单词 | 嘲讽 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 嘲讽 adjective —humorous adj嘲讽 —sneer atExamples:冷嘲热讽—frigid irony and scorching satire (idiom); mock and ridicule See also:嘲—mock • twittering sound 讽—satirize • mock • recite
然而,当省级女性候选人去找地方当局 [...] 时,妇女及其安全关切却不被当回事或 遭 嘲讽 ; 她们 被告知,这种保护是浪费资源。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, when the provincial women candidates approached the local authorities, [...] the women and their security concerns were [...] dismissed or mocked, and they were [...]told that such protection would be a waste of resources. daccess-ods.un.org |
其两度发表的“调查结果”都证明这一事件“与北方有关”,这一论断充 满疑点,引起国内外无情嘲讽和批评。 daccess-ods.un.org | The “results of investigation”, announced by it twice to prove that the [...] case “was linked with the north”, were full of doubts, sparking [...] off bitterer ridicule and criticism [...]at home and abroad. daccess-ods.un.org |
钩洒自己与天衣的仙尘,决斗彼得在空气中,减弱他温迪最终放弃他,忘记他,当她长大 的 嘲讽。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Hook sprinkles himself with Tink’s [...] fairy dust, and duels Peter in the air, [...] weakening him with taunts about Wendy abandoning [...]him and eventually forgetting about him when she grows up. seekcartoon.com |
在这方面,有人继续频频试图向发展中国家输出 [...] 这种心态,好像它是一种文化进步或发展的形式,这 既有嘲讽之意,又令人感到遗憾。 daccess-ods.un.org | In that regard, it is both cynical and unfortunate that frequent attempts continue [...] to be made to export such a mentality to developing countries, [...] as if it were a form of cultural progress [...]or advancement. daccess-ods.un.org |
在公开对话中继续发 生威胁、嘲讽和挑衅的事情。 daccess-ods.un.org | Threats, taunts and provocations continue [...] to leach into the public discourse. daccess-ods.un.org |
无效外交:缅甸嘲讽联合 国特使》,《华 盛顿邮报》,2008 年 3 月 24 日。 crisisgroup.org | Futile diplomacy: Myanmar scorns a U.N. envoy”, Washington Post, 24 March 2008. crisisgroup.org |
他认 为,对一个宗教的批评、 贬 低 、 污辱或 嘲讽是 否 是对信仰者 宗教或信仰自由权利的侵犯的问题只能通过审查 [...] 这种行为是否消极地影响到了信仰者的宗教自由的各个方面来确定。 daccess-ods.un.org | In his view, the question whether criticism, derogatory [...] comment, insults or ridicule of a religion encroached [...]on the believer’s right to freedom [...]of religion or belief could only be determined by examining whether such acts negatively affected the various aspects of religious freedom of the believer. daccess-ods.un.org |
这一现象是一个例 子,它没有说明在政治上正确与否,而是对那些将世 界从国家社会主义恐怖解放出来的人公 然 嘲讽 和亵 渎。 daccess-ods.un.org | That phenomenon was an example not of political correctness, but of blatant cynicism and blasphemy with respect to those who had freed the world from the horrors of National Socialism. daccess-ods.un.org |
他们可以阻止煽动对社会内部特殊群体的非人性 化 嘲讽 , 倡 导对多 样性进行建设性的管理。 daccess-ods.un.org | They can discourage incitement and [...] dehumanizing caricatures of particular [...]groups within society, while advocating the constructive management of diversity. daccess-ods.un.org |
肌肉的男人和五鬼,三段视频,每收到数以千计的意见, 并 嘲讽 末 底 改如何,他们已经赢得了,但是,当周已接近尾声,末底改和里格比称双或没有最好的视频在一天之内,和肌肉的男人和五幽灵接受。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Muscle Man and High-Five Ghost make three videos that each get [...] thousands views, and taunt Mordecai on how [...]they won already; however, when the week [...]is almost over, Mordecai and Rigby call it double or nothing for the best video in one day, and Muscle Man and High-Five Ghost accept. seekcartoon.com |
苹果布卢姆担心,当两个被卡的同学,钻石头饰和银汤匙,让他们可爱的标记 和 嘲讽 苹 果 布鲁姆的一个“空白侧翼”没有她的。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Apple Bloom becomes worried when two stuck-up [...] classmates, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, get their [...] cutie marks and taunt Apple Bloom as [...]a “blank flank” for lacking hers. seekcartoon.com |
