单词 | 嗜睡症 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 嗜睡症—hypersomniaexcessive sleepiness (medical)See also:嗜睡n—sleepinessn drowsinessn lethargyn hypersomnian 嗜—addicted to fond of stem corresponding -phil or -phile 睡v—sleepv 睡—lie down
研究人员在罹患一种叫做嗜睡症或极其困倦的罕见疾病的人的脑内发现了一种物质,这种物质可帮助解释为什么这些人无法保持清醒和警觉。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Researchers have discovered a substance in the [...] brains of people with a rare [...] condition calledhypersomnia orextreme sleepinessthat may help [...]explain why these individuals can’t stay awake and alert. chinese.eurekalert.org |
生物素缺乏的婴儿可能会出现脱发、皮疹、肌肉张力低、嗜睡等症状。 cfs.gov.hk | Biotin-deficient [...] infantsmay show symptomslike hairloss, skin rash, hypotonia and lethargy, etc. cfs.gov.hk |
成年人使用减充血剂可引起嗜睡、头晕,或者与之相反的兴奋等症状。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | In adults, decongestants can cause drowsiness, dizziness, or, paradoxically, [...] hyper stimulation. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
如果不及时治疗,OSA会导致患者白天过度嗜睡,这样就会增加车祸、高血压、中风、糖尿病和某些形式的心力衰竭的风险。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | If left untreated, OSA can result in [...] excessive daytime sleepiness, increased risk [...]of car accidents, high blood pressure, [...]stroke, diabetes, and some forms of heart failure. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
失眠或嗜睡 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Insomnia or hypersomnia beijing.ufh.com.cn |
白天过度嗜睡与因为晚间睡眠质量差而感到昏昏欲睡不同。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Excessive daytime sleepiness is different from feeling lethargic due to poor nightly sleep. chinese.eurekalert.org |
主要的副作用,尤其是可待因,就是会让病人嗜睡,便秘,恶心,而且长期用可能会有成瘾性。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | The main side effects, especially for [...] codeine, are drowsiness, constipation [...]and nausea. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
此外,病人还有一 些其它发作性症状,如间歇性共济失调、神志模糊、昏睡或嗜睡、偏瘫、运动或姿势异常、全身瘫 痪、睡眠障碍和复发性头痛等。 giblinlab.org | Paroxysmal events include intermittent ataxia, confusion,lethargy orsomnolence, alternating hemiparesis, abnormalities of movement or posture, total body paralysis, sleepdisturbances and recurrent headaches. giblinlab.org |
APOKYN 相关临床研究中的最常见副作用包括:打哈欠;突然不自主的 动作;恶心及/或呕吐;嗜睡;眩晕;鼻漏;幻视及幻听;手、臂、腿 和脚肿胀;出汗增加;潮红;及面色异常苍白。 apokyn.com | The most common side effects seen in clinical studies with APOKYN were: yawning; [...] sudden uncontrolled movements; nausea [...] and/or vomiting; sleepiness; dizziness; runny [...]nose; seeing and hearing things that [...]are not real; swelling of hands, arms, legs, and feet; increased sweating; flushing; and unusually pale complexion. apokyn.com |
有些婴儿尽 [...] 管也是健康的,相反会比较倾向于长时间的嗜睡;但让他们醒来并刺激他 们吮吸,特别是在分娩后的初期几天即在母乳开始分泌时。 stranieriincampania.it | Some babies [...] however,tend tosleep too long, even though [...]healthy; they need to be woken and stimulated to suck, especially [...]during the first days after birth, the early stages of breastfeeding. stranieriincampania.it |
典型偏头痛在成年人以及13到19岁的青少年中更为普遍,通常睡觉后症状可得到缓解,幼儿更容易患上“非典型”或常见的偏头痛。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Classic migraines are more common in teenagers and adults and are [...] usually relievedbysleep,while younger children [...]more frequently have “atypical” or common migraines. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
