单词 | 嗓子眼 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 嗓子眼noun—throatnSee also:嗓子n—voicen throatn 嗓n—voicen throatn 眼n—eyen 眼—small hole crux (of a matter)
他是Rat Pack的关键成员,也是着名的金嗓子。 oris.ch | A key member of the Rat Pack, [...] he was known as The Voice. oris.ch |
施工必须根据设计进行,设计要确保建筑物的力学强度,确保建筑物的防 火安全、环境安全、卫生安全、防嗓安全及能源效率。 daccess-ods.un.org | Construction must be carried out in accordance with a design which ensures the mechanical strength of the building, its fire safety, environmental, health and noise safety, and energy efficiency. daccess-ods.un.org |
在韩非子的眼中,理想的国家应该是斯巴达式王国,在这样的国家里面只有三种人是必要的:农夫、士兵和官吏。 chinesestoryonline.com | Inthe eyes of Han Fei Zi, an ideal state should [...] be a sparta-styled kingdom in which only three kinds of persons were necessary, [...]farmers, soldiers and officials. chinesestoryonline.com |
部分氰基丙烯酸酯粘合剂 常用的情况下会产生刺激性蒸气(刺激鼻子和眼睛)。 quadrantplastics.com | Several cyanoacrylates have irritant [...] vapours (nose andeyes)which must be extractedunder [...]constant use. quadrantplastics.com |
今个夏天,两位享誉国际的夏威夷音乐人,透过她 / 他们的金嗓子,带你去到波利尼西亚群岛,沉醉於ukulele小结他奏出的醉人海岛风情,享受hula dancers跳出草裙舞的婀娜美态,俨如置身人间天堂。 hkiac.gov.hk | Accompanied by the enchanting sounds of the ukulele and mesmerising hula dancers, the top performers conjure up a delightful picture of a laidback island lifestyle. hkiac.gov.hk |
Momoko甜美的声线底下有一道不能穿越的哀伤,犹如每个女爵士乐歌手的嗓子一样,渲染着一种不属於她的青春的悲凉。 think-silly.com | Momoko’ssweet voice lays an undertone [...] of unyielding, exquisite sorrow far beyond her physical age. think-silly.com |
如同Baker的深沉嗓音,限量表款以不锈钢表壳完美包覆,搭载内侧抗折射的球形切割蓝宝石水晶玻璃表镜。 oris.ch | Much like the pure vocals of Baker, the watch features a perfectly formed stainless steel case, with double curved sapphire crystal and a non reflective coating on the inside. oris.ch |
一揽子刺激计划和拯救政策已经帮 助将世界经济从悬崖边拉回,但现在需要不仅着眼于一揽子刺激计划和拯救政 策,而是以对社会负责的方式对国内和国际金融组织进行民主改革。 daccess-ods.un.org | There is now a need to look beyond the fiscal stimulus packages and the bailout policies that have helped to pull the world economy back from the brink and instead to engage in socially responsible and democratic reforms of domestic and international financial organizations. daccess-ods.un.org |
该公司的实时电子眼方案由硬件和软件组成,它模仿了人类从眼球(图像捕捉)到大脑(图像分析和阐释)的视觉系统。 analog.com | The company's real-time "electronic eye"solution is made [...] up of hardware and software that mimics the human vision system [...]from eyeball (image capture) to brain (image analysis and interpretation). analog.com |
她在1997年写道:“我总试图以孩子的眼睛观察世界,感受他们是快乐还是悲伤,他们需要什么。 unicef.org | I always try to see [...] things with children's eyes," shewrote in [...]1997, "Are they happy? unicef.org |
许多呼吸道感染、胃肠道疾病和皮肤感染都可能通过受病原体污染的手接触眼睛、嘴巴和鼻子传播。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Many respiratory infections, gastrointestinal [...] illnesses and skin infections are acquired when hands that are [...] contaminated by pathogens touch your nose, mouth andeyes. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
