单词 | 嗅 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 嗅—smellless common: sniff 嗅noun—nosenExamples:嗅探n—sniffern 嗅觉adj—olfactoryadj 嗅觉—sense of smell
它清新的鲜花香气引领女性进入一趟嗅觉的惊喜之旅,感受香味所带来的瞬间陶醉和优雅律动。 aster.com.hk | The aroma of fresh flowers which lead women to enter the surprise trip to trip the sense of smell, and feel the moment brought about by aroma and elegant rhythm intoxicated. aster.com.hk |
孩子面对断奶,且不说营养需求,是他经历一段细微和重要的过程,为 了能够获取在嗅觉和味觉方面的经验而掌握能力,并接受小汤勺喂食等。 stranieriincampania.it | Apart from the nutritional needs, weaning represents a delicate and important moment from [...] the acquisition of behaviour and attitudes [...] in front of olfactory and taste [...]experiences to the acceptance of eating with a spoon, etc. stranieriincampania.it |
欲订购一个阀帽嗅敏管、请在阀门订购号码后加上-T1、订 购 两 个阀帽嗅敏管、请在阀门订购号码后加上-T2. swagelok.com | To order, add -T1 for one bonnet sniffer tube or -T2 for two bonnet sniffer tubes to the valve ordering number. swagelok.com |
超级嗅探狗3.1正式版发布,增加了对各类文件传输的监控功能,新增了对多达68个协议的支持。 imfirewall.com | WFilter 3.1is released. [...] The new version add support of several type of file transfers, support up to 68 common protocols. imfirewall.us |
住宿在凯库拉毛伊青年旅舍(YHA Kaikoura Maui),你可以嗅到南太平洋海水的气味,还可以在餐厅从不同角度欣赏窗外风景如画、宏伟壮观的凯库拉山脉。 cn.yha.co.nz | Come to YHA Kaikoura Maui where you can breathe the scent of the South Pacific Ocean and view the majestic Kaikoura mountain ranges through our ever-changing dining room ‘living picture’ windows. yha.co.nz |
瓦克专门为可消毒食品包装用印刷油墨开发了新型VINNOL® H 5/50 A: 这种表涂树脂无嗅无味, 能够牢固地粘合在众多聚合物基材上, 并且具有很好的颜料相容性。 wacker.com | Specifically for printing inks in sterilizable food packaging, WACKER has developed the new VINNOL® H 5/50 A: The surface coating resin is both taste- and odor-free, adheres strongly to a wide range of polymer substrates and offers high pigment compatibility. wacker.com |
尽管只发现少量药物,嗅探犬能发挥重要的威慑作用,使工作人员和囚犯较不会 [...] 将毒品带入监狱和/或使用毒品。 daccess-ods.un.org | Even though only small amounts [...] of substances were found, the dogs [...]act as an important deterrent, making staff and prisoners [...]more reluctant to bring in and/or use drugs. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,我们 建立了一支由嗅探犬组成的警犬队,以便查缉毒品、 爆炸物以及供海盗和海上武装抢劫使用的所有其他 形式违禁物品。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, we have established a canine brigade of sniffer dogs to detect drugs, explosives and all other forms of contraband subject to piracy and armed robbery at sea. daccess-ods.un.org |
类似的触角叶嗅觉的interneurons到B的箭头标记的箭头,突出了项目的多巴胺能神经元到神经纤维区域被称为蘑菇体。 jove.com | The arrowmarks olfactory interneurons of [...] the antennal lobe similar to B. The arrowhead highlights a set of dopaminergic [...]neurons that project onto a neuropil region called mushroom body. jove.com |
一项发现了“嗅觉白”的研究说,正如白以白色和白噪音的形式而能够被看到和听到,它也可以被闻到。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Justas white can be seen and heard, via the color white and white noise, so too can it be smelled, according to a study that has identified "olfactory white. chinese.eurekalert.org |
