

单词 商业法

See also:

商业 n

trade n


"Legal Quotient (LQ)", standard reflecting a lawyer's legal ability based on the four tenets of legal knowledge, situational assessment, conduct and righteousness

商法 n

commercial law n

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 多个领域情况都是这样,包括条法 、 商业法 、 海 洋法(例如见 A/65/69)、劳工 法、人权法、人道主义法、刑法和反腐败法。
This is true in various fields of international law,
[...] including treaty law, commercial law, the law of [...]
the sea (see, e.g., A/65/69), labour law,
human rights law, humanitarian law and criminal and anti-corruption law, to name but a few.
商业法》第 L.241-3 条和第 L.242- 6 条(滥用公司财产)和《刑法》第 314-1 条(违反信托)涉及私 营部门中的侵吞财产。
Embezzlement of property in the private sector is covered by articles L.241-3 and L.242-6 of the Commercial Code (abuse of company property) and article 314-1 of the Penal Code (breach of trust).
几内亚是非洲商 法统一组织条约的缔约国,该组织 商业法 和 统 一 商 业 流 程方面制定了共同体 法。
Guinea is party to the Treaty on the
[...] Harmonization of Business Law in Africa, which establishes community law in this field [...]
and harmonizes trade procedures.
[...] 一系列科研重点领域,如信息技术安全 性和可靠性、材料科学、生命科学、欧 洲法律商业法等。
The University of Luxembourg has chosen its model to be that of a university led by research and supports a number of scientific research focus areas
(like security and reliability of information technology, material science, life
[...] sciences, European and business law, etc.).
在这次尝试友好地解决纠纷失败的情况下,各方赋予管辖权的争端作出裁决向巴 商业法 庭 去
In case of failure of this attempt to
resolve the dispute amicably, the parties confers jurisdiction to adjudicate the dispute
[...] to the Tribunal de Commerce de Paris.
根据《销售公约》第 7(2)条,高商业法 院适用了克罗地亚国际私法(克罗地亚国际私法法第 [...]
20(1)条),并认为利率应 受意大利法律作为卖方法律的管辖。
Relying on article 7 (2)
[...] CISG, the High Commercial Court applied Croatian [...]
private international law (Article 20 (1) Croatian
Private International Law Act) and found that the interest rate was governed by the Italian law as the law of the seller.
审查和更新由于新信息和通信技术迅速发展并 且由于依赖这些新技术而可能过时或失效的法律依 据(包括有关网络犯罪、隐私、数据保护 商业法、 数 字签名和加密的法律依据),在审查过程中利用区 域和国际公约、安排和先例。
Review and update legal authorities (including those related to cybercrime, privacy, data protection, commercial law, digital signatures and encryption) that may be outdated or obsolete as a result of the rapid uptake of and dependence upon new information and communications technologies, and use regional and international conventions, arrangements and precedents in these reviews.
[...] 建全面的土地和民事登记系统,制定建筑工程和建筑 物法规以商业法律。
Furthermore, in the Group’s view, the promotion of the rule of law should be
accompanied by the creation of complete land and civil registries, construction and
[...] building codes and commercial laws.
议会还出台了几商业法和税 法修正案,以及 与土地管理和环境保护相关的议案。
several amendments to commercial and tax laws have also [...]
been adopted by the legislatures, as have bills relating to land
management and environmental conservation.
关于给配方厂家的技术援助,秘书处询问是否有必要在氟氯烃淘汰管理计划第一阶 段纳入一个无需氟氯烃削减承诺的活动,并且对此项目在确保为该国中小企业提供负担得
[...] 起,全球升温潜能值低的安全替代品的不确定性表示关切,因为它将依靠外部因素商 业、法律和 基础设施),而不是依靠项目的成功。
In regard to the technical assistance to systems houses, the Secretariat questioned the need to include in stage I of the HPMP an activity without HCFC reduction commitment, and expressed its concern over the uncertainty associated to this project in ensuring availability of affordable and safe low-GWP alternatives for SMEs in the
