

单词 嘉许

嘉许 noun ()

commendation n

嘉许 adjective ()

favorable adj

See also:

surname Jia

External sources (not reviewed)

我国代表团赞扬国际法院为提高其有效性作 出值嘉许的努 力,我们也吁请给予国际法院所有必 要协助,使之能够适当执行其崇高的任务。
It commends its praiseworthy efforts to enhance its efficacy and calls for it to be given the necessary resources to duly carry out its noble missions.
普里什蒂纳的暴力行为得到一些国家嘉 许,而片面宣布独立就是结果。
Pristina’s violent behaviour was rewarded by some, and UDI was the result.
嘉许表明了赤脚电力在为有需要的社区开发安全、低成本离网照明 技术方面取得了巨大成就。
Such accolades reflect its achievements in developing safe and cost-effective off-grid lighting technology to communities in need.
孟加拉国赞扬挪威在国内和国际上为增进和保护人权发挥值 嘉许 的作 用。
Bangladesh applauded Norway’s laudable role at the national and international level for the promotion and protection of human rights.
两个层面切入点的这种结合值嘉许 , 而且 颇见成效。
This combination of two levels of entry has been commendable and productive.
月举行的“国际复康日”亦以“促进残疾人士就业”为主题,并与十八区 区议会合作嘉许十八区聘用残疾人士的关爱雇主。
The Organising Committee of the International Day of Disabled Persons adopted “Promotion of Employment for Persons with Disabilities” as the theme of the event held in December 2008 and November 2009 and collaborated with the 18
District Councils to commend “caring employers” of
[...] the 18 Districts who support the employment [...]
of persons with disabilities.
学校签署了约章,表示他们会致力减少厨余和即弃饭盒,保护环境及向学生提供均衡饮食,从而获 嘉许。
This is a voluntary scheme to reflect the commendable commitment of schools to seek to reduce food waste and disposable containers, protect the environment and serve a balanced meal to students
太平洋亚洲旅游协会的金奖大奖又称“最佳展示”(best of show),在同类奖项中被评为最优秀者方获颁发大奖,此项大奖的设置,目的 嘉许 旅 游 机构或业界,在不同范畴取得的卓越成就,夺奖的项目在业界都是最具创意和杰出的。
The PATA Grand Awards ("best of show") recognize exceptional achievement in a variety of endeavors, bringing acclaim to the best region¡¦s travel industry has to offer.
独立专家承认,非索特派团的部队在困难重重的安全条件之下,为保卫摩 加迪沙境内和周围的关键设施作出了值 嘉许 的 努 力。
The independent expert recognizes the commendable efforts of AMISOM forces in protecting key installations in and around Mogadishu under most challenging security conditions.
为鼓励企业及非政府组织合作增加残疾人士的就业机会,企业及组织为帮助 残疾人所推行的职业培训、庇护工场、工作岗位之配合及建筑障碍之消除等活动 均可获发不超过澳门币 为鼓励聘用残疾人和提高社会对他们就业能力的认同和支持,劳工局与社工 局合办“聘雇残疾人士雇嘉许计划 ”及“优秀残疾雇 嘉许 计 划 ”。
The LB, in conjunction with the SWB, has set up the “Award for Employer of Persons with Disabilities” and the “Award for Outstanding Employee with Disabilities” programs to encourage the employment of persons with disabilities and improve the recognition and support for their employability in the society.
它 承 认毛 里求斯以政治 稳 定而著称,国内 各种种族 、文化 和 宗 教 和平共处和发展,值 得大嘉许,并 可作为其他许多国家的典范。
It recognised that Mauritius is known to be a politically stable nation where all races, cultures and religions cohabit and develop in peace, which deserves significant praise and could serve as a model for many other nations.
印度尼西亚表示,必须指出,奥地利设立独立人权咨询委员会,特别是许 多民间社会组织参加了该委员会,这是奥地利值 嘉许 的 人 权方针和战略的一个 重要方面。
Indonesia stated that the establishment of the Independent Human Rights Advisory Board with its notable inclusion of many civil society organizations must be noted as an important aspect of Austria’s commendable human rights approach and strategy.
由香港交易所上市公司华富国际 (股份代号 : 00952)旗下财经网站Quamnet,2012年1月6日晚上完满举行Quamnet华富财经杰出企业大奖2011颁奖典礼,颁发 嘉许 来 自不同行业的优秀企业及上市公司。
Quamnet.com, a division of Quam Limited (HK:952), has conducted an interview with Tethys Petroleum Limited (TSX:TPL; LSE:TPL), the only independent oil and gas company operating in three of the Central Asian countries, the Republics of Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.
为鼓励更多私营机构采用无障碍网页设计,政府资讯科技总监办公室联同平等机会委员会于2012年10月开展「无障碍网 嘉许 计 划 」,表扬企业和机构在其网站采用无障碍网页设计,以及提供免费评估及谘询服务。
