单词 | 嘈 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 嘈—noisy(often used)less common: bustling tumultuous Examples:嘈吵adj—noisyadj 嘈杂—clamorous 嘈杂声—din 嘈杂声n—noisen
超级降噪 超级降噪麦克风用于极其嘈杂的 办公环境(比如呼叫中心和采用隔间的开放式办公室)。 jabra.cn | Ultra-Noise Cancelling Ultra noise-suppressing microphone for extreme noisy office environments, like call centers and cubicle based open space offices. jabra.com |
没有大声叫喊和嘈杂声的扬声器重新定位过程 Jabra Speak™410 [...] 带有一个内置的全方向麦克风和一个大功率扬声器,可 360 度覆盖长达 1 米的范围。 jabra.cn | No shouting, no noisy re-positioning [...] of the speaker Jabra Speak™ 410 features a built-in, omni-directional microphone and [...]a powerful speaker that enable 360-degree coverage of up to 1 meter. jabra.com |
搭载了Audience自动语音识别辅助技术的移动设备可以提供更好的语音应用可靠性、准确性和任务完成度,即使在嘈杂、干扰的环境下亦能做到。 tipschina.gov.cn | Mobile devices equipped with Audience ASR Assist technology [...] deliver improved speech application reliability, accuracy and task [...] completion -- evenin noisy, distracting [...]environments. tipschina.gov.cn |
新型电动螺柱驱动工具(ESDT) 能在嘈杂环 境中平滑、安静操作,并使工人们不再在螺柱旋转过程中担当吸收启动转矩的危险角色。 hydratight.com | The new Electric Stud Drive Tool (ESDT) offers smooth, quiet [...] operation in a noisyenvironment [...]and relieves workers from the dangerous role [...]of absorbing breakaway torque during stud rotation. hydratight.com |
也可在安全帽或听力保护器下佩戴, 即使在嘈杂的环境中也能收到清楚的声音信号。 savox.com | It can also be worn under a hard hat or hearing protectors, providing clear [...] reception evenin noisy environments. savox.com |
尼日利亚拉各斯2007年3月30日 - 穿过狭窄的小通道 - 在两边摆满菜、鱼和肉的货摊中,伴着研磨胡椒的嘈杂机器声,顾客们来到拉各斯热闹的埃蔻登市场中卖家禽的摊位。 unicef.org | LAGOS, Nigeria, 30 March 2007 – After walking through the narrow paths – among stalls of vegetables, fish and meat, and dazed by the loud noiseof a pepper-grinding machine – customers come to the poultry section of the bustling Ikotun market in Lagos. unicef.org |
耳机插座--在嘈杂环境亦可清晰探测。 elcometer.com | Headphone socket - Clearly detect [...] the rebarin noisy environments. elcometer.com |
8 位 MC9S08AC128 和 32 位 ColdFire® MCF51AC256 器件使在嘈杂环境中工作的电器和工业应用实现了理想的价格和能效平衡。 digikey.cn | The 8-bit MC9S08AC128 and 32-bit ColdFire® MCF51AC256 devices strike the ideal balance between price and power efficiency for appliance and industrial applications that operate in noisy environments. digikey.com.mx |
铭立家具旗舰店位于交通繁忙的肇嘉浜路路口,为隔音室外嘈杂的环境,我们希望营造“树荫下的家具店”。 chinese-architects.com | To isolate the store from its buzzing environment, we aimed to make it “a store under the trees”. chinese-architects.com |
无论是在安静、嘈杂还是不断变化且复杂困难的听力环境中,MAESTRO 系统的独特技术都会出类拔萃、力压群雄。 vibrant-medel.com | Whether in quiet or innoise,in changing and challenging listening situations, the MAESTRO System’s unique technologies make the difference. vibrant-medel.com |
不过,由于这些活动往往产生嘈杂的信号,各国可能必须避 免债务危机,办法是采取限制过多的借贷政策,而这种政策有可能妨碍长期增长。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, since such exercises [...] tend togive noisy signals, countries [...]may try to avoid debt crises by adopting overly restrictive [...]borrowing policies that may hamper long-run growth. daccess-ods.un.org |
对于嘈杂环境(如足球比赛的警卫工作或其他群体控制应用场合)下的使用 [...] 者十分理想。 savox.com | Ideal for user’s [...] operatingin noisy surroundings, [...]such as Policing football matches or other crowd control applications. savox.com |
一项研究发现,听觉训练可以部分逆转与年龄相关的神经减速和在嘈杂环境下感知语音的困难。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Auditory training can partially reverse age-related neural slowing and difficulties [...] perceiving speech in noisy environments, [...]a study finds. chinese.eurekalert.org |
