单词 | 嘀咕 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 嘀咕 —whisperSee also:嘀—backbite 咕—(onom.) for the sound of a bird, an empty stomach etc 囿—be limited to
代表们注意到门上刻着《指环王》电影三部曲 中 咕 噜 的 名字‘ the Gollum’ 和画像。 daccess-ods.un.org | On the door the delegates noticed the inscription ‘the Gollum’, and a picture of the said character from the film trilogy ‘The Lord of the Rings’. daccess-ods.un.org |
這實質上會囿制運輸署 署長的法定權力,因為建議基準是以附屬法例的方式訂 立,而附屬法例顯然凌駕行政指示。 legco.gov.hk | This in effect would fetter C for T’s statutory power because the proposed benchmark is made by way of subsidiary legislation that clearly takes precedence over an administrative direction. legco.gov.hk |
1738年,咕咕钟在 德国南部的黑森林地区被发明;至今该地区仍 是 咕咕 钟 的 中心生产地。 swissworld.org | It was invented in the Black Forest of southern Germany in 1738, the area which is still the centre of their production. swissworld.org |
明顯地,並非 法律程序的 各方( 或列於有關紀錄之上的各方) 但 在 背 後 資助訴訟人 進行訴訟的人 不 會 受該項條文囿 制。 legco.gov.hk | Notably, it cannot catch funders behind the litigation who are not parties to the proceedings (or parties on the record). legco.gov.hk |
創新產品包括會走路、說話、爬行、飛行以及發 出 咕 嚕 聲的小玩具,這些小玩具還會替各家庭成員進行遠端網真和通信。 tipschina.gov.cn | These innovations include gadgets that walk, talk, crawl, fly, purr and enable remote telepresence and communications -- something for every member of the family. tipschina.gov.cn |
經過她這麼動聽的述說,我的肚子也 咕 嚕 咕 嚕 起 來。 4tern.com | After I heard her description, my stomach started to growl. 4tern.com |
囿于初步的意见,鉴于时间限制,法律委员会认为应指出,上述意见可能详尽地罗列各种可能 的法律困难。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Legal Committee has confined its observations to those of a preliminary nature, on account of the time available to it, but wished to state that those observations did not constitute an exhaustive list of the possible legal difficulties. unesdoc.unesco.org |
港鐵公司在調整票價時,須受到香港的整體經濟 狀況和既定的票價調整機制的囿限。 legco.gov.hk | The adjustment of the rail fares by MTRCL would be subject to overall economic condition of Hong Kong and the established fare adjustment mechanism. legco.gov.hk |
售 “ 咕 ” 商人表示美 國 並 沒 有 這 些 標 準 , 但如果 香港確有這 些 標 準 的 話 , 他可以與美 國 方面說 , 因為合約 規定如 果 貨 物不符 合香港的 標 準 , 他 是 可以退貨的,但 海 關 說 : 對不起 , 雖 然 他 沒 有 賣 出 任 何 “ 咕 ” , 但由 於 這 批已入口 的 “ 咕 ” 不 符 合香港法例,所以要沒收, 這 名 商人最 終 白白 損失了 不知多少萬元。 legco.gov.hk | Yet, the Customs told him that though he did not sell any cushions, as that shipment of imported cushions failed to comply with the law of Hong Kong, they had to be confiscated. Finally, the businessman had lost tens of thousands of dollars for no cause. legco.gov.hk |
我在以往的裁決中已說明,為免一項法案受《議事 規則》第51(4)條所囿制,該法案必須不會對政府政策(包括法例中所 反映的政策)造成實質影響。 legco.gov.hk | In my previous rulings, I have stated that in order for a bill not to be caught by Rule 51(4) of the Rules of Procedure, the bill must not have substantive effect on Government policies, which include policies reflected in legislation. legco.gov.hk |
末底改和里格比,然而,Benson和其他穴居类动物,只有 在 咕 哝 着 说。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Mordecai and Rigby, however, see Benson and the others as cavemen-like creatures that speak only in grunts. seekcartoon.com |
