

单词 商学



business school
university of business studies

External sources (not reviewed)

国际民航组织同蒙特利尔的康卡迪亚大学约翰摩 商学 院 一 道,提供专业 管理课程,主要是在网上授课。
In conjunction with the John Molson School of Business of Concordia University in Montreal, ICAO offered a professional management course, a predominantly web-based programme.
(e) 通过南商学院电 子网络和投资利益攸关方社区传播网上培训材料,并设立一个在线讨论论 坛。
(e) Disseminate the online training material through the e-network
[...] of southern business schools and the community [...]
of investment stakeholders, and establishment
of an online discussion forum.
他目前担任哈商学院院长,领导该学院的核心教育项目进行创新,并在哈佛大学的 Allston [...]
As Dean of Harvard Business School, Mr. Light [...]
is currently leading innovations in the School's core educational programs
and plays an active role in the University's planning for Allston.
Schwartz 先生持有哈商学院工商管理 硕士学位及斯坦福大学电气工程理学士学位和经济学文学士学位。
Mr. Schwartz earned an M.B.A. from Harvard Business School and a B.S. in Electrical Engineering and a B.A. in Economics from Stanford University.
他们包括设有多种院系和课程的大学以及专业性机 构,包括医学、公共卫生、艺术、工程、 学 和 商学 等 方面的专业机构。
They include universities with a
[...] variety of faculties and courses, as well as institutions with a specific focus, including medicine, public health, art, engineering, science and business.
Lillie 先生持有斯坦福学商学院研究生院管理学硕士学位、金门大学电信管理硕士学位以及蒙大拿州立大学数学学士学位。
Mr. Lillie holds an M.S. in Management
[...] from Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business, an M.S. in [...]
Telecommunications Management
from Golden Gate University, and a B.S. in Mathematics from Montana State University.
1999 年起,与其高商 学院团 队开展了“国际对家庭负责雇主指数”研究,研究各企业和领域实施对家 庭负责的政策与文化的状况。
Since 1999, Professor Chinchilla and her team at IESE have been [...]
developing the International Family-Responsible Employer
Index (IFREI), which studies the extent to which family-friendly policies and culture are implemented within various companies and sectors.
里昂高商学院的 世界创业论坛编写的《创业政策白皮书》被称为传播最佳 做法和推动政策制定者联系的有用工具。
The example of the White Paper on Entrepreneurship policies, prepared by the World Entrepreneurship Forum of EMLyon, was referred to as a useful tool to disseminate best practices and to promote networks among policymakers.
从2004年起,总商会基金也首次与马来/回教社会发展理事会基金局联合颁 商学 奖 予四位成绩卓越的马来族在籍大学生,每份奖学金为$4,000。
In 2004, the SCCCF, together with Mendaki, started awarding 4 scholarships, worth $4,000 each, to deserving Malay Muslim students pursuing undergraduate studies at local universities.
The graduates from the business schools here are equipped [...]
with the essential tools to excel in the corporate world.
Mehrotra 目前担任凯为半导体的董事成员、加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校工程咨询委员会委员以及斯坦 商学 院 咨询委员会委员。
Mr. Mehrotra currently serves on the board of directors of Cavium Networks, the
Engineering Advisory
[...] Board of the University of California, Berkeley and the Stanford Graduate School of Business Advisory Council.
该研究将探寻构建临床试验价格指数的可行性,并由 NBER 的两位研究员负责:波士顿大学管理学院的财经教授 Iain Cockburn 和麻省理工学斯隆商学院的 应用经济学教授 Ernst Berndt。
The study, led by NBER Research Associates Iain Cockburn, a professor of finance and economics at Boston University
School of Management,
[...] and Ernst Berndt, a professor in applied economics at MIT Sloan School of Management, [...]
examines the feasibility
of constructing price indexes for clinical trials.
西迪基先生在拉合尔海利(Hailey) 商学 院 ( 巴基斯坦,旁遮普省一所 学 ) 取 得 商 业 学 士 学位,是特许秘书和经理人公会(FICS)以及巴基斯坦公共财务会计公会(FPA)资深会员,巴基斯坦注册会计师公会(ACA)准会员。
Mr. Siddiqui holds a Bachelor of Commerce from Hailey College of Commerce, Lahore, University of [...]
The Punjab, Pakistan, is a Fellow Member
of both the Institute of Chartered Secretaries & Managers (FICS) and the Pakistan Institute of Public Finance Accountants (FPA), and is an Associate Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan (ACA).
