

单词 商法

法商 ()

"Legal Quotient (LQ)", standard reflecting a lawyer's legal
ability based on the four tenets of legal knowledge,
situational assessment, conduct and righteousness


海商法 n

maritime law n

商法典 n

Commercial Code n

商业法 n

commercial law n

商标法 n

trademark law n

External sources (not reviewed)

标题译文:非商法统一组织(OHADA)国家的统一销售法与《销售公 [...]
约》(1980 年)的比较。
Translation of title:
[...] The uniform sales law of the African [...]
OHADA States in comparison with the CISG (1980).
对于许多发展中国家来说,诸如知识产权之类 商法 专 业领域是对该国司法制度的一个挑 战。
In many developing countries,
[...] specialist areas of commercial law, such as IP, are a challenge to their judicial systems.
最近,Ramesh为LSBF新加坡校区编写了ACCA F4公法与商法(新 加坡)的学习指南。
Recently, Ramesh has authored the Study Manual on
[...] Corporate and Business Law (Singapore) ACCA [...]
F4 for LSBF in Singapore.
此外,在委员会对法和商法中对妇女的歧视性条款检查并提出建议之 后,政府采取了一些行动。
In response to a recommendation made by the Committee in view
[...] of Civil Code and Commercial Code provisions that [...]
were discriminatory against women,
the Government took the steps described below.
委员会注意到此种整合过程进展缓慢,认 为需要:(a)指定贸易法委员会秘书处担任 目前或未来的法治协调机制中商法 事项 主导机构;(b)对国家工作队展开宣传,目的是增进国家工作队对贸易法委 员会的工作及其与国家工作队在法治方面的工作的相关性的认识;(c)在用来拟 订国别发展援助方案的模板中自动反 商法 改 革 方面的需要。
Noting slow progress in such integration, the Commission considered the need for: (a) designating the
UNCITRAL secretariat as
[...] a lead agency on commercial law matters in current or future rule of law coordination mechanisms; (b) conducting outreach to country teams with the goal of increasing their awareness about the work of UNCITRAL and its relevance to their work on the rule of law; and (c) reflecting by default needs for commercial law reforms in templates [...]
used for the formulation
of country-specific development assistance programmes.
委員關注到擬議第13C(2)條的範圍廣泛,適用於" 在營商過程、業務運作或職業事務中"作出的陳述。 為了釋除委員的疑慮,政府當局同意作出一項修 訂,參考澳洲《1974年商法》的 相關條文,把有 關範圍收窄至"……就供應或可能供應貨品……或 以任何方式推廣貨品……的供應或使用……"。
To address members' concern about the wide scope of the proposed section 13C(2), which applied to representations made "in the course of any trade, business or profession", the Administration had agreed to introduce an amendment to narrow the scope to "…in connection with the supply or possible supply of goods…or in connection with the promotion by any means of the supply or use of goods…" with reference to the relevant provision in the Trade Practices Act 1974 of Australia.
(c) 参加利比里商法改革 方案国家指导委员会主办的国家贸易法座谈 会,其目的是向利比里亚政府提供支持,协助其 商法 改 革方案方面正在开展 的工作。
(c) Participating at the National
[...] Symposium on Trade Law hosted by the Liberian Commercial Law Reform Program National Steering Committee with the goal of providing support to the Liberian Government in its ongoing efforts regarding the Commercial Law Reform Program.
几内亚是非商 法统一组织条约的缔约国,该组织 商 业 法 和 统 一商业流程方面制定了共同体 法。
Guinea is party to the Treaty on the
[...] Harmonization of Business Law in Africa, which establishes community law in this field and [...]
harmonizes trade procedures.
此外,《法和商法典》 第1567条 规定,对儿童行使父母权威的人可以为管教的目的对儿童实施“合理的”惩戒。
Moreover, article
[...] 1567 of the Civil and Commercial Code states that those [...]
with parental authority over children have a right
to impose “reasonable” punishment for the purpose of discipline.
商法典》第 7-106 条(b)款第(3)项允许将正本发送到声称拥有控制权的人或其 指定的保管人并由其保管,因此,这一规定与登记处系统和标识系统都是兼容的, [...]
在前一种系统中,指定保管人是登记处运营人,在后一种系统中,声称拥有控制权 的人可以自行或通过第三方保管人发送并保持正本。
As section 7-106
[...] (b)(3) of the UCC permits the authoritative copy to be [...]
communicated and maintained by the person asserting
control or its designated custodian, the provision is compatible with the registry-based system, where the designated custodian would be the registry operator, and with the token-based system, where the person asserting control could communicate and maintain the copy either on its own or through a third-party custodian.
(e) “海事方面的一般责任和赔偿责任”研讨会,由汉堡大学海 法 和 海商 法研究所举办,2011 年 11 月 19 日在审判室举行。
(e) Symposium on “Responsibility and liability in the maritime context”, organized by the Law of the Sea and Maritime Law Institute of the University of Hamburg, held in the courtroom on 19 November 2011.
