

单词 善本



man at birth is fundamentally good in nature

External sources (not reviewed)

巴 基斯坦赞扬埃塞俄比亚随时愿考虑批准一些人权文书, 善本人权机构。
Pakistan commended Ethiopia’s readiness
to consider ratifying a number of human rights
[...] instruments, which wouldimprove itsnational human [...]
rights infrastructure.
然而,信息与传播技术融入教育的问题继续面临 多种挑战,其中包括缺乏相应的政策框架、基础设施不言内容不足以及教师能 力不足等。
However, ICT integration in education continues to face numerous challenges, including the lack of appropriate policy frameworks, lack of access to infrastructure, insufficient local language content and capacity among teachers.
教科文组织是科学政策领域,尤其是科技与创新计划领域及科技、创新和工程领域中 关键的国际性参与者,它的这种地位通过精简和进一步 善本有关科学政策的工作以及 启动和不断发展科技与创新全球评估计划(STIGAP)得到加强。
UNESCO’s position as a key international player in the field of science policy, in general, and in the field of STI programmes and the assessment of science, technology, innovation and engineering in particular, was reinforced through streamlining and further developing of the Sector’s work on science policy with the initiation and ongoing development of the Science, Technology and Innovation Global Assessment Programme (STIGAP).
法律事务厅支助账户拟议所需资源将用于继续提供有关法律援助和咨询,涉 及与联合国维和活动和行动有关的各种支助职能,包括:与各国政府的安排;采
购活动和订立合同以满足后勤需要;解决争议和索赔;执行和加强本组织的问责 措施;解释和适用《联合国财务条例和细则》以及《工作人员条例和细则》,以 进行适当的行政管理,对其进行改革,并维护秘书长的利益;通过减轻维和行动
[...] 和活动中的法律风险并限制法律责任, 善本 维和行动和活动的行政和财务 管理。
The support account resources proposed for the Office of Legal Affairs would enable the Office to continue to provide legal assistance and advice on the myriad support functions relating to the Organization’s peacekeeping activities and operations, including: arrangements with Governments, procurement activities and contracting for logistical requirements, the resolution of disputes and claims, the implementation and enhancement of the Organization’s accountability measures, the interpretation and application of the Financial Regulations and Rules and Staff Regulations and Rules of the United Nations for proper administration, reforms thereof, and the defence of the interests of the Secretary-General and
improvement of the administrative and
[...] financial management of theOrganization’s [...]
peacekeeping operations and activities through
the mitigation of legal risk and the limitation of legal liability arising from such operations and activities.
又深信所有国家为本国和国际商业交易创造稳定而透明的环境对于调动投 资、资金、技术、技能和其他重要资源极为重要,并认识到,所有国家在各级做
[...] 出有效努力,预防和打击一切形式的腐败,是 善本国际商业环境的一个重 要因素
Convinced also that a stable and transparent environment for national and international commercial transactions in all countries is essential for the mobilization of investment, finance, technology, skills and other important resources, and recognizing that effective efforts at all levels to prevent and combat corruption
in all its forms in all countries are essential
[...] elementsof animproved national andinternational [...]
business environment
鉴於本集团所面对的流动资金问题,董事已采用下列措施,以 善本的整体财务及现金流量 状况,及作为持续经营业务维持本集团现行运作
In view of the liquidity problems faced by the Group, the
directors have adopted the following measures
[...] with the view to improve the Group’s [...]
overall financial and cash flow position and
to maintain the Group’s existence as a going concern
还必须找到有效办法,解决限制药品过 境贸易的贸易相关方面、知识产权、受影响发展中国
[...] 家的卫生工作者的移徙和招聘问题,以及扭转人才外 流,以便善本生系统和确保人人享受廉价治疗 [...]
It is also essential to find sound solutions for the trade-related aspects of the restrictions on transit trade in medications, intellectual property rights, overcoming the problems of migration and recruitment of health workers from affected
developing countries and reversing the brain
[...] drain, so asto improvenational health [...]
systems and ensure affordable treatment and care for all.
本次级方案将与其他各项次级方案密切协作,并以次区域一级的 具体目标为重点,着力从跨部门和次区域视角应对在增强区域财政和 经济合作方面遇到的政策问题和挑战,以期协助亚太区域增加资本供
[...] 基础设施,设法解决那些有特殊需要的国家所面对的各种挑战,以及 开展旨在善本 最贫穷的和最脆弱的群体的粮食安全和营养问 [...]
