

单词 商域

External sources (not reviewed)

2011年9月,CNNIC组织召开“下一代互联网地址资源高峰论坛”,与来自运营商、服务商、设 商、 域名注册服务机构的代表分享了各自在IPv6部署上的进程,对如何推进我国IPv6部署工作全方位展开进行了 深入探讨。
In Sept. 2011, CNNIC organized and convened “Next-Generation Internet Address Resource Summit” to share their respective processes of IPv6 deployment of the operators, service providers, equipment manufacturers, registrars present at the meeting, and held in-depth discussions on how to push forward the all-round implementation of IPv6 deployment in China.
註冊管理公司在投入運作的第 一年,須作出為數約 300
[...] 萬元的資 本 投 資,以便推 出新的域名註冊服務,包括以「.info.hk」結 尾 的資訊 供商域名、以「.name.hk」結 尾 的個人域名、以「.name.hk」結 尾 的 個人永久電 郵帳戶和以「.hk」結 [...]
尾 的 半 中 文 域名( 如「 甲乙. 公司.hk」) 的註冊。
In its first year of operation, HKIRCL will need to make a capital investment of about $3 million for rolling out new
services, including
[...] registration of domain names for information providers ending with ".info.hk", individual domain names ending [...]
with ".name.hk", permanent
e-mail accounts ending with “.name.hk” for individuals, and half Chinese domain names ending with ".hk" (e.g. ㆙㆚.公司.hk).
这种联系对考察文化域商业化的主要问题及其对整个 社会的影响至关重要。
This link is vital for examining
[...] the key concern of commercialisation of the cultural [...]
sector and its impact on society as a whole.
正當我們力求保持本港生產總值的穩健增長及作為 域商業 ㆗心的領導㆞位之際,我們有義務提高我們公營機構在這方面的能力。
As we strive to preserve healthy GDP growth
[...] and our lead as a regional business centre, we have [...]
an obligation to promote this capacity in our public sector.
(b) 經營所有或任何作為船東、船舶代理、船舶經紀、證券經紀、船舶管理人 及船運財產、貨運承包商、水陸營運商、駁船所有者、駁船夫、碼頭工人、 船舶修理工、造船商、拆船商、船舶供應商、打撈及拖船承 商 、 其域的工 程師、貨運代理、製冷商、倉庫管理人及碼頭、倉庫管理人的業務 及進行公路運輸及駁運所有類別業務。
(b) To carry on all or any of the businesses of shipowners, ships agents, ship brokers, insurance brokers, managers of ships and shipping property, freight contractors, carriers by land and sea, barge owners, lightermen, stevedores, ship repairers, ship builders, ship breakers, ship suppliers, salvage and towage contractors, engineers in all its branches, forwarding agents, refrigerating storekeepers, warehousemen and wharves and godowns and to conduct road haulage and lighterage business of all kinds.
这个城市被分为6经济规划区的历史 - 最负盛名的域,商务中 心,在那里的尸体 管理 区域和城市,独特的商店,餐馆,办公室和建筑物的建筑和历史价值,该中心 - 建60的“小号简单的架构,建筑物,具有高活动的业务和有吸引力的位置,中间的 [...]
- 几乎所有其他的城市区域,外设 - §劳动,半岛沙,岛屿,一些离岛街道,度假区(A)
- 阿穆尔州墨西哥湾沿岸,私人楼宇,度假村,森林,旅游(Y)乌苏里湾海岸,休闲和旅游,森林。
The city is divided into 6 economic planning zones:
Historical - the most
[...] prestigious area, a business center, where the bodies Management region and the city, exclusive shops, restaurants, [...]
offices and buildings
of architectural and historical value, the center - built with 60-'s simple architecture, buildings, characterized by high activity of the business and is attractive for its location, the middle - almost all of the rest of the urban area, the peripheral - § Labour, Peninsula Sandy, islands, a number of outlying streets, resort (A) - Amur Gulf Coast, private buildings, resorts, forests, tourist (Y) Ussuri Gulf coast, recreation and tourism, forest.
我们敦促最不发达国家政府促进实现妇女权利和性别平等,并在发展战略中 保证妇女享有国内法律及国际和 域商 定 标准所述的权利。
We urge governments of LDCs to promote and implement women’s rights and gender equality, and to guarantee in their development
strategies the enjoyment by women of their rights, as stated in domestic laws and
[...] international and regionally agreed standards.
亚 太经社会将大力倡导、并在接获请求时协助各成员国制定并遵守一套 经国际或域商定的通用标准、规范、常规做法和其他发展途径,同 [...]
ESCAP will advocate and, upon request, assist member States in developing
and complying with a common set of
[...] internationally or regionally agreed standards, [...]
norms, conventions and development approaches,
while simultaneously mobilizing the regional voice in promoting multilateral approaches to solve global problems.
