

单词 商报



China Business News (newspaper)


Nanyang Siang Pau (Malay's oldest newspaper)

External sources (not reviewed)

但是,运商报告指 出,他们通过中介机 构,按卡车数量向地区指挥官办公室缴付额外税款;每辆卡车的税款为 [...]
50 000 至 500 000 西非法郎不等。
Transporters are reporting that they have [...]
to pay additional taxes per truck directly to zone commander offices through an
intermediary; the amounts per truck vary from CFAF 50,000 to CFAF 500,000.
每一年,L2(一个奢侈品行业的研究智库)发布了“中国数字 商 ” 报 告 , 对中国奢侈品品牌在网络的表现进行排名。
Every year, L2 (a think tank about the luxury industry) publishes its
[...] “China digital IQ” report that ranks the web [...]
presence of luxury brands in China.
客户明白 Avus
[...] Capital 报出的货币对价格可能会与其他外汇经 商报 出 的价格略有差异。
The Client is aware that the prices of the currency pairs are quoted by Avus Capital and may have small differences from the
[...] prices quoted by other FOREX brokers.
商报告已 由环境规划署编制,并将根据议程项目 7(c)“关于附有具体报告规定的核定 项目执行情况的报告”进行讨论。
The report of this consultation was prepared [...]
by UNEP and will be discussed under agenda item 7(c), Report on implementation
of projects with specific reporting requirements.
当您找出您需要的零部件时,可通过直接从零部件页面上提交 RFQ(请求报价)而请求供商报价。
When you locate a component you want, request a
[...] quote from the supplier by simply submitting [...]
an RFQ (Request for Quotation) directly from the component page.
(e) 同时赞赏非正式商报告、 特别是第九次非正式 商 会 议 报 告 以及联合 国秘书长在粮农组织的支助下编写的报告的内容;这份报告说明渔业管理区域组 织作为各国养护和管理跨界鱼类种群和高度洄游鱼类种群手段的重要性。
(e) Further appreciate the
[...] references in the reports on the informal consultations, particularly the ninth round of informal consultations, and in the [...]
report of the Secretary-General
of the United Nations prepared in cooperation with FAO, to the importance of regional fisheries management organizations (RFMOs) as a tool for use by countries in their efforts to conserve and manage straddling fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks.
我们收集 IP
[...] 地址是出于系统管理的目的,以便向我们的广 商报 告 综 合信息以及跟踪本网站的使用情况。
We collect IP addresses for purposes of system
[...] administration, to report aggregate information [...]
to our advertisers, and to track the use of this Site.
关于 A/CN.9/754/Add.2 号文件第 5
[...] 段,委员会商定,在 2011 年《示范 法》第 34 条和第 46 条的评注中指出,如果采购实体不以适当方式挑选被询价 的供应商或承包商,例如,采购实体要求属于某一公司集团的供应商或承商 报价, 或者要求在其他方面处于某种形式的共同财务或管理控制之下的供应商 或承商报价, 就有可能出现竞争不充分或竞争扭曲的风险。
With reference to paragraph 5 of document A/CN.9/754/Add.2, the Commission agreed to reflect, in the commentary to articles 34 and 46 of the 2011 Model Law, that there might be a risk of inadequate or distorted competition if the
procuring entity did not
[...] select the suppliers or contractors from which to request quotations appropriately, for example if it requested quotations from suppliers or contractors [...]
belonging to a corporate
group or that were otherwise under some form of common financial or managerial control.
委员会 并鼓励缔约国根据《人权商报告》 的建议确保在新的“人权框架”下建立反种 族主义战略,并确保通过一项面对所有澳大利亚人的、尤其是指出制止歧视、偏 见和种族主义的教育方案。
The Committee also encourages the State party to ensure that an anti-racism strategy be established under the new Human Rights Framework, as per the recommendations of the Human Rights Consultation Report, and that an education programme for all Australians, with particular reference to combating discrimination, prejudice and racism, be adopted.
来自国家机构的 15 名研究人员接受 了有关政策--行动研究的培训。2008 年和 2009 年分别通过的两项行动计划,根据 6 国(布 隆迪、刚果民主共和国、肯尼亚、卢旺达、坦桑尼亚和赞比亚) 商报 告 ,提出了设立大湖 区妇女、性别及和平建设问题研究和文献中心的建议。
Based on reports of 6 national consultations organized in Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Zambia, the establishment of the Research and Documentation Center for Women, Gender and Peace Building in the Great Lakes has advanced through the adoption of two Action Plans in 2008 and 2009 respectively, spelling out contributions and activities to be implemented by the main partners in the project (Ministries, UNFPA, UNECA, ADB and the Secretariat of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region).
全国商报告的 公开出版,将有关建立过渡司法机制的讨论推向公共论坛。
The official
[...] publication of the report on the national consultations has moved the [...]
discussion on the establishment of transitional
justice mechanisms into the public arena.
