

单词 商代


代理商 n

agents pl
dealer n



External sources (not reviewed)

大会第六十五届会议决定宣布 2011-2020 年为联合国生物多样性十年,以推 动执行 2011-2020 年生物多样性战略计划;请秘书长与会员国 商 , 代 表 联 合国 系统并在《生物多样性公约》秘书处、其他生物多样性相关公约秘书处以及联合 国相关基金、方案和机构的支持下,牵头协调该十年的活动;并且邀请《公约》 [...]
秘书处通过秘书长向大会第六十六届会议报告缔约方会议的工作(第 65/161 号决 议)。
At its sixty-fifth session, the General Assembly decided to declare 2011-2020 the United Nations Decade on Biodiversity, with a view to contributing to the implementation of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity
2011-2020; requested the
[...] Secretary-General, in consultation with Member States, to lead the coordination of the activities of the Decade on behalf of the United [...]
Nations system, with
the support of the secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, the secretariats of other biodiversity-related conventions and relevant United Nations funds, programmes and agencies; and invited the secretariat of the Convention to report, through the Secretary-General, to the General Assembly at its sixty-sixth session on the work of the Conference of the Parties (resolution 65/161).
本公司將促使本公司委任購回本身股份的任何經紀商,在聯交所要求下,向聯交所披 露該名經商代表本 公司購回股份的資料。
The Company shall procure that any broker appointed by the Company to effect the purchase of its shares shall disclose to the
Stock Exchange such information with respect to
[...] purchases made on behalf of the Company [...]
as the Stock Exchange may request.
(m) 於全球任何地方經營進出口商、一般貿 商 、 佣 金 代 理 、 訂貨代理、運 輸代理、寶石商人、珠寶商、金器匠、銀器匠、鐘錶製造商、電鍍商、 禮物袋製造商、運輸商、旅行社及承辦商、倉庫管理人、煙草商及雪茄 商、劇院票房代理、廣告承商及代 理 及 展覽主辦單位的全部或任何業 務,並買賣、進出口、製造、運用、利用及為市場籌備,以及處置各類 貨品、物品、材料供應、農產品、商品、日用品、物質、物件及動產(批 發及零售),以及進行各類代理業務及從事製 商代 表 業 務。
(m) To carry on in any part of the world all or any of the businesses of importers,
exporters, general traders, commission agents, indent agents, forwarding agents, gem merchants, jewellers, goldsmiths, silversmiths, watch and
[...] clock makers, electro-platers, dressing-bag makers, carriers, tourist agents and contractors, warehousemen, tobacco and cigar merchants, agents for theatrical and opera box office, advertising contractors and agents, and holders of exhibition, and to buy, sell, import, export, manufacture, manipulate, turn to account and prepare for market, and deal in goods, wares, materials provisions, produce, merchandise, commodities, substances, articles and chattels of all kinds, both wholesale and retail, and to transact every kind of agency business and to undertake the business of manufacturers’ representatives.
(j) 有關機構或其承商/代理商 提供服務的收費 - 會計服 務、人事服務、採購服務、圖書 [...]
館服務、保安服務、清潔服務, 法律服務及中央和部門行政服 務。
(j) charges for services provided by the recipient
[...] organization or their contractors/agents accounting services, [...]
personnel services, procurement
services, library services, security services, cleansing services, legal services, and central and departmental administrative services.
产品销售遍及南北美洲、欧洲、日本和亚太地区,并主要通过强大的全球销售渠道(包括直销人员、制 商代 表 和分销商)销售给 OEM 厂家。
Sales are balanced worldwide throughout North and South America, Europe, Japan and
Asia-Pacific, with products sold
[...] primarily to OEMs through a strong worldwide sales channel that includes a direct sales force, manufacturer’s representatives and distribution.
[...] 受权的职能范围将涵盖计划、制订和管理计划项目的所有采购和合同事宜,包括 制订和分发标书并评价出价/投标,参与同外部供应商/合 商代 表 的 谈判;在权 限范围内核准订购单,如有关数额超出权限范围,则编制有关资料,供合同委员 [...]
