

单词 喧扰

See also:


interference n

External sources (not reviewed)

许多乘客抱怨说,由于定时点名、监狱警卫 喧 哗 和 其他蓄意扰,他们在监狱里无法入睡。
Many passengers complained that they were
prevented from sleeping in the prison due to regular roll-calls, noise
[...] from the prison guards and other deliberate disturbances.
為此,小組委員會察悉 涂謹申議員會考慮動議議案,修訂將由地鐵公司訂立的《香港鐵路(西 北鐵路)附例》第22(1)(a)條,訂明任何人不論何時在鐵路處所內"不得 作喧嘩或擾亂秩序的行為,或使用恐嚇性、辱罵性或侮辱性的言詞, 意圖使他人破壞鐵路處所安寧,或其上述行為相當可能會導致鐵路處 所安寧破壞;"。
To this end, the Subcommittee notes that Hon James TO will consider moving a motion to amend section 22(1)(a) of the Mass Transit Railway (North-west Railway) Bylaw to be made by MTRCL to the effect that no person shall at any time while upon the railway premises "behaves in a noisy or disorderly manner, or use threatening, abusive or insulting words, with intent to cause a breach of the peace in railway premises, or whereby a breach of the peace in railway premises are likely to be caused;".
客人可以退出丰富多彩的城市喧嚣 和休息的绿色公园一时刻,让我们的酒店的名字。
Guests can withdraw from the colorful city bustle and rest for a moment in the green park which gave our hotel its name.
历史喧嚣而 又使人敬畏,菲律宾的这座国际化大都市融合了多种不同的文化,为每一个人都提供了无尽的视觉盛宴及难以忘怀的体验。
Historic, bustling and awe-inspiring, [...]
the cosmopolitan capital is a blend of cultures that offers many places to see and
experiences that you won’t forget.
他的30张黑白照片拍摄于1976年和1983年间,这些照片意在捕捉生命力、能量和城市内 喧 嚣 , 捕捉城市边缘生存的悲悯和美丽,以及富裕和赤贫之间强烈的差别,这只是孟买的真实生活。
Thirty black and white photographs shot between 1976 and 1983 capture the vitality, energy, and chaos of the city, the pathos and beauty of existing on the margins of society, as well as the intense disparity between wealth and abject poverty that is a simple fact of life in Mumbai.
今天的劳德代尔堡是一喧嚣繁 华、趣味横生的城市,也是著名的旅游胜地,市内大型运河系统让这里有了 “美国的威尼斯”的美誉。
Today Fort Lauderdale is a bustling, fun-filled city; a popular tourist destination also known as the ‘Venice’ of America’ due to its large, complex canal system.
另一方面,发展中国家有一喧嚣的 游说团体,他们认 为知识产权可能会削弱地方工业和技术的发展,损害地方人口,唯一受益者只会是发达国 家。
On the other side, the developing world side, there exists a vociferous lobby of those who believe that IPRs are likely to cripple the development of local industry and technology, will harm the local population and benefit none but the developed world.
Counterpoint to the hustle and bustle of life, Raymond Weil, music lover, chose as its specificity collections always give them a name referring to the musical universe.
经询问,委员会获悉,正在提 出的一些提议,包括为信通技术远程接入能力设备和医疗用品请拨资源的提议,
[...] 将确保联合国总部、总部以外办事处和区域委员会能有效应对任 扰 乱 其 运作的 危急事件。
Upon enquiry, the Committee was informed that the proposals being made, which include requests for ICT equipment for remote access capability and medical supplies, would ensure that United Nations Headquarters, offices away from
Headquarters and regional commissions could effectively respond to any critical
[...] incidents that disrupt their operations.
那些活着的和死掉的、生病的或打盹的、套牢的或者生闷气的或者再次被套牢的人,进来得正是时候,他们的关联是在墨西哥城的多洛雷斯街吃炒杂碎,在自助餐馆塞甜腻的蛋糕,在交易所被一 喧 闹 的 人追查。
