

单词 善用

善用 adjective ()


善用 ()

be good at using something

External sources (not reviewed)

這種規劃方式,雖然可確保各自的電力系統內有足 夠的電力供應能力,但卻沒善用本 港整個系統內現存和 規劃的資源。
This planning process ensures adequacy of the individual systems, but does not lend itself to optimising the overall system’s planned and available resources.
提高数据质量是统计研究所的核心重点,是各种活动的主题,这些活动包括定期审查 和善用来收 集、编制和传播数据的工具和程序。
It is the subject of diverse initiatives, which
include the regular review and refinement of the instruments
[...] and processes used to collect, prepare [...]
and disseminate data.
保障善用現有 賠償基金的資產,同時將對業界構成的任何額 外成本減至最低。
to protect and leverage existing compensation [...]
fund assets while minimizing any additional costs to the industry.
在 “本會 促請政府”之後刪除“
[...] 審慎評估落實小班教學所需”,並以善 用中小學學生人口 下 降 所 節 省”代替 [...]
;在“ 資 源 , ”之前 刪除 “ 額 外”及在其後 刪除“ 衡 量 政府及家長雙 方的承擔, 並 在 確保”, 並以“進
行 小班教學的”代替;在“師資 培 訓 ”之後刪除“得以配 合 下”,並以“,並以分 區 分 級 的過渡 模式”代替;及 在 “ 逐 步 在小學” 之後加上“和初 中開始”。
To delete "prudently assess" after "the Government to" and substitute
[...] with "make optimal use of"; to delete "additional" [...]
before "resources"; to delete
"required for implementing" after "resources" and substitute with "saved due to the drop in the primary and secondary school student population to provide training for teachers on"; to delete ", weigh the commitments of both the Government and parents and, by ensuring that complementing training for teachers is available" before ", progressively implement small class teaching" and substitute with "and, through a 'by district and by grade' mode of transition"; to delete "in" after "progressively implement small class teaching" and substitute with ", starting with"; and to add "and junior secondary forms," after "primary schools".
指直接或間接與發電、輸電、配電、售電 善用 和節 約能源或減少排放有關。
means directly or indirectly appertaining to the generation, transmission, distribution, sale of electricity, energy efficiency and conservation, or emissions reduction.
在 A/63/736 号文件第 18 和 19 段,咨询委员会建议秘书长澄清价值评估工程的定 义,以反映以下事实,即这项活动就是通过修改设计、选择效率较高和(或)价格较低 的方案以善用经济 形势变化带来的好处来降低费用,并建议秘书长也就与价值评估 工程方案相关的各种收费提供一个费用估计数。
In paragraphs 18 and 19 of document A/63/736, the Advisory Committee recommended that the Secretary-General clarify the definition of value engineering to reflect the fact that the exercise entails the realization of cost reductions through a combination of design modifications, the selection of more efficient and/or less expensive alternatives and benefits derived from the changed economic circumstances, and that the Secretary-General also provide a cost estimate of the fees relating to the value engineering programme.
然 而,它在不同的科学领域都有强大的体系,这样它就可以通 善用 这 一 体系提出 更有效的政策建议(如在可持续发展和能力建设领域)。
However, it has a strong network in various scientific areas, and it could strengthen this network’s ability to foster more effective policy advice, for example in the area of sustainable development and capacity-building.
(a) 私營機構參與: 更善用私 營 機 構的技能和資源,提供公共 服務,以期達致減輕對公營部門的倚賴、改善服務、提高效 率,以及推動經濟發展等目標 。
(a) Private sector
[...] involvement: To make better use of the skills and resources of the private sector [...]
in the delivery of public
services with a view to reducing reliance on the public sector for delivering services; and bringing benefits in better services, improved efficiency and economic development.
与此同时,新加坡亦十分重视公共房屋计划的成本管理,在兴建公共房屋时会尽 善用 土 地,以及采用符合成本效益的建筑设计和建筑方法。
It has also emphasized cost management in its public housing programme by optimizing land use, and cost-effective building design and construction.
本 校 在 建 立 各 種 有 效 溝 通 渠 道 的 同 時 , 亦 會 鼓
[...] 勵 家 長 、 學 生 及 員善 用 有 關 渠 道 , 向 校 方 表 [...]
達 意 見 和 抒 發 感 受 , 促 進 雙 方 瞭 解 , 建 立 互 信
關 係 , 以 避 免 產 生 不 必 要 的 誤 會 。
While being aware of the importance of building various effective communication channels, our
school will encourage parents, students and
[...] staff to make good use of these channels [...]
to express their opinions and feelings,
so as to enhance mutual understanding and trust and avoid unnecessary confusing messages.
踏 入 下 一 個 二 十 五 年,如 何 在 已 有 的 成 功 基 礎 上,繼 續 發 揮 維 達 的 品 牌 優