教会的神父看不起犹太人的恶魔撒旦的房屋后,作为他们的犹太教堂; Rufinus嘲讽风格 酒吧Ḥanina,杰罗姆的犹太人的老师,“巴拉巴”和杰罗姆自己是一个拉比。 mb-soft.com | The Church Fathers looked upon the Jews as [...] demons, upon their synagogues as houses [...] of Satan; Rufinus mockingly styles Bar Ḥanina, [...]Jerome's Jewish teacher, "Barabbas," and Jerome himself a rabbi. mb-soft.com |
仅仅几个小时,网站上已经布满了顾客和设计者们的不满以及他们对于新商标 的 嘲讽。 labbrand.com | Within hours, angry customers and [...] designers were expressing their displeasure on social websites and the new logo was already [...] an object of mockery and ridicule. labbrand.com |
在犹太人和基督徒之间的某些纠纷,前,很自然,提到了这些错误,这种明显 的 嘲讽 让 对 手失误。 mb-soft.com | At a certain disputation between Jews and Christians, [...] the former, naturally enough, referred to these [...] mistakes, and mocked their opponents [...]for allowing such obvious blunders. mb-soft.com |
文化的缺乏,教学和研究过时的方法,别出心裁的不正当开支,蒙昧主义的迂腐,是无情 的 嘲讽。 mb-soft.com | The lack of culture, the obsolete methods of [...] instruction and study, the perverse expenditure of ingenuity, the pedantry of the [...] obscurantists, are mercilessly ridiculed. mb-soft.com |
他在嘲讽了阿 拉伯国家联盟的计划,称其意在促使问 题的国际化之后,证实叙利亚政府拒绝接受阿拉伯解 [...] 决方案,并宣布依靠安全部门解决问题是实地形势的 必然要求。 daccess-ods.un.org | After mocking the League of [...] Arab States’ plan as an invitation to internationalization, he confirmed the Syrian Government’s [...]rejection of the Arab solution and declared that the security-based solution was a necessity imposed by the situation on the ground. daccess-ods.un.org |
正如亨利·杜兰德爵士在 100 多年前嘲 讽地指出的那样,“这些来自远方的指令,是倾向于 [...] 扭曲判断力的遥远危险的幻象”。 daccess-ods.un.org | By externalizing the problem, as Sir Henry [...] Durand commented wryly more than a century [...]ago, “these instructions from afar are [...]a phantasm of remote danger that tend to warp judgement”. daccess-ods.un.org |
嘲讽民族 、族裔或宗教标志以及亵 渎遗址、纪念物或墓地构成加重处罚情节,将对犯罪者处以一至八年的监禁。 daccess-ods.un.org | Mockery of national, ethnic [...] or religious symbols and the desecration of monuments, memorials or graves constitute aggravating [...]circumstances for which the offender is punished with imprisonment of one to eight years. daccess-ods.un.org |
比赛结束后,这个罗马的王子毫不掩饰 的 嘲讽 他 们 的教练,“他根本不懂怎么指挥比赛”。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | With the loss already dealt, Totti, Prince of Rome, jeered their coach, “He completely doesn’t know how to command beside the field. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
苹果, 苹果白兰地, 开花, 同学, 十字军, 可爱, 钻石头饰, 雌, 侧面, 友谊, 小马驹, 新朋友, 银勺, 亲爱的, 嘲讽 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | apple, applejack, bloom, classmates, crusaders, cutie, diamond tiara, fillies, flank, [...] friendship, little pony, new friends, silver spoon, sweetie, taunt seekcartoon.com |
以色列代表团对此非常关切的是, 如此重要的一项决议出现了冷嘲热讽 的 政 治化,这 表明谈判缺乏透明度。 daccess-ods.un.org | His delegation was very concerned about the cynical politicization of such an important resolution, which reflected a lack of transparency in the negotiations. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是由于这一界限是单方 面划定的,因此,自那以后,南朝鲜的政界、学界和社会界对北方界限 的 嘲讽不 绝于耳,认为划定这一界限缺乏逻辑,实践中有深刻问题,是一个“烫手的山芋”。 daccess-ods.un.org | The voices ridiculing the northern limit line as a “hot potato”, which is poor in logic and serious in practice, are endlessly heard from among the political, academic and public circles of south Korea, as it was unilaterally set. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,如果煽动仇恨、严重的鄙视或强烈 的 嘲讽 是 故 意作出的,而该公 开活动包含威胁或煽动其它人威胁受害者的身体或其处所或财产,或受害者可进 [...] 出的处所或可享用的财产,即属犯罪。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, such activity would be a criminal offence when [...] the incitement of such hatred, serious [...] contempt or severe ridicule was done intentionally, [...]and the activity in public consists [...]of threatening physical harm, or inciting others to threaten physical harm towards the victims, or towards any premises or property of the victims or which the victims have access. daccess-ods.un.org |
