

单词 商丘地区

See also:

地区 n

region n
area n
district n
country n
place n
section n

地区 pl

regions pl
territories pl


as suffix city name, means prefecture or county (area administered by a prefecture level city or county level city)
district (not necessarily formal administrative unit)

地区 adj

local adj

External sources (not reviewed)

丘尔金 先生(俄罗斯联邦)(以俄语发言):我们感 谢秘书长特别代表兼联合国科索沃临时行政当局特 派团(科索沃特派团)团长兰贝托·赞尼尔先生介绍秘 书长关于科索沃特派团的报告(S/2010/169)和他在地区复杂局势中的努力。
): We are grateful to
[...] Mr. Lamberto Zannier, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and head of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK), for introducing the report of the Secretary-General on UNMIK (S/2010/169) and for his efforts in the complex situation in the district.
此外,考虑到利用这些非政府组织除执行计划以外的其它潜 能的需要,如果地区办事处主任认为有必要,并 商地区 委 员会同意,这些非政府组织也可 以有机会得到与有正式关系的国际性非政府组织同样的待遇:获得列席世卫组织领导机构会 [...]
In addition, in order to take advantage of the potential contribution such NGOs can make beyond the execution of
programmes, they may, if the regional Directors deem it
[...] necessary, and in consultation with the regional committees, be [...]
granted the same privileges
as international NGOs maintaining official relations: observer status to the WHO governing bodies and the possibility of submitting memoranda to the Director-General, which may then be submitted to the Executive Board and conveyed to the World Health Assembly.
[...] 的资料包括尼泊尔冲突各方,包括各方下属青年分支和前沿组织,以及在德赖(尼 泊尔南部平地区)和东部丘陵地区活 动 的武装团伙犯下的侵权行为。
The information provided includes violations perpetrated by parties to the conflict in Nepal, including youth wings and front organizations
affiliated with the parties, as well as armed groups operating in the
[...] Tarai (southern plains of Nepal) and eastern hill regions.
公众安全仍然是一个令人严重关切的问题,特别是在德赖和东 地区 的 一些 丘陵地区,那 里的许多武装团伙继续在不受惩罚的环境中活动。
Public security remains a matter of serious concern, especially in the Tarai and in some hill districts in the eastern region, where many armed groups continue to operate in a climate of impunity.
这些前瞻性表述基于但不限于以下重要假设:未来技术发展;扩大产品线所需的成本;竞争加剧带来的影响;既有业务关系的连续性;Poynt平台持续成功的发展、实施与执行;移动应用活跃用户数的持续增长;移动广告用户的持续使用;亚 地区商 品 与 服务的消费水平低于预期的风险;一般经济与金融市场状况;取得所有必要的监管批准的能力;在可接受的条款下获得融资的能力。
These forward-looking statements are based on certain key assumptions regarding, among other things: future technological developments; the cost of expanding product lines; the impact of increasing competition; the continuity of existing business relationships; the continued successful development, implementation and execution of the Poynt Platform; continued growth in number of active users of mobile apps; continued adoption by users of mobile advertising; risk that the consumption rate of goods and services in Asia is lower than predicted; conditions in general economic and financial markets; ability to obtain all necessary regulatory approvals; and ability to obtain financing on acceptable terms.
教科文组织关于“沿海地带可持续城市发展”马贾国际讨论会(突尼斯)在两个 方面受到了该国当局和地方政府的关注,一方面是沿 地区 沙 丘 的 稳 定性,另一方面是计划 沿马里纳老城开展的马里纳项目已在该城南端重新分阶段进行,这次讨论会还得到了蒙彼利 [...]
The recommendations of the UNESCO Madhia International Seminar (Tunisia) on “Sustainable urban development in coastal zones” have been followed by National and Local Authorities on two points with the
assistance of
[...] Montpellier’s Municipality (France) and the Research Centre on fixing sand dunes, on the one hand, [...]
for the coastal zone
dunes stability, and, on the other, the Marina’s project planned along the Old Medina has been re-phased in the southern part of the town.
