

单词 商榷

商榷 ()

bring up various ideas for discussion

See also:

toll, levy

External sources (not reviewed)

认为所有地区都是“潜在受影 响”地区,而无论其起源,尤其是气候变化条件下,这种想法值 商榷。
It is arguable that all areas are “potentially affected” areas regardless of origin, especially under conditions of climate change.
文件的建議有兩點是值商榷的, 第㆒,建議㆗並無明確㆞指出遭拒絕的申請 會否公開讓市民知道和解釋拒絕原因;第㆓,申請遭受拒絕亦無權提出㆖訴,這是局 限了公眾㆟士的利益,容許㆖訴是提高公眾的參予程度,也是必需的過程,使公眾的 意見有受尊重的機會。
This limits the exercise of the public right to appeal which is not only instrumental in raising the level of public participation but is also a necessary mechanism to ensure that public opinion is respected.
這點當然可商 榷 , 但 我 認 為 今 天我們真 正想談的 重 點 是,政府一直埋怨稅 網 太 窄 , 按照政 [...]
府 的 說 法,那 是 因 為 稅 收 集 中 在 那些有能力 的人身 上 ,現在,它 自 已 正 是這 樣 做 。
We can, of course, enter into discussion on that, but I think [...]
the point that we really want to talk about today is that
the Government keeps on complaining that the tax net is being narrowed, by concentrating taxation on those who can afford it, as the Government puts it, and it is in fact doing exactly that.
因此,這些土地是 否 有 任何合理的“發展預期價值”也值 商榷。
Hence, there is the question of whether or not there is any legitimate “hope value for development” for such land.
但是,議案 的 措 辭 卻 並不是那麼清 晰 , 按 照 字面可以理 解為無 條件撤 銷 供 養 父母免 稅額的年齡 限
[...] 制;另一方 面 , 即使議 案包含黃議員所 講 述 的方 案 , 仍 然 有很多值商 榷 的 地 方 。
However, the wordings of the motion are not so clear, and it can be literally interpreted as an unconditional abolition of the age requirement for dependent parent allowance; on the other hand, even if
the motion does include the proposals that Mr WONG has just told
[...] us about, a lot of issues are still open to discussion.
其實,這個說法 是值商榷的, 我們只要看看今日實施㆟權法案的歐美先進國家的環境,再參照㆒些 落後而經常濫用私刑,甚至經常用死刑的極權國家的狀況,比較它們的治安情況,便 得到公允的答案。
If we have a look at countries where Bills of Rights have been introduced and the situation in some backward totalitarian states where punishment without trial and death penalty is the order of the day and then compare the state of law and order between the two, we will have a fair answer.
我相信若干行業出現聘請員工困難的情況, 但整體而言,在失業率高企㆘,勞工市場始終是㆟浮於事,「勞工不足」的說法值商 榷。
I believe that certain trades are having difficulties in recruiting staff, but overall speaking, under the present high unemployment rate, it is a fact that there are more job-seekers than work.
倘若 政府有決心、有誠意推行強制性私營退休保障計劃,及能在管理基金運作和風險承擔 方面,制訂令㆟信服的具體方案,則改良後的綜援計劃不失為彌補部分老㆟原本在老 年退休金計劃㆗受惠的損失,但究竟入息審查放寬至那個可接受的水平,就有待進㆒ 步商榷。
If the Government has determination and sincerity in implementing the MPF and can formulate a convincing plan specifying how to manage the operation of the fund and risks involved, then the improved CSSA scheme might be able to make up for the loss which the elderly suffer due to the shelving of the OPS.
教科文组织多年来在生物伦理方面所作的工作,特别是更近时期为探讨制定一些有关 生物伦理问题的普遍准则所作的工作,都表明,如果说就制定一个生物伦理准则文件的具体 内容方面现在还有一些商榷的地 方的话,那么制定这样一份文件的想法本身至少凸显出, 为了引导生命科学的进步和与之相随的技术发展,制定一个全世界共同的参照框架已是世界 的一个深刻的需要。
The work that UNESCO has been doing on bioethics for many years, particularly more recent work regarding the possibility of elaborating universal norms on bioethics, shows that while the exact content of the instrument on bioethics has yet to be discussed, the initiative shows that a shared frame of reference worldwide is badly needed to guide the progress of the life sciences and the attendant technological development.
若果政府沒有這樣的打算,則採用資產淨值作為利潤計算的指標是 值商榷的。
If the Government does not intend to do so, it is not convincing to set the rate of return on net asset value.
这类法律不应仅限于重债穷国,还应当涵盖更广泛的贫穷国家(特别是那些 有资格获得国际开发协会贷款的国家);此外,鉴于全球经济衰退对许多发展中 国家预算造成的不利影响,该法还应当覆盖重债穷国后债务、原始债务(其中有 些的合法性值商榷)和已 经获得的法院裁决。
