单词 | 唾手可得 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 唾手可得—readily availableless common: easily obtained See also:得手—succeed go smoothly come off
笔者提出的问题,并非要留难政府或其他机构,而是希望各界明白民意调查有其科学要求和专业操守,不是唾手可得。 hkupop.hku.hk | The question that the author raised is not to put the government or other organizations in a difficult position, but this is to hope [...] that they understand the importance of the scientific aspects and professional ethics of [...] conductingpublic opinionpolls. hkupop.hku.hk |
由 于更先进的设备和技术变得唾手可得,因此我们不遗余力地挖掘这些技术的力量和潜力。 datapath.co.uk | As more sophisticated equipment and techniques become readily available, so we are there to exploit the power and potential that this technology presents. datapath.co.uk |
然而,香港是否要为了他的理想,为了他所追求的完美主义,便放 弃现时香港市民眼前唾手可得的民主发展? legco.gov.hk | However, does it mean that because of his ideal and the perfection he pursues, Hong Kong has to give up the present progress in democracy within the reach of Hong Kong people? legco.gov.hk |
与我们提供的唾手可 得的遍布全球的服务 一起。 download.sew-eurodrive.com | With a worldwide [...] service network that is always closeathand. download.sew-eurodrive.com |
在线音乐服务 Spotify 让音乐唾手可得且更具社交性。 salesforce.com | Online music service Spotify [...] makes musicmore accessible—andsocial. salesforce.com |
也许我们应当承认,真正有潜力、有价值的品牌并非唾手可得。 labbrand.com | Perhaps it should be acknowledged that truly valuable and profitable brands are not easy to come. labbrand.com |
(b) 在调查期间,并没想及可查核系统的登入/登出时 间,因此没有取得这项并非唾手可得的资料,否则 第二个解释便会即时被驳回。 legco.gov.hk | 7.161 The LEA was investigating a crime and intended to make an application to the panel judge for an authorization to intercept the communications of a Subject (a male) of investigation over a telephonenumber ofhis. legco.gov.hk |
其实所谓经 济自由,讽刺地说,便是要求政府甚麽也撒手不管,任由市场主导,这 [...] 种市场霸道,对於一个没有任何实质经济政策、缺乏远见、经济上无为 而治的政府来说,这个奖项实在唾手可得,完全不值得感到兴奋。 legco.gov.hk | Under such dominance of the market, it is extremely easy for a government which adopts [...] no concrete economic policies and displays no foresights and governs by doing [...] nothing economically to obtain this prize. legco.gov.hk |
雇主指定类、州政府担保类及中小城市技术移民类计划的重要性与日俱增,对于那些能够在当地工作场所找到担保或有意到中小城市与农村地区发挥个人技能专长的人士而言,居留权唾手可得。 australiachina.com.au | Employer Nominated, State Sponsored and Regional Skilled migration programs are all of growing importance, and for those able to find sponsorship within [...] local workplaces or interested in taking their skills to regional and rural areas, [...] paths to residency are readily available. australiachina.com.au |
许多关于良好做法的出版物得到了会员国的积极反馈,并且成为炙手可热的参 考资料。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Many publications on good practices produced received [...] positive feedback from Member States; they werealsohighly demanded as resource materials. unesdoc.unesco.org |
当员工的双手得到解放时,可以做得更多、更快 - 无论是访问重要文件、检查客户数据还是上网搜索。 jabra.cn | Employees can do [...] more, faster, when both hands are free – whether it’s [...]accessing important files, checking customer data or searching the internet. jabra.com |
因为EBV病毒不通过空气传播,而存在于唾液中通过口对口接触传播,在儿童病例中,可通过唾液传播到手或玩具上。 labtestsonline.org.cn | This is because EBV does not pass through the air; it is present in saliva and [...] is passed through mouth-to-mouth contact and, in the case of [...] children, through saliva transfer to handsand/or toys,etc. labtestsonline.org.uk |
确保对尊严生活不可或缺的创造发明对于包括生活贫困的人在内的每 个人都是在毫无歧视的基础上触手可及并且是能负担得起的。 daccess-ods.un.org | (f) Ensure that innovations essential for a life in [...] dignity arephysically accessibleandaffordable on a non-discriminatory [...]basis to everyone, [...]including persons living in poverty. daccess-ods.un.org |
