

单词 器具

器具 noun ()

apparatus n

器具 noun, plural ()

apparatuses pl



diving equipment

小器具 n

widget n

调工具调节器 n

tool setter n

External sources (not reviewed)

它提供一个项目管理器,一个用于导航的代码结构目录,代码编 器(具 有 :语法高亮显示,括号匹配,自动补全等功能)。
It provides a project manager and a directory for the navigation of the code structure , code editor (with : syntax highlighting , bracket matching , auto-complete congruence function) .
该终端采用小型内置PIR传器,具 备移 动检测功能,并且会在有人靠近时自动亮起。
With a built-in mini PIR sensor, the terminal features motion detection and automatically lights up upon detecting an approaching person.
除非得到公司或其任何人員的書面特准,任何人不得在任何巴士或西北鐵路車輛或鐵路 處所的任何部分唱歌、跳舞或演奏任何樂器或其 器具 , 亦 不得使用收音機、卡式機、雷射碟機 或類似的設備、電視或任何其他電氣或機械設備,而相當可能對他人造成煩擾、不便或騷擾。
No person unless authorized in writing by the Corporation or any of its officials while upon any bus or vehicle of the North-west Railway or any part of the railway premises shall sing, dance or perform on any musical or other instrument or use a radio, cassette recorder, compact disc player or similar device, television or any other such electrical or mechanical device which is likely to cause annoyance, inconvenience or disturbance to any other person.
於任 何工廠,任何人員不應且不允許進入該等密閉空間,直至已採取一切可行
[...] 彼進行的測試出具書面證明,證明該空間不存在危險氣體且適合人進入, 或(bb)工人配帶適合的呼器具且縛 有與繩子一端相連的安全帶,繩子的 另一端乃由站在密閉空間外的工人持握。
No personinany factory shall enter or be permitted to enter any such confined space until all practicable measures have been taken to remove any fumes which may be present and to prevent any ingress of fumes and unless either (aa) a certificate in writing has been given by a competent person, based on a test carried out by himself, thatthe space is free from dangerous fumes and fit for persons to enter, or (bb) the
worker is wearing suitable
[...] breathing apparatus and a belt securely attached to a rope, the free [...]
end of which is held by a
person standing outside the confined space.
尽管这只是第一步,但我们希望,它将迅速导致彻底 消除此类武器,这种器具有滥杀滥伤性质,造成全 球平民人口的巨大痛苦。
While that was only a first step, we hope that
it will rapidly lead to the total
[...] elimination of such weapons, which are by nature [...]
indiscriminate and causing enormous suffering
among civilian populations around the globe.
(3) 如 發生意外或 其他緊急事故 , 任何人可 操作、移動或開 動吊 車系統上或吊車系統區內的任何 有告示於其上面 或附近展示 ,說明是供在 發
[...] 生意外或緊急事故 時 操作的開關掣、控 制 杆、機械或電器具或 其他器 件。
(3) In cases of accident or other emergency, a person may operate, move, or work any switch, lever, mechanical or electrical appliance or other device on the Cable Car System or in the Cable Car
System area on or near which is displayed a notice that it is intended to be operated
[...] in cases of accident or emergency.
9094 系列继器具有坚 固的触头和小尺寸,因此适合于要求高板密度和长使用寿命的 [...]
ATE 及其它高可靠性测试与测量应用。
The robust contacts and small size of the 9094
[...] series make these relays ideal for ATE [...]
and other high-reliability test and measurement
applications where high board density and long life are key requirements.
以及防止干预合法使用此类材料的义务,此类材料包括盗窃、虚报、威 胁、破坏和非法贩运等刑事犯罪活动所涉及的核材料和设施;确保安全
[...] 处理所有领域中各类电离辐射源,以便保证对个人、社会和环境的保护, 并确保在核或放射材料器具、设备和技术方面不开展任何活动,但监 管当局授权的除外。
To ensure compliance with Egypt’s international obligations, including the obligation to prevent the illegal or unauthorized acquisition of nuclear material; prevent interference with authorized uses of nuclear material and facilities arising from criminal activities such as theft, misrepresentation, threats, sabotage and illicit trafficking; and ensure the safe handling of sources of ionizing radiation of all types in all fields so as to guarantee the protection of individuals, society and the environment and to ensure
that no activity is undertaken in
[...] connection with nuclear or radiation material, equipment [...]
and technologies, except as
authorized by the regulatory authority.
(c) 信息技术(2 221 600 美元),主要原因是网络交换机和网络路由器实际
[...] 价格较低,以及所需网络路由器数量较少,因为新购置的卫星调制解 器具 有必 要的路由功能。
(c) Information technology ($2,221,600), due mainly to lower actual prices of network switches and network routers and lower quantities of
