单词 | 嗽 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | Examples:咳嗽v—coughv 痰咳嗽n—phlegmn 嗽药pl—suppressantspl
然而,由于她包返回Canterlot,穗字母,从公主CELESTIA,均为暮光之的老友谊报告,咳嗽起来。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | However, as she packs to return to [...] Canterlot, Spike coughsup letters from [...]Princess Celestia, all being Twilight’s old friendship reports. seekcartoon.com |
另一方面,B型流感,俗称流感,会在每年冬天发生,患者症状变化多端,常见的如高烧、肌肉剧痛、咳嗽、头 痛等。 cn.iherb.com | On the other hand, Influenza B, commonly called the flu, occurs as an epidemic each winter. iherb.com |
Katanga每年均捐赠治疗疟疾以及腹泻、咳嗽及发烧等其他常见疾病的药物。 glencore.com | Katanga donates pharmaceuticals for malaria and other common diseases, [...] such as diarrhoea, coughsand fever. glencore.com |
由于孩子已经出现了肺部的症状和咳嗽,所以医生马上把她们转到了咸镜南道省儿童医院。 unicef.org | The doctors there transferred her to the South Hamgyong Provincial Paediatric Hospital. unicef.org |
(A) 视觉提示 [...] 如海报等视觉提示,应该竖立在门诊诊所的入口,以提醒病人 及其陪同人士要注意咳嗽禮仪,如有呼吸道感染徵狀,应通知 [...]诊所员工。 chp.gov.hk | Visual alerts such as posters should be stood at the entrance of outpatient [...] clinics to remind patients and their [...] companions topractice coughetiquetteas well [...]as to inform staff of respiratory symptoms. chp.gov.hk |
如双手被呼吸道分泌物弄污,例如打喷嚏或咳嗽後,应立即用梘液洗手。 www6.cityu.edu.hk | Wash hands with liquid soap promptly if they are dirtied by respiratory secretions, [...] e.g. after sneezing orcoughing. www6.cityu.edu.hk |
随着天气变冷,冬季疾病开始在上海到处传播,请别忘了加强培养良好的卫生习惯,包括勤洗手、咳嗽或打 喷嚏时捂住您的口鼻、避免与病人接触、及时接种疫苗等,如果您有更多的顾虑或疑问应当就医。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | As the weather grows colder and winter illnesses start to propagate around Shanghai, remember to emphasize good hygiene [...] including hand washing, covering your [...] nose and mouth whencoughing or sneezing, avoid [...]contact with others if they are sick, [...]keep vaccinations up-to-date and don’t hesitate to seek medical attention if you have any further concerns or questions. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
在中国《药典》中,甘草还被用于治疗腹痛和咳嗽。 clarinsusa.com | It's also a remedy found in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia to treat [...] abdominal painsand coughs. clarinsusa.com |
茅香还具有药性,可用于治疗咳嗽和喉 咙痛。 clarinsusa.com | Thanks to its medicinal properties, it is commonly used in [...] treatments for coughsand sore throats. clarinsusa.com |
这类疾病最常见的症状是浑身发冷、发烧、咽喉痛、肌肉酸痛、剧烈头痛、咳嗽、体虚/疲劳和一般身体不适。 tipschina.gov.cn | The most common symptoms of the [...] disease are chills, fever, sore throat, muscle pains, [...] severeheadache,coughing,weakness/fatigue [...]and general discomfort. tipschina.gov.cn |
干粉吸入器会引起喉咙发炎和咳嗽,因 此效力受到影响。 multilateralfund.org | DPIs are found to produce throat [...] irritation andcoughing,which affect the [...]product’s effectiveness. multilateralfund.org |
人感染禽流感病毒的症状包括典型的类似流感的症状(如发烧、咽喉痛、咳嗽和肌肉疼痛),并可进一步发展成肺炎和急性呼吸窘迫等更加严重的呼吸系统疾病和其他并发症。 tipschina.gov.cn | Symptoms of avian influenza virus in humans have included [...] typical influenza-like symptoms (e.g., [...] fever, sore throat, cough, and muscle aches) [...]which progress to more severe respiratory [...]conditions such as pneumonia and acute respiratory distress and other complications. tipschina.gov.cn |
Pneumonia 肺炎 引起发热、咳嗽和虚弱等症状的疾病。 hesperian.org | Pneumonia an illness [...] that causesfever, coughing, and weakness. hesperian.org |
