单词 | 喇嘛 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 喇嘛—lama, spiritual teacher in Tibetan BuddhismExamples:达赖喇嘛—Dalai Lama 班禅喇嘛—Panchen Lama 喇嘛教—Lamaism Tibetan Buddhism 喇嘛庙—temple of Tibetan Buddhism lamasery See also:喇—(onomat.) (phonetic) 嘛—particle indicating a pause for emphasis modal particle indicating that sth.is obvious
藉由拯救动物的生命,希望达赖喇嘛尊者长久住世,以及西藏问题尽速获得解决。 thetibetpost.com | By saving the animal lives, they hope for the long life of His Holiness the Dalai Lamaand for a resolution to the Tibetan crisis. thetibetpost.com |
过去的得奖人包括达赖喇嘛、德斯蒙德·图图大主教和梅雷亚德·科里根-马奎 尔。 daccess-ods.un.org | Past recipients [...] include the Dalai Lama,Archbishop [...]Desmond Tutu and Máiread Corrigan-Maguire. daccess-ods.un.org |
美国的让步措施,比 [...] 如说国务卿克林顿关于人权的声明和总统奥巴马推迟与 达赖喇嘛的会面,被中国认为是示弱而不是示好。 crisisgroup.org | Steps intended as conciliatory – such as Secretary Clinton’s statement on human rights [...] and the deferral of President Obama’s [...] meeting withthe Dalai Lama –were treated [...]as signs of weakness rather than goodwill. crisisgroup.org |
内部装饰恰似一首色彩的交响乐,从研究经文的长凳与桌椅到主要祭坛,均有佛像以及达赖喇嘛的肖像。 wdl.org | The interior is a symphony of color, from the benches and tables for study [...] of the sacred texts to the main altar, with its representations of the Buddha, as well [...] as a portrait ofthe Dalai Lama. wdl.org |
政府的各个层面--从总统、部长、助理部长、到我自己--曾敦促中国政府与达赖喇嘛的代表进行对话。 embassyusa.cn | The Administration at all levels - from the President, Secretary, Assistant [...] Secretaries, to myself - has urged the Chinese Government to engage in a dialogue with the [...] representatives ofthe DalaiLama. eng.embassyusa.cn |
我曾有幸与作为国际认可的宗教领袖和诺贝尔奖得主的达赖喇嘛会面过几次。 embassyusa.cn | I have had the honor of meeting several [...] times with the Dalai Lama as an internationally [...]recognized religious leader and Nobel Laureate. eng.embassyusa.cn |
对年轻的藏人来说,我看到达赖喇嘛是使世界变得更好的正面榜样,在他们个人的生命中他是智慧和慈悲的源泉。 embassyusa.cn | To young Tibetans, I have [...] seen that the Dalai Lamais a positive [...]example of how to make the world a better place, and is [...]a source of wisdom and compassion in their personal lives. eng.embassyusa.cn |
『国际西藏邮报2012年9月7日达兰萨拉报导』十一个藏人非政府组织邀请西藏记者,出席9月6日在印度北部喜马偕尔邦巴喀苏(Bhagsu)酒店的新闻记者会,回应最近藏青会对西藏精神领袖达赖喇嘛尊者的错误谴责。 thetibetpost.com | Dharamshala: - Eleven Tibetan NGOs invited Tibetan reporters to attend a press conference on September 6 at Bhagsu Hotel in Dharamsala, northern India, in response to recent alleged accusations against His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of Tibet. thetibetpost.com |
1972年四十三岁时,听列喇嘛接到噶玛巴的正式信函,指示他必须於来年藏历元月八日回到隆德寺,担任宗南嘉楚仁波切的亲教师 [...] ─ Gegenla。 utbf.org | In the beginning of 1972, Druponla received a letter from the 16th [...] Karmapa asking him to return to Rumtek [...]Monastery before the eighth day of the [...]Tibetan new year to be Trungram Gyaltrul Rinpoche's personal tutor (Gegenla). utbf.org |
