单词 | 啤酒厂 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 啤酒n—breweryn beern beerspl 啤n—beern 酒厂—distillery wine factory
这三家啤酒厂都公开给大众来参观。 4tern.com | These factories are open to public with a certain fee imposed. 4tern.com |
华润集团将向本公司非全资附属公司华润雪花转让位於山东省的一间啤酒厂,以配合华润雪 花於山东省的分销网络及产能的扩展计划 cre.com.hk | CRH Group will transfer to CR Snow, a non-wholly owned subsidiary of [...] the Company, a brewery in Shandong Province [...]that will complement CR Snow’s expansion [...]plan for its distribution network and production capacity in Shandong Province cre.com.hk |
此外,根据适用的百 分比率,根据上市规则第 [...] 14.08 条,收购連锁大型超市业务及啤酒厂,以及出售纺织业务及兩个 货柜码头业务的少數股东权益亦构成本公司的须予披露交易。 cre.com.hk | In addition, based on applicable [...] percentage ratios, the acquisitions of the [...] hypermarket chain and brewery, aswell as the [...]disposals of the textile division and minority [...]interests in two container terminal operations also constitute discloseable transactions for the Company under Rule 14.08 of the Listing Rules. cre.com.hk |
於二 零零九年十二月底,本集团在中国内地经营约70间啤酒厂,年产能约为14,000,000千升。 cre.com.hk | As at the end of December 2009, the Group [...] operated about 70 breweries intheChinese [...]Mainland with an annual production capacity [...]of approximately 14 million kiloliters. cre.com.hk |
Chan教授指出,继内地公司在香港成功上市,大批外国公司蜂 [...] 拥而至,并指出自1993年第一家内地企业青岛啤酒厂上市以来 到今年二月底累计内地上市企业达到645家。 pacnet.com | The surge in the number of listing of foreign companies came following the success of the Mainland IPOs, Prof Chan noted, adding that the [...] Mainland listings which started with the [...] listing of Tsingtao Breweryin Hong Kong in [...]1993 has since swelled to 645 Mainland enterprises [...]by the end of February this year. pacnet.com |
於二零零八年十二月底,本集团在中国内地经营 60 间啤酒厂,年产能约 12,000,000 千升, 其中位於甘肃省、河北省、江苏省及黑龙江省的新建合共具有年产能约 1,200,000 千升的啤酒厂已於回顾年度内开始投产。 cre.com.hk | As at the end of December 2008, the [...] Group operated60 breweriesin the Chinese Mainland with an annual production capacity of approximately 12 million kiloliters, including an aggregate production capacity of approximately 1.2 million kiloliters from thegreenfield breweriesin Gansu Province, [...]Hebei Province, Jiangsu [...]Province and Heilongjiang Province, all of which commenced production in the year under review. cre.com.hk |
实 业 部 门 其 他 公 司 的 业 绩 令 人 失 望 , 嘉 士伯啤 酒 厂香港集 团 及 香 港 皇 冠 制 罐 集 团 均 录 得 亏 损 。 swirepacific.com | The results of other companies in the division were disappointing, with both the CarlsbergBrewery Hong Kong group and the Crown CanHong Kong group reporting losses. swirepacific.com |
他是**东亚银行有限公司主席兼行政总裁,他亦是多间其他机构董事,计有: AFFIN Holdings Berhad (在马来西亚的证券交易所上市)、**中远太平洋有限公司、CaixaBank, S.A. (前称Criteria CaixaCorp, S.A.) [...] [...] (在马德里、巴塞隆拿、毕尔包及华伦西亚的证券交易所上市)、**粤海投资有限公司、**香港中华煤气有限公司、**香港上海大酒店有限公司、香港银行同业结算有限公司、香港按揭证券有限公司、**电讯盈科有限公司、**香港生力啤酒厂有限公司、**南华早报集团有限公司及**维他奶国际集团有限公司。 coli.com.hk | He is the Chairman and Chief Executive of **The Bank of East Asia, Limited and he is also a director of many other companies including: AFFIN Holdings Berhad (listed on Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad), **COSCO Pacific Limited, CaixaBank, S.A. (formerly known as Criteria CaixaCorp, S.A.) (listed on the stock exchange of Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao and Valencia), **Guangdong Investment Limited, **The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited, **The Hongkong and Shanghai Hotels, Limited, Hong Kong Interbank Clearing Limited, The Hong Kong [...] Mortgage Corporation Limited, **PCCW [...] Limited, **SanMiguel BreweryHong KongLimited, [...]**SCMP Group Ltd. and **Vitasoy International Holdings Limited. coli.com.hk |
在纽西兰最大的啤酒厂是Lion Nathan 和 DB Breweries,高达90%的啤酒销售量来自这两位大哥。 4tern.com | There are 2 largest beerfactory in New Zealand, which are Lion Nathan andDB Breweries. 4tern.com |
太古公司售出於嘉士伯啤酒厂合营业务的全部权益。 swirepacific.com | Swire Pacific sells its entire interest in the Carlsberg Breweryjoint venture. swirepacific.com |