重要的是,多边机构向各国 全民教育提供支助的负责人应密切注 地区商 议 的 结果。
It is important that those responsible in multilateral agencies for in-country support to EFA should follow
[...] closely the outcomes of regional deliberations.
(c) 关于土著人常设论坛代表团的报告建议 27,劳动部通过省和地区总办公 室维持在卡米尼、玻利维亚圣克鲁斯查 地区 、 丘 基 萨卡省和塔里哈省(蒙特阿 古都、卡米尼、亚奎瓦和比亚蒙特斯)的存在。
(c) Regarding Recommendation No. 27 of the Forum’s mission report, the Ministry of Labour maintains a presence in Camiri and in the Bolivian Chaco region of Santa Cruz, Chuquisaca and Tarija (Monteagudo, Camiri, Yacuiba and Villamontes) through departmental and regional head offices.
因此无论本土还是国际公司都纷纷寻求专业公司的协助,以获取多方面的关于亚 地区商 务 的 专家意见。
Asia has become a global growth driver and both local and international companies are
seeking assistance from professional firms
[...] offering a large range of business expertise across the Asia-Pacific region.
[...] 以举报此类侵权行为,并限制了工作队对这类行为进行例行核实的能力,特别是 在德赖和东丘陵地区。
This report does not provide an exhaustive account of violations committed against children, as the security situation makes it difficult for victims and their families to report such
violations and restricts the ability of the Task Force to routinely verify them,
[...] especially in the Tarai and the eastern hills.
然而,我们似乎是我们自己所处地理位置 的受害者,因为在那里,这两种因素与犯罪结合起来, 构成新的剥削时代,而在这个时代,我们的青年由于
[...] 天真和狂热,成为无处不在——而且很可悲地说—— 为富不仁的地区“商人”——没有更好的词可以形 容这种人——的首要剥削对象。
However, we seem to be the victims of our own geographical locations, where these two elements, combined with crime, constitute a new era of exploitation in which our young people, because of their innocence and fervour, are the prime
targets of exploitation by universal and —
[...] sad to say — unscrupulous regional “businessmen”, for want of a better word.
监察组收到了关于Umal在 2009 年初
[...] 与索马里武装团体代表一道参加数次会议的可靠、详细和具体的资料,参加这些 会议的还有伊斯来地区商业团 体的重要成员,会议目的是讨论武装斗争的后勤 [...]
The Monitoring Group has received credible, detailed and specific information concerning Umal’s participation early in 2009 in meetings with representatives of armed groups from
Somalia, together with prominent members of
[...] the Eastleigh business community, in order [...]
to discuss logistical issues and raise funds for the armed struggle.
共和国宪法第 57 条规定了祖传土地和领地的所有权并可免费获得土地分配; 依照这一条规定,农业、畜牧、水产和渔业部、政策协调部、厄瓜多尔亚马地 区生态 发展局和国家农业发展局授予了三个 丘 阿 尔族 社区 40 315 公顷的地 所有权。
Pursuant to article 57 of the Constitution of the Republic, which provides for the ownership of ancestral lands and territories and the granting of land awards at no cost, the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Aquaculture and Fishing and the Ministry of Policy Coordination, the Ecuadorian Institute
for Eco-development of
[...] the Amazon Region (ECORAE), and the National Agrarian Development Institute (INDA) have granted the ownership of 40,315 hectares to three Achuar communities.
鉴于计划在 2010 年 5
[...] 月颁布新宪法,以及就新的联邦结构进行辩论,可 能会有更多以族裔为基础的抗议和暴力,特别是在有着强大的族裔组织的 区, 如德赖和东丘陵地区。
In view of the planned promulgation of a new constitution in May 2010 and the debate regarding a new federal structure, there is potential for more
ethnically based protests and
[...] violence, especially in the areas with strong ethnic organizations [...]
such as the Tarai and the eastern hills.
据报一丘陵地区,包 括科当 和波吉普也有武装团伙活动,基拉特贾纳巴迪工人党继续在那里从事恐吓和勒索 [...]
Armed group activities were also
[...] reported in some hill districts, including Khotang [...]
and Bhojpur, where the Kirat Janabadi
Workers Party continued intimidation and extortion activities.
