单词 | 嗅探 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 嗅探 noun —sniffer nSee also:嗅—smell • sniff 嗅 n—nose n 探 v—explore v • visit v • scout v 探—search out • stretch forward 探 n—probe n
超级嗅探狗3. 1正式版发布,增加了对各类文件传输的监控功能,新增了对多达68个协议的支持。 imfirewall.com | WFilter 3.1 is released. The [...] new version add support of several type of file transfers, support up to 68 common protocols. imfirewall.us |
尽管只发现少量药物,嗅探犬能 发挥重要的威慑作用,使工作人员和囚犯较不会 [...] 将毒品带入监狱和/或使用毒品。 daccess-ods.un.org | Even though only small amounts of [...] substances were found, the dogs act [...]as an important deterrent, making staff and prisoners [...]more reluctant to bring in and/or use drugs. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,我们 建立了一支由嗅探犬组 成的警犬队,以便查缉毒品、 爆炸物以及供海盗和海上武装抢劫使用的所有其他 形式违禁物品。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, we have established a canine brigade of sniffer dogs to detect drugs, explosives and all other forms of contraband subject to piracy and armed robbery at sea. daccess-ods.un.org |
您可以使用超级嗅探狗来 禁止常见的文件传输协议、禁止通过聊天软件传输文件,或者对web下载的文件类型进行限制。 imfirewall.com | WFilter supports blocking of FTP, [...] blocking of messenger file transfers, and filtering of web downloading file types and content types. imfirewall.us |
Bergman说道:“我们的狗经过训练后,既是探雷犬,又是矿 石 嗅探 犬 ,因此我们能在他人无法做到的地方安全地工作。 solidgroundmagazine.com | Our dogs are being trained as both landmine dogs and ore dogs so we may work safely in areas [...] where no one else can,” says Bergman. solidgroundmagazine.com |
超级嗅探狗3. 2 Beta测试版本正式发布,新版本添加了网页分类库,改进了封堵管理功能,并且重新设计了界面,使用户更加容易上手操作。 imfirewall.com | WFilter 3.2 beta2 is released. imfirewall.us |
超级嗅探狗3.3.234版本发布,此次更新添加了对MSN 2011聊天内容和文件传输内容的监控支持。 imfirewall.com | WFilter is upgraded to version 3.3.192. Monitoring of messages and file transfer of MSN 2011 are supported. imfirewall.us |
超级嗅探狗可以管理Internet的使用,比如限制某些网站的访问、限制聊天、限制邮件、限制下载等。 imfirewall.com | WFilter can manage the usage [...] of the Internet, filter certain websites, emails, messengers and file transfers. imfirewall.us |
WFilter(超级嗅探狗) 可以在局域网内禁止P2P下载、屏蔽迅雷下载、限制下载文件的类型和大小,从而保障企业的带宽资源。 imfirewall.com | With zero client installation, WFilter can help administrators to detect and block p2p traffic to protect your network and save bandwidth. imfirewall.us |
在“根据MAC监控”模式下,超级嗅探 狗 根 据网卡的MAC地址来识别一台电脑;在“根据IP监控”模式下,超 级 嗅探 狗 通过电脑的IP地址来进行识别。 imfirewall.com | In "by ip address" monitoring mode, WFilter identifies a computer based on its ip address, while it identifies a computer based on its MAC address in "by mac address" monitoring mode. imfirewall.us |
详细的更新信息,请参见:超级嗅探 狗 产 品更新历史。 imfirewall.com | Check more details of this update at: WFilter Announcements. imfirewall.us |
超级嗅探狗3.1数据库版本正式发布,添加了对sqlserver数据库和mysql数据库的支持。 imfirewall.com | WFilter 3.1 database version is released. imfirewall.us |
WFilter(超级嗅探狗) 试用版默认只能监控25台电脑,如果您需要测试更多电脑的监控,请如实填写下表(*为必填项)。 imfirewall.com | The default WFilter trial version can only monitor 25 computers, if you want to evaluate monitoring of more computers or extend trial days, please fill in the below form. imfirewall.us |
超级嗅探狗3. 0发布,采用新的界面,新版大力改进了封堵功能和管理功能,实现了MSN文件传输监控,关键词告警,统计报表系统,流量控制,操作员管理等新功能。 imfirewall.com | The new version improved a lot on block policy and management features. Some new features are added: key words alert, MSN file transfer, manage operators, Statistic Report System. imfirewall.us |
通过WFilter(超级嗅探狗) 的实时连接监控、带宽监控,可以对当前网络状况一目了然,立即诊断网络问题。 imfirewall.com | Real-time network connections monitoring and alert can help you to diagnose internet connection/speed problems at the first sight. imfirewall.us |
如图所示,只需要把路由器接在做为镜像源端口的端口e1上,把超 级 嗅探 狗 接 在做为目的端口的端口g1上即可实现监控。 imfirewall.com | As in the diagram above, port "e1" is connected to the internet router and port "g1" is connected to the WFilter computer. imfirewall.us |
超级嗅探狗所 需硬盘容量和监控的电脑台数、监控日志保留天数成正比,每台电脑每天大约占用2M硬盘空间。 imfirewall.com | Required harddisk space is related to monitored computers number and log keeping days, each monitored computer will cost about 2M space per day. imfirewall.us |
如果您需要借助 API,请始终使用功能检测,而非嗅探 浏 览器的用户代理。 html5rocks.com | If you need to rely on an API, always use feature detection rather than sniffing the browser's User-Agent. html5rocks.com |