覆盖的媒体,包括在中国的最大和最重要的室内设计杂志之一 –
[...] 瑞丽家居的八页主题报道,以及大量专题文章在JMen,亚洲华尔街日报,Cup,中华宝艇,国际高尔夫,高尔夫周刊,FHM(中国),Milk X,商时报,深圳商报,深 圳晚报,上海新闻晨报和东方日报。
The media coverage included an eight page spread in Rayli magazine – one of China’s biggest and most important interior design publications as well as substantial features in JMen, WSJ Asia, Cup, China
Boating, International Golf, Golf Week,
[...] FHM (China), Milk X, Commercial Times, Shenzhen Economic [...]
Daily, Shenzhen Evening News,
Shanghai Morning Post and Oriental Morning Post.
该文件含有从第 7 次商报告中选取的实例。
This document includes practical examples
[...] extracted from reports of the 7th Consultation.
[...] 部门已排除消耗臭氧层物质非法进口的发生率,但有些进 商报 告 , 他们不能放弃跨越黑 海或一些边境控制点的某些走私行为,但数量可能很少。
While the Customs Department has
excluded the incidence of illegal ODS
[...] imports, some importers reported that they cannot [...]
discard some smuggling through the
Black Sea or some border control points, but the volume might be small.
关于善政和法治,我们可以提到目前正在执行 的全国善政和反腐战略;2010年举行的选举以及选 举产生的机构;有效执行对腐败和经济诈骗的零容 忍政策;建立并启动布隆迪税务总局;监察员办公 室的成立和运作;一个独立人权委员会的成立和启 动;妇女在各机构中的广泛代表性——在参院中占 50%、在政府中占43%以及在国民议会中占40%;有关 成立过渡期司法机制的全国商报告 的 发表;监狱 人数的减少;以及修改刑法,包括在侵犯人权问题 我还愿欢迎未来的特别代表帕尔费·奥南加-安 扬加先生,我看到他今天在安理会大厅后排就座。
In that regard, the Burundi country-specific configuration of the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) has continued to support as best it can the work of the United Nations Office in Burundi (BNUB), and the Landgren, for her excellent work during the time we worked together.
该工厂的十台 MAN
[...] Colorman 及 Goss Metrocolor 印刷机每天印制 2,850,000 份报纸,服务于多家重要报纸,其中包括《芝加哥论坛报》、《华尔街日报》、《纽约时报》、《投资 商 业 日 报 》 、 芝加哥太阳时报媒体集团和 20 多家地区及专商报。
Its ten MAN Colorman and Goss Metrocolor presses manufacture 2,850,000 products each day, printing a host of
major newspaper titles, including the Chicago Tribune, Wall Street Journal, New York
[...] Times, Investor's Business Daily, Chicago Sun-Times Media Publications, and over 20 regional and specialist business titles.
另据德国商报》报道, 德国智库Europolis已向德国宪法法院提出请求,要求该法院须等到更高级别的欧洲法院(ECJ)的判决后才能作出ESM是否合法的裁决。
According to the German
[...] "Handelsblatt" reported the German think tank Europolis has the German [...]
Constitutional Court a request
to require the court to wait until a higher level of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) decision to make the ESM whether legal ruling.
(a) 考虑设立或执行各种机制,便利查明涉嫌转作他用的交易,并要求经商报告这 类交易,其中尽可能包括涉及含有麻醉药品和精神药物制造中常用 [...]
(a) Consider establishing or implementing mechanisms that facilitate the identification of
transactions suspected of involving diversion
[...] and that require operators to report such transactions, [...]
including, to the extent possible,
transactions involving chemicals that contain substances frequently used in the manufacture of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances
具体内容详见2012年7月20日、2012年8月7日以及2012年12月12日刊登在《中 国证券报》、《证券报》、《香 商报 》 及 巨潮资讯网(www.cninfo.com.cn)的相关公告。
For details, please refer to the related announcement disclosed at
China Securities Journal,
[...] Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and www.cninfo.com.cn [...]
on 20 July 2012, 7 August 2012 and 12 December 2012.
半导体公司、软件供应商、社交媒体热门网站及个人电脑制 商 , 报 告 业 绩一片惨淡,令人沮丧,导致整体市场走低。
Semiconductor companies,
[...] software providers, social media favorites and personal computer manufacturers all report disappointing [...]
earnings and provide discouraging guidance.
本公司要求供商报告所 执行的绿色采购计划或相关举措。
We request for supplier presentation pertaining [...]
to execution of green procurement, or efforts in such a direction.
上述详细内容,请参见分别于 2009 年 6 月 19 日刊登在《中国证券报》、《证券时报》、《文汇报》及巨潮资讯网 (www.cninfo.com.cn)的相关公告,以及 2010 年 1 月 22 日、5 月 26 日、6 月 24 日、7 月 31 日和 2011 年 1 月 29 日、3 月 22 日、4 月 16 日、6 月 23 日、2011 年 10 月 15 日和 2012 年 1 月 20 日、3 月 27 日刊登在《中国证券报》、《证券 报 》 、 《香商报》及 巨潮资讯网(www.cninfo.com.cn)的公告。
Details of the aforesaid can be found in relevant notices published on China Securities Journal, Securities Times, Hong Kong Wen Wei Po and Juchao Information website (www.cninfo.com.cn) dated 19 June 2009 as well as published on China Securities Journal, Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and Juchao Information website (www.cninfo.com.cn) dated 22 January 2010, 26 May 2010, 24 June 2010, 31 July 2010, 29 January 2011, 22 March 2011, 16 April 2011, 23 June 2011, 15 October 2011, 20 January 2012 and 27 March 2012.