The functions of the post, within his/her delegated authority, would cover the planning, development and management of all procurement and contractual aspects of planned projects, including the preparation and distribution of invitations to tender and conduct evaluations of
proposals/bids, participation in
[...] negotiations with representatives of external vendors/contractors; approval [...]
of purchase orders within
his/her delegated authority and, in cases where the amounts exceed his/her delegated authority, preparation of submissions to the Contracts Committee for its review and for the approval of the official with the delegated procurement authority.
[...] 以上之兼職僱員,以及董事全權認為將為或曾為本集團作出貢獻之任何顧問(專業或其他情況)或諮詢人、 發行商、供商、代理人 、客戶、合營企業夥伴及服務供應商授予購股權以認購本公司股份。
Under the scheme, the Directors of the Company may, at their discretion, offer any full-time employees, Directors (including independent non-executive Directors) and part-time employees with weekly working hours of 10 hours and above, of the Group and any advisor (professional or otherwise) or consultant, distributors,
suppliers, agents, customers, joint venture
[...] partners, service providers to the Group [...]
who the Directors of the Company consider,
in their sole discretion, have contributed or contribution to the Group, share options to subscribe for share of the Company.
5.2 於法律容許的範圍內,對於任何業務代理、交易對手、託管人、附屬託管人、專業顧問、 經紀、交商、代理人或任何締約方或根據協議聘用的任何人士的作為或不作為而直接或 間接導致的損失或損害,本行毋須承擔任何責任。
5.2 To the extent permitted by law, we shall not be liable to or responsible for any loss or damage you sustain
or suffer directly or
[...] indirectly arising out of any act or omission of any Correspondent Agent, counter-party, [...]
custodian, sub-custodian,
professional advisors, brokers, dealers, agents or of any party contracted or retained for the purposes hereunder.
另一方面,新租約範本已刪去在 攤檔飼養貓狗或其他寵物的限制,以及出示攤檔營業記錄的要 求,並且更清楚地說明需向政府作出賠償的情況(即租戶需為政府
[...] 提供的設備裝置的損壞或丟失負維修或賠償責任,但毋需對正常 損耗除負責),以釋除租戶及商代表 的 疑慮。
To address the concern of tenant representatives and traders, we have also spelt out clearly the circumstances in which the Government needs compensation (i.e. that the tenant shall be responsible for repair or compensation in the event of any
loss or damage to stall fixtures and fittings provided by the Government
[...] other than those arising from fair wear [...]
and tear).
For those target buildings where the owners are unable to conduct
repair works by themselves, the BD will arrange
[...] consultants and contractors to carry out the works on behalf of the owners.
解除方」單獨和統指原告和「和解團體成員」,包括他們本人或者透過他們聲稱 爲繼承人、管理人員、接受饋贈者、前任者、繼任者、母公司、子公司、任何形式 的代表、股東、合夥人、董事、任何形式的所有人、關聯公司、受讓人 代 理 商、 雇員、承商、代理律師或者保險公司的的任何個人和組織,這些人和組織未按照 下列規定之方式和時間及時有效地退出訴訟案,此外還包括團體辯護律師團,團體 辯護律師團代表他們本人和透過他們聲稱爲繼承人、管理人員、接受饋贈者、前任 者、繼任者、母公司、子公司、任何形式的代表、股東、合夥人、董事、任何形式的 所有人、關聯公司、受讓人代理商 、 雇 員、承 商 、 代 理 律 師或者保險公司的任何 個人和組織。
Releasing Parties” means, individually and collectively, the Plaintiffs and the Settlement Class Members, on behalf of themselves and any person or entity claiming by or through them as an heir, administrator, devisee,
predecessor, successor, parent,
[...] subsidiary, representative of any kind, shareholder, partner, director, owner of any kind, affiliate, assignee, agent, employee, contractor, attorney, or insurer, who do not validly and timely opt out of the Actions in the manner and time prescribed below, and Class Counsel, on behalf of themselves and any person or entity claiming by or through them as an heir, administrator, devisee, predecessor, successor, parent, subsidiary, representative of any kind, shareholder, partner, director, owner of any kind, affiliate, assignee, agent, employee, contractor, attorney, or insurer.
12.1.1 申請機構須遵守《防止賄賂條例》 (第 201 章)的規定,並須告知其僱 員、次承商、代理和其他以任何形 式參與項目的人員,不得在進行項目 [...]