network routers acquired as the result of the fact that new satellite modems procured had
[...] the requisite routing capability.
据估计,在该区域,妇女艾滋病毒感染者中有 35%是通过使用受污染的毒品 注器具感染的。
It is estimated that, in the region, 35 per cent of women living with HIV were infected through the use of contaminated injecting drug equipment.
(b) 并包括(a)款(1)或(2)项内所提到的任何武器的任何部件,此 种武器经过设计或改造以减低武器发射时所造成的噪音或火 光的任何配件,以及任何利用炸药操作的电动工具、冲头、杆
[...] 柄或利用空气压力操作的任何扣钉枪;(c) 但不包括仅为发射 鱼叉而设计或改造器具。
(b) and includes any component part of any weapon mentioned in paragraph (a) (i) or (ii), any accessory to any such weapon designed or adapted to diminish the noise or flash caused by firing the weapon and any explosive-operated power tool, ramset, hilt or fire nail fastener operated by
pneumatic pressure; (c) but does not include an article designed or
[...] adapted solely to discharge a spear for spearing fish.
[...] 损害,受害者的医疗费用,因受害者死亡所造成的重大损害,给眼镜、假牙、隐 形眼镜及其他替代身体官能器具造 成 的损害,给衣服造成的损害,以及受害者 的丧葬费用。
The amount of compensation is determined on the basis of the following material damage caused by a crime of violence: damage arising from incapacity for work, expenses for the medical treatment of the victim, material damage arising from the death of the victim, damage caused to
spectacles, dentures, contact lenses
[...] and other appliances substituting for bodily functions and to clothes, [...]
and the victim’s funeral expenses.
研究开发高智能化的用器具、具有 最佳用水量的用器具和按家庭使用功能分类的水龙头。
Research and develop highly intelligent water appliances, water appliances with ideal water consumption volumes and householduse water taps with different functions.
当恢复至较大容量硬盘驱动器时,存在两种情况:1) 如果硬盘驱器具备相 同的几何特征, 则已备份的磁盘将“按原样”恢复,从而保留未分配的空间;2) 如果硬盘驱动器的几何特征不 同,分区大小则将按比例放大。
When recovering to a larger capacity hard drive, there are two cases: 1) if the hard drive has the same geometry, the backed up disc will be recovered "as is" thus leaving unallocated space; and 2) if the hard drive has different geometry, the partition(s) size will be proportionally enlarged.
仿若他们与您同在车上 Jabra FREEWAY 是新一代免提电话中的一款,配有三个扬 器 , 具 有 虚拟环绕声功能。
You’ll think they’re in the car with you Jabra FREEWAY is one of the first in-car speakerphones to have 3 speakers coupled with Virtual Surround Sound.
17.4 根据《侵害人身罪条例》(第212章) ,任何人士意图促致任何女子( 包括残 疾女子 )流产( 不论该女子是否怀孕) 而非法向其施用或导致其服用任何毒药或其他 有害物品,或非法使用任器具或任 何其他方法以遂同样意图,均属犯可循公诉 程序审讯的罪行。
17.4 Under the Offence Against the Person Ordinance (Cap. 212), any person who, with intent to procure the miscarriage of any woman (including women with disabilities), whether she is or is not with child, unlawfully administers or causes to be taken by her any poison or other noxious thing, or unlawfully uses any instrument or other means whatsoever with the like intent, shall be guilty of an offence triable upon indictment.
穩固的PDJack連接器是完全屏蔽的連 器 , 具 有 整 合靜電放電保護功能,適用於寬工作範圍和被動氣流環境。
A fully-shielded connector with integrated electro-static discharge protection, the robust PDJack connector design is suitable for a wide operating range and passive airflow environments.
它也是用來製作奶 油布丁或奶油混合物的最器具。
It is also the perfect utensil for the preparation [...]
of creamy puddings or cream mixtures.
染,以及在世界其他地方發生的食物中毒事故,零售商和消費者應緊記 在配製( 例如去皮和切片)
[...] 和進食新鮮水果前把水果洗淨;使用清潔和已 消毒器具和表 面處理和切開水果;把切開的水果貯存在攝氏 [...]
4 度或以 下直至食用或出售,以及棄掉在室溫擺放超過 2 小時的切開水果。
However, due to the potential for contam ination of fresh fruits occurring prior to their purchase by consumers and the outbreaks of food poisoning in other parts of the world, retailers and consumers are advised to wash fresh fruits before preparation (such as peeling and cutting) and
consumption; handle and cut fruits using
[...] clean and sanitized utensils and surfaces; store [...]
cut fruits at 4o C or below until served
or sold; and discard cut fruit s kept at am bient temperature for more than 2 hours.
级联稀器具有稀 释液驱动的专利设计,以同轴文丘里管为基础,通过数个阶段以及内部流量喷嘴尺寸对稀释比率进行控制。