[...] 勢、有 效 地 運 用 銷 售 管 道善 用 資 本 市 場 的 平 台,謀 求 更 大 [...]
的 發 展,是 董 事 局 重 要 的 工 作。
In the next twenty five years, riding on the current success of the Group, the main focus of the Board is to attain a better development by capitalizing on the
competitive edges of Vinda’s brand,
[...] the effective use of sales channels as well as the [...]
proper employment of capital market platform.
雖然是否採用這種標示方式由業界自行決 定,但中心強烈建議業界遵從這種做法,因為此舉有助消費 善用營 養 標籤選擇食物,並提高他們對產品的滿意程度。
Although such presentation is voluntary, it is strongly recommended to follow such a practice as it would facilitate consumers using nutrition label to make food choices and enhance consumers’ satisfaction on the product.
与会者请秘书处对执行差距和不足进行进一步的定量评估,并采取措施,善用于衡 量可持续发展方面进展的各项指标的可靠性和实用性。
The secretariat was asked to undertake further quantitative
assessments on implementation gaps and shortfalls
[...] and measures to improve the reliability [...]
and availability of indicators for measuring
progress on sustainable development.
这五位备受国际瞩目的杰出亚洲华人企业家,他们的故事各有精彩之处,但共同点是能够在纷繁的市场中准确地把握商业机会,以超人的智慧洞悉经商之道,以坚强的意志、果断的判断能力面对顺境、逆境,同 善用 各 方 资源实现企业愿景和目标,最终获得了巨大的成功。
Although each of these five outstanding Chinese entrepreneurs have most intriguing individual experiences to relate, they do share something in common:  being able to grasp the right business opportunities within a complex marketplace, having the wisdom, resolve and analytical skills to face up to any situation and predicament, and to fully utilise the resources at their disposal to fulfil their vision and dreams, and secure eventual success.
面對息差持續收窄及激烈競爭之挑戰,本行將 善用 雄 厚 之財務實力、 優 質之對客服務以及擴展理財服務,為股東及客戶增值。
In the face of the challenges of sustained margin pressure and intense competition we will build on our financial strength, quality customer service and growing wealth management capabilities to deliver value to our shareholders and customers.
這些新用途符善用現 有工廈,地盡其用的目的。
The new uses represent a more efficient use of the existing industrial premises.
隨著公司的業務擴展,金之彩面臨不斷上升的生產成本和工資的壓力,因此企業決定引入一套先進及綜合性的ERP解決方案以更有效 善用 資 源 、妥善分配人手,提升業務透明度及提高訂單週期。
With plans to expand the business amid rising costs in resources and wages, Jin Cai required an integrated ERP solution that could
effectively control production costs and utilize manpower to enhance business
[...] transparency and improve the ordering cycle.
(c) 港燈經營費用總額的變動,當中包括用於人力 及物料、管理、折舊、資產停用責任的撥備、 經批准而向其他公司購買電力、提 善用 和節 約能源、利息、外匯差價和稅項等成本,但不 包括燃料價格上的變動,這在本條第(3)款有所 說明。
(c) Changes in HEC’s Total Operating Costs including, inter alia, cost of labour, materials, supervision, Depreciation, provision for Asset Decommissioning Obligation, approved electricity purchase from other companies, promotion of energy efficiency and conservation, interest, foreign exchange differences and taxes but excluding changes in the cost of fuels which are covered in sub-clause (3).
貿易融資增加港幣㆕十㆓億元,或百分之㆔十七點㆔,增幅令㆟鼓舞,反映區 內 貿易活動強勁,以及本善用穩健 之客戶關係管理,為客戶提供切合需要之 理財方案及網㆖貿易服務,成功拓展商業銀行業務之結果。
This reflected strong regional trade flows and the success of the Bank in further expanding the commercial banking business by leveraging on strong relationship management, customised trade solutions and e-services.
因 此,董事認為收購Fullmark集團不僅讓本集團透過Fullmark集團於東大代理
[...] 的權益進入預期需求將會不斷增加的中國保險市場而給予本集團擴大其資訊 科技顧問服務的機會,亦能讓本集 善用 其 現 有專門知識及於資訊科技顧問 行業的經驗,以及根據合作協議與東大經紀合作,從而利用鑫約福(上海)擁 [...]
Accordingly, the Directors consider that the Acquisition of Fullmark Group will not only provide an opportunity for the Group to expand its scope of IT consultancy services by participating in the insurance market in the PRC, which is expected to have a rising demand, through
the Fullmark Group’s
[...] interest in Dongda Agency, but also enable the Group to leverage on its existing [...]
expertise and experience
in the IT consultancy sector, coupled with the intellectual property rights in respect of the InsureLink System owned by Fullmark SH, by cooperating with Dongda Brokerage pursuant to the Cooperation Agreement.
董事相信,行使發行授權以配發及發行新股將可讓本公 善用 市 場 狀況,為本公司籌 集額外資金及╱或作為本公司之支付途徑。
The Directors believe that an exercise of the Issue Mandate to allot and
