

单词 嗜欲

See also:

wish for

External sources (not reviewed)

Increased appetite and craving for sweets
近年来还采取了 B(乙)型流嗜血杆 菌疫苗和非细胞百日咳疫苗(非细胞疫 苗)。
The HIB (haemofilus influenza)
vaccine and acellular whooping cough vaccine (instead of a cellular vaccine)
[...] have been taken into use in the recent years.
如果不及时治疗,OSA会导致患者白天过 嗜 睡 , 这样就会增加车祸、高血压、中风、糖尿病和某些形式的心力衰竭的风险。
If left untreated, OSA can result in excessive daytime sleepiness, increased risk of car accidents, high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, and some forms of heart failure.
求神让我们有能力抵抗仇敌魔鬼的引诱及有恩典/力量去断绝那些令我们 沉溺嗜好。
Pray for power to resist the enemy and grace/strength to break off addictions.
代 理主席,我很同 意 關 注兒童疫 苗 人士的建議,盡快將 現 時衞生署為初 生 嬰 兒 提 供 的 所 謂四合 一( 即白喉、破 傷 風、百日咳 及 小 兒 麻 痺 )混 合 疫 苗 , 提 升為包括乙型 流嗜 血 桿菌的 五 合 一 混 合 疫 苗 , 甚至是 包括乙型 肝炎的 六 合 一 混 合 針 。
Deputy President, I very much agree with those showing concern for childhood vaccination on their proposal of expeditiously upgrading the so-called four-in-one combined vaccine (that is, diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough and polio) currently provided by the Department of Health for new born babies to a five-in-one combined vaccine that includes haemophilus influenza B vaccine, or even a six-in-one combined vaccine that includes hepatitis B vaccine.
該 條例第6(2)條訂明,某人如沒有在第3(1)條提述的限期內繳付該條 所指的通知書內指明的表列罪行的定額罰款,或拒絕接受該通知 書,指明的主管當局須向該人送達一份採用訂明格式的通知書, (a)要求他繳付有關表列罪行的定額罰款;(b)告知該人如他 欲就 該 罪行的法律責任提出抗辯,則須以書面通知主管當局;以及(c) 述明該項繳款或通知,均須在自如此送達的通知書日期起計的10 天內作出。
Section 6(2) of the Ordinance provides that where a person fails to pay the fixed penalty for the scheduled offence specified in the notice given under section 3(1) within the time specified or refuses to accept the notice, the specified Authority shall serve on the person a notice in the prescribed form (a) demanding payment of the fixed penalty for the scheduled offence; (b) informing the person that if he wishes to dispute liability for the offence he should notify the Authority in writing; and (c) stating that the payment or notification shall be made within 10 days from the date of the notice so served.
研究人员在罹患一种叫嗜睡症 或极其困倦的罕见疾病的人的脑内发现了一种物质,这种物质可帮助解释为什么这些人无法保持清醒和警觉。
Researchers have discovered a substance in the brains of people with a rare condition called hypersomnia or extreme sleepiness that may help explain why these individuals can’t stay awake and alert.
细胞形成包囊期间,胞质内发生自噬作用,并产生由许多膜管聚集在一起组成的高尔基体,在高尔基体内其分泌物质聚集成高电子密度 嗜 锇 晶 体。
The tubular complex, in which many membranous tubules
converged closely together, occurred in the
[...] cytoplasm, and the osmiophilic crystals [...]
showing high electron density, appeared within the complex.
座谈会分析了这两个区域的国家形成过 程、民主起源和社会活动以及海地革命,并且提供了一个就推动这些进程的力量交换看法、 畅欲言的机会。
Analysing, as they did, the dynamics of the construction of nation states, the sources of democracies and social movements in the two regions, as well as the revolution in Haiti, they provided a welcome opportunity for sharing the views on the forces that favoured these processes.
由於鄭海泉議員希望兩局有更佳的聯繫,而我亦敬重他為㆒個 表現出色,但有點古怪的銀行家(眾笑) ― 他的才幹毋庸置疑,本身亦具有成為 部長的潛質 ― 我會支持有關建議,即行政局及立法局所有議員每月㆒起舉行閉門 會議,在自然的情況㆘,大家暢欲 言 , 事後亦不會有投訴、誤解、歪曲事實或洩漏 消息的事情。
Since Mr Vincent CHENG wants a better connection and since I respect him as a brilliant and eccentric banker (Laughter), a man of undoubted talent and a potential minister himself, I can support the proposal to have a monthly closed-door meeting between all of the Executive Council and all of the Legislative Council, no holds barred and no subsequent complaints or misunderstandings or misrepresentations or leaking, which is a natural phenomenon.
委员会强烈建议缔约国为国际公认防止注 嗜 毒 者 之间传染的措 施,特别是利用美沙酮和盐酸丁丙诺非替代类罂粟碱疗法,以及针头和针筒交换 方案,提供明确的法律理由及其它支持。
The Committee strongly recommends the State party to provide clear legal grounds and other support for the internationally recognized measures for HIV prevention among injecting drug users, in particular the opioid substitution therapy with use of methadone and buprenorphine, as well as needle and syringe, and overdose prevention programmes.
APOKYN 相關臨床研究中的最常見副作用包括:打哈欠;突然不自主的 動作;噁心及/或嘔吐嗜睡;眩暈;鼻漏;幻視及幻聽;手、臂、腿 [...]
The most common side effects seen in clinical studies with APOKYN were: yawning;
sudden uncontrolled movements; nausea
[...] and/or vomiting; sleepiness; dizziness; [...]
runny nose; seeing and hearing things that
are not real; swelling of hands, arms, legs, and feet; increased sweating; flushing; and unusually pale complexion.
结果表明:在外周血细胞中可区分出红细胞、单核细胞、大淋巴细胞、小淋巴细胞 嗜 中 性 粒细胞和血栓细胞 嗜 中 性 粒细胞内的特殊颗粒包括A、B、C三型 嗜 中 性粒细胞分为Ⅰ型粒细胞(内含A、B、C三种特殊颗粒)、Ⅱ型粒细胞(内含A型和C型两种特殊颗粒)和Ⅲ型粒细胞(内含C型特殊颗粒)。
The ultrastructural study revealed that the neutrophils include three types of cells according to their special granules(A,B and [...]
C special granules):type Ⅰ(included A,B
and C special granules)、type Ⅱ(included A and C special granules)and type Ⅲ(included C special granules).
我们必须承认,只要有吸毒者愿意支付数 百亿美元满足他们的毒瘾嗜好,市场依然为犯罪活 动提供主要资助。
We must recognize that so long as there are drug consumers prepared to pay tens of billions of dollars to maintain their addictions or preferences, that market will remain the primary financial support for criminal activity.
儿童基金会协助维持免疫覆盖面,向 120 000 名儿童提供白喉、百日咳、破 伤风三联疫苗和 B(乙)型流嗜血杆菌疫苗(覆盖率达 97%),为 51 000 多名孕妇 提供两剂破伤风类毒素疫苗。
UNICEF contributed towards sustaining immunization coverage, targeting 120,000 infants with diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus (DPT3-Hib) vaccines (97 per cent coverage), and reaching over 51,000 pregnant women with two doses of tetanus toxoid.




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