单词 | 善款 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 善款 noun —donation n善款 —donations • contributions Examples:善后借款—reconstruction loan provided by Great Powers Yuan Shikai in 1913
此次活动所筹得的善款已直 接拨给中国四川赈灾计划,协助当地山村灾民重建家园,恢复生活。 deloitte.com | Donation from the programme was sent [...] to support rehabilitation work in Sichuan and to help victims restore their livelihoods. deloitte.com |
灾害发生后,中兴通讯积极向日本灾区无偿捐助价值2000万日元的通讯设备和200万日 元 善款。 zte.com.cn | When the disasters occurred, ZTE Corporation [...] actively donated communication equipment costing JPY 20 [...] million and cash of JPY 2 million [...]to the disaster areas in Japan. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
我們有能力捐贈數以百萬 元計的善款接濟 其他國家,但對患病及傷殘的香港市民和看護他們的㆟士卻照顧不足;我 [...] 們可誇耀擁有若干全球最昂貴的物業,卻無足夠樓宇安置已苦候多年的寮屋居民和貧苦大 眾,這些現象實在極盡諷刺之能事。 legco.gov.hk | It is ironic that we can apparently afford to spend millions [...] of dollars on charitable donations to other countries [...]when we cannot adequately look [...]after our own sick and handicapped people and those who minister to them; when we can claim to have some of the most expensive real estate in the world yet we cannot house squatters and underprivileged persons who have been waiting for accommodation for many years. legco.gov.hk |
梁國雄議員: 主席,本人收到不少家長及幼稚園老師的投訴,指自 [...] 從現任的香港女童軍總會(“女童軍總會”)香港總監(“總監”)上任後,女 童軍總會利用政府撥款或善款,舉辦了很多不切實際或與女童軍訓練及 [...]宗旨無關的活動。 legco.gov.hk | MR LEUNG KWOK-HUNG (in Chinese): President, I have received complaints from quite a number of parents and kindergarten teachers that since the incumbent Chief Commissioner (CC) of the Hong Kong Girl Guides Association (the Association) assumed the [...] office, the Association has made use of [...] government funds or donations to organize many [...]activities which served no practical purposes [...]or were not related to the training and mission of the Girl Guides. legco.gov.hk |
值 古驰(Gucci)与联合国儿童基金会的合作步入第七年之际,古驰(Gucci)不仅持续支持“非洲助学计划”,更荣幸的成为新项目“亚洲助学计划 ” 善款 筹集 的首批合作伙伴之一,该项计划于2012年启动,旨在为亚太地区的弱势儿童提供高质量的基础教育。 gucci.com | In its seventh year of partnership with UNICEF, expanding the company’s ongoing support for UNICEF’s “Schools for Africa” initiative, Gucci is proud to be the first corporate partner to support the new UNICEF “Schools for Asia” initiative, an educational initiative launched in 2012 to provide access to quality basic education for disadvantaged children across Asia and the Pacific. gucci.com |
截至今日,承蒙巴西、保加利亚、日本政府,欧佩克国际发展基金(OFID),国际传 播发展计划(PIDC),韩国社区慈善组织和韩国佛教 Jogye 派和韩国教科文组织合作伙伴的 慷慨赞助,个人和网上募捐所得,以及教科文组织拉丁美洲和加勒比地区组和非洲地区组以 参与计划方式提供的资金,教科文组织已筹措到 200 多万美元善款。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The recommendations adopted by the ICC are in line with the Action Plan for National Recovery and Development of Haiti and include the introduction of an official national inventory along with integrated and relevant protection and conservation plans, the protection, conservation and documentation of moveable cultural property and the prevention of their trafficking, the development of a general framework for the protection and presentation of intangible Haitian cultural heritage, and the revitalization of Haitian cultural industries and crafts as factors in the country’s development. unesdoc.unesco.org |
