

单词 商约

External sources (not reviewed)

商约翰·施万 (Johann Schwan) 曾是巴塞尔的方济会修士,1522 年在维滕贝格加入马丁·路德教,随后前往斯特拉斯堡学习印刷工艺。
The printer, Johann Schwan, had been a Franciscan in Basel who joined Martin Luther in Wittenberg in 1522 and then moved to Strassburg to learn the craft of printing.
约 23 000 个甘蔗种植园主、约 6 000 个园艺生商、约 5 000 户 畜牧业主,包括养牛和养猪户,将从这项政策中受益。
About 23,000 sugar cane planters, some 6,000 horticultural producers and some 5,000 animal breeders, including cattle and pig breeders, will benefit from this.
银行信贷业务要坚持实贷实付和受托支付原则,将贷款资金足额直接支付给借款人的交易对手,不得强制设定条款或 商约 定 将 部分贷款转为存款。
Each bank shall adhere to the principle of “actual-loans-to-pay and entrusted payment” in the loan business, pay the loan funds to the counterparty of the
borrower (s) in full, and shall not turn part of the loans into deposits by setting
[...] mandatory clauses or through negotiations.
这个问题在印度尼西亚非常重要,因为松下是印度尼西亚室内空调机的唯一制商,约占印度尼西亚市场额份的 22%;其余市场份额由进口来满足。
The problem assumes significance in case of Indonesia, because Panasonic
[...] is the only manufacturer of room air-conditioners [...]
in Indonesia and accounts for
about 22% of the market share; the rest of the market is catered to by imports.
继卡特彼勒混合动力挖掘机于2012年初次亮相后,其竞争对手、施工设备制 商约 翰 迪尔(John Deere)也推出了自己的混合动力产品,即644K混合动力轮式装载机。
After the debut of Caterpillar’s hybrid excavator in 2012, rival construction equipment manufacturer John Deere came up with its own take on the hybrid theme – the 644K Hybrid wheel loader.
该车简称为“2 Posti”(意为“双座车”,有时甚至称为“Berlina 2
[...] Posti”,《公路与赛道》杂志直到1964年仍在使用这一名称),“Mistral”一名则是在法国玛莎拉蒂进 商约 翰 • 西蒙上校的提议下命名的。
Simply labeled “2 Posti” (or even “Berlina 2 Posti” as Road & Track still
stated in 1964), it took the Mistral name following the suggestion of the
[...] French Maserati importer Colonel John Simone.
PR News – 中福金融(MFFX)推出新的交易工具;差价 约 、 商 品 期 货合约及 指数。
PR News – MFFX launched new trading
[...] instruments; CFDs, Commodities Futures Contract [...]
and Indices.
目前国内刷卡、电子商务占商品零售额比例小于10%, 约商 户 普及率在5%左右。
At present, domestic card swiping and
E-commerce represents less than 10%
[...] of commodity retail sales while the generalization rate of contractual merchants is 5% or so.
有代表团表示同意列入有关国际刑事司法的条约类别和国际组织组成文书, 但也有代表团对列入友好约、商业 仲裁条约和造法性条约存有疑虑。
While agreement was expressed for the inclusion of the categories of treaties relating to international criminal justice and constituent instruments of international
organizations, doubts existed regarding the inclusion of treaties
[...] on friendship, commercial arbitration, and [...]
law-making treaties.
JPMIFC是NYMEX纽约商业交易所和约商 品 交 易所 (COMEX)的合作伙伴,成为世界上第一所提供NFX世界货币期货的期货经纪商。
JPMIFC NYMEX New York Mercantile Exchange and the New York Mercantile Exchange [...]
(COMEX) partners, to become the world's first
NFX World Currency Futures Futures Commission Merchant.