人大常委会副委员长包括一位西藏转世喇嘛,班禅·科智·盖拉南嘉和中国基督教协会会长曹圣洁。 embassyusa.cn | CPPCC Standing Committee vice chairmen included Pagbalha Geleg Namgyal, a [...] Tibetan reincarnatelama,and Cao Shengjie, [...]president of the China Christian Council. eng.embassyusa.cn |
2003 年 10 [...] 月,与来自印度、尼泊尔和不丹的国家遗产专业人员、佛教喇嘛和学者以及当地社区领 导人密切合作,发起了一项新的保护喜玛拉雅山地区活佛寺计划。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In October 2003, a new programme for the safeguarding of the living Buddhist monastic heritage in the Himalayan region was launched in close [...] collaboration with national heritage [...] professionals, Buddhist lamas and scholars, [...]and local community leaders from India, Nepal and Bhutan. unesdoc.unesco.org |
国的立场认为达赖喇嘛和他的㆒小群追随者,是在外国势 力暗㆗撑腰㆘自我流亡,在外国进行煽动工作。 legco.gov.hk | The Chinese [...] stance is that Dalai Lama, with a small [...]group of followers and the covert support of foreign powers, exile themselves [...]to agitate in foreign countries. legco.gov.hk |
我从他们很多人那里了解到,达赖喇嘛是活佛在尘世的显形。 embassyusa.cn | I have learned that for many [...] of them, the Dalai Lama is the earthly [...]manifestation of the living Buddha. eng.embassyusa.cn |
有人声称,五世达赖喇嘛与一位名为安旺‧秋 登 (Ngawang Chogden) 的格鲁派喇嘛排斥雄登修 法,这是错误的。 meditation.hk | Some people claim that the Fifth Dalai Lama and a Gelugpa Lama called Ngawang Chogden rejected the Shugden practice, but this is false. meditation.hk |
据提交人说,2008年3 月,这三人参加了一次关于民主、人权和达赖喇嘛返回的示威。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to the source, in March [...] 2008, these three individuals participated in a demonstration for democracy, human rights [...] and the return ofthe Dalai Lama. daccess-ods.un.org |
这张伊沃尔金斯克喇嘛庙(修道院)主庙内部的照片由美国摄影家兼俄罗斯建筑历史学家威廉·布鲁姆费尔德于 2000 年拍摄,是美国国会图书馆“边境交汇处”项目的一部分。 wdl.org | This photograph of the interior of the main temple at the Ivolginsk Buddhist datsan (monastery) was taken in 2000 by Dr. William Brumfield, American photographer and historian of Russian architecture, as part of the "Meeting of Frontiers" project at the Library of Congress. wdl.org |
今天的中国也并非一成不变,中国政府在西藏动乱後,愿意与达赖喇嘛和平谈判。 legco.gov.hk | After the riots in Tibet, the Chinese Government was willing to [...] hold peace talks with Dalai Lama. legco.gov.hk |
格西 格桑与达赖喇嘛并无任何关 系,但仍然是位清净和真正的格西。 meditation.hk | Geshe Kelsang has no [...] connection with the Dalai Lama butis still [...]a pure and real Geshe. meditation.hk |
喇嘛庙的庙宇、神龛以及其他结构在形式与装饰上均采用了区域性的佛教原则。 wdl.org | The temples, shrines, and other [...] structures of the datsan follow regional [...]Buddhist principles in form and decoration. wdl.org |
支撑寺庙上部结构的绘有莲花以及其他符号的木柱供喇嘛使用。 wdl.org | The painted wooden columns, with [...] representations of the lotus and other symbols, support the upper structure of the temple, [...] which is reserved forthe lamas. wdl.org |
