单词 | 啫 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 啫—particle used for interjection (Cantonese)Examples:啫哩—jelly (loan) 啫喱n—geln
这款去角质磨砂啫喱将带给您舒暖放松的体验。 cn.lubrizol.com | Enjoy a relaxing experience provided by the warming effect of [...] this exfoliating gelduring application. lubrizol.com |
质地清爽不油腻的啫喱配 方可以有效改善眼袋和黑眼圈,润泽放松眼部肌肤。 clarinsusa.com | Cool hydrating gel drainstoxins [...] to reduce puffiness and dark circles. clarinsusa.com |
该颜料系列适用于各种彩妆和个人护理品,如指甲油、唇膏或唇彩、粉底、蜡基产品、乳液和啫喱。 eckart.com.cn | The pigment series is suitable for all kinds of color cosmetic [...] and personal care applications like nail polishes, lipsticks or glosses, powders, wax based [...] systems, emulsions andgels. eckart.net |
轻盈、不油腻的啫喱使 用方便、干燥快,让您着装之前无需等待。 clarinsusa.com | A non-oily, lightweight gel, it's easy to apply [...] and dries quickly, so no need to wait before getting dressed. clarinsusa.com |
有效而温和的洁面啫喱能帮助收细毛孔, 改善肤质, 去除死皮, 且有抗衰老效能。 lavedo.com | This effective yet gentle cleansing cream helps reduce pore size, improve skin textures, clean away dead skin, impurities with anti-aging effect. lavedo.com |
清爽不油腻的补湿啫喱, 加入玻璃质酸和维生素B5成份, 令皮肤保持柔滑。 lavedo.com | This is a refreshing, light feeling moisturizer to help skin retains its suppleness by its Hyaluronic Acid enriched with Vitamin B5. lavedo.com |
在这款中等粘度的护理定型啫喱配 方中,阳离子护理剂与Fixate™ PLUS聚合物相结合,共同提供优良的湿发梳理性,并可以造就一种通体清洁的发型,充满自然的动感。 cn.lubrizol.com | In this medium viscosity, [...] conditioningstylinggel formula,cationic [...]conditioners are combined with Fixate™ PLUS Polymer [...]to impart excellent wet combing properties and to create clean-feeling style that’s full of body and natural movement. lubrizol.com |
让胸部更坚挺! 这款清新的啫喱带来瞬间“提拉”效果,明显改善胸部的线条。 clarinsusa.com | This refreshing gel deliversan immediate [...] "lift" — visibly improving the shape of the bust area. clarinsusa.com |
这款透明沐浴啫哩可产生丰富的泡沫,其中悬浮的微胶囊含有二甲基硅氧烷、维他命E和矿物油,能够滋润和营养肌肤。 cn.lubrizol.com | This clear shower gel creates rich foam, [...] and features suspended microcapsules which contain dimethicone, Vitamin E and mineral [...]oil to moisturize and nourish the skin. lubrizol.com |
挤出适量的RICE FORCE卸妆啫哩,以手心的热力把它溶解成液体。 store.riceforce.com | Use a generous amount of RICE FORCE Make Up Remover, and warm it up in your hands until it becomes a liquid. store.riceforce.com |
产品既是日常护理保湿啫喱,在皮肤极缺水时,亦可厚敷作过夜保湿面膜的 2合1活泉深层保湿啫喱, 含有与人体内水份因子NMF极爲相似之活泉水,能即时补充肌肤水份,配合透明质酸更可有效锁水及补水高达 3倍及长达24小时; 氨基酸及维他命C亦能帮助肌肤促进骨胶原再生,强化纤维母细胞,改善肌肤弹性。 aster.com.hk | Amino Acids and VIT C helps skin elasticity and activates collagen. aster.com.hk |
SynCrystal [...] 效果颜料适用于各种化妆品,如粉底、唇膏、唇彩和指甲油等,同时也可用于不透明的化妆品,如面霜、乳液和啫喱。eckart.com.cn | SYNCRYSTAL effect pigments are suitable for color cosmetic applications like [...] powders, lipsticks, glosses and nail polishes, but also can be beneficial in opaque systems like [...] creams, lotionsand gels. eckart.net |
不含油份的AHA第二代果酸啫哩, 含15% Glycolic Acid, [...] 能让肌肤质感更幼滑肤色更均匀。 lavedo.com | Oil free 15% AHA [...] (Glycolic Acid) gelgives healthier [...]looking skin with smoother texture and more even tone. lavedo.com |
这款卷发透明啫哩专 为有色人种发质设计,具有很好的造型控制和光亮效果。 cn.lubrizol.com | This clear [...] curl activator gelforethnic hair [...]provides good styling control and shine. lubrizol.com |