展出产品包括供外墙干抹灰和外墙外保温系统使用的憎水性可再分散乳胶粉,低嗅味、低排放内墙涂料用VAE乳液, 以及用于可使高品质地板自流平砂浆达到严格环保标准的粘结剂等,种类非常丰富。 wacker.com | The portfolio ranges from water-repellent dispersible polymer powders for dry renders and external thermal insulation composite system (ETICS), through vinyl acetate-ethylene copolymer (VAE) dispersions for low-emission, low-odor interior paints, to binders for high-quality self-leveling flooring compounds that meet even stringent environmental regulations. wacker.com |
Carbon monoxide 一氧化碳 有毒的、无色、无嗅的气体,由汽车尾气、香 烟、燃烧的天然气产生,也有其他来源。 hesperian.org | Carbon monoxide a poisonous, colorless, odorless gas produced by cars, cigarettes, burning natural gas, and other sources. hesperian.org |
罗孚嗅查的线索,并导致他们在沙漠中一个废弃的加油站。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Rover sniffs out Chuck’s [...] trail and leads them to an abandoned gas station in the desert. seekcartoon.com |
转换为 HFC-410A 技术包括大量储存 HFC-410A,转换为无金属的人造橡胶元件; 取代制冷剂配管、液质氮气发生器、输送泵和真空泵、制冷剂充注机、用于泄露探测器的嗅探器;取代试验站的工具;新的回收机,用于弯管机的工艺装备;测试和培训。 multilateralfund.org | Conversion to HFC-410A technology includes bulk storage tanks for HFC-410A, converting non-metal elastomeric components; replacing refrigerant piping, nitrogen generator, transfer and vacuum pumps, refrigerant charging machines,sniffers for leak detectors; replacing instruments at testing stations; a new recovery machine, tooling for the tube bending machine; testing and training. multilateralfund.org |
我们已经可以报道华硕的F6V系列的笔记本电脑有个很大的特点,便是顾客个性化的嗅觉标志。 labbrand.com | We already reported about Asus F6V line of laptops featuring model customized olfactive signatures. labbrand.com |
通过视觉和听觉、触觉和嗅觉,我们建立了与我们周围世界的沟通。 digikey.cn | With sight and sound, touch and smell we establish communication with the world around us. digikey.ca |
学生们精心的策划下,为这次的开放日安排了多项有趣的节目,如演讲、切蛋糕仪式、学生表演、由Chef Nabil所演示的寿司准备环节、二位讲师Suhaili与Kamil所带来的水果雕刻示范;为了和来宾们有进一步的交流,游戏安排上有杯形蛋糕装饰、考嗅觉与味蕾的猜测食材游戏、目测罐子中的糖果数量等。 systematic.edu.my | Indeed it was an interesting day with many activities – speeches, cake-cutting ceremony, student performance, sushi preparation demonstration by Chef Nabil, fruit-carving demonstration by lecturers Suhaili and Kamil; games such as cupcake decorating, guessing the ingredient, and guessing the number of sweets in a jar. systematic.edu.my |
单就温州地区而言,其雄厚民间资金举世公认,据可靠数据,截止2003年年末的温州民间资金是2770亿;保守估计,目前温州的民间资金应在6000亿左右;同时,温商作为浙商中最有活力的组成部分,其敏锐的市场嗅觉被国人所认识:无论是炒房团、购并国企潮,还是炒基团,都展示了温商独有的市场理解力。 lylawyer.com | Wenzhou region alone, its abundant folk capital, according to the reliable data is universally acknowledged by the end of 2003, the wenzhou private funds is capital is 27.7 million, A conservative estimate, wenzhou folk capital should be in 60 million, At the same time, the temperature in [...] the shang as zheshang most dynamic part, its [...] sharpmarket olfaction are americans [...]know whether place fry building group, merger, [...]state-owned enterprises, or Fried groups, demonstrates the unique understanding market merchants. lylawyer.com |
给你完全不同的视觉及嗅觉新感受。 aster.com.hk | Give you a completely [...] different newvisualand olfactory experience. aster.com.hk |
