

单词 善始善终

See also:


from beginning end
all along

善终 n

hospice n

External sources (not reviewed)

就日本方面而言,它将继续帮助柬埔寨政府,并监 督该国启动的司法进程善始善终。
It would continue to provide assistance to the Cambodian Government to ensure completion of the judicial reform being undertaken in that country.
例如,在非洲已经始的一 些文化政策活动就由于有关国家局势动荡而未 善终。
Thus, for example, a number of activities on cultural policies which had been initiated in Africa could not be successfully completed because of the conflictual situation in the countries concerned.
我们的概念体现了我们从事日常活动的远景目标— 始终 不 渝地 改 善 全 球 病人和护理人的生活质量。
Our concept reflects our vision in our
[...] daily activity - always to improve life quality for [...]
patients and caregivers globally.
12 31. 在一个国家内和不同国家之间,社会经济地位的提高与健康的 善始终 都有 关联。
The association between increasing socio-economic status and better health is remarkably persistent both among countries and within countries.
多米尼加的体制机构――行 政、立法和司法始终坚持 法治的理想,一直积极地响应国际规范、惯例和习 惯。
Dominican institutions — executive, legislative and judiciary — continued to hold high the ideals of the rule of law and had been very responsive to international norms, conventions and customs.
2003 年教科文组织和平教育奖颁给了 Emile Shoufani 神父(以色列),表彰他个始终主 张 对 话、和平与宽容的态度和行动,以及他为 善 阿 拉 伯人与犹太人之间的关系而作出的不懈努 力。
The UNESCO Prize for Peace Education 2003 was awarded to Father Emile Shoufani (Israel) in recognition of
his personal attitude and his action
[...] ever imbued with dialogue, peace and tolerance, and of his constant endeavour to reconcile Arabs and Jews.
当维修活塞杆时,始终在活 塞杆密封件和柱塞泵活塞中安装新的 O 形圈。
When you service the piston rod always install new o-rings in the piston rod seal and ram piston.
各代表团突出提到四条这样的教 训:(a)
[...] 经济增长是全面开发生产能力和可持续增长的前提条件和基础;(b) 发 展基础设施服务和构建各部门间的联系是各种发展程度国 始终 面 临的挑战; (c) 和谐的社会和经济发展需要务实地执行构思 善 、 切 实有效的政策;(d) 向 国际经济力量打开大门既带来机遇也迎来挑战,这需要进行切实有效的国际合 作,但是各国也需要足够的政策空间,以有效的掌控一体化进程。
Four such lessons were highlighted by different delegations: (a) that economic growth was a prerequisite and basis for overall development of productivity capacity and sustainable growth; (b) developing infrastructure services and building
links across sectors
[...] were persistent challenges for countries at all levels of development; (c) harmonious social and economic development required well-designed [...]
and effective policy
pursued in a pragmatic fashion; (d) opening up to international economic forces posed both opportunities and challenges which necessitated effective international cooperation, but that countries also needed sufficient policy space to effectively manage the integration process.
[...] 贫困率差异明显,其中一个原因是家庭收入补贴的差异不均衡和缺乏系统性,而 且许多低收入家庭的城镇住房条件 始终 未 改 善 成 更 有益于儿童的环境。
The Committee is concerned that poverty rates clearly differ across the country, also as a consequence of unequal and unsystematic variations of family income supplements, and that
municipal housing, where many families with low income live, has not been
[...] transformed in a more child-friendly environment.
经社会认识到亚太经社会在促进亚太区域社会发展方面发挥了独特作 用,赞扬秘书处成功地执行了社会发展领域的工作方案,其产 始终 保 持高 质量。
It commended the secretariat for its successful implementation of the programme of work in the field of social development and for the consistently high quality of its outputs.
在 “本會 促請政府”之後刪除“ 審慎評估落實小班教學所需”,並以善 用中小學學生人口 下 降 所 節 省”代替 ;在“ 資 源 , ”之前 刪除 “ 額 外”及在其後 刪除“ 衡 量 政府及家長雙 方的承擔, 並 在 確保”, 並以“進 行 小班教學的”代替;在“師資 培 訓 ”之後刪除“得以配 合 下”,並以“,並以分 區 分 級 的過渡 模式”代替;及 在 “ 逐 步 在小學” 之後加上“和初 中始”。
To delete "prudently assess" after "the
Government to" and substitute
[...] with "make optimal use of"; to delete "additional" before "resources"; to delete "required for implementing" after "resources" and substitute with "saved due to the drop in the primary and secondary school student population to provide training for teachers on"; to delete ", weigh the commitments of both the Government and parents and, by ensuring that complementing training for teachers is available" before ", progressively implement small class teaching" and substitute with "and, through a 'by district and by grade' mode of transition"; to delete "in" after "progressively implement small class teaching" and substitute with ", starting with"; and to add "and [...]
junior secondary forms," after "primary schools".
