单词 | 嚷劈 | ||||||||||||||||
释义 | 嚷劈—shout oneself hoarse嚷嚷—shoutless common: argue noisily make widely known reproach See also:嚷—shout blurt out 劈—chop split open split in two (of lightning) strike hack
内墙与外墙之间的区域用于劈柴,并向少数犯人提供工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | An area of the premises between the outer and inner wall was in use for chopping wood and provided work for a small number of prisoners. daccess-ods.un.org |
索马里人将树皮劈开,让树液流出,油状的树液逐渐凝固为黄白色的泪滴状,干了以后就变成红色,也就是我们所熟悉的没药。 clarinsusa.com | The oily sap hardens into yellowish-white tears that turn red as they dry to form what is known as Myrrh. clarinsusa.com |
据几名证人所述,这起仇恨犯罪为未遂私刑,当时被占领的东耶路撒冷 Ras Al-Am 居民区的一名 17 岁居民 Jamal Julani 和他的四个朋友正走在西耶路撒冷 的锡安广场,突然他们发现一群年轻人在追赶自己,这些年轻人叫嚷着“阿拉伯 人,打死阿拉伯人”。 daccess-ods.un.org | The hate crime — described by several witnesses as an attempted lynching — occurred as Jamal Julani, 17 years old, a resident of the Occupied East Jerusalem neighbourhood of Ras Al-Amud, and his four friends were walking in West Jerusalem’s Zion Square, when they suddenly found themselves being chased by a group of youths shouting “Arabs, death to Arabs”. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据台湾选举的总统副总统选举罢免法,在投票所四周30公尺内,「喧嚷、干扰或劝诱他人投票或不投票」者属於违法,经警卫人员制止後仍继续为之者,可判处徒刑或罚款,但这不应是禁止票站调查的理据。 hkupop.hku.hk | According to the Presidential and Vice Presidential Election and Recall Act in Taiwan, within 30 feet around the polling station, "The person has made a din or has interfered with or persuaded others to vote or not to vote, in defiance of interdiction. hkupop.hku.hk |
有太多人大声嚷嚷,喜欢谴责,再谴责。 daccess-ods.un.org | Too many people with loud voices like to condemn and condemn. daccess-ods.un.org |
疑点三:保安局局长在有关新闻发布会上的发言,劈头就以本地人士意见书的数目为推算基础,完全没有提及3,812份涉及29,099个签名来自外地的意见书。 hkupop.hku.hk | Doubt No.3: In the media session conducted by the Secretary for Security, she began her analysis right from the local submissions received, and mentioned nothing about the 3,812 non-local submissions involving 29,099 signatures. hkupop.hku.hk |
有一次(14时40 分) 代表团抵达时发现外门没有警卫,在内墙与外墙之间的地区看不到警卫;唯 一看到的人是几个在内墙与外墙之间的地区劈柴的人。 daccess-ods.un.org | On one occasion (14.40 hours) the delegation arrived to find no guard at the outer gate and no guards visible on duty in the area between the inner and outer walls; the only people in view were a few prisoners choppingwood in the area between the outer and inner walls. daccess-ods.un.org |
认真看待他(她)的任何威吓或警告,聯络 EPI 臨床治療师或精神病科医生,尤其是当他 (她)有受迫害感觉及总是嚷着「在他们捉住我之前就要捉住他们」,更不可掉以轻心。 psychosissucks.ca | Do take any threats or warnings seriously and contact your EPI Clinician or Psychiatrist, particularly if your relative has ideas of being persecuted and talks about “Getting them before they get me”, etc. psychosissucks.ca |