issue new Shares will enable the Company to
[...] take advantage of market conditions [...]
to raise additional capital for and/or as
a means of payment by the Company.
香港公共图书馆一直以来均遵守“联 合国教科文组织公共图书馆宣言”的各项原则采购图书馆数据,为读者提供一个 均衡及多元化的馆藏,以配合不同年龄及各阶层人士对信息、研究、自学 善用 余暇方面的需要。
The Hong Kong Public Libraries have been following the principles laid down in the UNESCO Public Library Manifesto in acquiring library materials for the provision of a balanced and diversified library collection to meet the needs of people of different ages and sectors for information, research, self-learning and leisure reading.
項 目 統 籌 人 負 責 整 體 監 督 項 目 ; 監 察 開
支 , 並 確 保 獲 款 公 司 按 照 協 議 、 本 指 南 及 項 目 須
[...] 遵 守 的 其 他 指 示善 用 項 目 款 項 ; 與 創 新 [...]
科 技 署 署 長 及 秘 書 處 保 持 聯 絡 , 並 答 覆 由 署 長 及
秘 書 處 提 出 有 關 索 取 和 澄 清 項 目 各 方 面 資 料 的 所 有 查 詢 / 要 求 ; 以 及 出 席 項 目 的 進 度 會 議 。
The project coordinator is responsible for overseeing the
project generally, monitoring its expenditure
[...] and ensuring the proper usage of project [...]
funds in accordance with the Agreement,
this Guide and other instructions set for the projects, liaising with and answering all enquiries/requests raised by CIT and the SERAP Secretariat for information and clarification on all aspects of the project, and attending progress meetings on the project.
英國與美國因為開車普及率高,已無這項問題,輿論反對塞車費,是因為習慣免費使用高速公路,若要鼓勵使用其他交通工具,或甚至 善用 同 一 種交通工具,都成為民眾心目中壓迫中產階級的手段,甚至是試圖讓人們「顯得寒酸」。
In these countries, congestion pricing measures are opposed because people see free access to highways as the norm, and any attempt to
encourage use of other forms of transit or
[...] even a more strategic use of the same [...]
mode of transit is seen as a strike against
the middle class or worse, an attempt to “make us act poor”.
作为政府决策制定者的研究工具,知识库配备了最新的 Web 2.0 技术,意在善用户体 验并加强协作,具有支持研究和共享工作空间的功能。
As a research tool for decision makers in Governments, the knowledge base is equipped with the latest Web 2.0 technologies designed for enhanced user experience and increased collaboration, with features to support research and shared workspaces.
作為政治團體,或類政治團體,「基本法45條關注組」的民望近半年來一直高踞民望調查的榜首,如果他們能夠好 善用 自 己的優勢,以理性創造新共識,必定有一番作為。
As a political group, or similar political parties, the popularity of the Article 45 Concern Group is always at the top list from those public opinion surveys.
[...] 最终影响在报告影响指标方面的初期努力,科技委在其第二届特别会议上接受了 专家审评提出的建议,用以衡量“在受影响国家缔约方”的所有拟议指标,同 时,“受影响地区”一词的实际使用将通过征求科学界的意见加以 善 , 用 来解 释影响指标的衡量尺度。
Recognizing that the lack of an operational definition of the term affected areas may add complexity and, ultimately, compromise early efforts in reporting on impact indicators, the CST at its second special session accepted the recommendation from the expert review to measure all the proposed indicators “in affected country Parties”, while the operational use of the
term “in affected
[...] areas” would be refined through input from the scientific community and used to interpret [...]
the impact indicator measurements.
今天宣布的事項,所要強調的是,在於服務策略上所採取的下一個步驟,這是在擴展 Seagate 核心業務時必然採取的下一步,此一策略新步驟 善用 我 們 的品牌領導地位與通道專業知識,為 SMB 提供解決方案。
Today's announcement highlights a strategic next step into services, which is a natural extension of Seagate's core business and will leverage our brand leadership and channel expertise to deliver solutions to the SMB market," said Bill Watkins, Seagate CEO.
通过改善法官的工资状况、提高其地 位、善用于司 法运行的预算以及工作人员的工作条件,并通过努力编订法律使 上述行动得到落实。
Measures include an increase in judges’ salaries, the consolidation of their status, improved budgetary allocations for the functioning of the justice system, better working conditions for staff and an effort to codify legislation.
若形容某件事物「非常柏林」,即意 善用 對 比 元素相互作用,而非置於對立兩面;柏林最著名的電音俱樂部隱身為前發電廠建築內,顯得相當適合,若以柏林為形容詞,置於任何公民營空間上,都代表跨越高級文化與俗民文化。
That Berlin’s most well-established house and techno club is in a non-descript building that once housed a power plant is perfectly fitting: applying Berlin as an adjective to any space, public or private, suggests the bridging of gaps between high culture and the quotidian.




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