country, which would depend rather on
[...] external factors (commercial, legal and infrastructure) [...]
than on the success of the project.
美国于2002年颁布了萨班斯法案、香港联合交易所修订了上市规则中的公司管治常规守则第C.2.1条的相关规定、日本发布了与内控相关的金融产 商业法 。 在 中国,上海、深圳证券交易所均相继颁布了相关规定,要求上市公司在年度报告披露的同时,披露年度内部控制自我评估报告,并需由会计师事务所对公司的内部控制自我评估报告及其内部控制出具核实评价意见。
The U.S. Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, the Code Provision C.2.1 of the Revised Code on Corporate Governance of the Stock Exchange
of Hong Kong, the Japanese Financial
[...] Instruments and Exchange Law on internal controls, [...]
and, recently, the Pronouncement
on Enhancement of the Quality of Listed Companies endorsed by the State Council of China are complex pieces of legislations and regulations.
马尔代夫的法律制度是基于伊斯兰法和英国普通法的混合体。在诸 商业法 等的一些领域,后者有更大影响力。
The legal system of the Maldives is based on an
admixture of Islamic law and English common law, with the latter being more influential
[...] in some areas, such as commercial law.
委员会还将收到秘书处关于网上解决纠纷问题的一份说 明,并特别通报 2010 年 3 月 29 日至 30 日与国商业法研究 所共同在维也纳举 行的专题讨论会——“重新审视网上解决纠纷和全球电子商务问题”——的成 果(A/CN.9/706)。
The Commission will also have before it a note by the Secretariat on the issue of online dispute resolution and, in particular, will inform on the outcome of the colloquium “A fresh look at online dispute resolution (ODR) and global e-commerce”, organized in Vienna on 29-30 March 2010 jointly with the Institute of International Commercial Law (A/CN.9/706).
针对《商法》条款中的不平等,进行了一项改革来促进非 商业法 统 一 组 织条约的批准,尤其是 1997 年关于一般商法的统一法令以及关于公司和经济利 [...]
In view of inequalities under Commercial Code provisions, a reform was carried out as a result of
the ratification of the Treaty on the
[...] Harmonisation of Business Law in Africa (OHBLA Treaty) [...]
and, especially, of the entry
into force of the OHBLA Uniform Act Relating to General Commercial Law in 1997 and of the OHBLA Uniform Act relating to Commercial Companies and Economic Interest Groups.
该模块将提供学生对新加商业法的 基 本原理的普遍认识和理解。
This module will provide students with the general knowledge and understanding of the
[...] fundamentals of business law in Singapore.
此外,法治应包括建立完善的土地 登记簿和公民登记簿,以及建设和建筑规范 商业法 律。
Furthermore, the rule of law should encompass
the creation of comprehensive land and civil registries, as well as construction and
[...] building codes and commercial laws.
Anthony Reece先生——巴巴多斯、牙买加和特立尼达与多巴哥境内的Reece协会常务董事,国际金融服务 商业法 律 专 家。
Mr. Anthony Reece - Managing Partner of Reece
Associates in Barbados, Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago, an expert in international
[...] financial services and business law.
Fuller 先生以
[...] 优异成绩 毕业于佩斯大学/鲁宾商学院,持有工商管理学学士学位,主修工商管理,副 商业法 , 并 持有哥伦比亚大学商学院工商管理(金融)硕士学位,是以瑞士信贷第一波士顿研究员的身份就读的。
Mr. Fuller received a BBA with a major in Business
Management and a
[...] minor in Business Law, magna mum laude from Pace University/Lubin School of Business, and [...]
his MBA with a concentration
in Finance from Columbia Business School, where he attended as a Credit Suisse First Boston Fellow.
在 2011 年年底之前,议会将决定转移民 事商业法典、民事登记和安全部门管理权的日期。
Before the end of 2011, Congress would determine the date for the transfer