Samsung E1252的特响扬声器,让用户即使在嘈杂环境亦不会错过任何来电。 samsung.com | The powerful loud sound speaker ensures you never miss a [...] call evenin a noisy environment. samsung.com |
设计保留了大部分原有的结构,并从结构和树木的限制中创造出三个相互嵌套的庭院来组织空间:西南角的庭院最为开敞并带有室外露台,能够毫无遮挡的看到西面的云杉林和南面的远山;东北角在相对局促的现有环境中创造了相对围合的内院,遮蔽了周围嘈杂的环境,提供了看树和看天的环境。 chinese-architects.com | The design retains the existing structure and then creates three differentiated courtyards in connection to the spruce trees. chinese-architects.com |
设计师G73JH放置在笔记本背面的热和嘈杂的 组件, 和冷却装置的设计, [...] 噪声和远离用户的暖空气流. driver-download.ru | Designers [...] put hotand noisyG73Jh components [...]at the rear of the laptop, and designed with cooling system, to noise and flow [...]of warm air away from the user. driver-download.ru |
步步高vivo X1手机采用Audience自动语音识别辅助技术,首先对主扬声器的声音和周围的音频环境进行分析,然后再对这些数据进行处理,以获得更好的应用性能、精确性而高质完成语音识别,即使在嘈杂、干扰的环境下亦能做到。 tipschina.gov.cn | The BBK vivo X1 uses Audience ASR Assist technology to analyze the primary speaker's voice and surrounding audio environment. tipschina.gov.cn |
新增的 Sense Voice™ 提升了新 HTC One 的通话品质,能自动侦测通话时周边环境声音的嘈杂音,提升通话音量与清晰度。 en.prnasia.com | Phone calls sound great on HTC One thanks to the addition of HTC Sense Voice™, which boosts the call volume and quality in noisy environments so that conversations come through loud and clear. en.prnasia.com |
手机另备有3.5mm立体声耳机插嘈,更能满足用户对享受音乐及清晰话音的需要。 samsung.com | Samsung C5180 also features with 3.5mm stereo headset jack, so that users can enjoy better quality of music and clear voice. samsung.com |
一项研究揭示出了进行回声定位的蝙蝠如何改变它们的呼叫的振幅和频率,从而在混乱环境的嘈杂声中通讯。 chinese.eurekalert.org | A study reveals how echolocating bats alter the amplitude and frequency of their calls to communicate over the din of a bustling environment. chinese.eurekalert.org |
在评价通信系统效率或嘈杂环境中的沟通能力方面,语言清晰度是一个很重要的量度。 bksv.cn | Speech intelligibility is an important measure of the effectiveness of a communication system or of the ability to communicate in a noisy environment. bksv.com |
透镜弯曲,以及业界第一个用於嘈杂环境的杂讯消除演算法,以支援更佳防潮能力,用於更薄、更大的萤幕 ipress.com.hk | Lens bending, an industry-first noise cancellation algorithm for noisyenvironments, to support better moisture immunity for thinner, larger screens ipress.com.hk |
对于环境恶劣、嘈杂和存在振动的环境来说,有必要采用密封式开关。 digikey.cn | It is ideal for harsh, noisy environments, [...] including those involving vibrations, where the use of a sealed switch is imperative. digikey.ca |
问题是,许多车间具有很长的混响时间,由于具有衰减效果很小的混凝土地板和大的表面(墙壁和屋顶),使声音长时间停留,当嘈杂的机器靠近反射墙面,或者置于墙角时,都会导致整个车间的声级过高。 bksv.cn | The problem is that many factory halls have very long reverberation time. Concrete floors and large surfaces (walls and roof) with little damping effect cause sound to linger. bksv.com |
商业与其他业态的关系:设计中应合理处理商业与办公、公寓、酒店之间的关系,避免较为嘈杂的 商业环境对高端物业产生影响,应在总体布局和流线组织上统一考虑。 szdesigncenter.org | Relationship between commercial and other industries: In process of design relationship between commercial and office, apartment and hotel [...] should be dealt with properly, avoiding [...] impacts offairlynoisy commercial environment [...]on high-end properties, and should [...]consider overall layout and human flow. szdesigncenter.org |
Black Parade〉是全碟实验性质较强的作品,不同的音乐风格紧密地结合在一起,喃喃自语的Barði Jóhannsson带着强劲的结他与鼓击,加上嘈杂的电子音效,让他在漆黑的公路驰骋。 think-silly.com | Black Parade’ is the most experimental track from the album, combining various styles, Jóhannsson’s mumbling vocal and sharp guitar and drums. think-silly.com |
我说了一次、二次,在第三次的时候,我的嘴巴松开 了,那个影子消失了,嘈杂声停止了,我在床上坐了起来,从那抓住我的、看不见的势力下得了释 放。 sallee.info | I said it once, twice, and on the third time, my mouth was loosened, the shadow disappeared, the noise stopped, and I sat up in bed free from the invisible power that held me. sallee.info |