The subprogramme will work closely together with other subprogrammes and with a targeted subregional focus to incorporate multisectoral and subregional perspectives in addressing policy issues and challenges in enhancing regional financial and economic cooperation that could assist the Asia-Pacific region with increased capital availability for the development of economically viable and socially inclusive infrastructure based on public-private partnership, in addressing the
challenges of countries with special needs,
[...] activities toimprove foodsecurity [...]
and nutrition of the poorest and most vulnerable
people in the region, and with regard to the Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific.
[...] 地区办事处在向寻求庇护的移民和难民提供援助方 面开展的合作以及在善本民权利保护立法方 面给予的支持表示感激。
Her country appreciated the cooperation of the UNHCR Regional Office for Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova in providing assistance for
immigrants and refugees seeking asylum,
[...] and itssupport in improvingher country’s legislation [...]
on protection of refugees’ rights.
本公司将动用认购事项的估计所得款项净额约12.736 亿港元善本的营运资本、加强在这不明确的公共融资市场环境下的流动资金情况、为本公司 [...]
探讨新的业务机会、加强本公司的现有业务及其他一般业务,但是,本公司不得使用全部或部分所 得款项从事实质上不同於现有生产线业务,除非有关业务已另包括在年度预算或季度进展中,并已 由董事持续许可。
The Company will use the estimated net proceeds
of the Subscription of approximately
[...] HK$1,273,600,000 to improve the working capital [...]
of the Company, enhance its liquidity
position in an uncertain public financing market environment, explore new business opportunities for the Company, enhance the existing business of the Company and for other general corporate purposes, provided that the Company shall not use such proceeds, in whole or in part, in engaging in a line of business substantially different from the existing lines of business of the Company save as otherwise included in the annual budget and any quarterly updates thereto, as approved by the Board from time to time.
大部分被访者认为西九文艺区有助 善本化艺术气氛,超过半数 (53%)预计改善程度将会甚大,约有四分之一(23%) [...]
Most respondents believe that
[...] the WKCD can improve Hong Kong's cultural [...]
and arts atmosphere, with over half (53%) saying
that it would do so to a large extent and another quarter (23%) saying it would do so to a middling extent.
尽 管 仍 未 肯 定 经 济 复 苏 於 可 见 未 来 会 否 持 续 , 惟 管 理 层对善 本於 二 零 一 零 年 下 半 年 整 体 业 绩 抱 审 慎 乐 观 态 度 。
Despite the uncertainty as to whether such recovery could be sustained in the foreseeable future, management is cautiously optimistic that the overall results of the Group in the second half of 2010 will show improvement.
统计培训区域协调工作组负责制订一项战略,以 善本统 计培训的协调和影响力,包括协调相关国家和区域机构和国际机构的 [...]
The Working Group on the Regional Coordination of
Statistical Training was tasked with developing
[...] a strategy for improving the coordination [...]
and impact of statistical training in
the region, including coordinating the work of national and regional institutions and international agencies.
倘该等措施无法善本之流动资金状况及本集团无法按持续 基准营运,则会作出调整将本集团资产之账面值削减至其可收回款额,并就可能产生之进一步负 [...]
Should the
[...] measuresfail to improve the liquidity [...]
position of the Group and the Group is unable to continue in business
as a going concern, adjustments would have to be made to reduce the carrying amounts of the assets of the Group to their recoverable amount and to provide for further liabilities which might arise.
为 此 , 本 集 团 将 致 力 於 优 化 其 既 有 电 站 的 经 营 管 理 及 推 动加快 新 电 站 收 购 和 经 营 管 理 , 从 而善 本现 有 的 业 务 的 表 现 。
As such, the Group will strive to optimize the operation and management of its existing projects and accelerate the acquisition of and facilitate the operation and management of newly-acquired projects, inanefforttoimprovethe performance of its existing businesses.
内部审计部门向审核委员会汇报其工作结果,并就 善本的内部监控系统提出建 议。
The Internal Audit Department reports
to the Audit Committee with its findings and make
[...] recommendationsto improvetheinternal [...]
control systems of the Group.
近 日 有 迹 象 显 示 , 中 国 已 走 出全球 经 济 衰 退 的 影 响 , 经 济 开 始 复 苏 , 管 理 层对善 本於 二 零 一 零 年 下 半 年 之 整 体 业 绩 抱 审 慎 乐 观 态 度 。
Against recent signs of recovery of the Chinese economy in the midst of the worldwide economic downturn, management is cautiously optimistic that the overall results of the Group in the second half of 2010 will show improvement.