店內其他貨品種類還包括咕臣、家具、牆上掛飾、香薰蠟燭,甚至潔衣液等,每項也是店主因應生活中的各種需要而從世界各地搜羅,如同樣由環保物料製作的地毯、包裹環保毛絨面料的Yoga [...] Ball、英國製的花紋耐熱餐具,以及可用於居室、麻質等布料上的香體噴霧套裝等,每種挑選均由日常生活的體驗出發,XAVA同時把歐洲、美加以及荷蘭等地的原創產品帶到香港,給本地顧客加添更多選擇。 think-silly.com | Other categories include cushion, homeware, [...] wall decoration, scented candles and even washing liquid. Each item is handpicked [...]by the owner from all over the world, according to everyday needs — carpet made with green material; yoga ball wrapped with eco velvet; heat proof pattern dining utensils; room and textile spray. think-silly.com |
我相信任何㆟,而肯定任何政府官員都不願見到這個制度為 任何㆒方所囿而失去互相制衡作用。 legco.gov.hk | I do not think that anyone, certainly none on the official bench here, would wish to see that system being circumvented. legco.gov.hk |
工 黨 政府認同,貧窮的概 念 不單包括收入 貧窮,亦 包括社會孤立。社會孤立指人們 在多方面匱 乏 , 因 而 困 囿 於 弱 勢的惡性循環, 無 法自拔 。 legco.gov.hk | The Labour government accepted the concept of poverty as encompassing not only income poverty, but also social exclusion which could trap people in a spiral of disadvantages through multiple deprivations. legco.gov.hk |
我認為如避免使有關的法案受第 51(3)及(4)條的範圍所囿制,該法 案的執行必不能對該項條文所訂明的其中一個或多個範圍帶來實質影 響。 legco.gov.hk | In my view, in order for a bill not to be caught by Rule 51(3) and (4), the implementation of the bill must not have substantive effect on one or more than one of the areas prescribed in this Rule. legco.gov.hk |
不過, 我 們 認 為應該讓 政 府有較高的 自 由度, 因應各方面 的 資料和 情況, 以 成立一個有用 的 數 據庫,而不囿 於某 門某派 的 意見。 legco.gov.hk | However, we are of the view that the Government should be given a greater degree of flexibility in setting up a useful database that embraces different kinds of information and scenarios, without being limited to views from one school or party only. legco.gov.hk |
许多侵犯妇女权利的情况都是由于 女性不愿意囿于人们赋予其的性角色。 daccess-ods.un.org | Many violations of women’s rights derived from the fact that they did not wish to be confined to the gender roles assigned to them. daccess-ods.un.org |
根 據 歷 史 經 驗,公 司 董 事 認 為 囿 於 信 用 質 量 沒 有 改 變 以 及 所 欠 餘 額 預 計 仍 能 全 額 收 回,這 些 款 項 的 減 值 準 備 沒 有 需 要。 zte.com.cn | Based on past experience, the directors of the Company are of the opinion that no provision for impairment is necessary in respect of these balances as there has not been a significant change in credit quality and the balances are still considered fully recoverable. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
通过将录音中的咕噜声 和口哨声与已知的鱼类声音对比,南佛罗里达大学的研究人员发现,红石斑鱼(如图所示Epinephelus morio)和蟾鱼 (Opsanus spp.) 的声音出现的最为频繁。 chinese.eurekalert.org | By comparing the grunts and whistles on their recordings to known fish calls, University of South Florida researchers found red grouper (shown, Epinephelus morio) and toadfishes (Opsanus spp.) were the most frequent fish sounds recorded, the team reports this month in Marine Ecology Progress Series. chinese.eurekalert.org |
按照主席早前所作的裁決,法案為免受第 51(4)條所囿制,其執行必定不可對政府政策造成實質影響。 legco.gov.hk | According to the President's earlier rulings, in order for a bill not to be caught by Rule 51(4), the implementation of the bill must not have substantive effect on government policies. legco.gov.hk |