春天是花粉飞舞的季节,花粉附着于眼睛以及鼻子的粘膜导致身体不适的一种症状。 ficec.jp | In spring, pollen flutters about in the air [...] and stick to mucous membrane ofeyes and nose. ficec.jp |
此外, 根据豁免项目第6项,如果包装在并无载有其他配料的容器内和并无添加其他配料,下 列食品会视作蔬菜:靈芝(原个或切片)、甘草、淮山、百合、菊花、金银花、玫瑰花, 而下列食品会视作水果:陈皮、海底椰、羅汉果、南枣、红枣、杞子、圆肉/龍眼肉、无花果。 cfs.gov.hk | Besides, Exemption item No. 6 regarded these foods as vegetable, if they were packed in a container which contained no other ingredient and to which no other ingredient had been added: Lingzhi (in whole or slice), Licorice (root), Chinese yam, Lily bulb, Chrysanthemum, Honey suckle, Rose flower. cfs.gov.hk |
在景小佩老师连哄带逗的调教之下,从喊嗓、走步,随後跟唱、比划,最後甚至画脸、上场,真是有模有样,不知不觉中就走进了传统戏曲的殿堂。 hwahsia.org.nz | Ms. Jing Pei, teacher of Peking [...] Opera, even got the children to join in learning [...] the shouting voice, walk, singing, [...]gestures and face painting of the opera. hwahsia.org.nz |
这些病人通常不发烧,其它原来有的感冒症状也都好了,只剩下咳嗽,通常是干咳;晚上刚躺下来的时候或早上起床的时候特别明显,白天则是一阵一阵的,常觉得嗓子痒痒的或胸口有东西需要咳出来的感觉,有时候咳起来很辛苦,持续个几分钟,严重时甚至可以导致病人有头疼,流汗,头晕,尿失禁,甚至肋骨骨折的现象。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | These people usually have no fever and experience improvement with their other cold symptoms, but the cough remains. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
她的嗓音雄厚低沉、磁性有力,罕有女性具有如此吸引人的嗓音。 yp.mo | Aurea’s unique, powerful and charming voice has success written all over it. yp.mo |
前天从网上看到夏天吃苦瓜是最好的,因为苦瓜可以清热解毒,本人嘛,最好咽喉发炎,嗓子疼痛,面对大把大把的药片是敬而远之,怎么办呢? bbs.snige.com | Whats going on,I didnt know where to post this so i though newbie chat would be the best place,Can any admins please help me out as i cant even look at the help files without it telling me i need permission,My REAL username is TaKKtIX,Can any admins please fix this,Thanks bbs.snige.com |
尤其是他的独唱表演,与实验loop一起呈现的艺术大师嗓音,增强了他的与众不同、以及激情和欢乐非凡的表现。 yugongyishan.com | Particularly in solo performance, he augments his distinctive, virtuoso voice with experimental loops and other effects to achieve extraordinary expressions of passion, joy, and alienation. yugongyishan.com |
他的音乐带有很多美式民谣的气息,嗓音也非常地西化,有别于国内几乎所有其他的民谣歌手。 spla-t.com | His music breathes with a flavor of American folk music and his voice carries a tinge of classic western folk singers, quite different from any other modern Chinese folk singer. spla-t.com |
如果你想让你的孩子们开怀大笑,那么就定制一款属于他们的黄色小人吧,你可以选择属于你孩子的眼睛,体型,特定道具(眼镜)等定制。 crea-minions.cn.uptodown.com | If you want to satisfy tour children, let them use this Minion Creator that will let them choose eyes, shape, style and items to customize their very own Minion. crea-minions.en.uptodown.com |
委员会对国家警察对其认为极度危险及暴力的被捕者采取用黑眼罩蒙住其双眼再用袋子套住其头部的做法表示关切,这一做法持续到2007 年。 daccess-ods.un.org | (23) The Committee is concerned with the practice by the National Police of covering the eyes of apprehended persons considered extremely [...] dangerous and violent with [...] black goggles and, until 2007, of covering the heads of such apprehended persons with a bag, and that such practices [...]are justified on [...]grounds of protecting the identity of the suspect and protecting the law enforcement officers. daccess-ods.un.org |
