单词 | 嗜硷性粒细胞 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 嗜碱性粒细胞—basophil granulocytes (rarest type of white blood cell)See also:粒细胞—granulocyte 性细胞—germline cell gamete sexual cell
当免疫活性 B [...] 淋巴细胞因暴露於过敏原而受到刺激後,会产 生过敏原特異性 IgE 抗体,後者会与肥大细胞和嗜硷性粒 细胞上的 受体结 合。 hcdiagnostics.com | When immunocompetent B lymphocyte cells are stimulated by exposure to an antigen [...] (allergen), they may produce allergen-specific IgE antibodies which [...] bind to receptors on mast cells and basophilic leukocytes. hcdiagnostics.com |
小麦草是高硷性食物, 强化正常细胞,恢复细胞自我保护功能, 抑制致癌细胞生长及转型 organicmama.com.hk | Wheat grassis a high-alkaline food that strengthens cells and[...] its self-protection to inhibit cancer cell growth and transformation organicmama.com.hk |
嗜酸性细胞内的电子密度低的膜包分泌颗粒成分可能是造成螫伤剧痛及全身症状的关键因素。 actazool.org | The results suggest that the substances in the [...] membrane-coated, electron-lucent granulesin eosinophiliccells maybe the key factor [...]in the envenomation by Stingrays. actazool.org |
今後更会将这个中性电解钯电镀制程扩大运用在印刷电路板及耐强 硷性差的材 料,加强对其产品细微化以及实现降低成本的服务提供上。 pro.tanaka.co.jp | In the future, the company plans to expand this neutral electrolytic palladium plating [...] process to printed [...] circuit boards and materials withlowalkaline resistance, and strengthen the [...]provision of services providing [...]finer pitch and reduced costs. pro.tanaka.co.jp |
本课题要求学生学 习一些元素的物理性质的周期性变化,及个别氧化物的酸 硷性质的 周期关 系。 334.edb.hkedcity.net | In this topic, students are required to acquire the knowledge and concepts about the periodic [...] trends of physical properties of some elements and the periodic [...] relationship between acid-base properties of selected oxides. 334.edb.hkedcity.net |
结果表明:在外周血细胞中可区分出红细胞、单核细胞、大淋巴细胞、小淋巴细胞、嗜中 性粒细胞和 血栓细胞;嗜中 性粒细胞内的特殊颗粒包括A、B、C三型;嗜中 性粒细胞分为 Ⅰ型粒细胞(内含A、B、C三种特殊颗粒)、Ⅱ型粒细胞(内含A型和C型两种特殊颗粒)和Ⅲ型粒细胞(内含C型特殊颗粒)。 actazool.org | The ultrastructural study revealed that the neutrophils include three types of cells according to their special granules(A,B and C special granules):type Ⅰ(included A,B and C special granules)、type Ⅱ(included A and C special granules)and type Ⅲ(included C special granules). actazool.org |
血栓细胞体积最小,嗜中性粒细胞体积最大;淋巴细胞数目最多,嗜中 性粒细胞数目 最少。 actazool.org | The size of thrombocyte was the smallest while that of the [...] neutrophil was the [...] largest and the number of neutrophils was the least while that of lymphocytes was the most in the bloodcells. actazool.org |
马里兰州,博萨斯达 2012年1月24日电:全美癌症研究基金会今日宣布:将第七届圣• 乔奇癌症研究创新成就奖授予王振义博士和陈竺博士,以表彰他们在急性早幼粒细胞白血病(APL)的研究上所取得的原创性成果及在该研究基础上发展的治疗APL的全新疗法。 afcr.org.hk | (BETHESDA, Maryland, January 24, 2012) - NFCR announced today that Dr. Zhen-Yi Wang and Dr. Zhu Chen have been awarded the 7th Annual Szent-Györgyi Prize for Progress inCancer Research for their innovative research that led to the successful development of a new therapeutic approach to acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL). afcr.org.hk |
吸烟损害身体的几乎每一个器官,并导致各种癌症,包括肺癌,喉癌,肾癌,膀胱癌,胰腺癌,胃癌,子宫颈癌和急性粒细胞白血病。 afcr.org.hk | Smoking harms nearly every organ of the body and causes a [...] variety of cancers including lung, throat, kidney, bladder, pancreatic, stomach, [...] cervical cancer and acute myeloid leukemia. afcr.org.hk |
全反式维甲酸及三氧化砷亦用於治疗急性早幼粒细胞白血病。 hksh.com | All-trans retinoic acid and arsenic trioxide are used to treat acutepromyelocytic leukaemia. hksh.com |
尿液中白细胞介素-18 (IL-18)的水平高以及白蛋白/肌酐比值(ACR)高使患者遭遇持续性AKI的风险增加了两倍,而嗜中 性粒细胞明胶酶相关脂质运载蛋白(NGAL)的血液水平高使他们的风险增加了六倍有余。 china.labmedica.com | High urinary interleukin-18 (IL-18) and the albumin-to-creatinine ratio (ACR) increased patients' risk of experiencing persistent AKI by approximately three-fold, while high blood levels of a protein called neutrophilgelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) increased their risk by more than seven-fold. labmedica.com |
