

单词 嗣後



See also:



succession (a title)
continuing (a tradition)

External sources (not reviewed)

承认或执行经拒绝者,不影响 就该判嗣後请承认或执行。
A refusal does
[...] not preventa subsequent application [...]
for recognition or enforcement of the judgment.
依行政院金融监督管理委员会(金管会)规定,上市、上柜公司分派盈余时,应 就帐列股东权益减项金额(不含库藏股票),自可分配盈余提列相同數额之特别盈余 公积,不得分派嗣後权益减项數额有回转时,得经股东会决议就回转部份转 回未分配盈余以供分配。
The remaining balance can be distributed as dividends to stockholders after special reserves are appropriated, if any.
(2) 如文书应於提交法院前,先予以送达者,负责送达之机关收受该文书时,但
[...] 以原告就使其文书提交於法院,依规定应采行之步骤 嗣後 怠於采行者为限。
(2) if the document has to be served before being lodged with the court, at the time when it is received by the authority
responsible for service, provided that the
[...] plaintiff has not subsequently failed to [...]
take the steps she/he was required to take
to have the document lodged with the court.
惟子公司第七商业银行基於保 守稳健原则,已先行估列11,165仟元於其他非利息净损益科目项下嗣後之3,840仟元亦已帐列上述科目之减项。
Lucky Bank has estimated a loss of NT$11,165 (US$338) classified as the other loss except for interest account on the basis of conservatism principle.
惟 上述评估结果均系依目前环境与狀况所作成之初步决定 嗣後受研修中之IFRSs 及因未來主管机关发布规范采用IFRSs相关事项之函令暨国内其他法令因配合采用 IFRSs修改规定所影响,而与未來实际差異有所不同。
The preliminary estimates of the aforementioned assessments are all based on the current environment and circumstances of the Group, and are subject to future IFRSs amendments and potential regulation revisions made by authorities.
董事会、董事委员会或任何董事依诚信所为之行为,纵使 嗣後董事选举程序有瑕疵,或 有董事不具备董事资格,所为之行为仍与经正当程序选任之董事或具备董事资格情况之行为 具同等效力。
All acts done in good faith by the Board or by a committee of the Board or by any person acting as a Director shall, notwithstanding that it be afterwards discovered that there was some defect in the election of any Director, or that they or any of them were disqualified, be as valid as if every such person had been duly elected and was qualified to be a Director.
嗣後产可回收金额增加时,将减损损失之回转认列为利益,惟资产於 [...]
减损损失回转後之帐面价值,不得超过该项资产在未认列减损损失之情况下,减除应 提列折旧後之帐面价值。
Any subsequent reversal ofthe impairment [...]
loss for the increase in recoverable amount is recognized as income, nevertheless,
the carrying value after the reversal shall not exceed the carrying value that would have been determined (net of depreciation) had no impairment loss been recognized for the asset in prior years.
嗣後权益减项數额有回转时,得经股东会决议就回转部份转 回未分配盈余以供分配。
In the event of our liquidation, the
[...] assets remaining afterpayment of all [...]
debts, liquidation expenses, taxes and distributions
to holders of preferred shares, if any, will be distributed pro rata to the shareholders in accordance with the ROC Company Law.
嗣後产可回收金额增加时,将减 损损失之回转认列为利益,惟资产於减损损失回转 [...]
後之帐面价值,不得超过该项资产在未认列减损损 失之情况下,减除应提列折旧後之帐面价值。
Any subsequent reversal of [...]
the impairment loss for the increase in recoverable amount is recognized as income.
嗣 後使用 、 处 分 或 重 分 类 相 关 资 产 时 , 得 就 原 提 列 特 别 盈 余 公 积 之 比 例 予 以 回 转 分 派 盈 余 。
Lateron, when the Bank use, dispose, or reclassify related assets, it can reverse unappropriated earnings by the proportion of the special reserves it first appropriated.
本 公 司 於 九 十 八 年 八 月 发 行 国 内 第 二 次 无 担 保 可 转 换 公 司 债 1,000,000 仟 元 , 票 面 利 率 为 2%, 有 效 利 率 为 2.12%, 发 行 期 间 五 年 , 公 司 债 持 有 人 得 分 别 於 发 行 满 第 二 、 三 及 四 年 , 依 契 约 规 定 以 债 券 面 额 提 前 卖 回 予 本 公 司 ; 公 司 债 持 有 人 得 於 九 十 八 年 九 月 十 四 日
[...] [...] 起 至 一 ○ 三 年 八 月 四 日 止 依 规 定 请 求 转 换 为 本 公 司 之 普 通 股 股 票 , 转 换 价 格 於 发 行 当 时 订 为 每 股 82.90 元嗣 後受 托 契 约 规 定 调 整,九 十 九 年 九 月 三 十 日 转 换 价 格 为 每 股 60.70 元;债 券 余 额 至 一 ○ 三 年 八 月 十 四 日 到 期 [...][...]
依 面 额 加 计 当 期 应 计 票 面 利 息 一 次 清 偿 。
In March 2010, the Company issued its third domestic 5-year unsecured, 1.5%-coupon convertible bonds, with an aggregate principal of NT$1,000,000 thousand and an effective rate at 2.12%.
若有减损 之客观证据,则认列减损损失,此减损金 嗣後 回转。
When objective evidence of impairment exists, the Company recognizes an impairment loss, which cannot
[...] be reversed insubsequent periods.
买入票券及证券系指买入上市(柜)公司股票、受益凭证 及其他各類证券等,并以取得成本为入帐基础,期末并按成本 与市价孰低评价;市价低於成本时,予以提列备抵跌价损失嗣後价回升,则於已提列备抵跌价损失金额内予以冲回。
Loss on Bills and Securities Purchased - Trading securities, including listed stocks, mutual funds, and other kinds of securities, are recorded at acquisition cost and carried at the lower of aggregate cost or market value.
(五)资产减损 依财务会计准则公报第三十五号「资产减损之会计处理准则」规定,合并公司於
