

单词 啤酒业

See also:


beer n

酒业 n

wine industry n

External sources (not reviewed)

她曾为以下公司首次公开发售提供金融咨询服务:中石化、中国联通和中国航空工业集团公司 (AVIC
[...] II)、中国农业银行、永晖焦煤以及中信证券,并就如下并购交易提供财务咨询服务:英博集团收购中 啤酒 企 业 雪 津 啤酒 厂 和 浙江石梁啤酒厂(红石)、ArcelorMittal [...]
She provided financial advisory services for the IPOs of Sinopec, China Unicom and China Aviation Industry Corp II (AVIC II), Agricultural Bank of China, Winsway and CITIC Securities as well as
M&A transactions such as InBev’s
[...] acquisition of Chinese beer companies, Xuejin Brewery [...]
and Zhejiang Shiliang Brewery (Red
Rock), ArcelorMittal’s acquisition of China Oriental Group and Macau Airline’s capital injection etc, and acted on an independent financial advisor to China Telecom, China Communications Services, China Eastern Airlines and Sinopec, etc for multiple projects.
出售 BEC
[...] 代表着本公司致力于将公司去杠杆化过程中的另一个重要里程碑,还使我们能够继续专注于我们的核 啤酒 制 造 业 务 中
The sale of BEC represents another important
milestone in our commitment to de-leverage the company and will also allow us to continue
[...] to focus on our core brewing business.
啤酒酿造业的平均 用水量为 7 m3 /m3 ,最高值为 21 m3/m3。
The average
[...] water use by breweries in the UK is 7 m3/m3 and maximum is 21 m3/m3beer.
新西兰的研究项目将 继续专注培育特殊酒花品种以满 啤酒 酿 造 行 业的 需要。
New Zealand’s research programme continues to focus on breeding special varieties to meet the needs of the brewing industry.
与此同时啤酒酿造行业、酒花贸 易商和酒花种植 者之间签订的合同亟需调整。
At the same time, contracts between the brewing industry, hop trading companies and hop growers are in immediate need of adjustment.
南非的酒花专为南非国内啤酒酿造 行 业 生 产
The hops farmed in South Africa are grown exclusively for the domestic brewing industry.
然 而,还需要注意到,全世界啤酒酿 造 行 业 签 订 的 远期合同的酒花数量超过了需要的数量。
Due to the current market situation, producers in countries with low forward contracting rates are faced with serious problems.
帝亚吉欧(Diageo)是全球领先的高 酒业 集 团 ,也是一个横跨蒸馏酒、葡 酒 和 啤酒 三 大 品类 酒 类 企 业。
Diageo is the world's leading premium
[...] drinks business with an outstanding collection of beverage alcohol brands across spirits, wines, and beer categories.
2007年酒花收获以后,在长期合同的前景鼓舞 下,酒花种植者扩种啤酒酿造行业 所 需 要的额外 种植面积。
Following the 2007 harvest, encouraged by the prospect of long-term contracts, the additional acreage demanded by the brewing industry was planted.
啤酒到糖果行业,FO SS的解决方案可以增加价值和确保稳定的产品质量。
From beer to confectionery, FOSS solutions [...]
add value and ensure consistent quality products.
这些α-酸值啤酒酿造行业与酒 花商人之间 签 订 的 包 含 “ α - 酸 条 款 ” 的 供 货 合 同 调 整 的 依 据。
These values constitute the basis for any adjustments of supply contracts containing “alpha clauses” between the brewing industry and hop merchants.
但酒花业又不具备这个经济实力, 啤酒酿 造行业不执 行他们签订的长期的采购合同。
In this connection the hop industry cannot afford to free the brewing industry from the responsibility of its commitments in the form of multi-year supply contracts.
对低度酒精饮料啤酒和软 饮料包装,还推出了包装保证金制度。
A packaging deposit system is in place for the packaging of
[...] low-alcohol beverages, beer and soft drinks.
舉例而言,免收葡酒、 啤酒及其 他非烈酒酒類飲品的應課稅品稅,會導致執行有關法 例的人員數目減少。
For example, the exemption on the
[...] duties on wine, beer and alcoholic beverages [...]