在南、北基伍这一趋势特别 令人担忧,马西西、丘鲁和菲齐 地区 受 影 响最严重。
The trend was particularly worrisome in North and South
[...] Kivu, with Masisi, Rutshuru and Fizi territories being [...]
most affected.
13.5 WIPO
[...] 品牌数据库:将进一步开发涉及马德里和里斯本系统保护的国际注册和巴黎公约第 6 条之三保护的国家地区商标数 据汇编和徽记的数据库,争取在本两年期涵盖大约 [...]
10 个国家。
WIPO BRAND DATABASE: The database covering international registrations
under the Madrid and Lisbon
[...] systems, national and regional trademark data collections, [...]
and emblems protected under the
Paris Convention Article 6ter , will be further developed to cover some 10 countries during the biennium.
本公约应于 1998 年 6 月 25 日在奥胡斯 (丹麦)
[...] 此后直至 1998 年 12 月 21 日在纽约 联合国总部开放供签署 根据经济及社会理 事会 1947 年 3 月 28 日第 36(IV)号决议第 8 段和第 11 段 凡欧洲经济委员会成员国以 及在欧洲经济委员会具有商地位的 国家均 可签署 符合以下条件区域性经济一体化 组织亦可签署 由欧洲经济委员会主权成员 国家组成 这些成员国已将在本公约所涉事 项上的权限 包括就这些事项缔结条约的权 限移交该组织
This Convention shall be open for signature at Aarhus (Denmark) on 25 June 1998, and thereafter at United Nations Headquarters in New York until 21 December 1998, by States members of the Economic
Commission for Europe as well
[...] as States having consultative status with the Economic Commission for Europe pursuant to paragraphs 8 and 11 of Economic and Social Council resolution 36 (IV) of 28 March 1947, and by regional economic integration [...]
constituted by sovereign States members of the Economic Commission for Europe to which their member States have transferred competence over matters governed by this Convention, including the competence to enter into treaties in respect of these matters.
妇女署应促进从发展中国家和经济转型国家采购货物和服务,并允 区 域供 应商、地方供应商和小供应商根据条例 24.2 中的一般原则,参与方案国家的采 [...]
UN-Women shall promote the procurement of goods and services from developing countries and
countries with economies in
[...] transition and permit regional, local and small vendors to participate, [...]
in line with the general
principles contained in regulation 24.2, in procurement opportunities in programme countries.
他还是 Nine Network of Public Media
[...] 理事会成员,以及当选为圣路易 地区商 会 与经济发展委员会 (Regional Chamber [...]
and Growth Association)理事会成员。
He also is a member of the board of directors of the Nine Network
of Public Media (PBS) and has been elected to the board
[...] of the St. Louis Regional Chamber and Growth [...]
Association (RCGA).
2011 年 2 月 4 日 15 时至
17 时,大约 300 个泰国部队士兵进入柬埔寨领土, 在以下三个地点袭击柬埔寨军队:离柏威夏寺阶梯仅 500 米远的 Khmum、位于柬 埔寨境内、距离边界分别大约 1
[...] 120 米和 1 600 米远的 Veal Intry 地区和 Phnom Trap 山丘。
On 4 February 2011, between 15.00 and 17.00 hours, approximately 300 Thai troops entered Cambodian territory and attacked Cambodian troops at three locations, namely, Khmum, located just 500 metres from the staircase of the Temple of Preah Vihear, Veal Intry area
and Phnom Trap hill, situated approximately 1,120 metres and 1,600 metres, respectively,
[...] from the border inside Cambodian territory.
北部高原的一地区零星分 布 着低山丘陵,其他一地区森林和 农 作物稀疏。
Some parts of the north plateau have small mountains or hills in separate places, and some other parts are the land for sparse forest and crops.
据前战斗人员称, 卢民主力量试图加强其在丘鲁地区 的 存 在,有迹象表明由Evariste “Sadiki” [...]
Kanzeguhera指挥的其战斗力最强的一个营可能很快被再次部署在该地区(见 S/2010/596,第 39-40 段)。
According to ex-combatants, FDLR have sought to reinforce their
[...] presence in Rutshuru territory, and there [...]
are indications that their strongest
battalion, under the command of “Lieutenant Colonel” Evariste “Sadiki” Kanzeguhera (see S/2010/596, paras. 39-40) may be redeployed there soon.