然而,在日常的实验室生活研究者通常使用两个或更多个不同的实验组的幼虫的比较,如果嗅觉学习取决于看齐在开发过程中添加满足特殊基因,一组特定的神经细胞,突变体的股票,一种特殊的食品的饮食,不同的饲养条件下,有毒化学品,等等。 jove.com | However, in daily lab life researchers usually use two or more [...] different experimental groups of [...] larvae to compare,ifolfactory learningdepends [...]on a particular gene, a specific set of [...]neurons, a mutant stock, a special food diet, different rearing conditions, toxic chemicals added during development, etc. Thus, in all cases when two or more experimental groups of larvae are tested one has to do a set of mandatory control experiments to test, if the different groups of larvae show proper sensory-motor acuities. jove.com |
这就是为什么您的狗狗可以知道您今天工作很不顺利:它可以嗅到您身上荷尔蒙分泌物的苦涩味道以及您午餐时在奶酪汉堡上抹了芥末。 eukanuba.com.cn | This is why your pet knows when you've had a bad day at work: He can literally smell the bitter hormone secretions on your body—and that you had mustard on your cheeseburger for lunch. eukanuba.es |
汉健香],以东洋医学思想为源,借由中医生药和药草等天然植物的巨大力量,通过刺激人的五感(视觉,听觉,嗅觉,味觉,触觉)中与大脑直接连结的气味感觉(嗅觉)从而达到各种效果。 jshoppers.com | Chinese Medicinal Fragrance works on the theories of Eastern doctors that natural, herbs, and vegetables hold a power that affects the five human senses (sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch). jshoppers.com |
用组织学方法研究了棕色田鼠(Microtus mandarinus)、沼泽田鼠(M. fostis)副嗅球和犁鼻器的结构及其在两种鼠间的差异,以此探讨两种田鼠的进化机制与适应功能。 actazool.org | In order to test the hypothesis suggested by some researchers recently that the relatively size of several portions of vomeronasal system may be related to the social behaviors in different species, we studied the anatomical organization of the vomeronasal complex of the mandarin vole ( Microtus mandarinus ) and reed vole ( M. fostis ) (vomeronasal organ, blood vessels, cartilage and glands) and the structure of the accessory olfactory bulb of two species. actazool.org |
一项研究发现,通过对两个主要的短链脂肪酸(SCFAs)受体——嗅觉受体78 (Olfr78)和Gpr41起作用,肠道微生物群产生的短链脂肪酸(SCFAs)可能在调控血压方面起到作用。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) produced by gut microbiota may play a role in modulating blood pressure by acting on two major SCFA receptors, olfactory receptor 78 (Olfr78) and Gpr41, a study finds. chinese.eurekalert.org |
他们发现平时清洗吃过咖哩的餐盘,即使 洗过之后仍有咖哩味,而这次不使用任何洗碗剂,只用了酵素液、 酵素渣和木屑,竟然能让所有的餐盘在触感和嗅感方面都非常洁净 清新。 enzymesos.com | In the past, they used dishwashing detergent to wash all the dishes and failed to remove curry smell remaining on them. enzymesos.com |
超级嗅探狗3.0发布,采用新的界面,新版大力改进了封堵功能和管理功能,实现了MSN文件传输监控,关键词告警,统计报表系统,流量控制,操作员管理等新功能。 imfirewall.com | The new version improved a lot on block policy and management features. Some new features are added: key words alert, MSN file transfer, manage operators, Statistic Report System. imfirewall.us |
如果马焦雷湖的意见虽然仅为几天,你应投入其中采取其人之一登上渡轮,嗅到了每个端口,抵达和了解两者之间的差异。 cn.500destinations.com | If views of Lake Maggiore, albeit only for a few days, you should devote one of them to take their people on board the ferry, savoring the arrival at each port, and knowing the differences between the two. 500destinations.com |