[...] [...] 资产负债表日就有减损迹象之资产(商誉以外之个别资产或现金产生单位),估计其可 回收金额,就可回收金额低於帐面价值之资产,认列减损损失。商誉以外之资产,於 以前年度所认列之累计减损损失嗣後 不存在或减少,即予回转,增加资产帐面 价值至可回收金额,惟不超过资产在未认列减损损失下,减除应提列折旧或摊销後之 數。
Gains orlosses resulting from translation on the balance sheet date are recognized as nonoperating income or losses.
本 公 司 ; 公 司 债 持 有 人 得 於 九 十 七 年 七 月 十 六 日 起 至 一 ○ 二 年 六 月 六 日 止 依 规 定 请 求 转 换 为 本 公 司 之 普 通 股 股 票 , 转 换 价 格 於 发 行 当 时 订 为 每 股 379 元嗣 後受 托 契 约 规 定 调 整 , 九 十 九 年 九 月 三 十 日 转 换 价 格 为 每 股 112 元 ; 债 券 余 额 至 一 ○ 二 年 六 月 十 六 日 到 期 依 面 额 一 次 清 偿 。
The bonds are convertible into the Company’s common shares at NT$82.90 per share (the conversion price is adjustable and was NT$60.70 per share as of September 30, 2010) between September 14, 2009 and August 4, 2014 and will mature on August 14, 2014.
依 现 销 价 格 及 成 本 计 算 当 年 度 损 益( 其 现 销 价 格 与 成 本 相 同 ), 分 期 付 款 销 售 价 格 高 於 现 销 价 格 部 份 , 於 销 货 时 先 列 为 未 实 现 利 息 收 入 ( 列 入 应 收 分 期 帐 款 减 项 , 即 应 收 款 项 - 净 额 项 下 )嗣 後利 息 法 分 期 认 列 利 息 收 入 。
The amount of installment sale price in excess of cash sale price is recognized as unrealized interest revenue (included in “receivables, net”) at the date of sale and realizedover the collection period using effective interest method.
惟上述目前会计政策与未来依IFRSs编制 财务报告所使用之会计政策二者间可能产生之重大差异与其可能影响金额,及依 IFRS第1号公报「首次采用国际财务报导准则」规定所选择之会计政策,均系依目前 环境与状况所作成之初步决定嗣後因环境或状况改变而变更。
However, the significant differences and the amounts affected between the current GAAP and the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs), and the accounting policies chosen in accordance with IFRS 1- "First-time Adoption of IFRSs" are based on the preliminary decisions made based on the current environment and circumstances.
本公司对於民国九十七年度(含)以後之盈余,依公司法及合并公司章程规定分配 之员工红利及董监酬勞时,系依会计研究发展基金会(96)基秘字第052号解释函,於 报导期中及年度财务报表,先行估计拟分配之员工红利及董监酬勞金额,并依员工红 利及董监酬勞之性质列为营业成本或营业费用项下之适当会计科目 嗣後会决议 分配金额与财务报表估列數如有差異,视为估计变动,列为分配当期损益。
The amount of deferred tax liabilities or assets is calculated by applying the provisions of enacted tax law to determine the amount of tax payable or refundable, currently orin future years.
介绍性报告处理了一些问题,其中包括:术语问题定和惯例在条 约解释中的一般意义;演变解释定和惯例之间的相互关系;时际法问 题定和惯例的各种要素;包括:可能发生这一现象的有关期间的起点和 终点、确定各当事方的共同谅解或协议,包括沉默的可能作用、将行为归于国家 的问题;以定和惯例作为条约修改的可能手段。
The introductory report addressed a number of questions including: terminological issues; the general significance of subsequent agreements and practice in treaty interpretation; the question of inter-temporal law; the relationship between evolutionary interpretation and subsequent agreements
and practice; the various
[...] elementsof subsequent agreements and practice, including: the beginning and the end of the relevant period within which this phenomenon may take place, the identification of a common understanding or agreement by the parties, including the potential role of silence, questions of attribution of conduct to the State; as well as subsequent agreements and practice as a possible means of treaty [...]
执行委员会表示期望,在 今后两年内,索马里将继续执行许可证和配额制度及其氟氯烃淘汰管理计划,维持氟氯化 碳的零消费和实氯烃淘汰目标。
The Executive Committee expressed the expectation that, in the next two years, Somalia will continue the implementation of the licensing and quota system and of its HCFC phase-out management plan, and sustain zero CFC consumption and achieve subsequent HCFC phase out targets.
委员会在审议“条约随时间演变”这一专题时,试图澄清各方的定”和例”作为解释和实施条约的手段的实际意义和法律意义(《维也 纳条约法公约》第 31 条第 3 款(a)和(b)项)。
The Commission, in its consideration of the topic “Treaties over time”, attempts to clarify the practical and legal significance of “subsequent agreements” and the “subsequent practice” of the parties as a means of the interpretation and application of treaties (article 31 (3) (a) and (b) of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties).
执行委员会表示期望,在今后两年内,莱索托将采取必 要的措施实施最近核准的消耗臭氧层物质条例,并继续当前的各项方案,使该国维持并提 高当前消耗臭氧层物质削减的速度,并 持氟氯化碳的零消费和实现氟氯烃的履约 目标。
The Executive Committee expressed the expectation that, in the next two years, Lesotho will take necessary steps to enforce the newly approved ODS regulations and continue with on-going programmes that will enable the country to sustain and build upon its current levels of reductions in ODS and subsequently sustain zero CFC consumption and meet HCFC compliance targets.




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