愉景灣「沙灘獵蛋奇兵」的報名費為每位小朋友150港元,其中部份將撥捐專門透過遊戲以豐富小朋友生活的非牟利機構「智樂兒童遊樂協會」 作 善款 及 活 動費用途; 80港元則可作D Deck餐飲用途 [...] (每位參加者將獲贈一張價值80港元的美食現金券,憑券可到指定的D Deck餐廳作現金使用)。 dbay.com.hk | A HK$150 participation fee per child will be collected, part of which will go to Playright Children’s Play Association, a non-profit organization that seeks [...] to enrich the lives of children through [...] quality play, as donation and programme fee; [...]while HK$80 will be for food and beverage [...]consumption at D Deck (each participant will get a D Deck dining coupon worth HK$80, for redemption at the designated restaurants at D Deck). dbay.com.hk |
北京耀中国际学校四名小学生——Sarah、Sofia Epstein、 Erika Miller和Coco [...] Yu——被“希望种子”慈善项目所感动,于是,他们决定主动在他们的小区向邻居筹 集 善款 , 以帮助在中国农村地区建立学校。 ycis-bj.com | Four Yew Chung International School of Beijing (YCIS Beijing) Primary students-- Sarah and Sofia Epstein, Erika Miller and Coco Yu--felt moved by the Seeds of Hope [...] project, so they decided to take the [...] initiative to collect donations from neighbours in [...]their apartment complex to help build [...]schools in China’s rural areas. ycis-bj.com |
在法国记者Claire Chazal与喜剧演员Muriel Robin创建的慈善团体“La Chaîne de [...] l’Espoir”(希望之链)协助下,Marine Jacquemin募集到所需全部善款,在阿富汗首都喀布尔为当地的母亲与儿童建造一所医院。 clarinsusa.com | With the help of the association "La Chaîne de l'Espoir" headed by French journalist Claire Chazal and comedian Muriel Robin, [...] Marine Jacquemin has been able to find all [...] the necessary funding for building [...]a hospital for Mothers and Children in Kabul. clarinsusa.com |
透过上述三次活动,我校师生共为希望种子筹集到51,000元 的 善款。 ycis-bj.com | The total amount raised for so far for the [...] Seeds of Hope fundraisers is RMB 51,000 yuan. ycis-bj.com |
於截至2011年12月31日止年 度內,「海通國際愛心大使」之成員及本集團的員工曾參 與由主要慈善團體如公益金、伸手助人協會、香港紅十字 會、香港奧比斯、香港基督教青年會、國際扶輪3450地 區、聖雅各福群會、香港樂施會、青年企業發展局、(中 國)香港綠色自然聯盟、和富社會企業及香港社區組織協 會等主辦的活動包括探訪、籌募善款 活 動、捐血及其他活 動。 htisec.com | During the year ended 31 December 2011, members of the Haitong International Caring Ambassadors and our colleagues took part in caring visits, fund raising charity programmes, blood donation and other activities organized by major charities, such as Community Chest, Helping Hand, Hong Kong Red Cross, Orbis Hong Kong, YMCA of Hong Kong, Rotary International 3450, St. James’ Settlement, Oxfam Hong Kong, Young Entrepreneurs Development Council, Sino-Hong Kong Green Nature Union, Wofoo Social Enterprises and Society for Community Organization. htisec.com |
恒 生 每 批 出 HKD 1,000 贷 [...] 款 , 即 会 捐 出 HKD 1 善 款 予 由 香 港 生 产 力 [...]促 进 局 所 管 理 的 环 保 基 金 , 用 作 推 广 环 保 活 动 。 bank.hangseng.com | Hang Seng will donate [...] HK$1 per HKD1,000 loan amount to a green [...]fund administered by the HKPC for environmental protection [...]activities (subject to a maximum of HKD5,000 per customer). bank.hangseng.com |
所得善款用于 为儿童以及青少年设计的融入社会的项目:圣诞活动,新年活动,定期郊游,定期心理辅导, [...] 对青少年进行指导,上课,为其购买应有的学习、生活用品等。 zte.com.cn | The money raised was used [...] for projects for integration into society designed for children and youngsters, including Christmas [...]events, New Year’s events, regular outings, regular psychological counselling, guidance and teaching for youngsters, and buying necessary school supplies. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