To further encourage their adoption, the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO) and Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) jointly launched the Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme in October 2012 to show appreciation to businesses and organisations for making their websites accessible and provide free assessment and advisory services.
耀中国际学校中国境内督学欧文滔代表学校和校监陈保琼博士领奖时说:“过去3年,我们获得CIE颁发特别证书,作为一种新的地区 嘉许。
This is a great honour for our students, staff, administrators and directorate who have all worked very hard to achieve excellence within the IGCSE curriculum established by CIE,” said Tom Ulmet, Superintendent of YCIS in Mainland China, who accepted the award on behalf of the schools and the Director, Dr. Betty Chan.
然而许多人和许多国 家,特别是最贫困的人和国家不能有效地和公平 地利用信息,并因此得不到发展的机会。
However, many people and nations, especially the poorest ones, do not have effective and equitable access to information, and therefore, to development opportunities.
(c) 说明各地近期通过法令,许以劳 教制度作为对“异常上访”案件进 行处罚的情况,以及近期有报告说,包括陈玉莲和 嘉 远 在 内的一些个人因实际 上访或被认为可能上访而受到警察虐待的情况。
(c) The recent decrees passed by localities permitting the use of the RTL system as punishment in cases of “abnormal petitioning” as well as recent reports [...]
that individuals, including Chen Yulian
and Liu Jiayuan, were abused by police as a result of their actual or assumed status as petitioners.
張超雄議員贊同香港文化監察在其意見書 (立法會CB(1)339/12-13(01)號文件)表達的意見。他
[...] 批評起動九龍東辦事處在九龍東舉辦的藝術/文 化活動嘉年華 會是一些為達到公關目的而一次 過舉辦的文娛活動,與工業區的正常活動不相配 [...]
合,對保留及培育九龍東藝術村的生態亦沒有裨 益。
Echoing the views of a submission from the Hong Kong Culture Monitor (LC Paper No. CB(1)339/12-13(01)), Dr
Fernando CHEUNG criticized that the
[...] arts/cultural events and carnivals in Kowloon East [...]
organized by EKEO were one-off recreational
activities serving public relations purposes, not compatible with the normal activities in the industrial areas and offering no benefits to retaining and nurturing the ecology of the arts village in Kowloon East.
嘉友先生代表食物環境衞生署( 下稱" 食 環署")工會大聯盟(下稱"大聯盟"),即香港食物環境 衞生署職員會、香港環境衞生督導及工人職系協 會、香港市政事務職工總會、小販管理主任工會、 食物環境衞生署管工職系工會、食物環境衞生署執 法人員工會、香港政府華員會小販管理主任分會、 政府市政職工總會、政府巡察員及小販管理主任工 會,以及香港政府華員會巡察員分會,向委員簡介 大聯盟的意見書( 立法會CB(1)1556/10-11(01)號文 件 )。
On behalf of the Alliance (the Alliance) of the Staff Unions of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD), namely, the Staff Association of Hong Kong Food and Environmental Hygiene Department, Hong Kong Environmental Hygiene Staff Union (Supervisor and Workman), Hong Kong Municipal Services Staff General Association, Hawker Control Officers Union, Food and Environmental Hygiene Department Foremen Grade Staff General Union, Food and Environmental Hygiene Department Law Enforcement Staff Union, Hawker Control Officer Branch HKCCSA, Government Municipal Staff General Union, Government Overseers and Hawker Control Officers’ Union, and Overseers’ Branch, HKCCSA, Mr WONG Ka-yau briefed members on the Alliance's submission (LC Paper No. CB(1)1556/10-11(01)).
会议提出许多其 它建议,诸如确保数字遗产得到保护,包括把档案和图书馆作为 “世界记忆计划”的组成部分;制订儿童和成人媒体教育计划;根据信息社会世界首脑会议 的精神,特别在知识社会和知识经济的背景下,推广普及使用信息传播技术。
A range of other suggestions was put forward, such as: to ensure the preservation of digital heritage, including archives and libraries as a component of the “Memory of the World Programme”; to develop media education programmes for children and adults; and to increase familiarity with the use of ICTs, especially within the framework of the knowledge society and knowledge economy, in light of the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society.