would result in a reduction in the number
of officers enforcing the relevant law.
全球可获得业数量 的只有源自酵母的产品,包括啤酒酵母 和发酵酵母提取的产品,但全球总产量和可获得性的信息有限。
The only such sources available in commercial quantities globally are yeast-derived products, including brewer’s yeast and extracted fermented yeast products, but with limited information concerning their total global production and availability.
啤酒的最 大国外市场是在美国,还有什么比和NBA合作更聪明的方法呢?
And as its biggest foreign market is indeed in the USA, what could have been smarter for Tsingtao than closing a partnership with NBA?
及时将冷啤酒大麦或农作物种 子冷却到约10至12 °C的保护温度, 可明显延长可能的贮藏时间并缩 短种子休眠期。
By punctually cooling the barley and/or seed to a protective temperature of around 10–12 °C, the possible storage period is extended considerably, thus shortening the germinating time.
这座城市被视为是墨西哥的工业中心,原因之一是这里聚集了约一万种各式各样的 业 , 而 食品生产 啤酒 、 烟 草、玻璃、水泥、板材、钢铁、化学产品、设备和机械等是其中最重要的生产领域。
This city is considered the industrial pole of Mexico, due in part to the presence of approximately 10,000 industries of
different specialties that operate in
[...] the state: food production, beer, tobacco, glass, cement, plate, [...]
steel, chemical products,
equipment, and machinery are just some of the most important production areas.
南乳的氨基甲酸乙酯含量最高,但即使攝入 量高的市民,消費量也很低;至 啤酒 ∕ 麥 酒 , 雖 然消費量最高,但氨 基甲酸乙酯含量卻很低。
The former had the highest level of EC contamination but very low consumption value even for the high consumers, while the latter had the highest consumption value but very low level of EC contamination.
值得注意的是,啤行业对所 签订的远期合同 里酒花采购量进行调整的呼声很高,但他们对酒 花远期合同的法律效力却从未质疑,他们清楚仅可 以通过签订相互协商同意的补充协议进行调整。
It should be noted that while there have been widespread calls for an industry-wide restructuring of hop volumes, the validity of the underlying binding hop contracts has never been called into question, nor has the fact that they can only be amended by mutual agreement.
啤酒產品 的零售價格,代表本地主 啤酒 入 口 商的香 啤酒 聯 盟向 法案委員會表示,鑒啤酒業的 性質複雜,以及涉及多個分銷層面,香啤 酒聯盟 除了透過向同業發出新的價目表外,亦知悉同業會提供更多優惠和折 扣,並進行更多的大型推廣和贊助活動,令整體經濟得益。
Regarding the
[...] retail prices of beer, the Hong Kong Beer Coalition, which is the main representative of beer importers in Hong Kong, has said that with the complicated and multi-layered nature of beer business, it has made a [...]
number of efforts,
including issuing a new price list to the trade, and it is aware that fellow traders have passed on the benefits to consumers through more favourable and frequent price discounts and providing customers with more and bigger reward promotions and other means such as even sponsorship, so as to benefit the overall economy.
按行业分析:对工业产值贡献最大的是食品、饮料和 酒业 , 占工业产值 的 15.4%,其后依次为冶金与金属制品业(13.8%)和交通运输材料业(12%)。
By branch, the activity with the greatest contribution to the turnover of the
industrial sector was that of food, beverages
[...] and tobacco, accounting for 15.4 per [...]
cent of the total, followed by metallurgy
and metal manufactures (13.8 per cent) and transport goods (12 per cent).
(11) 作為酒店、汽車旅館、旅館、宿舍、公寓、餐廳、茶點和茶室、咖啡、牛 奶及小吃店、夜總會及所有類別之俱樂部擁有人及/或管理人 酒 館、 啤酒屋及 宿舍管理人、持牌食品供應商、葡 酒 、 啤酒 及 烈 酒 商 人 、 啤酒 製造 商、釀酒師、蒸餾酒商、充氣、礦泉和人造水及其他飲料的進口商及 製造商,及在其各自分公司作為承辦人及承包商,以及作為劇院、電影院 [...]