宪兵”以日本1931年开始对满洲里的占领为背景,通过18岁的小泉井上,一个纯真热情的日本农民的儿子的眼睛和良知,揭露了日本宪兵队的帝国征服的令人极度不安的黑暗面,随着善良人性被一层层地剥离,小泉井上作为一名新征入伍的宪兵被迫接受了暴行。 tipschina.gov.cn | Based on Japan's occupation of Manchuria beginning in 1931, The Kempei unveils the deeply disturbing, dark side of imperial subjugation at the hands of [...] Japan's elite military police, The Kempei Tai, [...] and through the eyes andnarrative conscience [...]of eighteen-year-old Junichiro Inouye, [...]the unintended, impassioned son of a Japanese rice farmer, forced as a Kempei recruit to rationalize sanctioned acts of brutality as the tenuous layers of human decency are systematically stripped away. tipschina.gov.cn |
儿童受视网膜疾病的影响较少,但是为孩子进行的全面眼科检查通常使用一种不同类型的眼药水,它会引起暂时性的睫状肌麻痹。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Children are less commonly affected [...] by retinal diseases, [...] but a full eye examination for a child usually includes a different type of eye dropthat [...]causes temporary cycloplegia. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
激情和对比度是界定Sofia Jannok音乐的两个关键词:温暖和风度存在于她清晰、有力的嗓音之中;对比度则来自于她的萨米人背景和她音乐中的创造力和世界主义音乐。 yugongyishan.com | Passion and contrast are two defining keywords for Sofia Jannok’s music: the warmth and presence in her clear, powerful voice; and the contrastbetween her Sami background and the creativity and cosmopolitanism of her music. yugongyishan.com |
目前,小型风电热 叶片的成型制备主要是采用注塑(Injection)工艺技术,具有成本低、环保、可循环使用, 适合于小尺寸的热塑性复 [...] [...] 合材料构件结构与加工成型一体化设计优点,北京纳盛通新材料科技有限公司用长玻纤增强聚丙烯复合材料 (LFT-PP)注塑成型制备小型风电叶片,可生产0.46-2.35m的热塑性复合材料小型风电叶片,具有更好的综合力 学性能和成型加工性能,特别是密度低、高刚性、耐低温抗冲击性能好、耐蠕变性好,嗓声低,产品综合成本降 低30-40%。 cn.industrysourcing.com | It will bring more contribution to the development ofwind-light complementary generating system integration technology small wind turbine industry of China. us.industrysourcing.com |
长的嗓音一直到最后都是非常有力的,但在加沙市, 他努力放声讲话,以便室内后面至少 150 名员工能够 听见,然后又举行了一次新闻发布会,那个地方有仍 在燃烧的东西冒出非常难闻的烟。 daccess-ods.un.org | I should just say first that the Secretary-General’s voice was very strong up until the end, but in Gaza City, he was trying to project to at least 500 employees at the back of the room and then gave a press conference where the smoke from things that were still smouldering was pretty bad. daccess-ods.un.org |
父亲从来是不怒自威,现在狠狠地看了儿子一眼,冷冷地教训他:如果他不懂限价为两镑的指令和限价为六镑的指令有甚麽不同,他是最应该改行的;而他姑且还是快点学习怎麽遵循本美术馆的老板的指示。 e-yaji.com | It was pointed out that if he could not tell the difference between an instruction to buy something up to two pounds and one to buy it up to six pounds, he was in the wrong business, and, that since that business belonged to his father, he had better quickly learn to follow instructions. e-yaji.com |