要求 8 400 美元的经费,用于研讨会/会议/讲习班方面的差旅费:授标审查 委员会书记处和秘书作嘉宾参 加国际采购会议并获得关于行业最佳做法的经验和 知识(5 000 美元);管理支助处出席内部管理顾问协会年会,即北美一个主要论坛, 旨在交流改善组织业绩的最佳做法,以及让工作人员出席有关研讨会,讨论核心原 则、模型、工具和组织设计案例,以推动秘书处内的管理战略和创新(3 400 美元)。
The provision of $8,400 is requested for travel related to seminars/ conferences/workshops: for the Registry and Secretary of the Award Review Board to attend the International Procurement Conference as guest speakers and to gain experience and knowledge about best practices in the industry ($5,000); and for the Management Support Service to attend the annual conference of the Association of Internal Management Consultants, which is the key forum in North America for the exchange of best practices in improving organizational performance, as well as for staff to attend workshops on core principles, models, tools and examples of organizational design in order to facilitate strategies and innovation for management within the Secretariat ($3,400).
此外,“禁雷运动”指出, 该机构提出许多效 率问题都涉及联合国的作用,在这方面,“禁雷运动”对近 几个月来在非政府组织和联合国之间开始的建设性对话表示赞赏。
In addition, the ICBL noted that many efficiency issues they have raised touch upon the role of the United Nations and, in this regard, expressed appreciation for a constructive dialogue that has started in recent months between non-governmental organisations and the UN.
在同一决议中,安理会决定该部队除了根据第 425(1978) 号和第 426(1978)号决议执行任务外,还将除其他事项外,监测敌对行动的停止; 在以色列国防军撤出时,陪同和支助黎巴嫩武装部队在整个黎巴嫩南部进行部
[...] 间的地区没有任何未经授权的武装人员、资产和武器;采取力所能及的一切必要 行动,确保其行动区不被用来进行敌对活动;应黎巴嫩政府的要求协助其保障边 境和其他入境点的安全,防止武器或有关物资未经 许 可 进 入黎巴嫩。
By the same resolution, the Council decided that the mandate of the Force, in addition to carrying out its mandate under resolutions 425 (1978) and 426 (1978), would include, inter alia, monitoring the cessation of hostilities, accompanying and supporting the deployment of the Lebanese Armed Forces throughout southern Lebanon in parallel with the withdrawal of the Israeli Defense Forces, ensuring respect for the Blue Line and assisting the Lebanese Armed Forces in ensuring that the area between the Blue Line and the Litani River is free of any unauthorized armed personnel, assets and weapons, taking all necessary action within its capabilities to ensure that its area of operations is not utilized for hostile activities, and assisting the Government of Lebanon, at its request, in securing its
borders and other
[...] entry points in order to prevent the entry into Lebanon without its consent of arms or [...]
related materiel.
拟设的 6 名广播技术技术员有 2 名将分 8 小时一班在
演播室值班,确保早上 6 时至晚上 9 时的直播节目顺利播出;2 名技术员将设在
[...] 制作室,以便为新闻和时事节目、杂志节目以及讨论节目的记者 嘉 宾 和 国家语 言节目主持人进行录制;2 [...]
名技术员将组成维护小组的一部分,他们与工程及通 信和信息技术科协作,负责维护该地区的
25 个发射机,并根据部队重新部署计 划在新的地点进行安装。
Two of the six proposed Broadcast Technology Technicians would staff the studio desk on eight-hour shifts, ensuring the smooth transmission of live programming from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m.; two Technicians would be based in the production studio to record the files of correspondents, guests for the news and current affairs programmes, magazines
and discussion programmes and national
[...] language presenters; and two Technicians [...]
would be part of the maintenance team, which
maintains the 25 transmitters in the regions in collaboration with the Engineering and Communications and Information Technology Sections and installs the new sites according to the force redeployment plan.
斯洛伐克现已确定,大部分建议具有建设 性,是有的放矢的,其中建议许多 措 施早已纳入了行动计划,目前已进入不同 的执行阶段。
The majority of recommendations had been identified as constructive and target-oriented, and many of the recommended measures had already been incorporated in plans of action and were at different stages of implementation.




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