

单词 器官捐献者

See also:

捐献 n

contribution n

捐献 pl

donations pl

捐献 v

contribute sth. v

External sources (not reviewed)

器官捐献需要得到献者本人同 意。
Organ donation requires the consent of the donor.
器官接受者支付的 费用通常捐献者得到 的要多得多,两者之差则付给中间人、外科医生和医院 主管,据报告他们全都参与此类有组织犯罪网络。
Recipients of the organs
[...] usually pay much more than the donors received, and the difference [...]
is used to pay brokers, surgeons
and hospital directors, who have all been reported to be involved in such organized criminal networks.
3月5日是中国每年一度的“学习雷锋纪念日”,在今年的这一天,特奥运动员赖静作出了她生命中最为重要的决定:签署《人 器官捐献 自 愿 书》。
This year, Special Olympics Athlete Lai
Jing made her most important decision in her life on this significant date: to
[...] sign off human organ donation agreement.
器官對捐贈者 要求限制較大,例如捐心和肺者必須年輕及非吸煙者;捐腎者必須是 70 歲 以下;捐肝則不能是乙型肝炎帶菌者。
There are also great
[...] constraints on the donation of certain organs, for example, [...]
heart and lung donors must be young and non-smokers;
kidney donors must be under 70; and Hepatitis B carriers cannot donate livers.
第一,便是考慮哪類公職人員有權或有責任把有關的資料輸入中央資 料庫內,並核實有關資料是否正確和程序是否正當;第二,在保障個人資料
[...] 的原則下決定誰人,或是在甚麼情況下,才可查閱有關資料,以及是否要有 見證人等;及第三,讓有意捐者可 更改智能身份證內 器官捐 贈 資 料,例 如同意或更改捐贈的器官等的詳細安排。
Firstly, we have to consider who amongst public officers should be given the authority and responsibility to enter the relevant data into the central database and verify the accuracy of such data and legitimacy of the process; secondly, we have to determine who should be allowed access to the information and the circumstances under which access is allowed under the principles of personal data
privacy protection, and whether a witness is required; and thirdly, we have to make detailed arrangements for
[...] allowing a prospective donor to change organ donation information on his/her [...]
Smart ID card,
such as withdrawal of consent or a change of the organs covered by the consent.
不過,負責醫生必須向該名近親查詢,並確定 者 生 前並未有表示反捐 出器官,而其尚存配偶、父母或子女亦不會反對此項決定,以作保障。
As a safeguard, the doctor must make enquiries from the registered
next of kin and be
[...] satisfied that the deceased person had not expressed any objection to donation and that the deceased's [...]
surviving spouse,
parent or children do not object.
我国也愿 意官方捐助作贡献,特 别是通过从我们的“白盔计 划”中提供人员和把能够作为储备力量行动的训练有 素的志者专业队伍交由联合国人道主义系统使用。
Our country is also
[...] prepared to contribute to official assistance, in particular by providing personnel from our White Helmets initiative and placing specialized teams of trained volunteers able to act as [...]
reserves at the disposal
of the United Nations humanitarian system.
然 而為什麼我們要向這些英勇㆟士當㆗的㆒個施行㆒次重大手術,而與此同時,我們其實是 可以從意外者㆗取得㆒器官,只要他們在死亡前曾光榮㆞表示願 捐 出 他們 的 器官?
Yet, why should we perform a major surgery on one of these gallant people, whilst there are quite a few
organs we can obtain from
[...] fatal accidents victims should they have honourably indicated their willingness to donate their organs before death.
雖然過去亦曾進行多宗這類的移植 手術,但世界各㆞的醫務㆟員仍不大願意利用與病者毫無關係而又在生 捐 贈 者 的 器官, 他 們較接受在盡可能的情況㆘,利用已死 捐 贈 者 的 器官。
Though many such transplants have been performed in the past, the medical profession
worldwide remains hesitant
[...] to use the organs of living unrelated donors, preferring wherever possible to use the organs of cadaveric donors.
但是,A. O. 史密斯不会授权任何员工、管者 或董 事以公司的名义向某个政治人物、候选人或政党做 捐献。
However, A. O. Smith does not authorize any
[...] employee, officer, or director to make a company contribution to a politician, candidate, or political party.
根據醫管局提供的數字,親屬拒捐 贈 死者 器官的原 因中,有 33%是表示希望遺體得以保持完整,另外亦有 41%是因為 未知死者生前的意願或家屬未有共識。
According to the figures provided by the Hospital Authority (HA), amongst the
reasons given by the
[...] families of the deceased for refusing to donate the organs of the [...]
deceased, 33% indicated that they hoped