2012年6月20日,青岛:近期,FT中文网和罗兰贝格管理咨询公司对全国城市商业银行和农村商业银行进行了联合调研,共同发布《中国区域性银行可持续发展白皮书》,《白皮书》全面剖析中国区域性银行的经营现状,遴选出八家中国最具成长潜力 域商 业 银行,并结合中国经济发展态势和银行业监管政策变化的研究,对进一步提升这些金融机构的发展质量和市场竞争力提出从战略定位到支撑体系的一系列配套建议。
Qingdao, June 20th 2012: After conducting research on Chinese urban and rural commercial banks, FTChinese and Roland Berger Strategy Consultants present their Whitepaper on Regional Banks’ Sustainable Development. The
Whitepaper analyzes the current operating
[...] situation of Chinese regional banks and singles [...]
out eight regional commercial banks with the most growth potential.
此外,我們亦搶先對新技術及新 域商 機 能 否切合市場 需要而進行評估,務求拓闊本集團的現有業務系列。
Besides, we also proactively evaluate new technology and
[...] new area of business opportunities [...]
that is fitted to the market needs in order
to widen our existing business line.
印度尼西亚代表团告诉食典委,第十六届亚洲协调委员会会议确定了三项 域商品 标准,并就供步骤 5 通过的一项区域标准草案达成一致,该草案将由食典委在后面的议题 [...]
The Delegation of Indonesia informed the Commission that the
16th Session of the CCASIA had
[...] finalized three regional commodity standards and agreed [...]
on one draft regional standard for
adoption at Step 5, which would be considered by the Commission in later agenda items.
FT中文网和罗兰贝格对全国域商业 银 行的会计数据和财务指标,如总资产、净利润、不良贷款余额、成本收入比等,进行了严格的分析,逐步遴选出具备优秀可持续发展力的区域银行进行重点研究;并与多位高级管理人员就外部发展环境、战略定位、产品研发、风险管理等问题进行了细致的访谈。
Given this development momentum, FTChinese [...]
and Roland Berger decided to conduct this study and create their Whitepaper.
They first thoroughly analyzed the accounting and financial data of the regional commercial banks nationwide, including total assets, net profit, non-performance loan balance and cost to income ratio.
此外,域商业租 用的线路网络会增添附加冗余度,从而大大节省卫星转 发器的费用。
In addition, additional redundancy will
[...] be added to the regional commercial leased line network, [...]
resulting in significant savings
in satellite transponder costs.
采取的加强协作的进一步行动包括在教育行业应对艾滋病的工作以 及教育部和其他关键利益相关方举行一系列次 域 磋 商 和 能 力建设讲习班,支持将教育部门纳入与 艾滋病毒和艾滋病相关的国家协调机制。
Further action taken to strengthen harmonized activity include a series of subregional consultations and capacity-building workshops with ministries of education and other key Education Sector stakeholders’ responses to the epidemic, and supporting the inclusion of the Education Sector in HIV and AIDS-related country coordinating mechanisms.
在维和域,商定工 作分工的一个良好范例是秘书长政策委员会关于法治的决 [...]
定,其中对参与法治工作的联合国各个机构和办公室分配了主要任务,以便它们能 够承担明确界定的协调和其他职责,同时各机构和办公室继续履行对于具体法治活 动的责任。
In the area of peacekeeping, a good
[...] example of an agreed division of labour [...]
is the Secretary-General’s Policy Committee
decision on the rule of law whereby lead roles are attributed to various United Nations agencies and offices involved in rule-of-law work so that they may assume clearly defined coordination and other responsibilities, while agencies and offices continue to exercise responsibility for specific rule-of-law activities.
作為本集團於 東南亞的域商務總監,彼負責向鞋履供應商推廣本集團產品,以使本集團獲鞋履供 應商認可為彼等批准的原材料供應商。
As a regional director of commerce of the Group in [...]
Southeast Asia, he is responsible for promoting the Group’s products
to footwear suppliers with a view to gaining the recognition of the Group by footwear suppliers as their approved raw material suppliers.
[...] 际上,出口与进口以同样的速度增长,以及该 域商 品 收 支账户的顺差略有增加, 从 2010 [...]
年的 1.1%增加到 2011 年的 1.2%,其原因是价格上涨。
The fact that exports grew at a similar rate to imports and that the
[...] surplus on the regional goods balance [...]
rose slightly, from 1.1 per cent of GDP in
2010 to 1.2 per cent in 2011, was therefore owing to high prices.
目 前,研 祥
[...] 科 技 大 廈 已 成 為 其 周 邊域 商 務 中 心 和 標 誌 性 建 築,對 本 [...]
集 團 的 品 牌宣 傳 及 集 團 形象 的 提 升 起到 極 大 的促進 作用。
At present, the EVOC Technology
[...] Building has become a commercial center for, and a [...]
landmark in, its peripheral areas which definitely help to promote
the brand name and the corporate image of the Group.
[...] 政府开展的一系列的相关活动:发展交通运输基础设施,包括将泰国 发展为域商业、贸易和投资中心的意图,以及继续推进公共交通项 [...]