Such legislation should not be limited to HIPCs but should cover a wider group of poor countries (particularly those eligible for International Development Association lending) and should, in view of the negative effects of the global recession on the budgets of many developing countries, cover post-HIPC debts, original debts (some of which may be of questionable legitimacy) and court judgements which have already been obtained.
本㆟當日的立場是不反對推行老年退休金計 劃;但當㆗確實有部分保留之處,有待進㆒步 商榷 和 改 善,以接近社工專業㆒向所 追求的理想。
My position on that day was not to oppose the implementation of the OPS although I had reservations about it for I believed that further discussion and improvement were necessary before it could come close to the objective pursued by the social workers.
我覺得這些其他相關因素更為含糊,因為社會和諧等概念可 能令到釐定過程牽涉一些政治考慮,故此我們認為值 商榷。
I think these other relevant factors are even more general because concepts such as social harmony may give rise
to political considerations in the process of determining a minimum wage, so we believe
[...] that it is a debatable concept.
主席,條例草案將部 分版權 作 品豁免 於暫停實施的規定之 外 , 當 中包 括 : 電 影 、電視 劇 或電視 電 影 , 音 樂 作 品 及 電腦程式 等 , 不過, 對於一些非 劇 情 性 的 電 視 節 目 ,則不包括在內,民建聯認為 是 值商 榷 的 。
Madam President, the Bill has excluded certain copyright works from the suspension, including movies, television dramas and movies, musical works and computer programmes.
此外,假如評估機制的原意是透過容許支付 低於法定最低工資,從而減低"一些因殘疾而生產能力受損的殘 疾人士因法定最低工資的實施而對他們的就業機會造成的負面 影響",豁免因評估結果而作出的解僱,使其免受《殘疾歧視條 例》規管,可以如何有助達致此目的,令人難以理解,是否有 需要實施這項豁免與其是否合理也有 商榷。
Besides, if the assessment mechanism is meant to reduce "the possible adverse impact of SMW on the employment opportunities of some PWDs whose productivity is impaired by their disabilities" by enabling a lower than SMW to be paid, it is difficult to see how exempting a dismissal on account of assessment outcome from the DDO could help to achieve this objective, and the necessity and reasonableness of this exemption may be called into question.
如果您對托兒服務機構對待自己子女的方式存有疑慮,應找托兒服務機構進 商榷。
If you have concerns about the
way your child care provider is working with your child, you should
[...] approach the child care provider to discuss the issue.
[...] 标准的制定,不管是参加过会议还是按照步骤程序提交过意见,它就已经毫无疑问 就在何种程度上可以接受这些规定的草 商榷 过 本国的有关组织。
However, a country which has taken part in the elaboration of the standard either by attending the meetings or by
sending comments under the Step Procedure
[...] has, no doubt, consulted national organizations [...]
on the extent to which the draft
provisions in the standard would be acceptable nationally.
涂議員,如果你 不滿意律政司司長的答覆, 或認為 司長的答覆商 榷之處 , 請 你循立法會提供 給你的 另 一些渠 道 再 作跟進 , 而不應在這 時 候 要 求 主席作出裁決。
Mr TO, if you are not satisfied with the answer of the Secretary for Justice, or think that her answer is questionable, you may take follow-up action through other channels provided by the Council.
事實㆖,賠償基金雖交由政府管理,但應否全數支付行政費,也是個值 商榷 的問 題。
Incidentally, it is questionable as to whether or not the Government should meet the administrative costs of the fund in full although it is responsible for its management.
事 實上,撇 開 東 涌 和 石蔭 公 營 房屋醜 聞 未 受 過 獨 立 調查的 問
題 不 談 , 即 使天頌苑事件和 圓 洲角事件已分別由兩個調查小組完成 調查, 並由另 一個 調查小組 評估房屋署 ( “ 房 署 ”)人員的失誤責 任,但 該 3 個小組 是 否已充 分考究 有 關
[...] 醜 聞 的 來 龍 去 脈 ,則我認為 仍商 榷 餘 地
Let us leave aside the issue that no independent inquiry has been conducted into the scandalous incidents relating to the public housing estates in Tung Chung and Shek Yam Estate. Regarding the two investigations conducted separately by two panels into the Tin Chung Court incident and the Yuen Chau Kok incident, and the one conducted by another investigation panel to assess the responsibility for
dereliction of duty on the part of HD staff, actually I do believe that the thoroughness of these
[...] investigations is still open to question.
[...] 貨物裝卸區的收費計算方法及收費調整速度的解釋,有很多㆞方是值 商榷 的。
But the Government's method of calculation of
public cargo working areas charges and its explanations on the pace of fee