that the body of the deceased could remain intact, and another 41% indicated that they were not aware of the deceased's wish before death or that a consensus could not be reached among the family members.
今年年初,伤心的赖妈妈在不经意间看到一则关于器官捐赠需求的新闻报道,想起当年丈夫的往事,母女协商后共同决定通 器官捐献 的 方 式拯救更多人的生命。
Early this year, her mother saw news on TV that someone
needed an organ transplant to survive, and that recalled how desperately her
[...] husband needed an organ donation before he died.
例如,基因转递技术为再埴外科开辟了新的前景,因为可以 捐献 的 器官 之 外 得到与 人体相容的器官,但是这种技术又使人的健康安全成了问题。
For example, transgenic technology might open up new horizons in the field of transplant surgery by providing organs that would be compatible with the human body and would thus be included in the supply of donor organs, but might undermine health security.
任何捐者對捐贈器官的意 願,必須受到尊 重。
Any donor's genuine wish to donate the organ must be respected.
[...] 當的角色非常重要,他們必須找到最適當的時機,向處於傷痛之中的家人或者預先或及時提器官捐贈的 資料,疏導他們的情緒和提供適當的心理輔 導,務求令他們在短時間內作出適當和理性的抉擇及決定。
According to the experience of the United Kingdom, transplant co-ordinators in hospitals have a very important role to play for they must find the most suitable
opportunity to provide
[...] grieving families or patients with information on organ donation in advance or in a [...]
timely manner, so as to
alleviate their feelings and offer appropriate counselling, so that they can make a proper and rational choice and decision within a short time.
中央名冊亦提供一個可靠 及有效的方法,讓器官移植聯絡主任確定在公立醫院身故的病人生前 表明死後捐贈器官的意願,以便可以盡快與其家屬聯絡和取得他們的 同捐出死者的器官,救 助有急切需要接受 官捐 贈 的 病人。
The CODR provides a reliable and effective means for transplant coordinators to ascertain, for people who passed away in public hospitals, their previously expressed wish to donate organs after death, and to approach their family as
soon as possible to seek
[...] their consent to donate organs of the deceased, in order to save patients in urgent need of organ donation.
教科文组织可以利用这一特别资金开展有关活动,支持会员国的中央和地方政府采取 紧急保护措施,使有关的古代艺术收藏品、各民族制作 器 皿 、 文 献 和 图书资料免遭毁坏、 自然蜕化变质、被盗者得不 到充分利用,这与本组织保护文化遗址、非物质遗产和文化创 造性工作是相辅相成的。
Activities under this special fund will enable UNESCO to support national and local governments of its Member States in undertaking emergency measures in the preservation of collections of ancient artefacts, ethnographic objects, archival and library material which are subject to risks of destruction, deterioration, theft and under-utilization, hence complement the Organization’s work in the protection of cultural sites, intangible heritage and cultural creativity.
据各国报告,接受培训官员传授并运用获得的知识,为确保缴获和拦截非法 器 作 出了 贡 献。
The knowledge imparted and
[...] applied by trained officials contributed to ensuring the seizure and interception of illicit weapons, as reported by States.
本组织的献包括:在官方公 开会议上放影一部关于文化多样性的电影;举办五个关于“地球发展村”主题的讲习班,全 部由青年推广工者讲课;与国际青年旅社联盟(IYHF)合作举办一个大型的交互式展 台;与世界银行合作举办一个会外活动,介绍世界预防艾滋病日青年辩论会的情况;(通过 调查表)开展一场调查,收集青年人对于中等教育及其改革的意见和期望;最后,发行一张 光盘“记忆与奇迹”。
official opening session; five workshops on the major themes of the Global Development Village, all conducted by young facilitators; a large, interactive stand in collaboration with the International Youth [...]
Hostel Federation
(IYHF); a side event, organized in collaboration with the World Bank, to present the World AIDS Day Youth Debate; a survey (by questionnaire) to collect youth views and expectations on secondary education and its reform; and finally, the launching of a CD-ROM Memories and Marvels.
古巴促请卢森堡继续履行 将其国民生产总值的 0.7%捐献给 官方发展 援 助的国际承诺,并请 卢森堡鼓励在欧洲联 [...]
盟 和 经济合作与发展 组织(经 合组织)的合作伙伴也实行这一良好惯例。
Cuba urged Luxembourg to continue
its international commitment to contribute 0.7
[...] per cent of GNP to official development assistance [...]
and to encourage its partners
in the European Union and in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) to replicate this good practice.