The living and the dead, in sickness or on the nod, hooked or kicked or hooked again, come in on the junk beam and the Connection is eating Chop Suey in Dolores Street, Mexico D.F., dunking pound cake in the automat, chased up Exchange Place by a baying pack of People.
根據台灣選舉的總統副總統選舉罷免法,在投票所四周30公尺內, 喧 嚷 、 干擾或勸誘他人投票或不投票」者屬於違法,經警衛人員制止後仍繼續為之者,可判處徒刑或罰款,但這不應是禁止票站調查的理據。
According to the Presidential and Vice Presidential Election and Recall Act in Taiwan, within 30 feet around the polling station, "The person has made a din or has interfered with or persuaded others to vote or not to vote, in defiance of interdiction.
这些挑衅行动 也是一喧嚣的政治声明,完全无视国际法的准则和 对遗产、文化、历史和传统的尊重。
These provocations also resonate as a loud political statement of utter disregard for the norms of international law and respect for heritage, culture, history and traditions.
只需要几分钟,您便可以离开滑雪度假区或大城市的忙乱 喧 哗 , 走进荒野的和平宁静天地。
In just a few minutes, you can leave behind the hustle and bustle of a ski resort or a city and arrive in the peace and quiet of the wilderness.
在某些情况下,沿海 国可以在其领海内的外国船只上行使刑事管辖权,包括当犯罪的后果波及沿海国时, 或如果发生犯扰乱了 该国的和平或其领海的良好秩序的情况。
In certain circumstances, a coastal State may exercise criminal jurisdiction on board a foreign ship within its territorial sea, including
when the consequences of
[...] the crime extend to the coastal State, or if the crime disturbs the peace [...]
of the country or the good order of its territorial sea.
民族主义喧嚣舆 论再加上解放军、国有企业、地 方和省级政府部门等的推波助澜,致使白热化的国 内政治环境愈演愈烈,外交部的工作进一步受限。
The foreign ministry is also constrained by the heated domestic political environment that is inflamed by strident nationalism and reinforced by actors such as the PLA, state-owned companies and local and provincial actors.
你去的“冬宫”和忘记有关的日常问题和使上可以花费小时只是徘徊,并观看观看,和我没有得到厌倦,我建议大家谁想逃离 喧 嚣 和 日常生活 喧 嚣 来参观冬宫,和触摸的美丽,你不要不希望去那里。
You go to the "Hermitage" and forget about everyday problems and so on can spend hours just wandering and looking to watch to watch, and do not get bored, I advise everyone who wants to escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life to visit the Hermitage, and touch the beautiful, you do not want to go there.
它向我们证明,尽管小 国的声音往往被淹没在国际舞台喧 嚣 之中,但全球 经济手段能够加以调整以满足小伙伴的需求。
It has proved to us that, although the voices of the smaller States are often drowned in the tumult of the international arena, the instruments of the global economy can be adapted to meet the needs of a smaller partner.
像世界上其它地方一样,爱尔兰越来越乐于消费本地产的食物,食品市场也成了美食爱好者周末常去的一个繁忙 喧 闹 的地方,到处都摆着小摊,出售从手工制作的萨拉米香肠到柔软、美味的软糖等等所有的东西,若想要品位真正的当地生活,农贸市场便是一个不得不去的地方。
Ireland, like the rest of the world, is becoming increasingly interested in consuming more locally produced foods and the food market has become a busy, buzzing weekend destination for savvy foodies. Stuffed with local stalls selling everything from hand-crafted salamis to soft, luscious fudge, they’re wonderful places to visit for a real taste of local life.
这个城镇四层楼高的红色沙岩造成的克费欧塔(Curfew Tower)是为了禁锢那些游手好闲喧 闹 滋 事的人,塔楼周围则是漂亮的建筑和一些汩汩流淌的水泉。
Here, the town’s four-storey red sandstone Curfew Tower, built “to imprison idlers and rioters” is surrounded by pretty buildings and some convivial watering-holes.




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