全面的诊治非常重要,这样,经常与 TS [...] 病例同时出现的「过度活跃症」、「强迫症」、「睡眠失调」、 「焦虑症」或「抑郁症」等等,也可得到诊断治疗。 knowledge.offordcentre.com | Comprehensive diagnosis and treatment [...] is important, so that any other [...] conditions like ADHD, OCD, sleep disorders, anxiety [...]or depression that are often seen in people [...]with TS can be identified and treated, too. knowledge.offordcentre.com |
常见的副作用包括眩晕、嗜睡、头痛、口乾、短暂失忆等。 hsbc.com.hk | Their side effects [...] include dizziness, drowsiness, headache, dry [...]mouth, temporary loss of memory, etc. hsbc.com.hk |
有需要的儿童可於睡眠测试室进行多频道睡眠测试,以确诊是否患上阻塞性睡眠窒息症。 hksh.com | Children can take up multi-channels overnight sleep study in our Sleep Laboratory to confirm the diagnosis of [...] ObstructiveSleep ApneaSyndrome. hksh.com |
本中心汇集各专科的医护人员,为阻塞性睡眠窒息症的病者提供一站式诊断及治疗服务,并透过教育活动提高公众对阻塞性睡眠窒息症的认识。 hksh.com | The Comprehensive SleepApnea Centre provides one-stop service in diagnosis and management of patients with OSASthrough a multi-disciplinary approach. hksh.com |
近年来还采取了 B(乙)型流感嗜血杆菌疫苗和非细胞百日咳疫苗(非细胞疫 苗)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The HIB (haemofilus influenza) [...] vaccine and acellular whooping cough vaccine (instead of a cellular vaccine) [...] have been taken into usein the recent years. daccess-ods.un.org |
不会引起嗜睡。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Does not cause drowsiness. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
求神让我们有能力抵抗仇敌魔鬼的引诱及有恩典/力量去断绝那些令我们 沉溺的嗜好。 ccineurope.org | Pray for power to resist the enemy and grace/strength to break off addictions. ccineurope.org |
尚健医疗之家致力为香港市民提供家居健康护理服务,包括睡眠窒息症管理、氧气疗养、无创通气、母乳喂哺、糖尿监测、血压监测、痛症管理产品及服务。 celki.com | Celki Home Health Care Centre or Celki Medical Experience Centre commits [...] itself to provide premium home healthcare [...] services including sleep apnea,oxygen therapy [...]and ventilation, breastfeeding, diabetes, [...]hypertension, pain management. celki.com |
阻塞性睡眠窒息症指病者在睡眠期间短暂性停止呼吸,成因是喉部组织(舌头、扁桃腺、悬雍垂或脂肪组织)阻碍空气进出肺部,或喉部肌肉放松阻碍空气流入肺部。 hksh.com | Obstructive SleepApnea (OSA) is a temporary cessation of breathing during sleep when structures in the throat block the flow of air in and out of the lungs. hksh.com |
尚健医疗之家致力为香港市民提供家居健康护理服务,包括睡眠窒息症管理、氧气疗养、无创通气、母乳喂哺、糖尿监测、血压监测、痛症管理产品及服务。 celki.com | Celki Home Health Care Centre or Celki Medical Experience Centre commits [...] itself to provide premium home healthcare [...] services including sleep apnea,oxygen therapy [...]and ventilation, breastfeeding, diabetes, [...]hypertension, pain management. celki.com |
委员会强烈建议缔约国为国际公认防止注射嗜毒者之间传染的措 施,特别是利用美沙酮和盐酸丁丙诺非替代类罂粟碱疗法,以及针头和针筒交换 方案,提供明确的法律理由及其它支持。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee strongly recommends the State party to provide clear legal grounds and other supportfor the internationally recognized measures for HIV prevention among injecting drug users, in particular the opioid substitution therapy with use of methadone and buprenorphine, as well as needle and syringe, and overdose prevention programmes. daccess-ods.un.org |
结果表明:在外周血细胞中可区分出红细胞、单核细胞、大淋巴细胞、小淋巴细胞、嗜中性粒细胞和血栓细胞;嗜中性粒细胞内的特殊颗粒包括A、B、C三型;嗜中性粒细胞分为Ⅰ型粒细胞(内含A、B、C三种特殊颗粒)、Ⅱ型粒细胞(内含A型和C型两种特殊颗粒)和Ⅲ型粒细胞(内含C型特殊颗粒)。 actazool.org | The ultrastructural study revealedthatthe neutrophils include three types of cells according to their special granules(A,B and [...] C special granules):type Ⅰ(included A,B [...]and C special granules)、type Ⅱ(included A and C special granules)and type Ⅲ(included C special granules). actazool.org |