顶级时尚和奢侈品企业高管以及来自巴黎 H E C 商学 院 和法国时尚学院的专家教授还会给学 员做讲座报告。
Conferences are given by senior executives of leading fashion & luxury companies and by professors and experts from both HEC Paris and IFM.
由野生动植物保护国际、巴西商学院 FG V 和联合国环境计划署金融计划在2008-2009年开展的另一项 [...]
调查显示,食品、饮料和烟草行业的大部分公司只提供有限的关于生物多样性的披露,很少提及明确 的目标,只使用定性数据 (案例研究、举措说明),而不使用基于表现的衡量标准35 。
Another survey conducted in 2008-9 by Fauna & Flora
[...] International, Brazilian business school FGV and the UNEP [...]
Finance Initiative showed that most
companies in the food, beverage and tobacco sectors produced limited public disclosures on biodiversity, rarely stated explicit targets and relied on qualitative data (case studies, descriptions of initiatives) rather than performance based metrics35 .
[...] 先生拥在康涅狄格州哈特福德的三一学院颁发的政治经济学学士学位和纽约 学 S t e r n 商学 院 的工商管理硕士。
Mr. Zoellner holds a B.A. in economics and political science from Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut, and an
[...] M.B.A. from NYU Stern School of Business.
该峰会由巴塞罗那商会、La Caixa
[...] 银行、玛泽国际会计师事务所和亚洲之家联合主办, ES A D E 商学 院 为知识伙伴,巴塞罗那市政府、加泰罗尼亚自治区政府投促局、西班牙政府投促局、巴塞罗那港口和欧洲地中海研究院为支持机构。
The Summit, co-organized by the Barcelona Chamber of
Commerce, Caixa bank, Mazars, and Casa Asia,
[...] with ESADE business school as knowledge [...]
partner, and the support of the Barcelona
City Council, Invest in Catalonia, INVEST IN SPAIN, Port of Barcelona and the European Institute of the Mediterranean.
他还担任西北学工商及工 程管理硕士(MMM)课程项目顾问委员会成员,该项目由西北大学下属凯洛 商学 院 及罗伯特•R•麦考密克应用科学与工程学院协办。
He serves on the executive advisory board of
the MMM
[...] Program at the J.L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management and Robert R. McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Northwestern University, [...]
and is a trustee
on the Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design and a Regent at the Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE).
关岛大约有 25 所私立学校, 包括 2 所商学院, 5 所中学和若干所小学;这些私立学校多数由罗马天主教和新 [...]
There are approximately 25
[...] private schools in Guam, including 2 business colleges, 5 [...]
high schools and a number of elementary
schools, most of which are affiliated with Roman Catholic and Protestant religious denominations.
过去1 2 年来, 墨尔商学院(M elbourne Business School, MBS)一批又一批的学生远赴亚洲,寻求实际商业问题的对策,帮助那些有意扩大亚洲业务的机构探索解决方案。
For the past 12 years, groups of
[...] Melbourne Business School (MBS) students have travelled [...]
to Asia to tackle real-world business
problems and source solutions for organisations looking to expand their presence in Asia.
安永与长商学院于2012年1月8日在长 商学 院 年 度论坛上携手发布中国CEO调查结果 -《全球经济放缓的应对之道-中国领先民营企业家的观点》白皮书。
Ernst & Young and Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (CKGSB) jointly announced [...]
the results of the China CEO survey
- Coping with the global economic slowdown: A survey of China’s leading entrepreneurs - at CKGSB Annual Forum on 8 January 2012.
奥利维尔曾从瑞士洛桑高商学院(HEC Lausanne)获得经济学硕士学位。
Olivier earned a Master in Economics from HEC Lausanne in Switzerland.
[...] 政策研究中心主任 Ramesh Chand 先生、巴基斯坦国立科技学商学 院总干事兼院长 Ashfaque H. Khan 先生、以及越南中央经济管理学院 [...]
副院长 Vo Tri Thanh 先生。
Brief presentations were made by three high-level panellists: Mr. Ramesh Chand, Director of the National Centre for Agricultural Economics and Policy Research of India; Mr. Ashfaque H. Khan,
Director General and Dean of
[...] the National University of Science and Technology Business School of Pakistan; [...]
and Mr. Vo Tri Thanh,
Vice-President of the Central Institute for Economic Management of Viet Nam.
根据国际领先商学院欧洲工商管理 学 院 ( INSEAD)与联合国专门机构世界知识产权组织(WIPO)联合发布的2012年全球创新指数(GII):《加强创新联系,促进全球增长》,瑞士、瑞典和新加坡连续第二年在整体创新表现方面名列前茅。