時或因項目的關係向任何人士提供或 索取金錢、饋贈或利益,或接受任何 人士的金錢、饋贈或利益(定義見
12.1.1 The project applicant shall observe the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance
(Cap. 201) (PBO) and shall advise
[...] their employees, subcontractors, agents and other personnel [...]
who are in any way involved
in the project that they are not allowed to offer to or solicit or accept from any person any money, gifts or advantage as defined in the PBO in the conduct of or in relation to the project.
CITRIX 授權承商、代理商與經 銷商並無權修改本許可協 議,或者增加 CITRIX 或其授權方必須遵守的任何陳述、承諾或保證。
CITRIX authorized
[...] contractors, distributors and resellers do not have [...]
the right to make modifications to this AGREEMENT
or to make any additional representations, commitments, or warranties binding on CITRIX or its licensors.
進行發起人及企業家的業務,以及以金融家、資本家、特許經銷商、商人、經紀、 交易商、買商、代理、 進口商及出口商身分經營業務,以及承接、進行及執行各類 投資、金融、商業、商品、貿易及其他營運。
(v) (a) To carry on the business of promoters and entrepreneurs and to carry on business as financiers, capitalists, concessionaires, merchants, brokers, traders, dealers, agents, importers and exporters and to undertake and carry on and execute all kinds of investment, financial, commercial, mercantile, trading and other operations.
为 保护视听遗产并奠定密切合作的基础,本组织在法国巴黎举行了一次磋商会(2002 年 6 月),有档案界代表及储存和使用世界丰富音像遗产所需要的磁带和只读光盘设备制 商代 表参加。
In the context of preserving audiovisual heritage and to lay the foundations for closer cooperation, a consultation was organized in Paris, France (June 2002) involving representatives of the archival community and manufacturers of magnetic tape and CD-ROM equipment required to store and access the world’s rich heritage of sounds and images.
[...] 括執行及非執行董事)及任何顧問、諮詢人、供應商、分銷商、承 商 、 代 理 、 業務夥伴、發 起人、服務供應商或客戶等授出購股權,以認購本公司股份。
Under the Scheme, the board of directors of the Company may grant options to full-time or part-time employees including directors (executive and non-executive) and
any advisor, consultant, supplier,
[...] distributor, contractor, agent, business partner, [...]
promoter, service provider or customer
of the Company or any of its subsidiaries, to subscribe for shares in the Company.
(e) 擔任所有類別及性質之進口商、出口商、分 商 、 代 理 、經理、研究員、 分析員、經紀、顧問及諮詢顧問
(e) acting as importers, exporters, distributors, agents, managers, researchers, analysts, brokers, advisers and consultants of all kinds and nature
打击腐败:矿业公司已经采用全球通行的透明度标准来反击腐败引发的风险,但面对更加严苛的监管审查,矿业公司的经营实践还需提升其责任承担,不仅其自身、包括其合作伙伴、供应商、服务提供者、销 商 、 代 理 和 中介机构都应如此。
Combatting corruption: Mining companies are already adopting global transparency standards to counter the risks posed by corruption, but they will need even more responsible practices in the face of heightened
regulatory scrutiny, both of themselves and their
[...] partners, suppliers, service providers, vendors, agents and intermediaries.
第二,所有当事方,包 括国家、公司商代表及 其法律和财务顾问,亟需在缔约阶段考虑到长期投资项 [...]
Second, there is an urgent need for all parties, including State
[...] and company negotiators and their legal [...]
and financial advisers, to consider the
human rights implications of long-term investment projects at the contracting stage, thereby reducing subsequent problems.
I. 多国办事处关于《计划与预算草案》(36 C/5)的商 代表团根据其各自的多国办事处(蒙得维的亚、基多、金斯顿、哈瓦那和圣何塞)组 [...]
The Delegations formed working groups [...]
according to their respective cluster offices (Montevideo, Quito, Kingston, Havana
and San José) to discuss and agree common positions on the consultation questionnaire.
(1) 經營作為製造及貿易商、進口商、出口商、批發商、零售商、承辦商、一般 經紀、分銷商、製商代表、商人及 一般商人之方式買賣用作與製造豆奶及其他 [...]