他们提出的建议包括在分配官方发展援助时优先考虑最不发达国 家;落实新颖和创新的资金来源;探讨并酌情试验新型金融协作以及特别是非金 融协作;通过补贴最不发达国家优先领域的国际私营部门参与,特别是外国直接 投资,发挥资源的杠杆作用;通过提高协议透明度和推动政府特别是议会审查, 加强最不发达国家商业订约能力 ;让最不发达国家更多地参与援助架构的治 理。
Recommendations proposed included prioritizing least developed countries in allocations of official development assistance; implementing new and innovative sources of financing; exploring and, where possible, experimenting with new types of financial and, especially, non-financial collaboration; leveraging resources through subsidies for international private sector engagement, especially foreign direct investment, in areas of least developed country priority; strengthening least developed country capacities for commercial contracting through greater transparency in agreements and by fostering governmental, especially parliamentary, review; increasing the participation of least developed countries in governance of the aid architecture.
换言之,向另一国某人支付该部分的来源国可对其支 付的数额征税,但仅限于根据约商 定 的 最高税率。
In other words, the source State from which that component
is paid to someone in
[...] the other State may impose tax on the amount paid, but only to the maximum rate agreed under the treaty.
摩根国际金融集团是NYMEX纽约商业交 易所和 约商 品 交易所 (COMEX)合作伙伴,摩根国际金融集团严格按照美国金融改革法案相关规定开展业务。
Morgan International Financial Group is the partner of the NYMEX New York Mercantile Exchange and the New York Mercantile Exchange (COMEX), JP Morgan International Finance Group operates in strict accordance with the relevant provisions of the U.S. financial reform bill.
欧洲通信卫星组织的观察员向小组委员会通报了以下内容:2012 年世界无 线电通信会议的成果、宽带数字发展委员会(该委员会是国际电信联盟(国际
电联)秘书长和联合国教育、科学及文化组织(教科文组织)总干事于 2010
[...] 年 成立的,目的是在该领域加速实现千年发展目标)的工作,以及欧洲通信卫星 组织约方大会 2011 年第三十七次会商定定期向约方 报 告通过欧洲通信卫 星组织的卫星进行播放的若干广播电视频道受到蓄意再三干扰的情况,强调指 [...]
The Subcommittee was informed by the observer for EUTELSAT-IGO about the outcome of the 2012 World Radiocommunication Conference, the work of the Broadband Commission for Digital Development, established by the Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization in 2010 with the aim of accelerating the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals in that field, and the agreement
of the
[...] thirty-seventh meeting of the EUTELSAT Assembly of Parties in 2011 to provide regular reports to the parties on repeated [...]
deliberate interference
on several radio and television channels broadcast via EUTELSAT satellites, stressing that since the previous such report there had been a large increase in such interference.
项目专家指出需求、选择约商、修 改合同,尤其是对供货和服务 做出评价并接受等行为在上司和行政干事参与制订的表格中做出规定。
The programme specialist’s activity in identifying a
[...] requirement, selecting the contractor, amending the contract [...]
and, above all, evaluating and
approving the goods and services supplied, is overseen, under the Tables, by his or her supervisor(s) and the Administrative Officer.
在塞维利亚的事件,周四,在总部的商人联合会的安达卢西亚(CEA) 约 60 商 人 的 存在和参与创新,工业与能源,经济部秘书长,创新,科学和就业的安达卢西亚,胡安·玛丽亚·冈萨雷斯Mejias,商人的安达卢西亚(CEA),安东尼奥·卡里略,在导演部Endesa的安达卢西亚中心和主席的组织委员会的房间,阿尔弗雷多·罗德里格斯联合会秘书长政府,阿道夫·博雷罗ETICOM总统及行政总裁FYCMA,约兰达·阿吉拉尔。
The event was presented Thursday in Sevilla, at the
headquarters of the
[...] Confederation of Businessmen of Andalusia (CEA), in the presence of about 60 businessmen and with the participation [...]
of the Secretary
General of Innovation, Industry and Energy of the Ministry of Economy, Innovation, Science and Employment of the Government of Andalusia, Juan Maria Gonzalez Mejias, Secretary General of the Confederation of Businessmen of Andalusia (CEA), Antonio Carrillo, the director of Division Endesa Andalucia Center and president of the organizing committee of the room, Alfredo Rodriguez ; ETICOM President, Adolfo Borrero, and the CEO of FYCMA, Yolanda Aguilar.