(11) To carry on business as proprietors and/or managers of hotels, motels, inns, lodging houses, apartment houses, restaurants, refreshment and tea
rooms, cafes and milk
[...] and snack bars, night-clubs and clubs of all kinds, tavern, beer-house and lodging-house keepers, licensed victuallers, wine, beer and spirit [...]
merchants, brewers,
malsters, distillers, importers and manufacturers of aerated, mineral and artificial waters and other drinks, and as caterers and contractors in all their respective branches and as managers and/or proprietors of theatres, cinemas, dance-halls, concert halls, stadiums, billiard rooms, bowling centres and all places of entertainment and radio and television stations and studios.
在 2011 年 5 月 20 日的达格罗贝寺
[...] “友谊日”那天,双方士兵喝着泰 啤酒 和 柬埔寨威 士忌,在有争议的古寺废墟上玩着法国保龄球,但 [...]
At a Ta Krabei “friendship day” on 20 May 2011, troops from both
[...] sides drank Thai beer, Khmer whisky [...]
and played French bowls in the disputed temple’s
ruins, but some commanders were not talking.
(14) 經營酒店、餐廳、咖啡室酒館、 啤酒 館 、小食店、公寓、持牌食品供應商、 葡酒、啤酒及烈 酒商、釀酒商、麥芽製造商、蒸餾酒商、汽水、礦泉水、 蒸餾水及人造水及其他飲品之進口商及製造商、伙食承辦商、筵席承辦商等 業務。
(14) To carry on the business of
hotel, restaurant,
[...] cafe, tavern, beer-house, refreshment-room, and lodginghouse keepers, licensed victuallers, wine, beer, and spirit [...]
merchants, brewers,
maltsters, distillers, importers and manufacturers of aerated, mineral, distilled and artificial waters and other drinks, purveyors, caterers for public amusements generally.
[...] 城市提供的废物管理服务的使用者,家庭、办公室和 业 、 酒 店 和 餐馆、医院和 学校等机构和机场或邮局等政府设施。
Other key stakeholders include the waste generators and the users of the waste management service
provided by the city, namely households,
[...] offices and businesses, hotels and restaurants, [...]
institutions such as hospitals and
schools, and government facilities such as airports or the post office.
此外,旅游局已向领有牌照之实体,如:酒店、公寓、餐饮场所及旅行社等转发由卫生局制作的《预防人感染H7N9禽流感-给旅行社和旅客的建议》、《预防人感染H7N9禽流感-给旅 业 、 酒 店 及博彩娱乐场所的建议》及《预防人感染H7N9禽流感-给家禽业及饮食业从事员的指引》,以保障业界、旅客和市民的健康。
In addition, MGTO has forwarded to all licensed entities, e.g. hotels, guest houses, restaurants and travel agencies, a series of guidelines produced by Health Bureau including "Prevent Human Infection with H7N9 Avian Influenza – Advice for Travel Agencies and Tourists", "Prevent Human Infection
with H7N9 Avian Influenza –
[...] Advice for Tourism, Hotel and Gaming Industries" and "Prevent [...]
Human Infection with H7N9 Avian
Influenza – Guideline for Handlers of Poultry and Food" to protect industry partners, visitors and citizens' health.
为在全球范围预防非传染性疾病,南非敦促国际 社会向食品工业施压,以减少有害食品,在世界范围 推广健康的饮食习惯,并增加对 酒业 的 施 压,以减 少酒精的有害影响,例如,采用的方法是,对很多人 来说十分危险的产品,停止为其做广告。
To prevent non-communicable diseases globally, South Africa urges the international community to put pressure on the food industry to reduce harmful foodstuffs, promote healthy eating habits worldwide and increase pressure on the alcohol industry to reduce the harmful effects of alcohol — for example, by ceasing to advertise what is for many a highly dangerous product.




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