast lumps can also be caused by mastitis (infection of the breast), hematomas (rupture of tiny blood vessels),
fat necrosis (trauma to the fat cells in
[...] breast tissues), cysts (tiny fluid-filled [...]
sacs within the breast tissue that often
vary in size with menstrual cycle and may be tender), and fibroadenomas (the most common benign breast lumps, which can grow quickly in teenagers or during pregnancy).
该技术可被用于(但不仅限于)脐、腹腔和食道裂孔疝的修复术、胆囊切除术、阑尾炎手术、抗反流手术、输精管结扎术、子宫切除术和卵 囊肿 摘 除 术。
The technique can be used for procedures including, but not limited to, the repair of umbilical, ventral, and hiatal hernias,
gallbladder removal, appendectomies, anti-reflux surgeries, vasectomies, hysterectomies
[...] and the removal of ovarian cysts.
这项多中心研究的主要目标是评估OVA1对于适用人群的效果,重点是两类难度特别大的人群:一类是早期卵巢癌妇女,她们中约有一半人CA125水平正常,另一类是绝经前妇女,她们的卵巢癌发病率低,而良 囊肿 的 发 病率高。
The primary objective of the multicenter study was to assess the performance of OVA1 in the intended use population with a focus on two particularly challenging subgroups: women with early-stage ovarian cancer, where approximately half of patients have a normal
CA125 level, and premenopausal women, where the incidence of ovarian cancer is low and
[...] incidence of benign cysts is high.
在以下图表中,识别异常出血可及早诊断并成功治疗卵 囊肿。
In the chart below, the recognition of abnormal bleeding enabled early diagnosis and successful
[...] treatment of an ovarian cyst.

这也是Million Artists计划筹集资金的用途之一:捐助将用于资助 囊肿 状 纤 维化病患者有直接影响的项目以及用于资助CFW网站和通讯的运营和召开全球会议。


An example of where donations gathered by Million Artists will be used: Donations are used to fund projects that directly affect person with CF as well as fund the operation of the CFW website, Newsletter and lay conferences worldwide.

再者,耳垢和死去的细胞也无法正常地从耳道往外排出,因此常常造成严重的中耳 炎(otitis
[...] media-中耳炎),更会形成良性囊肿( c h ol esteatomas –胆固醇瘤)。
Furthermore, dead skin cells and earwax cannot drain out of the middle ear in the
normal way, leading to severe ear infections (otitis media) and occasionally the
[...] formation of benign cysts (cholesteatomas).

'; $fundraising[10]='囊肿状纤维化病全球组织(CFW)'; $fundraising[11]='

囊肿状纤 维化病全球组织是一个国际非盈利性组织,致力于改 囊肿 状 纤 维化病患者的治疗和教育,提高全球医疗人员和各国政府 囊肿 状 纤维化病的认识。


'; $fundraising[10]='Cystic Fibrosis Worldwide (CFW)'; $fundraising[11]='

Cystic Fibrosis Worldwide is an international, nonprofit organization working to promote access to appropriate care and education to people affected by cystic fibrosis and to improve the knowledge [...]