最 近,本集团亦同意向山东琥珀啤酒厂收购啤酒业务的资产,从而在山东省北部建立年产能 约 300,000 千升的生产基地。 cre.com.hk | Recently, the Group also agreed to acquire the brewing assets of 山东琥珀啤酒厂 (Shandong Hupo Brewery), establishing a production base of about 300,000 kiloliters in northern Shandong Province. cre.com.hk |
人民币48,000,000元(约相当於港币54,700,000元)的代价乃华润雪花中国投资与卖方经參考 [...] 渖阳华创酿酒的资产及每千升产能之价格(该价格与华润雪花以往可比交易一致)、华润雪 [...] 花在渖阳整个啤酒业务(包括渖阳华创酿酒和另外兩间啤酒厂)之歷史盈利能力、华润雪花 在渖阳的啤酒业务之未來经营前景、渖阳啤酒业务对华润雪花的策略重要性,以及华润雪花 [...]现时商业及业务狀况後厘定。 cre.com.hk | The consideration of RMB48 million (approximately HK$54.7 million) has been arrived at after arm’s length negotiations between CRSBI and the Vendor after taking into account of the assets and the price per kiloliter production capacity of CR Shenyang Brewery (which is in line with previous comparable transactions conducted by CR Snow), the historical profitability of CR Snow’s entire brewery operation in [...] Shenyang comprising CR Shenyang Brewery [...] and two other breweries, the future prospects [...]of CR Snow’s brewery operation in [...]Shenyang, the strategic importance of the Shenyang brewery operation to CR Snow, and the prevailing commercial and business conditions in which CR Snow operates. cre.com.hk |
开 始 投 入 运 作 的 新 设 施 包 括 嘉 士 伯 在 中 国 内 地 开 设 的 第 二间啤 酒 厂及卜内 门 太 古 漆 油 的 第 二 间 制 漆 厂 , 两 者 均 设 於 上 海 。 swirepacific.com | New facilities commissioned included Carlsberg's second Mainland China breweryand ICI Swire Paints' second paint factory, both of which are in Shanghai. swirepacific.com |
嘉 士伯啤 酒 厂香港集 团 关 闭 其 位 於 香 港 的 生 产 设 施 , 以 继 续 努 力 减 低 成 本 。 swirepacific.com | Carlsberg BreweryHong Kong group closed its production facilities in Hong Kong in a continued effort to reduce costs. swirepacific.com |
嘉 士伯啤 酒 厂香港集 团 因 合 并 生 产 设 施 减 省 [...] 成 本 , 整 体 录 得 的 亏 损 已 见 下 降 。 swirepacific.com | The Carlsberg Brewery Hong Kong group [...] overall reported a reduced loss as a result of cost savings arising from the consolidation of production facilities. swirepacific.com |
李爵士现今出任以下於 [...] 香港或海外上市之公司之董事,包括中国海外发展有限公司、中远太平洋有限公 [...] 司、粤海投资有限公司、香港中华煤气有限公司、香港上海大酒店有限公司、电 讯盈科有限公司、香港生力啤酒厂有限公司、SCMP集团有限公司、AFFIN [...]Holdings Berhad 及Criteria CaixaCorp, S.A.。 vitasoy.com | He is also a director of China Overseas Land & Investment Limited, COSCO Pacific Limited, Guangdong Investment Limited, The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited, The Hongkong [...] and Shanghai Hotels , Limited, PCCW [...] Limited, San Miguel BreweryHong Kong Limited, [...]SCMP Group Li mited, AFFIN Holdings Berhad [...]and Criteria CaixaCorp, S.A., all being companies listed either in H ong Kong or overseas. vitasoy.com |
尽管一 些位於四川省内的啤酒厂因地震而受到存货损失及不同程度的资产损毁而需要作出减值拨 [...] 备,以及若干新建厂房於开业初期的业务表现尚待改善,但另一些位於内蒙古自治区、辽 宁省及湖南省的新厂在本集团收购後不久就录得令人满意的业绩。 cre.com.hk | Despite thatcertainbreweries suffered stock losses [...] and different degrees of asset damages in the Sichuan earthquake which [...]required a provision for impairment loss, some new breweries in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Liaoning Province and Hunan Province achieved satisfactory results shortly after the Group’s acquisitions, while initial performance of certain greenfield breweries still needed improvement. cre.com.hk |
概要 本公司董事局欣然宣布,於二零零九年十月二十九日,本公司与华润签订涉及一系列交易的资 [...] 产互换协议,据此,华创集团向华润集团转让其若干非核心业务,即全部纺织业务及兩个货柜 码头业务的少數股东权益,另加支付现金对价港币 3,000 万元,以从华润集团换取一项於中国 [...] 内地的华北、西北、东北及中原地区经营之連锁大型超市业务及山东省一间啤酒厂。cre.com.hk | The board of directors of the Company is pleased to announce that on 29 October, 2009, the Company and CRH entered into an asset swap agreement that involves a series of transactions to enable CRE Group to transfer certain of its non-core businesses, being its entire textile division and minority interests in two container terminal operations to CRH Group plus the payment of a cash consideration of HK$30 million, in exchange for a hypermarket chain [...] operating in northern, north-western, north-eastern and central [...] China 2 anda breweryinShandong Province [...]from CRH Group. cre.com.hk |