民主党反对西藏独立,主张中央政府与达赖喇嘛,藉和平对话解决西藏 纷争,实现中国汉藏人民的大和解。 legco.gov.hk | The Democratic Party objects to the independence of Tibet and advocates settlement of the Tibet disputes through [...] peaceful dialogues between the Central [...] Government andDalai Lama, with a view [...]to achieving a complete reconciliation between [...]the Chinese and Tibetan people. legco.gov.hk |
加强藏族社区并维护他们非凡的文化和宗教传统已经成为达赖喇嘛的工作中心。 embassyusa.cn | Strengthening Tibetan communities and preserving their extraordinary cultural and religious traditions have been at [...] the center of the Dalai Lama's work. eng.embassyusa.cn |
但Tashi反驳这个说法:「我听过很多报导指控达赖喇嘛操纵(自焚)事件,事实并非如此,我们今天来抗议也与达赖无关。 ktsf.com | The self-immolation incidents have brought international attention to Tibet. ktsf.com |
在四川和青海的佛教地区,一场“佛教教育运动”迫使藏族人谴责达赖喇嘛;强迫藏族父母将正在寺院接受藏语教育的孩子带走,并将孩子送入汉语小学。 embassyusa.cn | In Tibetan areas of Sichuan and Qinghai, a "religious [...] education campaign" coerced Tibetans into [...] denouncing the Dalai Lamaand forced parents [...]to withdraw their children from monasteries [...]where they were receiving a Tibetan education and put them in regular Chinese elementary schools. eng.embassyusa.cn |
达赖喇嘛的观点被广泛地反映在藏人社会中,并受到绝大多数藏人的尊重。 embassyusa.cn | The Dalai Lama's viewsare [...] widely reflected within Tibetan society, and command the respect of the vast majority of Tibetans. eng.embassyusa.cn |
OMF的 China Insight指出:「西藏的喇嘛寺和寺庙充满了佛陀、达赖喇嘛、班禅喇嘛,以及诸多神明的镀金佛像......在寺庙里,属灵的黑暗势力明显而见,可怕的黑脸和红脸魔神在庙中俯视,令敬拜者心生畏惧......越深入认识藏传佛教,越能明显看出这是一个与基督福音处於相对地位的宗教极端。 amccsm.org | Lama temples and monasteries in Tibet are filled with gilded images of Buddhas, Dalai Lamas, Panchen Lamas, and a multitude [...] of gods and [...]goddesses... The spiritual darkness is palpable in the temples with hideous demonic guardians with black and red faces staring down to terrify the worshipper... The more one delves into Tibetan Buddhism the more apparent it is that this is a religion poles apart from the Christian Gospel. amccsm.org |
中国与达赖喇嘛或他的代表打交道以解决藏人面临的问题,符合中国政府和藏族人民的利益。 embassyusa.cn | China's engagement with the DalaiLama,or his representatives, [...] to resolve problems facing Tibetans is in the interests [...]of the Chinese government and the Tibetan people. eng.embassyusa.cn |
1979年有人捐赠土地给仁波切後,仁波切的舅公喇嘛桑噶仁钦(Lama Sanga Rinzin)便在此地先建了山库寺。 utbf.org | The monastery was first built [...] by grand uncle, LamaSanga Rinzin, [...]of Trungram Gyaltrul Rinpoche after the land donation to Rinpoche in 1979. utbf.org |
政府简短的答复中虽然说这几名僧侣获得了翻译和律师,审判也是尊重被 [...] 告的权利的,但答复的内容中没有质疑提交人的主要指称,即对有关人的逮捕原 因是一次目的为尊重民主、人权和达赖喇嘛返回的示威。 daccess-ods.un.org | While stating that the monks benefited from interpreters and lawyers and that the trial was conducted in compliance with the rights of the defendants, no element in the brief reply of the Government has questioned the primary allegation from the source that the arrest of the persons [...] concerned related to a demonstration having as its purpose the respect for democracy, human [...] rights and the returnof Dalai Lama. daccess-ods.un.org |