of CF among medical professionals and governments worldwide.
这些对于GroE的开创性贡献及其他分子伴侣的详细研究,有助于解释因蛋白质折叠错误而导致的疾病 囊肿 性 纤维化、老年痴呆症(脑退化症)及亨廷顿氏症。
These seminal contributions on GroE, along with detailed inspection of other chaperones, help to
explain what goes wrong in diseases of protein
[...] folding such as cystic fibrosis, Alzheimer’s [...]
Disease and Huntington’s Disease.
舌系带短缩症、急性扁桃体炎、急性腺样体(腺样体)炎、慢性扁桃体炎、扁桃体肥大、腺样体肿大、咽炎、咽喉肿痛、扁桃体周围脓肿、唾液腺炎、腮腺炎、颌下腺炎、涎石病、口腔癌、唾液腺肿瘤、唾液腺癌、口咽喉癌、下咽癌、喉癌、阻塞性气道疾病、下喉先天性狭窄、喉头软化症、急性喉头炎、乳头状瘤、声 囊肿 、 声带息肉、声带麻痹、气管食道穿孔、甲状腺结节、甲状腺癌、甲状旁腺肿瘤、深颈部感染、蜂窝组织炎、血管瘤、血管畸形、淋巴管畸形、静脉畸形、甲状腺 囊肿 、 乳 皮 囊肿 、 粘 液 囊肿 、 脂肪瘤、原发部位不明转移癌、口腔炎、口腔疼痛综合征、咽喉反流病、颌面畸形
Ankyloglossia, acute tonsillitis, acute adenoid, chronic tonsillitis, tonsillar hypertrophy, adenoid hypertrophy, pharyngitis, sore throat, abscess surrounding tonsil, sialadenitis, parotitis, submandibular sialadenitis, sialolithiasis, oral cancer, tumor of salivary gland, salivary gland cancer, oropharyngeal cancer, hypopharyngeal cancer, laryngeal cancer, respiratory obstruction disease, congenital subglottic stenosis, laryngomalacia,
acute epiglottitis,
[...] papilloma, intracordal cyst, vocal cord polyp, vocal cord paralysis, tracheoesophageal fistula, thyroid nodule, thyroid cancer, parathyroid tumor, craniocervical infection, cellulitis, angioma, vascular malformation, lymph vessel malformation, vein malformation, thyroglossal duct cyst, dermoid, [...]
synovial cyst, eleoma, cervical metastatic
carcinoma of unknown origin, stomatitis, oral heating syndrome, laryngopharyngeal reflux disease, maxillofacial malformation
肿大的 前列腺被称为良性前列腺增生症(BPH),是相当普遍的。
Benign enlargement of the prostate is called BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia), and is quite common.
患者的身体部分,如面部或喉部会发 肿 胀 ,以至于无法呼吸。
Parts of the body, for example the
[...] face or throat swell up so much that [...]
the patient can't breathe.
他说,区域全面经济伙伴关系框架将最终导致形成世界上最大 的区域集团之一囊括全 球人口的一半以上。
He remarked that the Framework for Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership would eventually lead to the formation of one of the world’s largest regional blocs, which would comprise more than half of the global population.
在有需要的情况下,对以下病症的诊断及治疗过程做出指示、开具处方及 进行相关处理:传染病和寄生虫病 肿 瘤 ;内分泌、营养、代谢及免疫紊乱方面 的疾病;血液及造血器官方面的疾病;精神障碍;神经系统及感官方面的疾病; 循环系统疾病;呼吸系统疾病;消化系统疾病;泌尿生殖器官疾病;妊娠并发 症;分娩及产褥期疾病;皮肤及皮下组织疾病;骨关节系统及结缔组织疾病;先 天性异常;围产期遗留疾病;损伤及中毒。
Indication or prescription, and execution where appropriate, of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures concerning infectious and parasitic diseases, neoplasias, endocrinal, nutritional and metabolic diseases and immunity disorders, diseases of the blood and the haematopoietic organs, mental disorders, diseases of the nervous system and the sensory organs, circulatory diseases, diseases of the respiratory and digestive tracts, diseases of the genito-urinary tract, complications in pregnancy, birth and puerperium, diseases of the skin and the subcutaneous layer, diseases of the osteo-myoarticular system and connective tissue, congenital anomalies, diseases originating during the perinatal period, injuries and poisoning.
教科文组织高等教育、研究与学术论坛,是 2002-2003 年期间创立的,它为学者、决策 者和专家提供一个平台,使其可以就高等教育和研究问题进行交流并提出批评意见,在地区 范围内是通过五个地区性科学委员会,在全球范围内则是通过全球科学委员会(研究高等教 育战略和学术问题及政策的全球性 囊 团 )和一年一度的全球性会议,与会的专家和决策者 可以就具体的主题进行交流和辩论。
The UNESCO Forum on Higher Education, Research and Knowledge, launched during 2002-2003, provides a platform for scholars, policy-makers and experts to interact and engage critically with higher education and research issues, regionally through five Regional Scientific Committees and globally through the Global Scientific Committee, a global think-tank concerned with strategic higher education and knowledge concerns and policies, and through a major annual global event, gathering experts and policy-makers to share and debate specific themes.
很明顯,所有學員在參與這個計 劃時,均會參考所有提供的培訓課程,然後作出選擇,其㆗包括了不同類型的培訓, 諸如相當受歡迎的轉業囊便是㆒例。
Obviously, all trainees, when they participate in this scheme, decide on the basis of all the training programmes which are available, including other types of training like the job search skills which are very popular.
2009 年 11 月,本基金会在马德里举办了一场主题为“欧洲-地中海地区最不 发达国家发展必须遵循的原则:教育、性别平等和法治”的研讨会,51 名来自中 东、欧洲和北非(西班牙、意大利、联合王国、摩洛哥、突尼斯、黎巴嫩、被占 领的巴勒斯坦领土、以色列、拉脱维亚、克罗地亚、斯洛文尼亚、罗马尼亚、捷 克共和国、匈牙利和俄罗斯)的代表以及 37 名政府组织、地区政府机构代表、囊团和 发展合作组织的专家出席了本次研讨会。
In November 2009, the Foundation organized a seminar in Madrid on the theme “Guidelines for development in the most disadvantaged countries of the Euro-Mediterranean sphere: education, gender equality and rule of law”, with 51 participants from the Middle East, Europe and North Africa (Spain, Italy, the United Kingdom, Morocco, Tunisia, Lebanon, the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Israel, Latvia, Croatia, Slovenia, Romania, Czech Republic, Hungary and the Russian Federation), 37 representatives of non-governmental organizations, regional Governments, think tanks, and experts in cooperation for development.
根据内部监督 办公室的工作人员能力报告,他强调了这些职位具体资格的重要性:确实有必要由一 位出版业法律方面的P1/P2级别专家来开展权力方面的工作,特别是有鉴于这是一囊 括各种媒体类别的不断发展的领域。
In line with the IOS Report on Staff Capacity, he stressed the importance of specific qualifications for these posts: A P-1/P-2 specialist in the legal aspects of publishing is indeed necessary to carry out the work on rights, particularly as this is an evolving area involving different types of media.




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