Seton家族与越南有着长期的合作关系,早在十年前就创办了金矿公司Besra(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:BEZ)(澳大利亚证券交易所股票代码:BEZ)(美国柜台交易市场股票代码:BSRAF)(法兰克福证券交易所股票代码:OP6)(www.besra.com)。公 始终 恪 守 改 善 营 运所在地之当地居民生计的承诺。
The family has a long association with Vietnam, having set up the gold mining company Besra (TSX: BEZ)(ASX: BEZ)(OTCQX: BSRAF)(FRANKFURT: OP6) (www.besra.com) over a decade ago.
各代表团重申,《布鲁塞尔行动纲领》 终 极 目 标是 善 最 不 发达国 家人民的福祉。
Delegations reiterated
[...] that the ultimate goal of the Brussels Programme of Action was to improve the well-being [...]
of citizens of least developed countries.
这包括支持扫盲工作,其中包含推广实用扫盲,从幼年 始 并 持 续 终 身 的 正规和 非正规教育,在学习的初始阶段推行母语教育,包括社会道德意识在内的价值观教育,发展 [...]
对话文化,宣传和平文化,促进可持续发展教育、教师培训、技术职业教育和培训(着眼于 增加就业机会和利用教科文组织国际技术和职业教育与培训中心的优势),以及科学技术教 育。
This should include support for efforts to promote literacy, including functional
literacy, formal and
[...] non-formal education, beginning with early childhood and continuing on a lifelong basis, [...]
education in the mother
tongue in the early stages of learning, values education including social and moral awareness, the development of a culture of dialogue, a commitment to a culture of peace, education for sustainable development, teacher training, technical and vocational education and training (geared towards enhancing employability and drawing on the expertise of UNEVOC) as well as science and technology education.
注意 为防止密封受损,在组装活塞密封和活塞柱时,始 终使用修理配件包中的活塞组装工具 (PT) 和柱安装 工具 (RT)。
To prevent damage to seals always use piston assembly tool (PT) and rod installation tool (RT) from repair kit when assembling the piston seals and displacement rod.
伊朗支持国际社会与朝鲜的建 设性合作,强调各国始终在平 等和相互尊重的基础上,解决在人权领域中的分 歧。
It supported the international community in its constructive
cooperation with the State and emphasized that
[...] countries should always seek to solve [...]
their differences in the field of human rights
on the basis of equality and mutual respect.
明确评估一项拟议法案对人权的影响, 将确保新立法不会与各种文书发生抵触,在立法过程中增进人们对各种人权文书 的认识,这终会进一步善所涉 人权。
Explicitly addressing the effects a proposed bill has on human rights will ensure that new legislation is not in conflict with the various instruments and should increase awareness of
the various human rights instruments in the legislative
[...] process which will ultimately further improvement of these rights.
如果不在排除项目之列,候选项目应满足以下 10 项标准中的几个:服务于保护文化多
样性的事业、致力于增进国家的文化、尊重国家或地区的文化传统而设计、尊重人权、积极 参与加强性别平等、容忍以及反对种族主义、提供项目初期经济方面可行性的证据、预测对
[...] 社会弱势群体最低的经济、社会和教育成效、预测创造稳定就业、 始 改 善 文 化 管理方面的 手段并在使用新技术方面进行革新。
Project proposals that are not so excluded must meet several of the following ten criteria: serve the cause of safeguarding cultural diversity, promote national cultures, respect the cultural traditions of the country or region, respect human rights, participate actively in the enhancement of gender equality and tolerance and in the fight against racism, provide proof of the financial feasibility of the first phase of the project, foresee a minimal contribution in economic, social and educational benefits to an underprivileged social group, presuppose
the creation of stable jobs, include a
[...] component on the improvement of know-how [...]
in the field of cultural management and,
lastly, imply an innovative use of new technologies.
马来西亚赞赏各国代表团有机会通过普遍定期审议开展和平、建设性和 非对抗 性的对话,以便更好 地 了 解 和 评估实 地 的人权状况,并终 切 实 改善这 种 状况。
Malaysia appreciated the opportunity through UPR for delegations to engage in peaceful, constructive and non-confrontational
dialogue to better understand,
[...] assess and ultimately effect tangible improvements to the human [...]
rights situation on the ground.
根据联利特派团和联科行动内的人士 以及小组约谈的前科特迪瓦战斗人员提供的信息,大部分战斗人员仍在等待科特 迪瓦西部安全局势的善,等待全面 始 解 除 武装、复员和重返社会(复员方案) 进程,然后才会考虑放下武器,换取钱款和接受再培训。
According to sources both within UNMIL and UNOCI, as well as former Ivorian combatants interviewed by the Panel,
most combatants are still
[...] waiting for improvements in the security situation in western Côte d’Ivoire, as well as the beginning of a comprehensive disarmament, [...]
and reintegration process, before they will consider parting with their weapons in exchange for payment and retraining options.
制定执行了大幅提升教育质量的政策,具体措施包括把教学课时增加到每年 800 个,善教师初始培训 和持续培训并下放培训权力,提供充足数量的教科书, [...]
