单词 | 嗤 | ||||||||||||||
释义 | 嗤—laugh atless common: sneer at jeer scoff at Examples:嗤之以鼻—treat with contempt [idiom.] look down upon 嗤笑—sneer at
幸好我不是政治家,完全没有机会见到李鹏,也可以对那些叫我忘记六四的人嗤之以鼻。 hkupop.hku.hk | Luckily I am not a politician, so I have no chance meeting Li, and I would simply despise those who lobbyme toforget June 4. hkupop.hku.hk |
您可以对我嗤之以鼻,可我总是对好故事情有独钟,而我也相信,非凡的钟表总是有引人入胜的故事可述说。 iontime.ch | Condemn me, but I have a soft spot for good stories and I believe that extraordinary watches always have fascinating stories to tell. iontime.ch |
宸页登仅页倦嗤灭挺押议及汇 化。 amda-imic.com | This check is the first step in finding diabetes. amda-imic.com |
当人们、尤其 是年轻人——在这次经济衰退中,他们受到如此残酷 [...] 的冲击——对于主宰自己生活的政治和经济模式嗤之以鼻的时候,当他们在北非、中东、华尔街和世界 [...] 各地寻找一个声音的时候,当他们查看影响的时候, 合作社不仅是一个有效的治理模式,而且是一个引人 注目的治理模式。 daccess-ods.un.org | At a time when people — especially young people, [...] whom this recession is hitting so cruelly — [...] are cynical about the political [...]and economic models that dominate their lives, [...]when they are looking for a voice, in North Africa, the Middle East, Wall Street and across the world, and when they are looking for impact, the cooperative is not only an effective governance model, it is a compelling one. daccess-ods.un.org |
他 所 希 望 的 和 平 是 建 基 於 武 力 之 上 ﹐ 对 「 十 四 项 和 平 建 议」嗤之以鼻 。 hkahe.com | He wished for peace based on force alone and laughed at the Fourteen Points, buthe understood that he could not have his own way. hkahe.com |
缓峙泌惚诘,祥积广吭页倦嗤强琢衔晒来 鴫押。 amda-imic.com | If you have a low level of HDL, be careful of such a disease. amda-imic.com |
你们可以对学者嗤之以鼻,但不能否认,六轻从1999年开始排放挥发性有机物(VOCs)後,台西乡,民众得肝癌的发生率成长了三成,全癌症的发生率成长了八成,小学生在严重的空气污染威胁下,必须经常捏鼻子、摀嘴巴、戴口罩。 cet-taiwan.org | Whileyou may sneer at academics, [...] you can not deny that beginning with the discharge of VOCs from this plant in 1999 the [...]incidence of liver cancer in Taisi Township has increased thirty percent and over-all cancer incidence increased eighty percent. cet-taiwan.org |