这些条例还规定,用于移植的人 器官捐献 应 是免费和自愿的。
The regulations also
[...] stipulate that the donation of human organs for [...]
transplant should be free and voluntary.
作为机构捐助者、代 理和基金会的一个联盟,联合国儿童基金会在对幼童调研、方案、政策倡导、监测和评估方面,是一名积极的成员和 献者。
A consortium of organizations, donors, agencies and foundations, UNICEF is an active member and contributor to the Consultative Group’s efforts in research, programming, policy advocacy, monitoring [...] [...]
and evaluation for young children.
我覺得很多時候須透過教育,令市民覺捐 贈器官其實 是生命延續的一部分;因為 者器官 存 在 也是身體 1%或 0.1%存 在捐贈器官又可 以救回一條生命,我相信這是有很多人願意這樣做的。
I think that, very often, we should educate the
public and make them
[...] realize that organ donation is an extension of their own lives, for even if the organs of the deceased were kept, it would only constitute 1% or 0.1% of the remains, while the donation of organs can save [...]
lives, and I believe many
people will be willing to do so.
鑒於提升器官捐贈數目及協助需接受器官移植病人的 最有效方法,是鼓勵有捐贈器官者 在 中 央名冊登記其意願, 並向其家人表明意願,委員提出了多項進一步推廣器官捐贈的 建議。
Noting that the most effective way to boost the number
of organ donations and
[...] help more patients in need of organ transplant was to encourage prospective donors to register their wish to donate organs on [...]
CODR and make known their
wish to their families, members gave suggestions on how to further promote organ donation.
代理主席,因為器官移植是要即時進行,不能等待至 過了某個時間,政府或許可以參考現時醫學會 器官捐 贈 名 冊的經驗,研究 如何能統一這個制度,甚至由醫學會做得更全面一點,設立全港性後端電腦 系統,儲存捐者的資料。
Deputy President, as organ transplants need to be performed instantly and cannot wait until after a certain time, perhaps the Government
may refer to the
[...] experience of the HKMA's organ donation register and conduct studies on how this system can be integrated, or even commission the HKMA to do this in a more comprehensive manner by establishing a territory-wide back-end computer system to store information on organ donors.
只有在我們有足夠從者捐 贈得來的器官,供應給輪候接受官 移 植 的病患者,那些需要進行器官移植手術的長 期病患者才不致鋌而走險,觸犯法例“購買器官”,或冒生命危險,在㆒些醫療水準 [...]
It is only when there are enough donated organs (cadaveric ones) to supply those in [...]
the waiting list who need transplantation
that those chronically ill who needs transplantation will not risk confrontation with the law to "buy" an organ or to expose his/her life to possible danger by having a transplantation in a foreign environment of uncertain standard.
西班牙在 1979 年通 過《器官移植法》,並在 1989 年設立國家移植協會負捐贈器官的 分 配、 管理移植者登記 名單、安排移植小組的交通 捐 贈 器官 的 運 輸工作、保留官捐贈及 移植活動的官方統計資料、負責向有關方面通報各項事宜,同時 還負責有關器官捐贈及移植領域的培訓及研究工作。
The responsibilities of the Organization include
[...] the allocation of donated organs, management of the register for patients awaiting transplant, making transport arrangements for the transplant team and delivery of donated organs, keeping official statistics on organ donation and transplant [...]
activities, informing
relevant parties of various issues and at the same time, undertaking training and research duties in relation to organ donation and transplant.
上述安排的缺點是,雖然近年公眾對於捐贈器官的觀念已開始逐漸改 變,但從公眾對器官捐贈的支持情況和實際上已領取、簽署並攜 器官捐贈 證的人來看,者之間 的數目仍存在差異。
The drawback of the above arrangement is, although public attitude towards organ donation has gradually started to
change in recent years, there is a
[...] discrepancy between public support for organ donation and people actually [...]
getting a card, signing and carrying it.
[...] 给食典委工作提供重要的财政和其他支持或者对粮农组织和世卫组织预算外项目捐献者的努力。
The Commission fully recognises the efforts of the members of the CAC, especially those which provide significant financial and other support to the
work of the CAC as host governments of subsidiary
[...] bodies or as contributors to extra-budgetary [...]
programmes of FAO and WHO.




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