Ricco Di Natura「天然去角质层啫喱」不止是面部最佳去除黑污垢产品,同时亦可作全身磨砂使用,针对背部、手臂、腋下、大小腿内侧及手肘等,容易形成黑污垢部位使用。 cosme-de.com | Ricco Di Natura [...] Micro Gain Peeling Gel is not justfor the [...]face to remove dirt, it also can used as a body scrub, back, [...]arms, underarms, the inside of legs and elbows, or the parts of easy to form dirts. cosme-de.com |
Ricco Di Natura「天然去角质层啫喱」以100% 天然植物制造的磨砂去角质啫喱, 能将未有彻底清除的化妆污垢及老化的角质死皮卷走。 cosme-de.com | Ricco Di Natura Micro Gain Peeling Gelis 100% natural exfoliating gel, can remove the makeup [...] dirt and swept away the dead skin. cosme-de.com |
这款清爽宜人的淋浴磨砂啫哩内含维他命A和E微胶囊,可给人以舒适健康的感受,其外表美观、引人注目。 cn.lubrizol.com | This pleasant and [...] refreshing bodygel scrub for shower [...]features microcapsules of Vitamin A and E, which impart sensations [...]of well-being and provide eye-catching shelf appeal. lubrizol.com |
AdBlue的冰点为摄氏-11度,并慢慢由呈啫喱状变成固体。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | AdBlue freezes at about -11 degrees Celsius, in which case it slowly becomes jelly-like and then solid. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
由女主角医学美容集团独家代理、来自法国的全天然品牌JEUNE,产品采用天然的植物精华,能够轻易被肌肤吸收,重点推介其晶莹焕肤啫喱,其独特成份有效深层洁净肌肤,温和地去除老化角质层及污垢,更可预防油脂积聚,促进新陈代谢细胞更新,使肌肤明显改善,让肌肤回复嫩滑再生。 slady.innovrns.com | S Lady Medical is the sole agency of JEUNE, the all-natural brand from France that its products adopt the natural essence of vegetation which can be absorbed by [...] skin easily. The highlight is JEUNE [...] Sparkling RevitalizingGel that itsunique [...]ingredients are effective to clean the skins [...]deeply and remove the ageing cuticles and dirt gently. slady.innovrns.com |
用法︰以少量沐浴啫喱以打圈方式按摩於已湿润肌肤上,然後以清水冲洗。 ainhoacosmetics.com.hk | How to use: Apply daily on damp body with soft massage, wash with abundant water. ainhoacosmetics.com.hk |
淡淡清香滋润沐浴啫喱,含鱼子精华及乳酸成份,格外滋润肌肤,使皮肤更健康嫩滑。 ainhoacosmetics.com.hk | A hydrating [...] and nutritive bath gel wit Caviar Extract, [...]providing the skin a healthy aspect. ainhoacosmetics.com.hk |
使用方法:洁肤後,先取少量之眼部啫喱霜轻按眼部四周,静待吸收後再继以使用去黑眼圈打底霜均匀涂於眼袋位置直至完全吸收。 aster.com.hk | Method to use : Apply on cleansed skin, one drop of Restructuring Treatment, leave a few moments for the Restructuring Treatment to take effect, then apply the Anti-Dark Circles on the eye contour and massage lightly from the inner corner towards the temples. aster.com.hk |
以芦荟为主要成份的高效能剃须啫喱,内含超微胶囊,当涂在脸上时便会释放出多种海洋精华及可可巴精华油,能有效舒缓皮肤。 senseoftouch.com.hk | This highly effective Aloe [...] Vera-basedshavinggel containsmicro-capsules [...]of Marine extracts and Jojoba Oil, which when [...]activated, burst to release intense soothing properties. senseoftouch.com.hk |
这款透明啫哩使 用了蛋白质/硅氧烷调理剂。 cn.lubrizol.com | This clear gel features the use [...] of a protein / silicone conditioning agent. lubrizol.com |
美高梅西式糕点一向备受大众欢迎,来自奥地利的资深饼师 Güenther Wolfsgruber悉心烘焙出独一无二的糕点,包括诱人的「士多啤梨及菠萝慕丝海绵蛋糕」、味道清新的「栗子忌廉及姜啫喱栗子海绵蛋糕」以及“芝”味人生浓味芝士饼等。 yp.mo | Choose from an assortment of cakes or select a favorite flavor, as all have been uniquely prepared and baked by MGM Macau's pastry chef GüntherWolfsburger using the finest and freshest ingredients. yp.mo |