[...] 设在英国伦敦),纽约贸易局ICE/ NYBOT,约商品期 货交易所NYMEX/ COMEX,全国工商联并购公会CMAA(设在美国纽约),新加坡商品交易所SMX(设在新加坡),迪拜多种商品交易中心DMCC和迪拜茶叶贸易中心DTTC(设在阿联酋迪拜)。
Our warehouses are approved and recognised as delivery points by the most important and leading exchanges and
associations dealing with industrial
[...] and agricultural commodities like the LME, LIFFE [...]
and the MMTA (in London/UK), ICE/NYBOT,
NYMEX/COMEX and the CMAA (in New York/USA), the SMX (in Singapore) and the DMCC and DTTC (in Dubai/UAE).
每年九月,世界各国领导人汇聚在 约 , 商 讨 解 决人类棘手的问题。
In September, every year, the
[...] world gathers in New York to tackle humanity's [...]
most intractable problems.
根据要求,总干事在与约国协商后 应提出一份包含有针对性行动的跨部门计 划,旨在:加强和平与非暴力文化教育,推动自然科学成为不同文化间对话、交 [...]
流以及和平的普遍语言和工具;突出社会和人文科学在巩固普遍价值观、民主与 人权中发挥的作用;强调文化多样性、不同文化间对话,以及相互理解与和解传
统的作用;发掘媒介机遇,以此作为和解、容忍与不同文化间理解的工具,特别 要突出青年人使用的新媒体的作用。
The Director-General has been
[...] requested to prepare, in consultation with Member States, an intersectoral [...]
programme with targeted
actions aimed at: strengthening education for a culture of peace and non-violence, promoting natural sciences as a universal language and vehicle for intercultural dialogue and exchange and peace; underlining the role of social and human sciences in promoting universal values, democracy and human rights; stressing the role of cultural diversity, intercultural dialogue and heritage for mutual understanding and reconciliation; exploring opportunities offered by the media as a vehicle for reconciliation, tolerance and intercultural understanding especially highlighting the use of new media by youth.
[...] 国家,在这一领域的能力有限,这一情况特别重要,原因是实现《约翰内斯堡执 行计划》和千年发展目标所作承诺以及《生物多样性 约 》 商 定 承 诺的目标时间 很快来临,还由于健康的生态系统对我们应对气候变化影响的能力有重要作用。
The limited capacity of States, in particular developing States, in this area is especially important in the context of the fast approaching targets for meeting the commitments set out in the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation and the
Millennium Development Goals, as
[...] well as those agreed in the context of the Convention on Biological Diversity, [...]
and in view of the
key role that healthy ecosystems play in relation to our capacity to address the impact of climate change.
原油价格设置运动三大国际石油交易所 约商 品 交 易所,伦敦国际石油交易所和新加坡国际金融交易所。
The price of crude oil is set by movements on the
three major international petroleum
[...] exchanges the New York Mercantile Exchange, the [...]
International Petroleum Exchange in London
and the Singapore International Monetary Exchange.
已由雇主提出申请、与当地实体签订了合同,希望申请正常工作签证(如符合《菲 律宾移民法》第9(d)与9(g)节规定的 约商 人 与 入境前雇聘签证)的外国人,在尚 未签发正常工作签证时,可以申请临时工作证。
Aliens who have contracts of employment with local entities and in
whose favor petitions for regular
[...] work visas (e.g. treaty trader or prearranged employment [...]
visas under Secs. 9(d) and 9(g)
of the Philippine Immigration Act) have been filed by their employer, may be issued PPWs pending the issuance to them of their regular work visas.
由于行使这一原则的国家都声称这代表了国际 社会,因此合理的做法是通过一项国际 约商 定 一项 统一标准。
Because States exercising the principle claimed to do so on
behalf of the international community, it would make sense
[...] to negotiate a uniform standard through an international treaty.