积极发展不同作物、不同降水条件下田间水管理技术, 推广协调作物耗水和天然降水的灌溉制度与灌水技术;在旱作农业区,推广以滞蓄天 然降水为主要目的的土地平整技术和改进耕作技术;在水稻种植区,积极推广水稻浅 灌深蓄技术;在干旱半干地区以及保水能力差的 丘区 , 推 广鱼鳞坑、水平沟等集 雨保水技术。
In rice planting zones, actively popularize rice shallow-irrigation and deepstorage techniques. In drought
and semi-drought zones
[...] and hilly areas that have poor water conservation capacities, popularize rain-collection water-preservation techniques with rhegmalypts and level [...]
丘尔金 先生(俄罗斯联邦)(以俄语发言):我们感 谢帕斯科先生所作的详尽通报,我们确认评估团非常 重要,特别是,正如报告(见 S/2012/42)编写者所指出 的那样,此次评估是区域和次区域 组织合作开展的。
We recognize the great significance of the assessment mission, and in particular, as the author of the report (see S/2012/42) said, the fact that the mission took place in cooperation with regional and subregional organizations.
[...] 兰联合王国(哈顿罗科尔地区),乌拉圭,菲律宾(贝纳姆 丘地区 ) , 库 克群岛(马 尼西基高原),斐济,阿根廷,加纳,丹麦(法罗群岛北部),马来西亚和越南(关 [...]
At its twenty-fourth session, the Commission heard presentations on the submissions made by Suriname, Myanmar, the United Kingdom in respect of Hatton Rockall Area, Ireland in respect of
Hatton Rockall Area, Uruguay, the
[...] Philippines in the Benham Rise region, the Cook [...]
Islands in respect of the Manihiki Plateau,
Fiji, Argentina, Ghana, Denmark in the area north of the Faroe Islands and the joint submission by Malaysia and Viet Nam in respect of the southern part of the South China Sea, as well as the submissions made by Kenya, Mauritius in the region of Rodrigues Island, Viet Nam in respect of the North Area, Nigeria, Seychelles concerning the Northern Plateau Region, and Côte d’Ivoire.
(d) 建议人权理事会推动大会作为紧急事项采取适当的永久性措施,确保 土著人民的治理机关和机构、包括传统的土著政府、土著议会、代表大会和理事
[...] 会能够作为观察员参与联合国活动,至少与具有经济及社会理事会 商地 位 的非 政府组织一样,享有同等的参与权。
(d) Proposed that the Council should encourage the General Assembly to adopt, as a matter of urgency, appropriate permanent measures to ensure that indigenous peoples’ governance bodies and institutions, including traditional indigenous Governments, indigenous parliaments, assemblies and councils, were able to participate at the United Nations as observers with, at a minimum, the
same participatory rights as nongovernmental
[...] organizations in consultative status with the [...]
Economic and Social Council.
2009 年 7 月 27 日经济及社会理事会第 37 次全体会议表示注意到,非政府 组织委员会在确认秘书处向尚未提交报告的组织发出了最后催复通知,要求每 个组织在 2009 年 5 月 1 日之前提交一份涵盖前一个四年期的报告,以及确认已 向相关非政府组织总部所在的会员国常驻代表团发出了最后催复通知,明确表 明如果这些非政府组织不能在最后期限前履行义务,委员会则要向理事会提出 应承担后果方面的建议之后,决定在理事会续会上提交一份因连续两次或更多 次没有提交四年期报告而要中止其 商地 位 的非政府组织清单。
At its 37th plenary meeting, on 27 July 2009, the Economic and Social Council took note of the decision of the Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations to submit, at its resumed session, a list of non-governmental organizations that had failed to submit their quadrennial reports for two or more consecutive periods, for suspension of their consultative status, after having confirmed that the Secretariat had sent final reminders to those organizations with outstanding reports and had requested each to submit a report covering the preceding four-year period by 1 May 2009, and that the permanent missions of the Member States in which the headquarters of the non-governmental organizations concerned are based had been notified of the final reminders, which clearly indicated the consequent recommendations the Committee would make to the Council should those non-governmental organizations fail to meet the deadline.




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