他的代表团赞赏柬埔寨政 府为制定一项落实普遍定期审议建议的行动计划所
[...] 作的努力,并鼓励该国政府在国际社会的援助下, 进一步采取措施善本权状况。
His delegation appreciated the efforts by the Cambodian Government to develop an action plan to follow up on the recommendations of the universal
periodic review and encouraged it to take
[...] further stepsto improvethehuman rights [...]
situation in Cambodia, with the assistance
of the international community.
由于这一原因,须寻求新的工具和机制, 扩大新型供资,且善本作。
For that reason, it was important to seek for new instruments and mechanisms to expand innovative financing, as well as to enhance domestic efforts.
审 计 委 员 会 已 经 与 管 理 层 审 阅 本 集 团 所 采 纳 的 会 计 原 则
[...] 和 准 则,并 探 讨 审 计、善 本内 控 体 系 建 设 及 运 [...]
作 有 效 性 检 测 及 财 务 滙 报 事 宜,包 括 审 阅 截 至'007年''月''日
止 经 审 计 的 财 务 报 告。
The Audit Committee has reviewed the accounting principles and standards adopted by the Group in
association with the management,
[...] investigated, audited andimproved theinternal control [...]
systems, effectiveness testing for
operations and financial reporting of the Company, including the review of the audited financial report for the year ended 3' December 2007.
发展中国家面临的一个重大挑战是根据自己的发 展目标和需要,继续在多边层面上作出努力,并 善本贸易景观,无论世贸 组织谈判的进展如何。
A key challenge for developing countries is to continue working at the
multilateral level and
[...] reforming the national trading landscape according to their own development objectives and needs, regardless of the pace ofthe WTO negotiations.
[...] 动纲领》,结合各国具体情况,制定并 善本于 小武器生产、拥有、转让和库存等方面的法律法规, [...]
On the basis of the United Nations Programme of Action on Small Arms and Light Weapons and in line with its
particular situation, each State may wish to
[...] draw up a complete set of rules and regulations [...]
on the production, possession, transfer
and stockpile of small arms and ensure their effective enforcement.
这将有助于善本针对发展中国家、最不发达国家和经济转型国家开展的以发展为导向的活动,使这些活动更加有 [...]
This mainstreaming
[...] is expected to improve the Organization’s [...]
delivery of development oriented activities to developing countries,
LDCs and countries with economies in transition in terms of effectiveness, efficiency, better coordination and coherence with an ultimate higher development impact.
(c) 国家工作队可以更有效的方式为受害者家属及其社区服务,因为它们
[...] 使用相同的语言,拥有相同或类似的文化,通常有着类似的经历,而且往往会更 致力于善本人权状况和法治。
in more effective ways, as they speak the same language, are from the same or a similar culture, have often lived through
similar experiences, and often have a strong
[...] commitment to improving the human rights [...]
situation and the rule of law in their own countries.
[...] (「西九文艺区」)方案,目的是将西九龙改造成为一个拥有多元化文化艺术场地及设施的文化区域,正正可以 善本文化艺术面貌。
The West Kowloon Cultural District ("WKCD"), a proposal put forward by the SAR government to transform West Kowloon
into a cultural region with diversified cultural venues and
[...] facilities, could improveHong Kong's arts [...]
and cultural scene.
(i) 工作人员不得企图影响会员国、联合国主要或附属机构或专家组,以期
[...] 改变秘书长所采取的立场或决定,包括关于秘书处方案或单位筹措经费的立场或 决定,或争取支持善本其他工作人员的情况,或阻挠或改变对本人或同事 [...]
(i) Staff members shall not seek to influence Member States, principal or subsidiary organs of the United Nations or expert groups in order to obtain a change from a position or decision taken by the Secretary-General, including decisions relating to the financing of Secretariat
programmes or units, or in order to
[...] secure support for improvingtheir personal [...]
situation or the personal situation of other
staff members or for blocking or reversing unfavourable decisions regarding their status or their colleagues’ status.
(a) 向董事会提供善本内部监控程序及系统的建议;及 (b) 经董事会预先同意的情况下,如认为有需要,可寻求外部法律或 [...]
其他独立专业意见及促使具有相关经验及专长的外界人士出席委 员会会议。
(a) to make recommendations to the
[...] Board for theimprovement of the Group’s [...]
internal control procedures and system; and
(b) subject to prior approval by the Board, to obtain outside legal or other independent professional advice and to secure their attendance in the Committee’s meetings where necessary.




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