[...] adjustments are open to question [...]
in many aspects.
剛 才葉國謙議員也提及 150 個名額的問題,我覺得這真的值 商榷 , 因 為大部 分擁有居港權的子女已經來港。
The Honourable IP Kwok-him has mentioned earlier the issue of the daily quota of 150 persons and I think we should give more thoughts to that because most of the children of Hong Kong citizens with a right of abode here have already come to Hong Kong.
然而,把全民信息计划的一半预算拨给教科文组 织总部外办事处,用于支持国家委员会活动的做法需要研究 商榷 , 尤 其是要考虑到这些资 金的使用效果。
However, the fact that exactly half of IFAP’s budget is allocated to UNESCO field offices to support activities of National Committees requires analysis, particularly with respect to the effectiveness of the use of these funds.
这个案文中所包含的一些内容。我们认为,序言部分 第七段中提到的裁军与发展之间存在共生关系的理 念是值商榷的,原因有几点。
We consider the notion of a symbiotic relationship between disarmament and development, referred to in the seventh preambular paragraph, to be debatable for several reasons.
[...] 不良營商手法,要對症下藥,而以“一刀切”方式在預繳服務引入冷靜期 的做法,是值商榷的,因為加入冷靜期不一定可以在這方面收取效 [...]
用,例如即使提供者在冷靜期內提供了較合理的服務,我們也不能杜絕 在冷靜期後可能出現消費者在預繳後而公司倒閉的情況。
For example,
[...] even though the provider has offered [...]
reasonable services to consumers during the cooling-off period, we cannot
rule out the possibility that it will go out of business upon pre-payment after the cooling-off period.
更 重要的 是 , 如果 有關政 策決定權這一說 法 真 的成立,它 如 何 能 夠配合 《 基本法》中 有關政
[...] 治 體 制的規定,也 是值得進一商 榷 的,因 為 《 基本法》第六 十二條規定是 [...]
由 特 區行政 機關負 責 制 訂和執 行 政 策 的 。
More importantly, if the assertion that the two Municipal Councils have policy-making powers is substantiated, its compliance with the provisions on
political structure in the Basic Law does
[...] warrant further discussion because Article [...]
62 of the Basic Law provides that the
executive authorities of the SAR shall be responsible for the formulation and implementation of policies.
雖然就《基本法》第一百 條中“ 不低於原來的 標準” 一 句 的 釋義是 否 可 計 及 生活費用的變動乃有商榷,但這次 減薪建 議並不會觸 及這 個 問題,因為即使減薪,公務員的薪酬,以現金計算, 仍 然 相 等於或 多 於他們在一九九七年六月三十日獲 得的薪酬。
15. While it is arguable that “no less favourable than before” in Article 100 of the Basic Law could be construed to take account of changes in the cost of living, that issue does not arise in the context of the present proposed reduction since even after the reduction, the pay of civil servants would still be at or above the level in cash terms that they were receiving on 30 June 1997.
舉 例 說 , 假 如 他 只 在 其 簽 署 下 加 上 ‚ 董 事 ‛ 一 詞 , 則 視 乎 在 整 張 支 票 上 使 用 的 其 他 確 實 字 句 , 他 的 情 況 究 竟 是 符 合 Maytex 案 所 指 的 綜 合 簽 署 原 則 還 是 符 合 Blooming Textile 案 的 嚴 格 釋 義 規 則 , 便 會商 榷 的 餘 地 。
For example if he only places "director" below his signature, then argument may arise as to whether, depending on the exact wording used on the entire cheque, he falls within the composite signature principle of the Maytex case or of the strict construction rule in the Blooming Textile case; in the former instance he avoids personal liability, in the latter he does not.
当然,这一点微不足道——并 且可商榷,但 各种英文本文件相互一致,使用相同的术语,将有助于其他语 文实现同样的统一用词;因此进行协调统一也许是不错的想法,不管在多大程 度上用词统一,这项工作都将证明是非常有益的。
This is, certainly, a fairly minor — and arguable — point, but consistency between the various documents, using the same terminology, in English, would encourage the same consistency in the other languages; so it might be a good idea to carry out a harmonization exercise, which, however far it goes, could prove very useful.
显然值商榷的 是 ,应被推定无罪的还押犯人的处境不应该比被判处还押犯人被控罪行的犯人更 糟:被判刑的囚犯有资格通过司法程序酌情考虑释放。
It is clearly arguable that remand prisoners, who are to be presumed innocent, should not be in a worse situation than prisoners sentenced for offences of which the remand prisoners stand accused: sentenced prisoners are eligible to be considered for discretionary release through a judicial process.




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