嗜碱性细胞含有发达的粗面内质网以及许多含铁的折光小体,具有分泌和贮存金属离子的功能。 actazool.org | The basophilic cells arecharacterized [...] by the possession of a well-developed rough endoplasmic reticulum and many refractile [...]spherules which give a intense reaction to test for iron. actazool.org |
在肾的发育过程中,尚可观察到嗜酸性的细胞和类似头肾组织的细胞团。 actazool.org | Acidophilic cells andhead kidney like tissue [...] were found during the development of the embryonic kidney. actazool.org |
控制剂:类固醇激素(Corticosteroids)片剂与喷剂、色甘酸二纳(Cromolyn sodium)及奈多罗米(nedocromil)喷剂、功效持久的贝他乙型催动剂,如使肺泰(Seretide)喷剂、甲基黄醥呤如口服氨茶硷( oral theophylline)、白细胞三浠 拮抗剂调节剂如欣流(Singulair)及免疫疗法,如Omalizumab。 hsbc.com.hk | Controllers: Corticosteroids tablets & puffers, Cromolyn sodium and nedocromil puffers, Long-acting beta-2 agonists (e.g. Seretide puffer), Methylxanthines (oral theophylline), Leukotriene modifiers (e.g. Singulair), Immunotherapy (e.g. Omalizumab). hsbc.com.hk |
嗜酸性细胞内有电子密度低的膜包分泌颗粒;接 近表面的细胞内颗粒部分融合;表层细胞核消失,胞质充满融合的颗粒,游离面侧的胞膜呈角质样增厚。 actazool.org | The superficial cell were flat which cytoplasm were filled with fused venom granulesand degenerating mitochondria. actazool.org |
根据托鲁尔的接班人,硷性磷酸酶arslan和马利克沙阿,帝国的seljuks进一步扩展到叙利亚,巴勒斯坦和安纳托利亚。 mb-soft.com | Under Togrul's successors, Alp Arslan and Malik Shah, the empire of the Seljuks was further extended into Syria, Palestine, and Anatolia. mb-soft.com |
近年来还采取了 B(乙)型流感嗜血杆菌疫苗和非细胞百日咳疫苗(非细胞疫苗)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The HIB (haemofilus influenza) [...] vaccine and acellular whooping cough vaccine (instead of a cellular vaccine) have been taken into usein the [...]recent years. daccess-ods.un.org |
硷性磷酸 酶arslan战胜byzantines在战斗中的曼济科特( 1071 )震惊基督教世界,并seljuk好斗,是一个重要原因,发射第一个十字军东征( 1095 ) 。 mb-soft.com | Alp Arslan's victory over the Byzantines at the Battle of Manzikert (1071) alarmed the Christian world, and Seljuk aggressiveness was a major reason for launching the First Crusade (1095). mb-soft.com |
每天拆开放酒阀门清洁﹕浸入硷性洗洁液、洗刷後用清水冲净。 bccdc.ca | Soakin an alkaline detergent solution, [...] then brush and rinse in clean water. bccdc.ca |
细胞形成包囊期间,胞质内发生自噬作用,并产生由许多膜管聚集在一起组成的高尔基体,在高尔基体内其分泌物质聚集成高电子密度的嗜锇晶体。 actazool.org | The tubular complex, in which many membranous tubules converged closely together, occurred in the cytoplasm, and the osmiophilic crystals showing high electron density, appeared within the complex. actazool.org |
硫酸亚铁中的铁、七水合物:245毫克/公斤、氧化锌中的锌:204毫克/公斤、氧化锰中的锰:27毫克/公斤、硫酸锰中的锰、一水合物:20毫克/公斤、硫酸铜中的铜、五水合物:15毫克/公斤、碘化钾中的碘:3毫克/公斤、 硷性碳酸钴中的钴、一水合物:0.5毫克/公斤。 eukanuba.com | Iron as Ferrous Sulphate, heptahydrate: 245mg/kg, Zinc as Zinc Oxide: 204mg/kg, Manganese as Manganous Oxide: 27mg/kg, Manganese as Manganous Sulphate, monohydrate: 20mg/kg, Copper as Cupric [...] Sulphate, pentahydrate: 15mg/kg, Iodine as Potassium Iodide: [...] 3mg/kg,Cobalt as BasicCobaltous Carbonate, monohydrate: [...]0.5mg/kg. eukanuba.com |
而且现在,JIS-T 2004是被制定作为硷性离子整水器的管理医疗机器的适合性认证基准,使用目的•功能效果是在厚生劳动省告示112号,「为了改善肠胃症状的饮用 硷性电解水的生成」被通知。 3aaa.gr.jp | Further, currently JIS-T 2004 defines the [...] applicability verification [...] standards for alkaline ionizedwater apparatus as control medical devices, and the purpose of use and beneficial effects were reported in the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Notification No. 112 as "generation of alkaline electrolytic drinking [...]waterfor improving gastrointestinal symptoms". 3aaa.gr.jp |
Alex Matter是癌症靶向疗法之父,”中国卫生部部长、第七届圣• [...] 乔奇癌症研究创新成就奖获奖者、第八届圣• [...] 乔奇癌症研究创新成就奖遴选委员会主席陈竺博士称:“Matter博士在推动生物制药公司、科研院校和医院之间的协同与合作方面表现出的强大的领导能力,不仅改变了我们治疗慢性粒细胞白血病的方法,也改变了我们开发新型抗癌药物的基本理念。 afcr.org.hk | Alex Matter is the fatherof targeted cancer [...] therapies,” said Chinese Minister of Health, Zhu Chen, M.D., Ph. afcr.org.hk |