我們著重佛法的研習與修持,善款用 於護 持不同佛教傳承的藏人、非藏裔、僧眾、尼眾、在家學子、修行人、 [...] 學者、譯者、研究人員等。 khyentsefoundation.org | We emphasize the study and practice of [...] Buddhism, and our funding goes to support Tibetans, [...]non-Tibetans, monks, nuns, lay students [...]and practitioners, scholars, translators, and researchers from all the different Buddhist traditions. khyentsefoundation.org |
慈善首映夜活動所籌集到的善 款將全 部用作香港紅十字會以支援日本地震的救援、重建和救災工作,讓客戶既能率先欣賞 [...] 這套精彩 3D 電影,亦可一同顯示出對社會的關懷。 aia.com.hk | All donations raised from the premiere [...] event will be donated directly to the Hong Kong Red Cross for rehabilitation project in Japan. aia.com.hk |
2010 美国银行-美林证券关于高净值慈善事业的研究》中所涉及的问题, [...] 就算曾经问过那些高净值捐赠者,也算是很少见的问题,包括:他们是怎样投资 他们的善款的, 谁是他们所信任的来处理及应对社会和全球问题的人,捐赠者夫 [...]妇是怎样做出的决定。 worldfuturefound.org | The 2010 Bank of America Merrill Lynch Study of High Net-Worth Philanthropy included questions rarely if ever asked of high [...] net-worth donors: questions about how [...] they invest their philanthropic dollars, who they [...]trust to address societal and global [...]problems, and how couples make decisions. worldfuturefound.org |
虽然Alison自14岁起便半身不遂,但她亦由此成功筹得逾 17 万 善款。 clarinsusa.com | Since then Alison, who has been wheelchair bound since the age of 14, has managed to raise over £170,000, which is quite an achievement considering that Alison also works full time as a researcher in medical ethics. clarinsusa.com |
阿姆斯特朗的目标是获得2012年10月13日在夏威夷凯鲁瓦-柯纳举办的世界铁人三项锦标赛的参赛资格,他将作为LIVESTRONG团队成员参赛,LIVESTRONG团队将把这些赛事纳入到为癌症患者筹 集 善款 的 耐力性比赛项目中。 tipschina.gov.cn | Armstrong is racing with the goal of qualifying for the Ironman World Championship in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, on Oct. 13, 2012, and will be competing as a member of Team LIVESTRONG, [...] which is adding these Ironman races to its endurance events series [...] designed to raise funds for people affected [...]by cancer. tipschina.gov.cn |
是次為「山村義工隊」連續第二年舉行同類型步行籌款活動,活動為願望成真基金 [...] (Make-A-Wish® Hong Kong) 籌集善款,當中包括幫助一位患有肌肉萎縮症、名叫Jacky的香港小朋友,達成他的日本火車願望之旅,讓熱愛火車的Jacky [...] [...] 能親身接觸到不同類別的火車,尤其是日本著名的子彈火車。 hksh.com | For the second time in a row, the "Village [...] Volunteers" raised funds for Make-A-Wish® [...]Hong Kong this year, in order to help severely [...]ill children, including Jacky, who is suffered from muscular dystrophy by making his wish trip of seeing and having a ride on the famous high-speed trains in Japan come true. hksh.com |
庄臣“日本灾 后救助基金”迅速成立,并最终募集到超过 600,000 美元的善款,用以 帮助那些需要修缮房屋的日本同事。 scjohnson.com | The SC Johnson Japan Disaster assistance Fund was quickly established and ultimately raised more than $600,000 to help the people of SC Johnson Japan who needed major home repairs. scjohnson.com |
為擴展服務對象的生活範圍和視野,我們透過2008年中樂慈善音樂會所籌募 的 善款 , 資 助十七位較年長和有特別需要的學員和舍友,於2009年7月14至17日參加『台灣文化之旅』。 hksb.org.hk | In order to widen the horizon and life experience of MDVI, 17 trainees and residents of MGCH, BH and JH [...] visited Taiwan from 14 to 17 July 2009 with [...] financial support from funds raised through [...]a Charity Music Concert held in 2008. hksb.org.hk |
