单词 | 啸 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 啸—whistlehissExamples:海啸n—tsunamispl turmoiln 汪啸风—Wang Xiaofeng (1944-), fourth governor of Hainan 呼啸—whistle scream whiz 呼啸而过—zip by whistle past hurtle past
动力煤的价格於二零一一年大部份时间内 [...] 大致持平,澳洲水灾、美国出口及日本发生海啸令到商品的供/需 平衡出现不确定性。 glencore.com | Thermal coal in particular remained broadly flat for the majority of [...] 2011, with Australian flooding, US exports [...] and theJapanese Tsunamidrivinguncertainty [...]in the commodity’s supply/demand balance. glencore.com |
不论是普契尼歌剧、冒险动作片或是呼啸的风 声,BeoLab 12-3、12-2 和 12-1 都能创造充满力道与深度的聆赏体验。 bang-olufsen.com | Whether it is a Puccini opera, an action-adventure film or the sound of wind blowing, BeoLab 12-3, 12-2 and 12-1 create an aural environment founded on power and depth. bang-olufsen.com |
不论是聆赏普契尼歌剧、冒险动作片或是呼啸的风声,BeoLab 12 的完美环绕音效都能丰富您的视听体验。 bang-olufsen.com | Whether it is a Puccini opera, a Spaghetti western, or the sound of wind blowing, BeoLab 12 wall speaker evokes the perfect surround sound to enrich your experience, both acoustically and visually. bang-olufsen.com |
台湾大哥大在过去的一年中,不畏全球金融海啸肆虐、民间消费力道萎缩的恶劣环境,在全 体同仁齐心戮力下,多项营运指标皆优於主要 竞争对手,交出亮丽的成绩单! corp.taiwanmobile.com | In spite of the global financial crisis and weak domestic private consumption, Taiwan Mobile (“TWM” or “the Company”) delivered satisfactory results last year, surpassing its peers in various key performance indexes. english.taiwanmobile.com |
由於二零零八年全球金融海啸後, Acon集团之经营环境出现不明朗因素,加上业内竞争激烈, 本公司董事对Acon集团未来之发展作出详细评估,认为截至二零一零年三月三十一日止年度, 因收购Acon集团而产生之商誉之账面值约131,000港元(二 零零九年:无)已全数减值。 equitynet.com.hk | It was considered that the carrying amount of goodwill arising on acquisition of Acon Group in the amount of approximately HK$ 131,000 (2009: Nil) was fully impaired during the year ended 31st March 2010. equitynet.com.hk |
很多时候,自然灾难往往突如其来:泥石流令房屋及村庄与外界失去联系,地震在瞬间摧毁整个地区,洪水威胁着无数人的家园,森林火灾危及城镇和村庄,海啸巨浪 席卷整个地区,而龙卷风更会摧毁当地的基础设施。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | Ever more frequently, nature strikes at lightning speed: mudslides cut houses and villages off from the outside world, earthquakes destroy entire regions within seconds, floods threaten people's livelihoods, forest fires endanger towns and villages and tidal waves devastate whole regions, tornadoes destroy a region's infrastructure. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
李少光得分下跌估计与海啸救援行动有关,孙明扬得分上升应该与解决红湾半岛事件有关,而王永平得分下跌就应该与公务员退休後转职私人机构的讨论有关。 hkupop.hku.hk | Lee's plunge was probably related to the government's [...] performance in thetsunami rescue mission, [...]Suen's rebound related to the resolution [...]of the Hunghom Peninsula incident, and Wong's drop related to the discussion of civil servants taking up post-retirement jobs. hkupop.hku.hk |
澳电为响应南亚地震及海啸的救灾行动,於日前举行了员工募捐活动,联同公司之捐款合共为 [...] 澳门币十三万六千圆正 (MOP136,000.00)。 cem-macau.com | To help the victims of the [...] earthquake and tsunami in South-East [...]Asia, CEM organized an internal fund raising campaign from [...]the employees, which added with the donation from the company, totalled MOP136,000.00. cem-macau.com |
2009 年是中信 1616 集团有限公司在面臨激烈的市场竞争以及在全 球金融海啸影响下电信行业营业收入增长放缓的环境下,经营效益取 得稳定增长的一年。 citictel.com | CITIC 1616 Holdings Limited managed to report stable growth in operating profit in 2009, despite intense market competition and the slowdown in revenue growth for the telecommunications sector under the global financial tsunami. citictel.com |