超级嗅探狗4.0 beta1版本发布,此次更新重新设计了界面,并增加了监控仪表盘(dashboard)、多服务器管理、自定义账号监控、支持多网卡监控、磁盘空间告警等功能。 imfirewall.com | This is a major version update. The new version includes a new designed UI, performance improvements and new features: dashboard, servers management from a central location, more alert types, multiple adapters monitoring, pass-through filtering mode and other features. imfirewall.us |
超级嗅探狗不 能实现屏幕监控、禁用USB、记录键盘输入、限制运行单机程序等木马功能。 imfirewall.com | WFilter can not do screen [...] monitoring, USB forbiding, keystroke recording and forbidding running of special programs which [...]do not need a network connection. imfirewall.us |
利用R&R计量器可查找的泄漏低达1 × 10-5 SCC/ s。联系我们的应用工程师有关CTS提供的新的示 踪 嗅探 器 蚌 壳技术。 cincinnati-test.cn | Our clam Shells can find leaks as low as 1 x 10-5 scc/s with superior Gauge R&R. Call one of our Application Engineers about the new TracerMate Sniffer Clam Shell technology offered by CTS. cincinnati-test.com |
其公司Oredog AB是世界上唯一专门培养黄金嗅探犬 的 公司。 solidgroundmagazine.com | His company, Oredog AB, is the only one in the world specializing in gold- finding dogs. solidgroundmagazine.com |
允许友好嗅探和一些追逐,但是如果您的幼犬似乎受到惊吓或其他狗狗态度恶劣,则应把爱犬拉回。 eukanuba.com.cn | Allow cordial sniffing and some play, [...] but back off if your puppy seems intimidated or if the other parties have poor manners. eukanuba.com.au |
转换为 HFC-410A 技术包括大量储存 HFC-410A,转换为无金属的人造橡胶元件; 取代制冷剂配管、液质氮气发生器、输送泵和真空泵、制冷剂充注机、用于泄露探测器的 嗅探器; 取代试验站的工具;新的回收机,用于弯管机的工艺装备;测试和培训。 multilateralfund.org | Conversion to HFC-410A technology includes bulk storage tanks for HFC-410A, converting non-metal elastomeric components; replacing refrigerant piping, nitrogen generator, transfer and vacuum pumps, refrigerant charging machines, sniffers for leak detectors; replacing instruments at testing stations; a new recovery machine, tooling for the tube bending machine; testing and training. multilateralfund.org |
让所有宠物通过护栏相互嗅探数日。 eukanuba.com.cn | Allow the [...] friends to sniff one another [...]through the bars for several days. eukanuba.com.au |
没错:科学家们希望未来通过狗狗对尿样 的 嗅探 来 检 测前列腺癌。 eukanuba.com.cn | That's right: Scientists expect canines will someday be able to detect prostate cancer from smelling a urine sample. eukanuba.es |
因为超级嗅探狗在 默认情况下只监控互联网数据包,而局域网电脑和代理服务器的通讯都属于本地数据,所以还需要把代理服务器的IP地址添加到“本地服务器”配置中。 imfirewall.com | Because WFilter only monitors the internet traffic in default, to get it work, you also need to add the proxy server's ip address into the "Local Servers" settings in "System Settings"->"Monitoring Settings" of WFilter. imfirewall.us |
CTS的TracerMate 产品支持当今生产环境下被使用的全线示踪气体泄漏检测和示踪气体填充系统TracerMate产品线包含: [...] CS填充和充气仪器,标准和定制的气体回收系统,标准气体混合系统,示踪气体漏孔,标准和定制的气动及手动密封连接器,还有正在申请专利中的定制 的 嗅探 c l a im shell技术。 cincinnati-test.cn | The TracerMate products by CTS support the full line of tracer gas leak detection and tracer gas charge systems used in today’s production environment. The TracerMate product line includes: CS charge and fill instruments, standard and custom gas reclaim or recovery systems, standard gas mixer systems, tracer gas leak [...] standards, standard and custom pneumatic and manual seal connectors, and patent [...] pending custom sniffer claim shell technology. cincinnati-test.com |
用组织学方法研究了棕色田鼠(Microtus mandarinus)、沼泽田鼠(M. fostis)副嗅球和 犁鼻器的结构及其在两种鼠间的差异,以 此 探 讨 两种田鼠的进化机制与适应功能。 actazool.org | In order to test the hypothesis suggested by some researchers recently that the relatively size of several portions of vomeronasal system may be related to the social behaviors in different species, we studied the anatomical organization of the vomeronasal complex of the mandarin vole ( Microtus mandarinus ) and reed vole ( M. fostis ) (vomeronasal organ, blood vessels, cartilage and glands) and the structure of the accessory olfactory bulb of two species. actazool.org |
瓦克专门为可消毒食品包装用印刷油墨开发了新型VINNOL® H 5/50 A: 这种表涂树脂无嗅无味, 能够牢固地粘合在众多聚合物基材上, 并且具有很好的颜料相容性。 wacker.com | Specifically for printing inks in sterilizable food packaging, WACKER has developed the new VINNOL® H 5/50 A: The surface coating resin is both taste- and odor-free, adheres strongly to a wide range of polymer substrates and offers high pigment compatibility. wacker.com |