He pinpointed a range of activities undertaken by his Government to develop its transport infrastructure,
including the intention of
[...] Thailand to become a regional hub for business, trade and [...]
investment and to contribute to sustainable
development with continuing public transport projects.
南京市将发展成为域商贸中心、物流中心、旅游 会展中心、金融中心和信息服务中心之一。
Nanjing is growing to
[...] become one of regional trade, logistics, [...]
tourism & exhibition, financial and information service centres in China.
这将是发展伙伴第二次与政府在建设和平的一 个关键域商定联合方案,我愿在此强调建设和平委 [...]
员会在调动对一个重要发展问题的国际支持方面可 以而且实际上已在发挥的重要作用。
This will be only the second time that
[...] development partners have agreed with the Government [...]
on one joint programme in a crucial
area for peacebuilding, and I would like to stress here the important role that the PBC can play, and indeed has played, in rallying international support behind a critical development issue.
为了保障该域商船运 输的安全,欧洲阿塔兰特行动成立了(非洲之角)海上 安全中心,负责向航运界提供信息和指导。
In an effort to safeguard merchant shipping operating [...]
in the region, EU Operation Atalanta has established a Maritime Security
Centre (Horn of Africa) to provide information and guidance to the shipping community.
哥斯达黎加代表团以拉丁美洲及加勒比协调委员会协调员身份发 言,也建议根据该域商定的内容对资格标准进行修订,如拉丁美洲及加勒比协调委员 [...]
The Delegation of Costa Rica, speaking as CCLAC Coordinator, also proposed to
revise the criteria in the light of what
[...] had been agreed by the region, as stated [...]
in the report of the last Session of CCLAC (REP11/LAC).
2009 年,在直布罗陀召开的第三次部长 级会议就上述 6 个域商定了一个详细的谈判框架。
In 2009, in Gibraltar, the third
[...] ministerial meeting agreed on a detailed framework for negotiations on the aforementioned six areas.
JADE OCEAN 的服务可以在通两个触摸屏上被选择,
[...] 包括礼宾服务,请求管家,预定公共 域 ( 商 务 中心,水疗及其他),建筑活动信息,包裹到达,附近餐馆信息、购物、以及更多。
Jade Ocean services available via the two touch screens include concierge
services, requests to valet, reservations
[...] for common areas (business center, spa, [...]
and others), building activities information,
package arrivals, general information on area restaurants, shopping, and much more.
[...] 考虑到转移用途的风险,又考虑到所涉国家对实施 域商 定 的武器和弹药库存管 理、问责制及标识标准的承诺程度。
All Member States should consider
both the risk of diversion and the
[...] level of commitment to regionally agreed weapons and [...]
ammunition stockpile management, accountability
and marking standards among their criteria for granting export licences to States in the Central and Eastern Africa region.
[...] 输网必须相互连接,必须使其具有可持续性,《宣言》认为,这些运输网是阿拉 伯域商业、 旅游业、投资和就业的主要命脉。
The Declaration stressed that land, sea and air transport networks between Arab countries should be linked and made
sustainable, given that they are the
[...] main channels for commerce, tourism, investment [...]
and employment movements within the Arab region.
在 2010 年 11 月 15 日至
[...] 19 日于墨西哥帕丘 卡举行的第六次美洲空间会议上,该会议的空间与健康委员会(包括远程流行 病学、远程保健和远程医疗等域) 商 定 的一些建议、方法和手段,用于更好 地满足公共卫生需要。
At the Sixth Space Conference of the Americas, held in Pachuca, Mexico from 15 to 19 November 2010, the Conference’s
committee on space and
[...] health (including the fields of tele-epidemiology, telehealth and telemedicine) agreed on a number [...]
of proposals, methods
and means to better serve the needs of public health.
强调指出,目前基于单一国家货币的国际储备体系不利于经济平衡和市 场稳定,注意到就改革现行体系,包括就扩大后的特别提款权的作用提出的建议,
[...] 并请秘书长就建立更有效率、更公平的储备体系,包括加强 域商 业 和 储备安排 的作用以及处理国际收支问题的应急办法的可行性提出一份详细研究报告
that the current international reserve system based on a single national currency contributes to economic imbalances and market instability, takes note of proposals for reforming the current system, including with regard to the functions of expanded special drawing rights, and requests the Secretary-General to prepare a detailed study on the feasibility of a more efficient and
equitable reserve system, including a
[...] stronger role for regional commercial and reserve arrangements, [...]
and contingent facilities
for balance of payments problems
委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国提交给经济及社会理事会的关于教育 域商 定目 标和承诺的执行情况的本国家自愿情况介绍简要介绍了政府使我国成为“世界上 [...]
This voluntary national presentation of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to the Economic
and Social Council on the implementation
[...] of internationally agreed goals and commitments [...]
on education outlines the Government’s
successful effort to turn the country into “the world’s largest classroom”.




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