另一宗檢控個案涉及另一名承商, 法庭 已 對此案進行聆訊,但有關法律程序仍未完結。
One other prosecution case
[...] involving another contractor was heard in court but the proceedings [...]
have not been concluded.
联合国 大 会 通 过 其 1966 年 12 月 17 日 第 2205 (XXI) 号 决 议( 见 附件一)设立了联合国国际贸易法委员会(贸易法委员会), 该委员会履行促进国际贸易法逐步统一和现代化的任务,1 拟订并促进使用和采纳一些重商法 领 域 的立法和非立法文 书,在制订该框架方面发挥着重要作用。
The United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL), established by the United Nations General Assembly by resolution 2205 (XXI) of 17 December 1966 (see annex I), plays an important role in developing that framework in pursuance of its mandate to further the progressive harmonization and modernization of the law of international trade1 by preparing and promoting the use and adoption of legislative and non-legislative instruments in a number of key areas of commercial law.
我们确认,根据有关独立审计财务报表的德 商法 典第 321 节第 4a 段,我 们遵守了适用的规则。
We confirm that we observed
[...] the applicable regulations regarding independence [...]
upon auditing the financial statements in
accordance with Section 321, para. 4a, HGB.
如上所述(见上文第 46 段),商法典》 第 7-106 条(b)款第(4)-(6)项具体列出了电子可转让纪录实现并保持独一 性的某些条件。
As already noted above (see para. 46 above), section 7-106 (b)(4)-(6) of the UCC details certain conditions to achieve and maintain uniqueness of the electronic transferable record.
针对商法》条 款中的不平等,进行了一项改革来促进非 商 业 法 统 一组 织条约的批准,尤其是 1997 年关于一商法的统 一法令以及关于公司和经济利 益集团法统一法令的生效。
In view of
[...] inequalities under Commercial Code provisions, a reform was carried out as a result of the ratification of the Treaty on the Harmonisation of Business Law in Africa (OHBLA Treaty) and, especially, of the entry into force of the OHBLA Uniform Act Relating to General Commercial Law in 1997 and of [...]
the OHBLA Uniform Act
relating to Commercial Companies and Economic Interest Groups.
(15) 與任何政府或監管機構(不論是最高,市立,本地或其他)或任何集團,公
[...] 司或人進行任何商業或其他安排,並為任何用途獲取或參與,進行,行使及遵守 任何法規,命令,章程,合同,法令,權利,特權,牌照,專營權,許可證及優 惠,及製造,執行,參與,開始,進行,起訴和辯護所有步驟,合同,合約,商,法律及 其他程式,妥協,安排及計劃及作出所有以當時本公司認為合宜及對 公司有利或為保障公司的行為。
(15) To enter into any commercial or other arrangements with any government or authority, supreme, municipal, local or otherwise, or with any corporation, company or person and to obtain or enter into any legislation, orders, charters, contracts, decrees, rights, privileges, licences, franchises, permits and concessions for any purpose and to carry out, exercise and comply with the same and to make, execute, enter into, commence, carry on, prosecute and
defend all steps,
[...] contracts, agreements, negotiations, legal and other proceedings, compromises, arrangements and schemes and to do all other acts, matters [...]
and things which shall
at any time appear conducive or expedient for the advantage or protection of the Company.
[...] 多个领域情况都是这样,包括条法 、 商 业 法 、 海 洋法(例如见 A/65/69)、劳工 法、人权法、人道主义法、刑法和反腐败法。
This is true in various fields of international law,
[...] including treaty law, commercial law, the law of [...]
the sea (see, e.g., A/65/69), labour law,
human rights law, humanitarian law and criminal and anti-corruption law, to name but a few.
擅自使用本網站包含的任何材料可能違反版 法 、 商 標 法 、 隱私及公開法律與通訊法規和法令。
Any unauthorised use of any material contained on
this Site may violate
[...] copyright laws, trademark laws, the laws of [...]
privacy and publicity, and communications regulations and statutes.
(c) 加快通过土著人民提出的“土著人民 商法 ” , 并修订《采矿 法》,以便列入关于先磋商再颁发开采许可证的一章
(c) Expedite the adoption of the
[...] Indigenous Peoples Consultation Act proposed by indigenous peoples and the amendment of the Mining Act to include a chapter on consultations prior to [...]
the issuance of mining permits
11 月初,苏人解和全国大 会党商定讨论剩余的所有重大立法问题,希望达成一个“一揽子交易”,包括南
[...] 方苏丹全民投票法、阿卜耶伊全民投票法、国家安全法、人民 商法 和 如 何在 2010 年选举中处理有争议的人口普查结果。
In early November, SPLM and NCP agreed to discuss all of the major remaining legislative issues in hopes of agreeing to a package deal, including the Southern Sudan Referendum Bill, the Abyei Referendum Bill, the National
Intelligence and Security Services
[...] Bill, the Popular Consultations Bill and the treatment [...]
of the disputed census results in the 2010 elections.
A:制造商符合性 自我声明、ISO/IEC
