

单词 商船


造船商 n

shipbuilder n

See also:


vessel n
ship n
boat n

External sources (not reviewed)

海军部队报告说,去年军事干预击溃了 75% 的袭击,而今商船采取 了强有力的行动,包括使用强化保险室,取得了同样的 [...]
Naval forces reported that in the last year, 75 per cent of attacks were
warded off by military
[...] intervention, while this year, merchant ships achieved the same [...]
success rate by taking robust action,
including through the use of fortified safe rooms.
1963 年,在海盗现象尚未像今天这样普遍的时 候,刚果法律就已经把海盗行为定为犯罪,按照我商船法论处。
By 1963, when maritime piracy was not as widespread as it is today, Congolese law already qualified piracy as
[...] a crime under our merchant marine code.
特别是请毒品和犯罪问题办公室采取行动解决缺 乏用以监测平民私人武装卫队商船 上 使 用武力情况的适当规则和法律框架这 [...]
In particular, UNODC was asked to take action to address the lack of adequate
rules and legal frameworks for monitoring the use of force by civilian private
[...] armed guards on board commercial vessels.
鉴于国际进行的反海盗努力以及本法令第 4 条第 13 款提及的军事人员参加 行动,又联系 2008 年 11 月 10 日理事会第 2008/851/PESC 号欧洲联盟联合行动, 在等待联合国国际海事组织海事安全委员会的导则批准之前,授权在未建立第 1 款所述分遣队和符合第 5 款、5 之二、5 之三规定限度的情况下,在悬挂意大利 旗帜通过第 1 款所述国际海域商船上,部署 1931 年 6 月 18 日第 773 号皇家法 令批准关于公共安全的统一法律案文第 133 和 134 条核可的“宣誓卫兵”,以保 护所述船舶。
In the context of international efforts for counter-piracy and the participation of military personnel in the operations referred to in article 4, para. 13 of this decree, and also in conjunction with the European Union Joint Action 2008/851/PESC of the Council, of 10 November 2008, and awaiting the approval of the guidelines of the Maritime Safety Committee of the United Nations within the International Maritime Organization (IMO), it is authorized — whereas the detachments referred to in para. 1, are not established — and in any case within the limits established in paras. 5, 5-bis, 5-ter, the employment of “sworn guards”, authorized under articles 133 and 134 of the Unified law text on Public Security, approved with Royal Decree 18 of June 1931, No. 773, on board merchant ships flagged in Italy transiting in international waters referred to in para. 1, for the protection of the said ships.
持有效 M-1 非移民签证、在美商船学院 或类似的州 级海事学校就读的外国人。
Alien in valid M-1 nonimmigrant status
[...] enrolled at the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy [...]
or a comparable State maritime academy.
(b) 經營所有或任何作為船東、船舶代理、船舶經紀、證券經紀、船舶管理人 及船運財產、貨運承包商、水陸營 商 、 駁 船 所 有 者、駁船夫、碼頭工人、 船舶修理工、船商、拆船商、船舶 供應商、打撈及 船 承 包 商 、 其 各領 域的工程師、貨運代理、製冷商、倉庫管理人及碼頭、倉庫管理人的業務 及進行公路運輸及駁運所有類別業務。
(b) To carry on all or any of the businesses of shipowners, ships agents, ship brokers, insurance brokers, managers
of ships and
[...] shipping property, freight contractors, carriers by land and sea, barge owners, lightermen, stevedores, ship repairers, ship builders, ship breakers, ship suppliers, salvage [...]
and towage contractors,
engineers in all its branches, forwarding agents, refrigerating storekeepers, warehousemen and wharves and godowns and to conduct road haulage and lighterage business of all kinds.
商船三井 (亞洲)有限公司已委任一名非執行董事代表該公司加入董事會,故 該公司被視為非公眾股東。
MOL (Asia) Limited is not considered as a public shareholder as it has appointed a non-executive Director to represent it on the Board.
第 100及 103號法律公告分別修訂《船舶及港口
[...] 管制規例》 (第 313章,附 屬 法 例 A)附 表 13及商船(本地船隻) (費用)規例》(第 548章,附屬法例J)附 [...]
表 2,將為遠洋船隻取 得出港許可證而須繳 付 的費用,以及本地船隻為取得
到港證 及 出 港 證 所須繳付 的費 用,調低40%,由97元調低至 58元 。