[...] of the civil and commercial codes, civil registry [...]
and security sector.
年参加在中欧和东欧法律倡议(CEELI ) 商业法 律 研 讨会。
Participated in the Central and East European Law
[...] Initiative (CEELI) on commercial law seminars.
商 业法院处 理协会和企业破产,协会行为、商号和工业产权的废止和有效性。
Commerce courts deal with matters [...]
such as bankruptcy of societies and corporations, annulment and validity of societal acts,
trade names and industrial property.
联合国大会2000 年关于审查《北京行动纲领》实施情况的特别会议指出, 虽然在许多领域中取得了很大进展,“但是歧视性法律、有害的传统和习俗以及
[...] 关于男子和妇女的负面的模式化见解仍然存在”,在家庭、民事、刑事、劳动以商业法律或 者法令、行政命令以及规章制度等方面尤其如此。
The Special Session of the General Assembly to review implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action in 2000 noted that, while significant progress had been made in many areas, “discriminatory legislation as well as harmful traditional and customary practices and negative stereotyping of women and men still
persist” particularly in family, civil,
[...] penal, labour and commercial laws or codes, or [...]
administrative rules and regulations.
为成立第一个东加勒商业法院草 拟法律框架
Drafted the legal framework for the establishment of the first commercial court of the Eastern [...]
Caribbean Supreme Court
就增值税而言,交付商品不限于瑞 商业法 律 定义的商品交付。
The delivery of goods for the purposes of VAT is not limited to goods
[...] deliveries as defined by Swiss commercial law.
16 个非洲国 家并为商业从业者登记程序提供部分指导的非 商业法 统 一 组织《有关一般商法 的统一法》要求提供五份文件:出生证明、结婚证、国籍证明、租赁合同及警方 记录。
For example, the
[...] OHADA Uniform Act Relating to General Commercial Law, applied in 16 African State and which governs part of the trader’s registration procedures, [...]
requires to produce five
documents: birth certificate, wedding certificate, certificate of nationality, lease contract and police record.
摩洛哥实施《公约》的法律文书包括:1962 年通过、后经数次修正的《刑 法》;2002
年通过的《刑事诉讼法》;2002 年通过的《金融法院法典》;2007 年通过的第 43-05
[...] 号反洗钱法;2011 年通过的第 10-13 号反洗钱立法修正法;以 及关于私营部门内的罪行、均在 1996 年通过的商业法典》和《公司法》。
Legal instruments for the implementation of the Convention in Morocco include: the Penal Code adopted in 1962 which was amended on several occasions; the Criminal Procedure Code adopted in 2002; the Code of Financial Courts adopted in 2002; Law No. 43-05 against money-laundering adopted in 2007; Law No.10-13 amending anti-money-laundering legislation adopted in
2011; and, with respect to offences in the
[...] private sector, the Commercial Code and the Company Law, both adopted [...]
in 1996.
对于发展中国家来 说,更有吸引力的方式可能是,建立(或加强 商业法 庭 , 由其专项审理与知识产权相关 的案件和其它案件,为整个商贸行业提供更加完善的司法保障。
In any event, in most developing countries,
a considerable programme of
[...] training for the judiciary and other enforcement agencies in [...]
IP subjects will be required.19
The “private” nature of IP rights suggests the importance of resolution of disputes between parties either out of court or under civil law.
Novell 网站的所有元素都受到版法、商业 包 装 法及其它法律的保护,不能进行完全或部分复制或仿制。
Elements of Novell websites are protected by copyright,
[...] trade dress and other laws and may not be copied [...]
or imitated in whole or in part.
对于许多发展中国家来说,诸如知识产权之类 商法 专 业 领 域 是对该国司法制度的一个挑 战。
In many developing countries,
[...] specialist areas of commercial law, such as IP, are a challenge to their judicial systems.




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