It involves, inter alia, increasing classroom hours
[...] to 800 per year, improve and decentralizing [...]
initial and continuing teacher training,
providing an adequate number of textbooks, building and funding new schools and developing and testing a new national curriculum.
身心安 全对于确保女性罪犯的人权以及善 她 们的 最 终 结 果 至关重要,本规则考虑 到了这方面的问题。
Physical and psychological safety is critical to
[...] ensuring human rights and improving outcomes for women [...]
offenders, of which the present rules take account.
始终如一 地落实建议采取的第一项行动,即“认识到武装冲突期间侵犯 妇女和女孩人权的严重程度;并确保这一认识体现于所有和平支助行动的规划和 实施中”,但在“通过对妇女和妇女组织进行正式和平进程培训等活动,确保妇 女全面参与国家和国际一级的和平协议谈判”的工作尚未取得进展。
Whereas the first action recommended to “recognize the extent of the violations of the human rights of women and girls during armed conflict and ensure that awareness of these violations is a factor in planning and implementation of all peace support operations”, is being consistently implemented, efforts to ensure the “full involvement of women in negotiations of peace agreements at national and international levels, including through the provision of training for women and women’s organizations on formal peace processes” are yet to gain ground.
各 国政府认识到,单靠市场不能自我调节,已 始 改 善 金 融 部门的监管和体制框 架。
Governments realized that markets alone cannot
[...] selfregulate and started improving regulatory and [...]
institutional frameworks for the financial sector.
一位委员对审议报告的 程序主要停留在形式上,而且对那些在有关的文书方面没有履行《组织法》义务的会员 始终 没 有 产生切实的 影响表示遗憾。
One member regretted that the report examination procedure was essentially formal and had no effective consequences for Member States that did not fulfil their constitutional obligations in respect of the instruments concerned.
[...] 年,并要求该非政府组织在中止期结束前向委员会提交信函,确认其 始终 遵守 理事会第 1996/31 号决议第 [...]
55 段所规定的关于与经社理事会建立咨商关系及咨 商关系性质的原则。
By draft decision V, the Council would decide to suspend the consultative status of the Centre Europe-tiers monde for a period of two years and to request the non-governmental organization to submit a letter to the Committee before the expiration of the
suspension period, confirming that it will
[...] conform at all times to the principles [...]
governing the establishment and nature
of its consultative relations with the Council, as stipulated in paragraph 55 of Council resolution 1996/31.
[...] 事会和有关国家采取行动,争取实现上述目标,同始终优先强调联合国应该作出的贡献,深信中东和平 [...]
与稳定的实现将是对话与谈判的结果,而非使用武力 的结果。
In conclusion, I reaffirm my delegation’s commitment to continue to support action by the Security Council and interested
States with a view to attaining those
[...] objectives, while always giving precedence [...]
to the contribution that the United Nations
should make, in the conviction that stability and security in the Middle East will come about as a result of dialogue and negotiation, not the use of force.
然而,我们必须同意,筹资 只是鼓励因素之一,我们应始终确 保,其他主要的鼓励因素能够完全纳入我们 的努力,并能够得到所有必要的控制,其中最重要的控制措施是诚实和透明度。
But we have to agree that financing is only one of many human incentives and we should always ensure that other key incentives are fully integrated into our efforts and regulated by all the necessary controls, the most important of these being integrity and transparency guarantees.
[...] 要,维和部、外勤部以及特派团人员能够以此理解平民保护的问题(并 终 改善 这方 面的业绩),该科经与联合国主要的保护行为者协商,提出了业务概念,作 [...]
Given the importance of having a conceptual foundation upon which DPKO and DFS and mission personnel could frame
their understanding of the protection of
[...] civilians (and ultimately improve performance [...]
in this area), the Section, in consultation
with key United Nations protection actors, developed an operational concept as a starting point.
目前的一大挑战是, 确定如何最有效地利用技术的巨大潜力来拓宽获得教育、科学和文化的渠道,促进
[...] 发展,实现已达成国际共识的发展目标,尤其是千年发展目标和全民教育目标, 终 改 善 发 达国家和发展中国 家的穷人和社会边缘群体的生活状况。
A principal challenge will be to determine how best to use the enormous potential of technology so as to enhance access to education, science and culture, harness development and
achieve IADGs, in particular MDGs
[...] and EFA Goals, ultimately improving the life of the [...]
poor and marginalized segments of
societies in both developed and developing countries.




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