正如奥巴马总统在接受诺贝尔奖时作的演说中所说的,“说有 时武力可能是必须的,并不是为了招来 冷 嘲 热 讽 ― ― 只不过是承认历史,承认人 的不完美和理性的局限。 daccess-ods.un.org | As President Obama said in his Nobel Lecture, “To say that force may sometimes be necessary is not a call to cynicism—it is a recognition of history; the imperfections of man and the limits of reason. daccess-ods.un.org |
以色列目前在被占领土中建 [...] 造定居点和拒绝拆除现有的定居点,完全是对和平进 程的嘲弄,意在强加谈判条件和改变这些领土的人口 [...]和宗教组成。 daccess-ods.un.org | The ongoing construction of Israeli settlements in the occupied territories and the refusal [...] to dismantle existing settlements are nothing [...] less than a mockery of the peace [...]process aimed at imposing conditions on the [...]negotiations and changing the demographic and religious composition of these territories. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,具有苦涩讽刺意 义的 是:促成这些进步成为可能的妇女与女孩往往遭受到一种在本质上基于性别的剥 削。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is therefore a bitter irony that the women [...] and girls who made such advances possible are often subjected to a form of [...]exploitation that is gender-based at its heart. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这方 面,缔约国指出,委员会不接受从未向法国当局提交的这些文件,否则就是对作 为国际免受酷刑保护体系作用基础的辅助性原则 的 嘲 弄。 daccess-ods.un.org | In that light, the State party argues that the Committee cannot admit the documents, which have never been produced to the French authorities, without flouting the subsidiarity principle that is the basis of the efficiency of the international system of protection against torture. daccess-ods.un.org |
具有讽刺意 味的是,法国等某些核武器国家非但 没有致力于信守其在不扩散条约 [...] 1995 年审议和延期 大会上向无核武器的缔约国作出的无条件安全保证, 反而在冷战思维驱使下发表威胁无核武器国家的无 理声明。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is ironic that instead [...] of committing to their unconditional security assurances to non-nuclear-weapon States parties [...]to the NPT, given at the 1995 Review and Extension Conference, certain nuclear-weapon States, such as France, motivated by Cold War thinking, have made irrational statements threatening non-nuclear-weapon States. daccess-ods.un.org |
事实上,具有讽刺意 味的是,住房问题竟是 界定本次危机的关键要素之一:对于人口持续增长的 [...] 发展中国家而言,必须通过建设体面的可负担住房来 减少贫民窟居民的人数,而对于一些发达国家来说却 恰恰相反:兴建住房过剩是引发危机的决定性因素之 一。 daccess-ods.un.org | Indeed, it was ironic that the issue [...] of housing should be one of the key elements defining the crisis: for developing nations [...]with growing populations, there was a need to reduce the numbers of slum-dwellers by building decent and affordable housing units, but for some developed nations, the opposite was true: the excess building of residential units had been one of the determining factors creating the crisis. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,具有讽刺意 味的是,这番针对伊朗和平核计划的煽动性言论和毫无根 [...] 据的指控出自以色列官员之口,而以色列政权在遵守安全理事会决议方面记录是 最差的,记录在案的该政权种种罪行和暴行已构成危害人类罪,它秘密开发和非 法拥有核武器是对该地区以及国际和平与安全独一无二的威胁。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is ironic, however, that such [...] inflammatory remarks and baseless allegations against Iran’s peaceful nuclear programme [...]are uttered by officials of a regime that has an unparalleled record of crimes and atrocities amounting to crimes against humanity and whose clandestine development and unlawful possession of nuclear weapons are the unique threat to regional as well as international peace and security. daccess-ods.un.org |