

单词 唾骂

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External sources (not reviewed)

他们的目标本是问鼎,但是博阿斯现在估计得准备承受球迷 唾骂 了 , 因为他们联赛杯已经被淘汰。
And as for silverware, Andre Villas-boas had better be prepared for a right whipping from fans, because the Carling Cup is gone.
警官或医务人员等工作人员常常不认真对待受害者; (g) 据报告,与受害者打交道的医务或执法人员有时会对受害者进行口头骂。
(g) There are reported instances of verbal abuse of victims by medical or law enforcement professionals dealing with them.
他說是因為我們的人多,他們的人少,但更重要的是, 他們知道人民已厭倦了,如果他們再打架,人民便 唾 棄 他們,不會喜歡他 們了。
He said that it was because their people outnumbered the other side but more importantly, they knew that the public were tired of this
and if they were involved in any more scuffles,
[...] the public would forsake them in disgust and would no longer like them.
唾液硫 氰酸盐:吸烟的化学指标,第二次环境规划和管理问题 国际会议记录,德黑兰。
Saliva thiocyanate: a chemical indicator of cigarette smoking, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Environmental Planning and Management, Tehran.
第一宗原子弹轰炸恐 怖罪行的罪魁祸首应受到历史唾弃。
The perpetrators of the first atomic bombardment, a crime of staggering proportions, were among the most loathed in history.
(9) 除 尿 液唾 液 外,其 他 體 內 樣 本 必 須 經 由 醫 務 人 員 抽 取 。
(9) An intimate sample, other than a sample of urine or saliva, may only be taken from a person by a medical practitioner.
特别报告员在 2010 年 4 月至 2011 年 5 月发给各国政府的信件中,对若干指 控侵犯移徙工人人权的情况表示关切,其中包括:(a) 任意逮捕、性暴力、酷刑 和其他残忍、有辱人格和不人道的待遇或处罚;过度使用武力;强迫劳动;(b) 大 规模驱逐和强迫回返;(c) 生活标准不令人满意,包括不能获取适足的食品和住 房;(d) 包括出于经济剥削目的买卖儿童;(e) 边境当局的杀戮;(f) 为性剥削 和经济剥削目的贩运人口;(g) 移民当局的骂和体 罚;(h) 虐待和剥削国内移 徙工人,包括剥夺基本的劳动权,例如,不支付工资;(i) 限制国民的自由移动; (j) 针对移徙者的种族主义和仇外主义宣传。
In his communications to Governments sent from April 2010 to May 2011, the Special Rapporteur expressed concern at a number of situations of alleged violations of the human rights of migrant workers, including (a) arbitrary arrest, sexual violence, torture and other forms of cruel, degrading and inhuman treatment or punishment; excessive use of force; and forced labour; (b) mass expulsions and forcible return; (c) inadequate standard of living, including lack of access to adequate food and housing; (d) sale of children, including for purposes of economic exploitation; (e) killings by border authorities; (f) trafficking for sexual and economic exploitation; (g) verbal and physical abuse by immigration authorities; (h) abuse and exploitation of domestic migrant workers, including denial of basic labour rights, such as non-payment of wages; (i) restrictions on freedom of movement of nationals; and (j) racist and xenophobic propaganda against migrants.
经验和常识表明,被人们普遍接受为善政内容的许多要素, 如法治、有能力和独立的司法、人权、安全部门改革、有生气的民间社会、独立
[...] 的新闻媒体、倡导容忍、对话和流动 唾 弃 僵 化和不公正的认同理念的政治文化, [...]
Experience and common sense suggest that many of the elements of what is commonly accepted as good governance — the rule of law, a competent and independent judiciary, human rights, security sector reform, a robust civil society, an independent press and a
political culture that favours tolerance, dialogue
[...] and mobility over the rigidities [...]
and injustices of identity politics — tend
to serve objectives relating to the responsibility to protect as well.
埃德加吹嘘敏明和Bob不死的鱼,在恐慌中失去了即将到来的科学公平,激励他们的火箭出的碳酸饮料瓶,这将导致鲍勃打破他的胳膊,Rzykruski先生被指责由于发射对他的指控影响和 骂 的 乡亲质疑他的方法时,他为自卫。
Edgar brags about the undead fish to Toshiaki and Bob, which, in panic of losing the upcoming science fair, inspires them to make a rocket out of soda bottles, which causes Bob to break his arm and Mr. Rzykruski to be blamed and fired due to his accused influencing and reviling the townsfolk for questioning his methods when he steps up for self-defence.