隨著哈比族人佛羅多與山姆和咕魯前往末日山脈,甘道夫、精靈射手雷高拉斯、矮人金靂、法拉墨也積極對抗索倫魔君,捍衛中土世界,直到最後西瑞安迪爾的陷落,亞拉岡將拾起王者之劍,重掌剛鐸王位,並在帕蘭諾平原展開影史上最奇幻、壯觀的浴血戰役。 buyoyo.com | While Frodo & Sam continue to approach Mount Doom to destroy the One Ring, unaware of the path Gollum is leading them, the former Fellowship aid Rohan & Gondor in a great battle in the Pelennor Fields, Minas Tirith and the Black Gates as Sauron wages his last war against Middle-Earth. buyoyo.com |
教学是一个极为复杂的过程,在此过程中,教师的随时现场决定都拘囿 于教师对有效性的理解和理论认识,而理论认识水平支配着这些决定。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Theoretical understandings give coherence to these decisions. unesdoc.unesco.org |
所以,我买了一座咕咕钟,如果我能把它带回家,这个某人就成了“我的盘中餐”。 swissworld.org | So I bought the cuckoo clock; and if I ever get home with it, he is "my meat," as they say in the mines. swissworld.org |
咕 - 假 装是一个国际流行歌星 - 生气的时候,男孩不想和她一起玩,让她做,相信一帮恶棍,这将迫使他们听她幻想的演唱会。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Goo – who pretends to be [...] an international pop star – gets upset when the boys don’t want to play with her, so she make-believes [...]a gang of villains that will force them to listen to her imaginary concert. seekcartoon.com |
前立法會主席憑所作出的多項裁決而確立的原則是,要 使一項法案不為《議事規則》第51(4)條所囿制,則該項法案不能 對政府政策帶來實質的影響,包括法例所反映的政策。 legco.gov.hk | It has been established by my predecessor’s rulings that in order for a bill not to be caught by RoP 51(4), the bill must not have substantive effect on Government policies which include policies reflected in legislation. legco.gov.hk |
為協助我考慮梁議員的條例草案會否受《議事規則》第51(3) 及 (4)條所囿制,我邀請了政府當局就2013年條例草案給予意見,並請 梁議員就政府當局的意見作出回應。 legco.gov.hk | To assist me in considering whether Mr LEUNG’s Bill is caught by Rule 51(3) and (4) of the Rules of Procedure, I invited the Administration to comment on the 2013 Bill and Mr LEUNG to respond to the Administration’s comments. legco.gov.hk |
非洲面对各种相互交织的传统 与非传统安全威胁,囿于自身能力和资源限制,应对 力不从心。 daccess-ods.un.org | Faced with a plethora of interconnected traditional and non-traditional security threats, constrained by its capacity and lack of resources, the AU finds itself unable to cope with all the challenges alone. daccess-ods.un.org |
在 我以前 就議員提出的法案所作的裁決內,我已 說明為使一 項法 案不會被視為涉及公共開支、政治體制、政府運作或政府政策(即受 為 施 行《基本法》第七十四條而訂定的第 51(3)及 (4)條 囿 制),法案 的 執 行不得對以上所訂明的 4 個 範圍的任何一 個帶來實質影響。 legco.gov.hk | In my previous rulings on bills proposed by Members, I stated that in order for a bill not to be regarded as "relating to" public expenditure; political structure; operation of the government; or government policies (hence caught by Rules 51(3) and (4) which have been made to implement Article 74 of the Basic Law), the implementation of the bill must not have a substantive effect on one or more than one of these four prescribed areas. legco.gov.hk |
(6) 說明在失實陳述/傳布虛假或具誤導性資料沒有明確定義 的情況下,政府當局如何確保地產代理/賣方不會不必要地 受條例草案囿制。 legco.gov.hk | (6) To advise how the Administration could ensure that estate agents/vendors would not be unnecessarily caught by the Bill in the absence of a specific definition on misrepresentation/dissemination of false or misleading information. legco.gov.hk |