这笔善款来自 美国国际开发署国外救灾办公室。 embassyusa.cn | The funds are from the Office [...] of Foreign Disaster Assistance, the U.S. Agency for International Development. eng.embassyusa.cn |
這幅「Rosie」畫像為我們在全球籌集了大量 的 善款 , 而 畫像的原作則於2002年的Wiesbaden拍賣會出售,自此以後,「Rosie」的複製品多次在全球的不同場合拍賣,為我們的黑熊籌集了大量 的 善款。 animalsasia.it | Artist Michael Carey in USA: Mike very [...] generously drew the lovely picture of "Rosie" that has raised lots of money all over the world - the original was auctioned at the Wiesbaden auction in 2002 and since then 'her' print has been auctioned at events around the world, raising wonderful amounts of money for all the bears. animalsasia.it |
除了慢跑比赛外,当天还设有慈善义卖 , 善款 已 用 于资助在四川汶川大地震的受难者,我们的同事在义卖活动中也都慷慨解囊。 deloitte.com | Deloitte China team members also contributed to [...] the bazaar charity sale, which was held on that day to raise donation for the victims [...]in Sichuan Earthquake. deloitte.com |
我们非常高兴地看到, 我们捐赠的善款将通 过使用现代技术教学的方式为患病儿童们创造美好的未来, [...] ” 瓦克化学股份有限公司董事奥古斯特• 威廉姆斯解释道, 他今天亲手将支票交给医院院长和学校校长。 wacker.com | We are glad that our donation is contributing [...] to giving sick children prospects through the use of modern technology in [...]their classes,” explains Auguste Willems, Wacker Chemie AG Executive Board member, who handed over the check to the hospital director and the school principals today. wacker.com |
相片來自華懋「綠色香港攝影比賽」與「綠色香港攝影展」的參賽作品;所籌得 的 善款 , 連同華懋集團的捐款用作支持「視障學生課外活動津助計劃」之用。 hksb.org.hk | The fund raised [...] from the charity sale together with donation from Chinachem [...]Group, was designated to support the Extra-curricular [...]Activities Subsidy Scheme for Visually Impaired Students. hksb.org.hk |
依维柯在2009年参加的最重要体育活动全部具有凝聚力主题:为Abruzzo 慈善项目募集善款的Pa rtita del Cuore慈善友谊足球赛、为都灵S. Anna医院新生儿医疗中心筹款的All Blacks & White活动、以及All Blacks橄榄球队对米兰Beccaria少年犯教养所的访问,该活动以橄榄球为载体,旨在帮助少年犯重新融入社会。 iveco.com.cn | The most important Iveco sports events in 2009 were all linked by the theme of solidarity: the Partita del Cuore to raise money for Abruzzo, the All Blacks & White initiative in favour of the Centre of Neonatology of the S. Anna Hospital of Turin, the visit by the All Blacks to the Beccaria youth custody centre of Milan as part of a re-integration programme based on rugby. iveco.com.cn |
除了医生的身份,凌锋教授还是“民族孤儿救助基金”的主任,今年六一,凌锋教授会带队,组织来自政协和其他领域的朋友去云南丽江民族孤儿学校看望被助养的孩子们,并筹集用于教学楼封顶 的 善款。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | In addition to being a doctor, Dr. Ling is also the director of the Ethnic Orphans Foundation. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
古驰(Gucci)为支持联合国儿童基金会,欣然推出由创作总监Frida Giannini独家设计的GG旗帜系列(GG [...] Flag Collection)T恤衫及配饰。每件GG旗帜系列(GG Flag [...] Collection)产品零售价的25%将作为善款 , 进一步支持联合国儿童基金会的「Schools [...]for Africa」非洲助学计划以及「Schools for Asia」亚洲助学计划。 gucci.com | Gucci is pleased to introduce the GG Flag Collection to benefit UNICEF, an exclusive line of t-shirts and accessories, designed by Creative Director Frida Giannini. 25 percent of the retail price [...] of each item in the GG Flag Collection that is [...] sold will be donated to provide further [...]support to UNICEF’s “Schools for Africa” [...]and “Schools for Asia” education initiatives. gucci.com |