For the second year running, Switzerland, Sweden, and Singapore lead in overall innovation performance according to the Global Innovation Index 2012 (GII): Stronger Innovation Linkages for Global Growth, published by INSEAD, the leading international business school, and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), a specialized agency of the United Nations.
Wickrema先生认为,未成年人从美国宾夕法尼亚大学数学金融帝 学 院 的 商学 院 在 伦敦和经济学学士,硕士。
Mr. Wickrema holds an MSc in Finance from the
[...] Imperial College Business School in London and BA in Economics with a Minor in Mathematics from the University of Pennsylvania.
他是法国人,自法国的主商学院( ESSEC)毕业后,他曾短期地在丹麦为法国经济服务处工作,然后在法国 [...]
After graduating from a
[...] major French business school (ESSEC), he worked [...]
briefly for the French Economic services in Denmark
and then held several marketing positions in the automotive and cupper metal industry, in France and abroad.
据ETS大学与研究生计划副总裁兼首席运营官David GPayne表示:“据最新ETS调查显示,已有四分之三 商学 院 表 示,接受GRE考试可以让它们的MBA项目更有竞争力。
According to a recent ETS survey, three out of four business schools indicate that accepting the GRE test allows their MBA programs to be more competitiveThe launch of an enhanced version of our popular comparison tool makes it even easier for these schools to compare GRE and GMAT scores," says David GPayne, VP and COO for College and Graduate Programs at ETS"In the same ETS survey, 96 percent of MBA programs accepting the GRE test reported that GRE scores are treated the same as GMAT scores in admission decisions.
她在职业生涯期间获得许多奖项,包括加州大学伯克利分校电气工程和计算机科学学院杰出校友奖(2010)、DEMO终身成就奖(2007)、电气与电子工程师协会(IEEE)Donald O.
[...] [...] Pederson固态电路奖(2009)、McKnight脑神经科学科技创新奖(2007)、电气与电子工程师协会(IEEE)信号处理学会杰出讲师奖(2004)、麻省理工学院斯 商学 院 eBusiness年度创新奖(2002)、CIO杂志20/20 [...]
Vision Award(2002)、Red Herring杂志年度十大企业家(2001)、电气与电子工程师协会会员(1998)。
She has received many awards during her career, including the Distinguished Alumni Award from UC Berkeley EECS Department (2010), DEMO Lifetime Achievement Award (2009), IEEE Donald O. Pederson Award in Solid-State Circuits (2009), McKnight Technological Innovations in Neurosciences Award (2007), IEEE Signal Processing Society's
Distinguished Lecturer Award
[...] (2004), MIT Sloan School Innovator of the Year eBusiness Award [...]
(2002), 20/20 Vision Award from
CIO Magazine (2002), Red Herring's Top Ten Entrepreneurs (2001), and IEEE Fellow (1998).
国外参会人员有挪威驻华使馆、挪威驻广州总领事馆、挪威税务局、挪威科技 学 、 挪 威 商学 院 、 海德马克知识园区、挪威城市区域研究所、GTZ中国、英国驻广州总领事馆、美国驻广州总领事馆以及加拿大驻广州总领事馆的代表。
Participants from abroad included representatives of the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Beijing; Royal Norwegian Consulate General in Guangzhou; Norwegian
Tax Administration;
[...] Norwegian University of Science and Technology; Norwegian Business School; Hedmark [...]
Knowledge Park, Norwegian
Institute for Urban and Regional Research; GTZ China; British Consulate-General in Guangzhou; US Consulate General in Guangzhou; Consulate General of Canada in Guangzhou.
在技术上,公司和上海化工研究院合作,在我公司设立了产学研基地;在管理上,公司和法国北方高 商学 院 (EDHEC成立于1906年,是古老的法兰西精英教育系统“Grandes Ecoles”的一员,也是欧洲最著名 商学 院 之 一)建立了企业管理合作关系;在市场开拓上,公司通过加入中国塑协、中国疏浚协会、中国航海学会、国际航标协会(IALA)等平台,使我们的产品顺利遍布全国、走向世界。
In management, the company sets up long term partnership with EDHEC (France EDHEC Business School, established in
1906, is a member of
[...] French ancient elite education system "Grandes Ecoles" and the most famous business schools in Europe); In market development, the company has joined China Plastic Proce-ssing [...]
Industry Association
(CPPIA), China Dredging Association (CHIDA), China Institute of Navigation (CIN) and International Association of Lighthouse Authorities (IALA) which helps the company's products success-fully cover all over the country and the world.




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