L.N. 100 and L.N. 103 amend the Thirteenth Schedule to the Shipping and Port Control
Regulations (Cap. 313 sub. leg. A) and
[...] Schedule 2 to the Merchant Shipping (Local Vessels) (Fees) Regulation [...]
(Cap. 548 sub. leg. J)
to reduce by 40% the fee payable for a port clearance permit charged on ocean-going vessels and the port and arrival clearance fees in respect of local vessels respectively from $97 to $58.
18 世纪后 期至 19 世纪,由于英商船定期前来交易,鸦片在中国,尤其 [...]
During the latter part of the eighteenth [...]
and nineteenth century, opium addiction had become widespread in China, particularly
in coastal cities, due to British merchant ships which plied their trade.
有代表团建议,各国、国际组 织和海运业应发挥积极作用,参与解决在全世界范围存在的招聘和留住技术熟练商船水手 的危机问题,以支持海上贸易。
It was recommended, inter alia, that nations, international organizations and the maritime industry take an active role
in addressing the worldwide crisis of recruiting and
[...] sustaining skilled merchant mariners to support maritime commerce.
会员国提供 的情况表明,其委派减少毒品供应的执法机关多种多样,其中包括国家宪兵
[...] 队、机场保安、国家安全局、麻醉品管制机构、海运 商船 保 护 机构、国家边 防部门、监狱行政机构和中央检察院。
Member States indicated that they engaged a broad range of law enforcement agencies to reduce drug supply, including national gendarmerie, airport security, national
security services, narcotics control
[...] agencies, maritime and merchant marine protection [...]
agencies, state border guard services,
prison administration services and central prosecutor’s offices.
(e) 《商船( 本地 船隻)(證明書及牌照事宜) 規例》引入一項新安 排,容許某人在本地船隻的船東去世後擔任臨時船東並運作 該船,直至該船按照已故船東的遺囑或遺產管理書妥為處置 為止。
(e) The LV(C&L) Regulation introduces a new arrangement which allows a person, on the death of the owner of a local vessel, to act as the interim owner and operate the vessel pending disposal of the vessel according to the deceased's will or letters of administration.
因此, 我国代表团谴责所有针商船的海 盗活动和劫持行 为,以及在海洋上实施的恐怖主义行为,包括在索马 里沿海亚丁湾发生的海盗活动。
Therefore, my country’s delegation denounces all acts of
[...] piracy and hijacking of commercial vessels, as well as acts [...]
of terrorism committed on the oceans
and seas, including the piracy that occurs in the Gulf of Aden off the Somali coast.
1784年,作为一个仅有几年历史的国家,我们将一 商船 送 到 世界最古老、最有活力的文明之一。
In 1784, as a country that was barely several years old, we sent a trading ship to one of the world’s oldest and most vibrant civilizations.
(a) 第 9
[...] 段:通过合并适用《联合国法》、《进出口管理法条例》、《战略物资 (管制法)》、《新加坡货币管理局条例》和 商船 管 理
(a) Paragraph 9: through a combination of the United Nations Act, the Regulation of Imports
and Exports Act, the Strategic Goods (Control) Act, the Monetary Authority of
[...] Singapore Act and the Merchant Shipping Act
此外,还在研制和试验商船在沿 岸水域 对上述类似参数进行常规重复断面测量的仪器。
There is also the
[...] potential to use industry vessels from water authorities, [...]
oil and gas exploration companies, and the fishing
industry, which maintain lines of quasipermanent stations on critical sections along which hydrographic and biological variables are monitored.
在海上世界,这一过程被认为是最危险的情景之一,因为如果遇到糟糕的天气或是港口引航员操作不慎,他就可能会被夹在引 船 和 商船 的 缝 隙间。
This procedure is considered to be one of the most dangerous in the maritime world as it is
possible that port pilots due to rough weather or miscalculation can end up between
[...] the pilot boat and the commercial vessel.
海盗使用压倒性的力量制商船上的 保安人 员,并利用被劫持的船组人员作为人盾,也令人感到 严重关切。
The use of overwhelming force by pirates to overcome security
[...] personnel on board merchant ships and the use of [...]