豆製產品、奶類產品、汽水、茶、甘蔗飲品、運動類飲品、果汁飲品、果汁、清 涼茶飲品、礦泉水及蒸餾水、含二氧化碳的飲品及其他飲品有關的飲料、食品、
家畜及其他產品、各類商品及日用品,包括但不限於黃豆產品、大豆、小麥、鹽 及其他原料之業務。
(1) To carry on all or any of the businesses of manufacturers and merchants, importers, exporters, wholesalers, retailers,
sub-contractors, agents, distributors,
[...] manufacturers’ representatives, dealers and general [...]
traders of beverages, food products,
livestock and other goods, merchandise and commodities of all kinds including (but without limiting the generality of the foregoing) soya bean products, beans, wheat, salt and other materials, in connection with the manufacture of soya bean milk and other soya bean products, dairy products, soft drinks, teas, sugar cane drinks, isotonic drinks, fruit juices, juices, herbal drinks, mineral and distilled water, carbonated drinks and other beverages.
Lufthansa 和所有其當前、前任、直接和間接的前 任者、繼任者、母公司、子公司、分支機構、部門、關聯公司、繼承人、執行人、
[...] 管理人員、以及任何和全部過去、現在和未來的管理人員、董事、股東、合夥人代理商、代理律 師、服務人員、雇員和受讓人。
Released Parties” means, jointly and severally, individually and collectively, Lufthansa, and all of its respective present and former, direct and indirect, predecessors, successors, parents, subsidiaries, divisions, departments, affiliates, heirs, executors, administrators, and any and all past,
present, and future officers, directors,
[...] stockholders, partners, agents, attorneys, servants, [...]
employees, and assignees.
2008年的CHC安全与质量年会的与会者人数超过了500人,包括来自超过125个组织的行政人员、管理人员、油气行业代表、监管人员、OEM制 商代 表 以 及航空审核人员等。
Attendance for the 2008 CHC Safety & Quality Summit reached over 500 participants and was comprised of Executives, Managers, Oil & Gas personnel, Regulators, OEM's and Auditors from over 125 organizations.
服务提供商: 我们会依赖可信的第三方服务提 商代 表 我们来执行某些服务,包括运输,付款,数据保存/管理,网络托管,网络分析,执行,汇编,行销,邮寄,电子信函等。这些服务提供商只是在执行PlayBling.com要求的任务时才会收到和使用个人信息,他们不会因为其他目的而得到授权使用这些个人信息。
Service Providers: We use trusted third-party service providers to perform certain services on our behalf, including: shipping, [...]
payment processing,
data storage/management, webhosting, web analytics, fulfillment, assembly, marketing, mailing, emailing, etc. These service providers only receive personal information if such information is needed to perform their function(s), and they are not authorized to use any personal information for any other purpose(s) other than the purpose(s) set forth by Playbling.com.
如果没有此类适用的反贿赂或反腐败法律,或此类法律的要求低 于英国《2010
[...] 反贿赂法案》(Bribery Act 2010) 规定的标准, 则供商、代表及 其员工必须遵守英国《2010 反贿赂法案》。
If no such anti-bribery or corruption laws apply, or are of a lesser standard
to that prescribed in the UK
[...] Bribery Act 2010, suppliers, representatives and their employees [...]
must adhere to the UK Bribery Act 2010.
当今的交商、代理人、经纪人、承运商和资助者常常将他 们的各种活动结合在一起,以至有时难以清楚地区分小武器交易和中介及相关活 [...]
Contemporary traders, agents, brokers, shippers [...]
and financiers regularly combine their activities, making it difficult to
clearly distinguish small arms trade from brokering and related activities (see A/62/163).
主席提醒與會人士,確保市面上出售的食品不含三聚氰胺和其他有害物質的責任 在於商戶,政府不代商戶負 起控制個別食品質量的責任。
The Chairman reminded
[...] that onus was on traders to ensure that [...]
their products sold in the market were free from melamine and other harmful substances.
我本人絕對相信 在代商業社 會裏,適當的干預是必須的。
I myself absolutely
[...] believe that in a modern commercial society, appropriate [...]
intervention is a must.
展望未来,中美两国和世界其他国家需要努力创造相互依赖的基 础,建立更强大、更深厚的关系,培养下 代商 业 和 政治领袖对彼此文化的真实、全面了解。
Looking to the future, it is crucial that both countries and others around the world work hard to build on a foundation of interdependence, to foster stronger and deeper relationships, and to
develop a real and full understanding of each other’s
[...] cultures among the next generations of business and political [...]




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