在这方面,劳力士蚝式恒动海深海的居住者“在3900米防水和发展与 约商 品 交易所(深度潜水地在专业机构)的帮助下将永远伴随着观众,需要祝福在其产品的最佳工具类。
In this area, the Rolex Oyster Perpetual Sea-Dweller Deepsea "Waterproof at
3900 meters and developed with the help of
[...] COMEX (agency specializing in dives at [...]
great depths) will always be blessed with
an audience that requires best tool in its product category.
印度履行了它根据《化学武器公约》所承担的义 务,其中包括在《约》商定的时限之前销毁了其化 学武器储存。
India has fulfilled its obligations under the Chemical Weapons
Convention, including the destruction of its chemical weapons stockpiles in advance of
[...] the timeline agreed under the Convention.
古巴根据知识产权组织管理的专利合作约(商标国 际注册马德里协定)向知识产权组织付款时只能以欧元或瑞士法郎 [...]
Payments from Cuba to WIPO under the
[...] WIPO-administered Treaties (PCT, Madrid) [...]
may only be effected in euros or Swiss francs
— not in United States dollars, in order to avoid the restrictions imposed by the United States Office of Foreign Assets Control.
请与您的孩子一起对媒体消费作出明确的规定, 同时还对约商定惩 罚措施:规定每天/每周利用 新媒体的时间、合适的程序、游戏和网站以及在 互联网上的行为守则。
Establish clear rules on media consumption with your child, spelling out the consequences if these rules are broken: specify the amount of time per day/week, suitable programs, games and websites, codes of conduct on the web.
持有《特种投资者常驻签证(SIRV)》,《特种退休人员常驻签证(SRRV)》, 《约商人签证》(9d)或《特种非移民签证》(47(a)2)的外国人,只要他 [...]
Holders of Special Investors Resident
Visa (SIRV), Special Retirees
[...] Resident Visa (SRRV), Treaty Traders Visa (9d) or Special [...]
NonImmigrant Visa (47(a)2) for as
long as they occupy any executive, advisory, supervisory, or technical position in any establishment.
巴西的分销网络(CBD)经营总面积的1,100万m1.8,包括网络糖块,CompreBem,Sendas,额外的大型综合超市和便利店; ELETRO和Ponto Frio的约2商店,网站 贸易 在线。
The Brazilian Distribution (CBD) operates a network of about 1,100 stores with a total area of ​​1.8 million m2; including network Sugarloaf, CompreBem, Sendas, Extra hypermarkets and convenience stores; Eletro and Ponto Frio, and online trading websites.
净减少额反映大多数支出用途项下的减少额,包括咨 询人项下的 242 800 美元,其主要原因是尽可能增加对内部专门知识的使用;专 家项下的 104 700 美元,主要原因是尽可能合并会议或减少专家数量和会议持续
时间的协同努力;工作人员差旅项下的 121 200 美元,其主要原因是增加对视频
[...] 会议的使用、尽可能合并差旅和(或)减少差旅时间; 约 承 办 事务项下的 460 800 美元,其主要原因是更多使用电子手段传播出版物;家具和设备项下的 [...]
111 000 美元,原因是通过延长家具和设备的使用时间减少对更换家具和办公设备的需
求;以及赠款和捐款项下的 781 600 美元,其主要原因是终止了与国际电子计算 中心的合同。
The net decrease reflects reductions under most objects of expenditure, including $242,800 under consultants, mainly as a consequence of the increased use of in-house expertise, where possible; $104,700 under experts, resulting mainly from concerted efforts to combine meetings or reduce the number of experts and the duration of meetings, whenever possible; $121,200 under travel of staff, mainly attributable to increased utilization of video conferencing, combining trips and/or reducing the
duration of travel as much as possible;
[...] $460,800 under contractual services, primarily [...]
owing to increased utilization of
electronic means of disseminating publications; $111,000 under furniture and equipment, reflecting reduced requirements for the replacement of furniture and office equipment resulting from extending the lifespan of furniture and equipment; and $781,600 under grants and contributions, mainly owing to the termination of the contract with the International Computing Centre.




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