[...] 相关的导则以及导则对应的中国的国标的比较,尤其是与针对欧盟 RoHS2 指令的符合性声明所需的技术文件的标准的比较,从而发现本规范中的企业符合 性声明从内容来讲并不是一个真正的制 商 ( 法 规 )符合性自我声明。
After comparing the declaration of conformity referred to in the Normative Document to the EU CE mark model A: “manufacturer self-declaration of conformity” adopted in the EU Low-voltage directive, related ISO/IEC Guides, the mirrored China national standards and the European technical standards adopted in the EU
RoHS 2 directive, we concluded that it
[...] is not a real “manufacturer self-declaration of conformity” model of regulation.
有成員贊同在《商品說明條例》訂明,消費者有權向採用不 良商手法的不法商人作 出私人民事訴訟,以助受屈消費者 討回公道,以及促進商界妥守法律。
A member supported that the proposed
right to institute private civil
[...] action on traders adopting unfair trade practices should be created [...]
under the TDO, in order
to facilitate aggrieved consumers to obtain restorative justice and promote business compliance.
凡 一 切 於 網 站 上 使 用 及 展 示 的 材 料 (包 括 但 不 限 於 文 字 、 照 片 、 錄 像 、 聲 音 及 圖 形 、 音 樂 、 標 識 、 標 誌 、 連 結 、html 代碼 、 商 標 、軟 件 以 及 其 他 在 網 站 上 出 現 的 材 料) ("內 容") 均 為 tokyobuy.com 及 其 專 營 商 所 擁 有 或 持 牌 , 因 此 受 到 版法 、 商 標 法 、 服 務 標 誌 法 , 和 / 或 其 他 香 港 特 別 行 政 區 或 其 他 國 家 的 專 利 權 法 律 所 保 護 ("知 識 產 權"); 而 現 在 及 將 來 一 切 包 涵 在 [內 容] 中 和 屬 於 內 容 的 知 識 產 權 , 無 論 任 何 時 間 均 為 tokyobuy.com 的 專 有 財 產 。
All materials used and displayed on the site (including but not limited to text, photographs, video, audio and graphics, music, logos, marks, links, html code, trademarks, software and other materials that appear on the site) ("contents") are owned by or licensed to Tokyobuy.com and its proprietors and are protected by copyrights, trademarks, services marks, and/or other proprietary laws of hksar or other countries ("the intellectual property rights") and all present and future intellectual property rights in and to the contents shall at all times be the sole and exclusive property of Tokyobuy.com. you agree that the use of the contents on the site is solely for personal and noncommercial (other than for the purchase of merchandise from the site) purposes (the "permitted use") provided that no right, title or interest of any nature in the contents downloaded or copied for the permitted use shall be transferred to you.
专家组建议金伯利进程采取必要措施,确保 法商 人 无 法 利 用 金伯利进程 证书制度交易非法出口的科特迪瓦毛坯钻石,包括作为金伯利进程的一项最低要 求实行原产地控制措施。
The Group recommends that the Kimberley Process take the
necessary measures to
[...] ensure that illicit traders cannot use the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme to trade in illicitly exported [...]
Ivorian rough diamonds,
including the implementation of origin control measures as part of the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme minimum requirements.
这 个新法替代了以前的4个法(发明活 法 ,商 标法,集成电路专利法和专利法)。
This replaced the four previous items of legislation (Laws on Inventive Activity, Trade Marks, Integrated Circuit Patents and on the Patent Office).
Novell 网站的所有元素都受到版法、商业 包 装法及其它法律的保护,不能进行完全或部分复制或仿制。
Elements of Novell websites are protected by copyright, trade
[...] dress and other laws and may not be copied [...]
or imitated in whole or in part.
[...] 會計師核閱,對第一段所述之財務季報表可能有所調整外,並未發現第一段所述財務季報表在 所有重大方面有違反證券發行人財務報告編製準則、商業會 法 、 商 業 會 計處理準則及一般公 認會計原則而須作修正之情事。
In our opinion, based on our audits and the reports of the other auditors, the financial statements referred to above present fairly the financial position of China Petrochemical Development Corporation as of December 31, 2007 and 2006, and the results of its operations and cash flows for the years then ended, in conformity with the “Regulations Governing the Preparation of Financial
Statements by Security
[...] Issuers” , “Business Entity Accounting Act”, “Regulation on Handling Business Entity Accounting” [...]
and generally
accepted accounting principles of the Republic of China.
正是通过这些国 家的批准和将《公约》条款纳入国内法律的国内立法,旨在打击非法贩运文化财产的法律条款 的协调一致才成为可能,其目标是防止 法商 人 利 用国家立法的漏洞,为其从事的非法贩运披 上一层合法的外衣,将被盗或非法出口的文化财产纳入艺术品市场的合法流通渠道。
The aim is to prevent traffickers from using loopholes in national legislation to launder their trafficking by placing stolen or illegally exported property on the legal art market circuit.




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