持续短并出现粗暴咳嗽可能会是急性的,或是咳嗽期长达3星期之久,那就是慢性的。 stranieriincampania.it | It can be acute when it is has a sudden onset and is of short duration, or it can be chronic when it lasts more than threeweeks. stranieriincampania.it |
按照医生和卫生署的资料,甲型H1N1流感(人类猪型流感)主要是透过打喷嚏或咳嗽的「飞沫」(唾沫)和接触过「飞沫」的对象(包括手指等)而传播。 catholic.org.hk | According to the information provided by doctors and the Department of Health, Influenza A (H1N1)[Human Swine Flu] is mainly [...] transmitted through droplets expelled [...] during sneezing or coughing and through objects [...]in contact with these droplets, such as fingers. catholic.org.hk |
不要输入,如“贫血症,慢性咳嗽,体重减轻,呕吐”多发现在同一时间。 cn.diagnosispro.com | Do not enter multiple findings such as [...] "anemia, chronic cough, weightloss, vomiting" [...]all at the same time. en.diagnosispro.com |
古代用法 [...] 茶树油最初被东部澳洲人使用,他们会把Melaleuca 叶子压碎, 吸取当中气味来舒缓咳嗽和感冒,并会应用於伤口。 vitagreen.com | History Of Use Tea Tree oil was originally used by indigenous eastern Australians, [...] who inhaled the vapour from crushed Melaleuca [...] leaves to treatcoughs andcolds,as well [...]applying them topically to wounds. vitagreen.com |
一般情况下,腹股沟疝不会有症状,可一旦发作,一般会在腹股沟部位表现为肿块或包块突出,或是该部位有隐痛,进行体力活动或咳嗽时隐痛会加剧。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Often groin hernias do not cause symptoms, but when they do occur they usually [...] manifest as a lump or bulge at the groin or a dull pain near the groin that worsens with [...] physicalactivity or coughing. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
该问题还涉及青年人,美国十年级的学生中,据 报告有 6%的学生在 2009 年使用咳嗽药来“过瘾”。 daccess-ods.un.org | This problem also extends to youth, where 6 per cent of grade 10 students in the United [...] States reported usingcough medicines to “get [...]high” in 2009. daccess-ods.un.org |
有几种感染(例如流行性感冒和脑膜炎球菌病), 是透过咳嗽、打喷嚏和直接接触从人传播给人。 nyc.gov | There are several infections, such as the flu and meningococcal disease that are spread from [...] person to person by coughing, sneezing and [...]direct contact. nyc.gov |
勿让顾客自行处理或尝试散装食物,或向着食物打喷嚏或咳嗽。 bccdc.ca | Do not allow customers to handle or taste bulk food, [...] or to sneeze or cough over thefood. bccdc.ca |
咳嗽,特 别是夜间或卧位常见,往往伴有血性泡沫痰。 world-heart-federation.org | coughing, especially at night [...] or when lying down, including bloody, frothy sputum (spit). world-heart-federation.org |
避免向着食物、碗碟、厨具,或任何会接触食物的表面咳嗽或打 喷嚏。 bccdc.ca | Avoid coughing orsneezing on food, [...] dishes or utensils – or on any surface that contacts food. bccdc.ca |
如按压腹部右下方、咳嗽、步行或突然走动会令痛楚更甚。 hsbc.com.hk | The pain would be worsened by pressing on the right lower part [...] of theabdomen, coughing, walking or sudden [...]movements. hsbc.com.hk |
呼吸道衞生/咳嗽礼仪下列的感染控制措施应在首次接触有呼吸道感染徵狀的病人时实 施,以防止呼吸道感染疾病在医护环境内传播,措施包括 chp.gov.hk | The following infection control measures should be implemented at the first point of contact with patients with respiratory symptoms to prevent transmission of respiratory infections in the healthcare settings. chp.gov.hk |
深切治疗部的病人:需依赖机器呼吸的病人特别容易感染肺炎,因为其在插喉后,呼吸道难以发挥防御功能,病人因无法咳嗽而导 致细菌及其它有害的有机体藏于气管内。 hsbc.com.hk | People hospitalized in an intensive care unit: People who require mechanical ventilation are particularly at risk because the breathing tube (endotracheal tube) [...] bypasses the normal defenses of the respiratory [...] tract,prevents coughing, and can harbor [...]bacteria and other harmful organisms hsbc.com.hk |