此 外,虽 然 香 港 第 三 大 贸 易 夥 [...] 伴 的 日 本 发 生 大 地 震,海啸及随之 而 来 的 核 危 机 影 [...]响, 但 观 其 贸 易 额 只 占 香 港 贸 易 总 额 的6.8% ,相 信 是 次 事 故 对 本 [...]地 经 济 的 增 长 不 会 有 太 显 着的 影 响。 cre8ir.com | Although [...] the earthquake,tsunami andsubsequent nuclear [...]crisis struck Japan, Hong Kong’s third largest trading partner, [...]it is believed that these incidents would not have significant impact on the growth of Hong Kong’s economy as trade with Japan only accounted for 6.8% of total value of Hong Kong’s trade. cre8ir.com |
此预测乃假设日本制造的余下设备(未受海啸直接影响)能按经修订交付时间表交付。 glencore.com | The forecast assumes that the remainder of [...] Japanese manufactured equipment (not directly [...] impacted by the Tsunami) will bedelivered [...]according to the revised delivery schedules. glencore.com |
例如,怡安曾捐款支持青海玉树、四川大地震及南亚地震和海啸的灾民。 aon.com | For example, we donated money to support the reliefs of Sichuan Earthquake and [...] South Asia Earthquake & Tsunami. aon.com |
受 金 融海啸的影响,2009年 欧 美 地 区 经 济 环 境 不 理 想,本 集 团 海 外 市 场 销 售 团 队 重 点 拓 展 海 外 市 场 中 主 要 的 增 量 市 场,目 前 本 集 团 正 在 针 对 中 东、俄 罗 斯、印 度 等 国 家 和 地 区 自 [...][...] 身 的 特 点 进 行 品 牌 推 广 以 及 新 产 品 研 发 工 作。 evoc.cn | Currently, the Group conducts brand promotion and new product R&D tailoring for countries and regions such as the Middle East, Russia and India. evoc.cn |
从多年前的亚洲海啸及更 近期的中国地震事件,我们可以发现卫星相对以地面为基础的系统具备固有 [...] 的通讯优势。 asiasat.com | As we have seen at the [...] time of the Asian tsunamiand themore recent [...]earthquake in China, satellites have inherent communication [...]advantages over land-based systems. asiasat.com |
虽然特区政 府认香港有需要订立《公平竞争法》以缔造公平的竞争环境,但在 2009 年 2 月, 特区政府却以专注处理金融海啸及复苏经济为藉口,推迟《公平竞争法》的立法 工作10。 procommons.org.hk | Although the Government has admitted the needs of Competition Law in maintaining the level playing field in Hong Kong, the legislative process of the Competition Ordinance was postponed in February 2009 under the excuse of the necessity to concentrate the efforts on improving the economic situation in view of the financial crisis.10 . procommons.org.hk |
在南亚海啸发生之後,灾难区范围内的40所DHL办事处迅速向政府与救难协会伸出援手。 dhl.com.tw | Directlyafterthetsunami in SouthAsia, DHL, [...] with over 40 offices throughout the disaster region, responds immediately [...]to requests from government and aid organizations. dhl.si |
不过,倘若不是因为海啸,民主派取消了原先发起的「反对官商勾结、消除贫富悬殊、争取07、08年普选」游行,则传媒的报导焦点,又可能变成游行人数的比拚,甚至是两派人士出现的冲突。 hkupop.hku.hk | Yet, had it [...] not been for the tsunamidisaster and hence [...]the democrats had cancelled the "Against Government-Business Collusion, [...]Removing Disparity between the Rich and the Poor, Fighting for Universal Suffrage in 07/08 Rally" as originally scheduled, the focus of the media would possibly be a race of headcounts between the two rallies, or even the conflicts between the two parties. hkupop.hku.hk |
纵使 近期发生金融海啸,中国大陆之电影票房仍持续录得可观增长,证明中国大陆之娱乐市场现正急速发展。 equitynet.com.hk | Despite the [...] recent financial tsunami, box offices in [...]respect of cinemas in mainland China have continued to record remarkable [...]growths. This proves that the entertainment market in mainland China is developing rapidly. equitynet.com.hk |
就2012年的基金销情,基金公会主席李定邦 (Lieven Debruyne) 表示:「自环球金融海啸以来,基金业面对不少挑战,包括波动的投资市场、愈趋复杂的监管制度及避险意识升温。 hkifa.com.hk | Commenting on fund sales numbers, Mr. Lieven Debruyne, Chairman of the HKIFA said “in the past few years, the fund industry has been grappling with a host of challenges, including volatile investment markets, a more complex regulatory environment, and heightened risk aversion. hkifa.com.hk |