大多數美國人都患有口乾症,原因在於他們可能須服用某些藥物、出 唾 液 腺 功能障礙,以及須接受放射性療程和化學治療醫治癌症。
A large majority of people in the United States are
suffering from dry mouth due to medications they
[...] may be taking, salivary gland dysfunction [...]
and those who may be going through radiation
and chemotherapy treatment for cancer therapy.
colgate.com 任何对毛发、指甲唾液或 其他生物材料的化验结果不应被用 [...]
unesdoc.unesco.org Any testing results of
[...] hair, nails, oral fluid or other [...]
biological material shall not be used to counter Adverse
Analytical Findings from urine.
如 混合議員 比例選舉制違 反 了此方面 的基本人權,德國及新西蘭所推 行的混合議 員比例選舉制,早已遭唾棄而 被 迫 進行修 訂了。
If the MMP system had violated this sort of fundamental human right, the German and New Zealand MMP systems would have been condemned and forced to be revised long ago.
互联网上 可以看到格鲁吉亚士兵在进攻南奥塞梯村庄和首府 时拍摄的手机照片,照片中显示了他们旨在专门消 灭平民的种种手段,在一段众所周知的 YouTube 视
[...] 频中,一名格鲁吉亚士兵一边破口 骂 , 一 边不停 地向屋内射击。
Cell phone photographs taken by Georgian soldiers as they advanced on South Ossetian villages and the capital were available on the Internet, showing their methods, which were aimed specifically at wiping out civilians, and there was a
well-known YouTube video which showed a Georgian soldier firing non-stop into homes while
[...] uttering a string of profanities.
我们吁请科索沃特派团利用它根据第 1244(1999)号决议拥有的后备力量,恢复该省遭到分 离分唾弃的合法法律框架。
We call on UNMIK to make use of its reserved powers under resolution 1244 (1999) and to restore the province’s legitimate legal framework discarded by the secessionists.
据报道,使用 LMA™ 气道的不良反应包括: 气 道 阻 塞 、 杓 状 软 骨 脱 位 、 吸 入 、 出 血 、 憋气、支气管痉挛、咳嗽、牙齿/义齿损伤、 口干/咽干、构音障碍、吞咽困难、发声困 难、节律紊乱,耳痛、窒息、胃扩张/充气/ 破裂、声门闭合、头部和颈部水肿、听力损 伤、呃逆、声音嘶哑唾液增多、舌下神经麻 痹、缺氧、喉血肿、喉痉挛、舌神经麻痹、口 腔溃疡、心肌缺血、恶心、腮腺肿胀、咽部感 觉迟钝、咽部溃疡、肺水肿、喉返神经损伤、 反胃、干呕、下巴疼痛、口腔疼痛、喉咙疼 痛、喘鸣、颌下腺肿大、颞下颌关节脱位、组 织创伤(会厌、喉、唇、口腔、后咽壁、软 腭、悬雍垂、扁桃体)、舌头发紫、舌头肿 大、声带麻痹和呕吐。
Adverse events reported with LMATM airway use include airway obstruction, arytenoids dislocation, aspiration, bleeding, breath holding, bronchospasm, coughing, dental/denture damage, dry mouth/throat, dysarthria, dysphagia, dysphonia, dysrhythmia, ear pain, gagging, gastric dilatation/insufflation/rupture, glottic closure, head and neck edema, hearing impairment, hiccup, hoarseness, hypersalivation, hypoglossal nerve paralysis, hypoxia, laryngeal hematoma, laryngeal spasm, lingual nerve paralysis, mouth ulcer, myocardial ischemia, nausea, parotid gland swelling, pharyngeal dysesthesia, pharyngeal ulcer, pulmonary edema, recurrent laryngeal nerve injury, regurgitation, retching, sore jaw, sore mouth, sore throat, stridor, submandibular gland swelling, temporomandibular joint dislocation, tissue trauma (epiglottis, larynx, lip, mouth, posterior pharyngeal wall, soft palate, uvula, tonsils), tongue cyanosis, tongue macroglossia, vocal cord paralysis, and vomiting.
由 于更先进的设备和技术变唾手可 得,因此我们不遗余力地挖掘这些技术的力量和潜力。
As more sophisticated equipment and techniques become readily available, so we are there to exploit the power and potential that this technology presents.
但这种脆弱的立场维持不了多久,美 国不遗余力地寻找“站得住脚”的借口,转移国际上的注意力,把厄立特里亚妖 魔化,将其描述为一个“一心要破坏非洲之角区域稳定的 唾 弃 的 国家”。
But this tenuous position could not be maintained for long and the United States spared no efforts to find “plausible” pretexts so as to divert international attention and to portray and demonize Eritrea as a “pariah State bent on destabilizing the Horn of Africa region”.