hijacked crews as human shields are
also matters of serious concern.
[...] 世界上的主要船旗国之一,我们十分关切的是,袭商船的海 盗活动越来越频繁、越来越严重,我们也一 直为遭受到海盗袭击,特别是在索马里沿海遇袭,在 [...]
Malta, as one of the leading flag States in the world, is very much concerned about the
increase in the frequency and ferocity of
[...] piracy attacks on merchant ships and has always [...]
provided the necessary support to ships
registered under the Malta flag that have suffered a piracy attack, in particular off the coast of Somalia.
巴拿马报告说,该商船海事 处正在努力停用 80 艘渔船,余下 160 艘公 海渔船。
Panama reported that its merchant marine department was working to eliminate 80 fishing vessels, leaving 160 [...]
active high seas fishing vessels.
張先生持有澳門海事 處發出商船雷達 觀察員證書,並已完成挪威船級社(Det Norske [...]
Veritas)所舉辦有關 安全與質素管理制度內部審計之內部審計師培訓課程。
Mr. Cheung holds a certificate of
[...] radar observer on merchant ships from the Macau [...]
Marine Department and has completed an
internal auditor training course for safety and quality management system internal auditing issued from the Det Norske Veritas, Norway.
港口引航员的工作最危险的部分是从引航船进入需要被引导至港口 商船。
The most dangerous part for a port pilot is getting from
[...] the pilot vessel to the commercial vessel that they need [...]
to guide into port.
美国国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA)和科罗拉多大学博尔德分校今年早些时候在地球物理学研究学报上发表的研究报告表明 商船 向 大 气排放的颗粒污染物几乎相当于全球汽车排放量的一半。
According to a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency (NOAA) AND University of Colorado (Boulder) study published
earlier this year in the Journal of
[...] Geophysical Research, commercial ships emit almost half as [...]
much particulate matter pollutants
into the air as the total amount released by the world’s cars.
他关切地表示对经历了海盗 袭击商船水手的困境重视不够。
He voiced concern over the insufficient attention paid
[...] to the plight of merchant mariners who survived [...]
pirate attacks.
你也将沿着著名水上公园的游泳俱乐部,第二次大战潜水艇USS Pampanito,商船USS耶利米奥布莱恩,在海德街码头的历史船只和旧金山海上国家公园。
You will also sail along the famous swimming clubs of the Aquatic Park,
the WWII submarine
[...] USS Pampanito, the Merchant Vessel USS Jeremiah O'Brien, the Historic Vessels at Hyde Street [...]
Pier and the San
Francisco Maritime National Park.
根据这些规定, 进出朝鲜民主主义人民共和国的货运飞机 商船 以 及朝鲜民主主义人民共和国 船只,都必须在到达或离开之前,将进出欧盟领土的全部货物资料递交主管海关 [...]
Under these provisions,
[...] cargo aircraft and merchant vessels travelling to or [...]
from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, as well as vessels of the Democratic People’s Republic
of Korea, are required to submit, prior to their arrival or departure, information on all merchandise entering or leaving the territory of the European Union.
我們的歷史可以追溯到 1864年,以挪商船的技 術檢查及評估為目的而成立於挪威。
Our history goes back to 1864, when
the foundation was established in Norway to inspect and evaluate the technical
[...] condition of Norwegian merchant vessels.
在这个港口有许多可以理解的,一个是西班牙最繁忙的主机定期渡轮,高 船 , 商船 , 当 然,游船。
There is much to be appreciated at this
harbour, one of the busiest in Spain that host regular
[...] ferries, fast ferries, merchant ships and of course, cruise ships.
Muthana 博士 并提到了海盗的问题,他认 为这有助于使人们重新关注 索 马里局势,他认 为 拥 有 跨 越 亚 丁 湾商船 队的大国可 以不仅帮助 稳 定 索马里海 域 ,而且 也 帮 助 稳 定 索马里国家本身。
Dr. Muthana also referred to the issue of the piracy situation which, he felt, was helping to bring back the focus on Somalia.




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