因为近期发生多起天灾,让各界关心在急难时刻,该如何管理古迹资产,海啸、飓风、土石流、火灾都可能冲击古老建筑与景观,也会造成永久损害,尤其在都会地区,紧急资源大多用於基础服务与重建。 thisbigcity.net | Tsunamis, hurricanes, mudslides [...] and fires all have an impact on historic structures and landscapes, and can leave permanent damage. thisbigcity.net |
展望将來,随着公共工程开支由 [...] 2007-08 年度的 205 亿元,上升至未來數年每年 超过 700 [...] 亿元的水平,以及建造业失业率由 2009 年年初金融海啸後12.8%的高 位,下降至上季的 4.7%,我们察觉到人手紧绌的情况,因此我们建议透过运用本 [...]年度财政预算案建议的 [...]2.2 亿元拨款,加强培训措施,以增加工人和监工/技术 员的培训名额(分别由 3 000 个增至 6 000 个及由 600 个增至 1 000 个 ),并增加培 训津贴及延长培训期,从而进一步增加政府对建造业人力的投资。 devb.gov.hk | Looking ahead, with the public works expenditure rising from $20.5 billion in 2007-08 to over $70 billion per year in the next few years and unemployment [...] rate of the construction sector [...] decreasing fromthe post-tsunamipeak of12.8% in [...]early 2009 to 4.7% in the last quarter, [...]we recognize the tight manpower situation. Hence, we propose to further enhance Government’s investment in construction manpower through $220 million earmarked in this Budget by enhancing training package to increase the training quota for workers and supervisors/ technicians from 3 000 to 6 000 and 600 to 1 000 respectively as well as increasing the training allowance and duration. devb.gov.hk |
回顾期内,中国政府应对金融海啸表现出坚定的决心与积极的动作,实行积极的财政政策和适度宽松的货币政策, 并安排4万亿元投资的经济刺激计划及相关一揽子措施强力扶持实体经济,有效推动了中国经济稳步增长。 evoc.cn | It implemented a proactive fiscal policy and a moderately loose monetary policy, and arranged RMB4 trillion of investment in the economic stimulus plan and a series of related measures to support the real economy, effectively promoting China’s steady economic growth. evoc.cn |
即 便 全 球 油 价 受 欧 美 经 济 景 气 影 响 而 在 2011 年下半年处於低档状态 俄罗斯 2011 年全年经济预期仍将呈现稳定而乐观的成长态 势 根据俄罗斯经济发展部的看法指出 在农 业生产成长超过 10% 工业生产成长达 4.7% 粮食全年出口 1,800 万吨之下 俄罗斯摆脱了 去年与上半年曾有的粮食供应问题 CPI 年增 率将可望控制在 8% 以下 且许多指标重回金 融海啸前水准 大致上 2011 年结算的 GDP 成 长率预估将有 4.1% 以上 在新兴经济体中仍 属稳健成长的经济体 在 2012 年展望上 假设 若无政治风险因素的干扰 俄罗斯应仍能保持 稳健成长 apecscmc.org | Even though the global oil price has been low during the second half of 2011 because of the economy of the US and Europe, Russia is still expected to see a stable and optimistic annual economic growth in 2011. According to Russia’s Ministry of Economic Development, with the agricultural production growing by more than 10%, the manufacturing production growing by 4.7%, and the annual export of food reaching 18 million tons, Russia has got rid of the food supply problems it once faced last year and in the first half of this year. apecscmc.org |
联合国教科文组织政府间海洋学委员会辖下的国际海啸信息中心主任Laura Kong博士於10月27日到访香港天文台,并与天文台人员畅谈国际间海啸预警 及减灾工作的一些最新发展。 weather.gov.hk | Dr Laura Kong, Director of the [...] International TsunamiInformation Center of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, paid a visit to the Hong Kong Observatory on 27 October and discussed with Observatory personnel some of the latest developments in internationaltsunami early warning and [...]mitigation. weather.gov.hk |
过去一年,香港发生了雷曼相关产品事件及金融海啸,触发剧烈的金融波 动,也暴露了本港在金融产品销售方面对消费者的保障严重不足(尤其是银行所 销售的非传统零售金融产品),和金融业监管机制存在的问题。 procommons.org.hk | These incidents exposed the inadequacy of consumer protection relating to selling of financial products (especially the selling of non-retail financial products from banks). procommons.org.hk |
图表中有12笔纪录属於「现代艺术」范畴、8笔属於「当代艺术」,而且约三分之二的拍卖纪录都产生於2008年金融海啸之後 ,迹象也显示资金往艺术拍卖市场流动。 ravenelart.com | In addition, some two thirds of all transaction records stem from the time after the 2008 financial crisis, confirming the tendency of fresh capital flowing into the art auction market ravenelart.com |