筆者提出的問題,並非要留難政府或其他機構,而是希望各界明白民意調查有其科學要求和專業操守,不 唾 手 可 得。
The question that the author raised is not to put the government or other organizations in a difficult position, but this is to hope that they understand the importance of the scientific aspects and professional ethics of conducting public opinion polls.
一种新的非侵入性测试,无线电频率电磁场的敏感性已开发利用压 唾 液 中暴露后从移动电话发射的RF辐射非常低的水平的生物标志物。
A new non-invasive test for radio-frequency–EMF sensitivity has been developed using stress biomarkers  in saliva after exposure to very low levels of RF radiation from a mobile phone transmitter.
放射性疗法常常会破唾液腺 的大部分分泌体液的细胞,导 唾 液 流 不足,因此也就导致了不舒适,并削弱咀嚼、吞咽和说话能力,在一些情况下还会导致口腔感染和牙齿腐烂。
Radiation treatment often destroys the majority of the salivary gland's fluid-secreting cells, resulting in inadequate saliva flow, and hence, discomfort, impaired ability to chew, swallow, and speak, and, in some cases, oral infections and tooth decay.
人与人之间的传染是通过直接接触感染者的鼻和咽的分泌物 唾 液 、疱疹液或粪便。
Infection is spread from person to person by direct contact with nose and throat discharges, saliva, fluid from blisters, or the stool of infected persons.
按照医生和卫生署的资料,甲型H1N1流感(人类猪型流感)主要是透过打喷嚏或咳嗽的「飞沫」 唾 沫 )和接触过「飞沫」的对象(包括手指等)而传播。
According to the information provided by doctors and the Department of Health, Influenza A (H1N1)[Human Swine Flu] is mainly transmitted through droplets expelled during sneezing or coughing and through objects in contact with these droplets, such as fingers.
硫酸鹽 導致狗出現嘔吐、過唾液分泌、過度飲水、排泄異常(軟便及/或粘液便及/或腹瀉),以及尿液 pH 值和鈉排泄分 數升高。
In dogs, the sulfate salts caused emesis, excessive salivation, excessive drinking of water, and abnormal excreta (soft and/or mucoid feces and/or diarrhea) and increased urine pH and sodium excretion.
對多數已開發國家城市居民而言,取得食物輕而易舉,不過儘管糧食看 唾 手 可 及,供應穩定仍是一大挑戰,天然資源枯竭與全球人口增長都開始威脅糧食生產體系,都會貧民無法負擔營養均衡餐食,多數人類或許不再需要狩獵捕食,但獲取所需食物依舊不易。
But food security remains a very real challenge, even if it often seems like we’re surrounded by easily-accessible food. Depletion of natural resources and global population increases are already beginning to put a strain on food production systems, and urban poverty means some citizens cannot afford a nutritionally balanced diet.
居家護理可以做的是每天至少用含氟牙膏刷牙兩次並使用牙線,進餐的時候飲用水或是不含糖的飲料,吃無糖薄荷糖或嚼口香糖來刺 唾 液 流 動以及盡量不用嘴呼吸。
Home remedies may include brushing the teeth at least twice daily with  a fluoride toothpaste, flossing daily, drinking water or unsweetened fluids with meals, using sugar-free mints or gum to stimulate saliva flow and trying not to mouth breathe.
榮獲 Asia Tatler Dining 2012 頒發「香港及澳門最佳食府」之一的高雅扒房將於12月24日至26日聖誕節期間,以及2012年12月31 日至2013年1月1日新年期間推出多款令 唾 涎 欲滴的限量佳餚,以滿足扒類及海鮮愛好者的味蕾。
Acclaimed by Asia Tatler Dining 2012 as one of Hong Kong and Macao’s Best Restaurants, Copa Steakhouse offers a mouth-watering selection of special dishes to satisfy steak and seafood lovers during the Christmas period between December 24 and 26, and the New Year period between December 31, 2012 and January 1, 2013, starting from MOP 589* per person (+MOP 200 with wine pairing).
(b) 开展全国性的提高认识运动,禁止 唾 弃 一 切形式的暴力侵害儿童行 为,并建立可为儿童普遍利用的申诉机制
(b) Undertake a national awareness-raising campaign on the prohibition and unacceptability of all forms of violence against children as well as to make available complaints mechanisms widely accessible to children
科特迪瓦借此机会再次赞扬国际社会在 这次会议上的空前团结,因为正如特蕾莎修女所说的 那样,最大的痛苦是孤独、无人关爱和遭 唾 弃。
Côte d’Ivoire takes the opportunity to again commend the remarkable international solidarity of this meeting, because, as Mother Teresa said, the greatest suffering is to feel alone, unloved and abandoned by all.




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