单词 | 噢 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 噢—Oh!噢interjection—ohinterj
噢,真舒服在您锻炼的时候,您需要的是舒适感。 jabra.cn | Oh the comfortWhen you work out, you want to be comfortable. jabra.com |
噢,这是何等艰 难啊!但神给我能力去宽恕,祂也开始打开天上的仓库,把恩典倾注在我的生命中。 magdalenatoday.com | But as God enabledme to forgive, He [...] began to open the floodgates of His grace upon my life. magdalenatoday.com |
优胜者於2013年3月决定、由”分享你的哇噢! japanphotocontest.jp | The Grand Prize winner will be decided in March 2013. japanphotocontest.jp |
今天又做了一盘,里面加了葡萄干和奶香馅,好好吃噢,亲们要试试。 maomaomom.com | With this raisin, condensed milk and icing sugar filling, these small breads taste so delicious, you got to try it. maomaomom.com |
包含在哇噢!奬、主题奬内的是获奬者之居住国家的主要机场到日本首都圏内的机场的来回机票部分、日本停留期间的住宿费用、为体験哇噢!之相关费用。 japanphotocontest.jp | prize and individual theme prizes include round trip air tickets from your home country to major cities in Japan, the cost of accommodation in Japan and costs associated with the special Japan experiences. japanphotocontest.jp |
这是一个很好的爬梯冷盘噢,上次带去爬梯,很受朋友们欢迎,大家不妨试试。 maomaomom.com | This recipes my family recipe for many years. maomaomom.com |
1953年,大会让联合国儿童基金会变成一个永久性的儿童救援组织,以改善李噢尼斯夫人所说的 “发展中国家的成千上万儿童生活在无法描述的悲惨状况下”。 un.org | In 1953, the General Assembly, converted UNICEF into a permanent child-aid organization, to improve “the indescribably miserable conditions in which hundreds of millions of children lived in the developing countries”, as Mrs. Lionaes put it. un.org |
葱油花卷里的油是用葱姜、花椒和香料熬过的,非常香,大家一定要试试噢。 maomaomom.com | Like the westerners often eat bread for breakfast, Chinese people love their steamed scallion rolls. maomaomom.com |
在哇噢!奬及主题奬的评选上、所获得之哇噢!次数为评定基准之一。 japanphotocontest.jp | (votes) is only one of the selection criteria for the WOW! japanphotocontest.jp |
这次买的大芋头非常好,做了芋头糕,很棒的早餐噢。 maomaomom.com | This delicious taro cake was inspried by the Cantonese turnip cake. maomaomom.com |
你看到因为“思想证书陶醉为了寓言叙事习惯 - 1好奇的废话,哲学难怪和合法的法律问题的混沌混合 - 是啊,1似是而非的侦探钦佩和协议的反感打盹-噢,你可以不记得,我忘记该死的永远他叫什么名字 - 黑色,怀特,对,错,艾默生布莱克曼,斯蒂尔曼和LeBlanck的的很好的问题。 goldschadt.dk | You see because of the fable narrative habit of thinking and certificate intoxicated order - as a chaotic mixture of curious nonsense-philosophical wonder and legitimate legal questions - yeah, a plausible detective admiration and nodding in agreement antipathy - oh, you can not remember, I forget damn never What was his name again - Dark, Whyte, Right, Wrong, Emerson, Blackman, Stillman and LeBlanck good question. goldschadt.dk |
正如1956年宝莱坞电影《C.I.D.》中一首流行印度歌曲唱的一样:“噢天啊,在这里生活真艰难,抬起头,小心点,亲爱的,这就是孟买”1,贫穷和富有紧密地生活在一起,都试图在这个热带城市发挥作用,这座建立在英国帝国废墟之上的城市,一直扩展延伸到阿拉伯海环绕的半岛边缘。 shanghaibiennale.org | 1 Rich and poor live in dense proximity, all struggling to function in a tropical city that rises up on the vestiges of the British era, and squeezes out to the edges of a peninsula surrounded by the Arabian Sea. shanghaibiennale.org |
精华素的包装呈内置的扫状设计,这有利於产品的分布和吸收,因此能噢醒及舒缓紧张的肌肤。 ainhoacosmetics.com.hk | The serum is presented in a recipient with an built-in application brush, which facilitates the distribution and absorption of the product, that also improve the vigourizing and tensing actions of the skin. ainhoacosmetics.com.hk |
阿伊莎说,“噢,我的侄子!你的解释是不正确的,如果你们的这种解释是正确的,应该已经安拉的声明”,这是不是对他是有害的,如果他不执行它们之间Tawaf。 mb-soft.com | Had this interpretation of yours been correct, the statement of Allah should have been, 'It is not harmful for him if he does not perform Tawaf between them. mb-soft.com |
最后来说说“脓疱疹(黄水疮)”,这是一种传染性很高的突发型细菌性皮肤病,它尤其会影响患有湿疹的皮肤,或是被咬伤、割伤、擦伤以及被水痘病毒感染的皮肤;通常应当采用抗生素治疗噢 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | It particularly affects skin with eczema or that has been bitten, cut, bruised, or infected with chicken pox; antibiotic treatment is usually recommended. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
莱比锡旅游服务 协会总经理福尔克尔·布雷默曾言道: “在访问本市的来宾中经常会不约 而同地产生这样强烈的共鸣 - 啊哈/噢!多么美丽和无与伦比的莱比 锡 maxicom.de | We caught up with Volker Bremer, the head of Leipzig Tourist Service, who said “people visiting Leipzig are often pleasantly surprised about how attractive and unique it is. maxicom.de |