当您在我们网站上导航时,我们也可能会收集您访问我们网站的详细信息,包括但不限于:流量数据、位置数据、日志及其他通信数据(用于我公司自身计费或其他目的)、所访问的资源,以及与您的计算机和互联网连接相关的信息,包括您的IP地址、操作系统和浏览器类型(用于系统管理和向我们的广 商报 告 综 合信息)。
As you navigate through the Website, we may also collect details of your visits to our Website, including, but not limited to, traffic data, location data, logs and other communication data, whether this is required for our own billing purposes or otherwise and the resources that you access, as well as information about your computer and internet connection, including your IP
address, operating system and browser type, for system
[...] administration and to report aggregate information [...]
to our advertisers.
[...] 括道琼斯、路透、彭博、美联社、《纽约时报》、《华尔街日报》、《今日美国》、《 投资者每商报》以及其它媒体。
To ensure the broadest possible distribution, we simultaneously deliver every story to the "disclosure" media designated by NYSE, AMEX, NASDAQ and LSE, including Dow Jones, Associated
Press, Reuters, Bloomberg, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, USA
[...] Today, Investor's Business Daily and others.
玛利亚—伊丽莎白•舍弗勒女士表示:“我衷心地感谢评审团 商报 和 联 邦经济与技术部长授予我此奖项,我将其献给我们的7.6万名员工,感谢他们的努力工作和杰出成就。
Maria-Elisabeth Schaeffler: “I would like to sincerely
[...] thank the jury, Handelsblatt and the Federal [...]
Minister of Economics and Technology for
this award, and I dedicate this prize to our 76,000 employees to express my gratitude for their hard work and outstanding achievements”.
钱经》杂志由商报社主 管主办,投资理财类月刊,132页,胶订;封面/封底200克铜版纸;内页70克轻涂纸;每期15.00元,全年共180元,全国发售;每月1日出版;月均发行量420,000;华商传媒集团旗舰杂志;面向中高端理财读者。
Money Talks, directed and
[...] hosted by Chinese Business View Media, is [...]
a monthly journal on investment and finance, adhesive
binding, 132 pages; 200g coated-paper front/back cover; 70 g LWC paper inside; CNY 15 / volume, 180 for the whole year nationwide; published on the first day of each month; average monthly circulation of 420,000; flagship magazine of Chinese Business View Media; targeting readers engaged in high and middle-end financial activities.
29B.37 账户司的若干职能,如工资、医疗和人寿保险、教育补助金、差旅费报销、供 商报 销 、 会计 事务、财务报表编制等,在“团结”项目全面推广时将受到其实施的影响。
29B.37 Several functions of the Accounts Division, such as payroll,
health and life insurance, education
[...] grant, travel claims, vendor claims, accounting [...]
services, preparation of financial statements,
etc. are likely to be impacted by the implementation of Umoja, when it is rolled out fully.
2012年9月22日,来自中国行业内先驱媒体《电力Power》,《中国机电工业》China Machinery & Electric Industry,《中国工业报》CHINA INDUSTRY NEWS,《中国电力报》China Electric Power News,《机商报》Machinery & Electronics Business和《北极星电力网》bjx.com的6位编辑老师组成的代表团访问了MR公司在德国雷根斯堡的总部以及其他子公司,并且对MR的总经理罗德先生(Michael Rohde)和亚太及中国区销售总监罗意德(Konrad Roider)行进了采访。
On September 22, 2012 a delegation of six editors of leading Chinese industry media, "Electric Power", "China Machinery & Electric Industry", "CHINA INDUSTRY NEWS", "China Electric Power News", "Machinery & Electronics Business" and "bjx.com", visited the head office of MR in Regensburg, Germany and several subsidiaries, and interviewed MR's Managing Director, Mr Michael Rohde, and MR's Regional Sales Director Asia Pacific, Mr Konrad Roider.
2004年,他入选渥太商报年末 的“40岁以下青年企业家排行榜”,成为当地40位40岁以下的最佳年轻商业和公民领袖之一。
Mr. Arora personifies management and integration of technology, strategy, creativity and leadership, and in 2004 was named by the editors of the Ottawa Business Journal to its annual "Forty Under 40" list as one of the region's 40 best and brightest business and civic leaders under 40 years old.
[...] 35 家,记者超过 45 人,其中中国工报、机电商报、装 备制造、 香港大公报、中新社、新华社、重庆新闻频道、重庆财经频道、人民网、华龙网等都对展会 [...]
China Industry News,
[...] Machinery & Electronics Business, China Equipment, [...]
Ta Kung Pao, China News Agency, Xinhua News Agency,
Chongqing News Channel, Chongqing New Finance Channel, People's Daily Online, and CQ News reported the fair by words or videos.




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