The cascade diluter is a diluent driven patented design based on a coaxial venturi in which dilution ratio is controlled by the number of stages and the dimensions of internal flow nozzles.
The Report Designer can import report definitions from Microsoft Access MDB files and has a user interface similar to the Microsoft Access report designer, including a wizard that makes report creation a breeze.
下面的传器具有可选的 FM 或 CSA 本安认证,适用美 国和加拿大,而 ATEX 认证适用全球。
The following sensors have optional FM or CSA Intrinsically Safe [...]
certification, for use in the US and Canada, and ATEX certification, for use worldwide.
此外,缔约国应加强从正规 ( 学校和大学) 和非正规( 大众媒体) 两个层面的教育和提高意识方案,重视避器 具的使用和生育保健权利。
In addition, the State party should increase its education and awareness-raising programmes at the formal (schools and colleges) and informal (mass media) levels on the importance of contraceptive use and on reproductive health rights.
虽然集 束炸弹是合理面积目标器,具有公 认的军事效用,但巴基斯坦迄今没有在任何 [...]
While cluster munitions were
[...] legitimate area target weapons with recognized [...]
military utility, Pakistan had not used them
in any conflict to date and was opposed to their use against civilians.
(66) 經營鑄鐵工、機械工程師及農具及其他機器之製造商、工具製造商、黃 銅鑄工、金屬工、鍋爐生產商、技工、機械師、鋼鐵轉爐商、鐵匠、木 工、建築商、油漆工、冶金家、電器工程師、供水工程師、燃氣生產商 、農民、印刷商、搬運商及商人之業務,以及購買、出售、製造、修理 、轉換、改製、出租及處置各類機械、工具、機車車輛及五 器具 ,及 經營本公司認為能夠就上述者便利經營或旨在直接或間接提高本公司當 時之任何財產及權利之價值之任何其他業務(製造或其他)。
(66) To carry on the business of iron founders, mechanical engineers, and manufacturers of agricultural implements and other machinery, tool-makers, brass-founders, metal-workers, boiler-makers, millwrights, machinists, iron and steel converters, smiths, wood-workers, builders, painters, metallurgists, electrical engineers, water supply engineers, gas-makers, farmers, printers, carriers, and merchants, and to buy, sell, manufacture, repair, convert, alter, let on hire, and deal in machinery, implements, rolling-stock, and hardware of all kinds, and to carry on any other business (manufacturing or otherwise) which may seem to the Company capable of being conveniently carried on in connection with the above, or otherwise calculated, directly or indirectly, to enhance the value of any of the property and rights of the Company for the time being.
该控器具有10Vdc,0.5A的传感器电源输出,用于市场上现有的需要10Vdc电源的 拉力传感器。
This controller has a 10 Vdc, 0.5 A sensor supply output for use with existing hitch sensors on the market requiring a 10 Vdc power supply.
除了小学、中学教育及语言课程,也有一些专业培训让参加者考取专业资 格证书,例如图书馆管理、专业化妆、杂志编辑及不同的工作坊活动,例如手工 艺、木工、五器具、服 务缝纫和造鞋、洗衣、汽车维修等。
The educational activities include primary and secondary education as well as language courses, whereas the professional training activities comprise professional qualification certificate programmes, such as library management, professional make-up, magazine editing and varied workshops, for instance, on handicrafts, carpentry, hardware, manufacture of garment and shoes, laundry, maintenance of cars, etc.
许多部长强调,信息和传播技术作为促进社会变革、政治稳定和 经济发展的强大杠杆和推器具有巨 大的潜力。
A large number of ministers emphasized the high potential of information and communication technologies (ICTs) as a dynamic lever and enabler for social transformation, political stability and economic development.
他曾担任行业咨询公会 (IAC) 主席,制定了 UL489 塑壳断路器标准、UL943 接地故障断路器标准、UL1699 电弧故障断路器标准以及 UL1026、UL1082 和 UL1083 家用烹器具标准等一系列标准。
He has served as the IAC chair for such standards as, Molded Case Circuit Breakers, UL489, Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters, UL943, Arc Fault Circuit Interrupters, UL1699, Household Cooking Appliances, UL1026, UL1082 and UL1083, to name just a few.
案文没有包括对二次故障安全机制的要求,这种机制是为了确保按计 划引爆弹药,尽管一些这类器具有 不 可接受的高失败率,即使配备单一失效安 [...]
The texts included no requirement for secondary fail-safe mechanisms to ensure that the
munitions detonated as intended, despite the fact
[...] that some such weapons had unacceptably [...]
high failure rates, even when equipped
with a single failsafe mechanism.




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