对多数已开发国家城市居民而言,取得食物轻而易举,不过尽管粮食看似唾手可及,供应稳定仍是一大挑战,天然资源枯竭与全球人口增长都开始威胁粮食生产体系,都会贫民无法负担营养均衡餐食,多数人类或许不再需要狩猎捕食,但获取所需食物依旧不易。 thisbigcity.net | But food security remains a very real challenge, even if it often seemslike we’re surrounded by easily-accessiblefood. Depletion of natural resources and global population increases are already beginning to put a strain on food production systems, and urban poverty means some citizens cannot afford a nutritionally balanced diet. thisbigcity.net |
至於问题(b)部,我们赞成金饰珠宝店采取所有可行的措施,以尽量减低劫匪得手的机会。 legco.gov.hk | As regards part (b) of the question, we agree that all possible steps should be taken by goldsmith and jewellery shops to minimize the chances of a successful robbery. legco.gov.hk |
与儿童基金会 的合作领域包括(a)加强关于儿童保护制度制订、执行和监督的政策和机制, 包括知识管理;以及(b)加强以家庭和社区为基础的儿童保护服务的可得性和提供,包括把关机制,例如机构收容是在没有主要养育人情况下才可使用的最后手段。 daccess-ods.un.org | UNICEF cooperation areas include (a) strengthening policies and mechanisms for child protection system development, implementation and monitoring, including knowledge management; and (b) improving the availability and delivery of family- and community-based child protection services, including gate-keeping mechanisms such that institutional care is used only as a last resort for children without primary caregivers. daccess-ods.un.org |
本次级方案的执行战略将侧重于通过以下手段为尽量减少与安保有关的事件创造条件:(a) 将安保和突发事件应激反应调 控训练标准转化为培训联合国安保管理系统所有参加者的统一方案;(b) 举办区 域讲习班和讨论会,讨论安保和安全以及精神压力调控等问题;(c) 考虑到针对 不同性别群体的资料,编制和更新有关训练资料;(d) 视需要向有突发事件应激 反应的工作人员提供心理辅导;(e) 开发系统,确保联合国所有负有安保管理职 责的工作人员都可得到履行安保职能所需的信息和工具。 daccess-ods.un.org | The strategy for implementing the subprogramme will focus on creating conditions to minimize security-related incidents by: (a) translating security and critical-incident stress training standards into a [...] coherent training programme for all [...] participants in the United Nations security management system; (b) conducting regional workshops and seminars on security and safety issues as well as stress management; (c) developing and updating related training materials, taking into account genderspecific material; (d) providing counselling services to staff exposed to criticalincident stress, as needed; and (e) developing systems to ensure that all United Nations staff with responsibilities in the security management system haveaccess to theinformation and tools that they need in order to perform their security functions. daccess-ods.un.org |
选举 是提高 [...] 司法问责承担77 的 途径之 一,因为行为不当的法官在下 一 次 选 举 中有可能会被 选民唾弃。legco.gov.hk | (See Appendix VIII) Election is [...] one way of enhancing judicial accountability77 , since misbehaved [...] judges may be abandoned by voters in thenext [...]election. legco.gov.hk |
假如他并非真心为弱势社羣做事, 市民是会看得到的,是会唾弃他的。 legco.gov.hk | If he is not genuinely sincere in working for the socially disadvantaged groups, the people will find out the truth and they will discard him eventually. legco.gov.hk |
大多数美国人都患有口乾症,原因在於他们可能须服用某些药物、出现唾液腺功能障碍,以及须接受放射性疗程和化学治疗医治癌症。 colgate.com.tw | A large majority of people in the United Statesare suffering from dry mouth due to [...] medications they may be taking,salivary glanddysfunction and those who [...]may [...]be going through radiation and chemotherapy treatment for cancer therapy. colgate.com |
居家护理可以做的是每天至少用含氟牙膏刷牙两次并使用牙线,进餐的时候饮用水或是不含糖的饮料,吃无糖薄荷糖或嚼口香糖来刺激唾液流动以及尽量不用嘴呼吸。 colgate.com.tw | Home remedies may include brushing the teeth at least twice daily with a fluoride toothpaste, flossing daily, drinking water or unsweetenedfluids with meals, using sugar-free mints or gum to stimulate salivaflow and trying [...] not to mouth breathe. colgate.ca |
最近,岭南大学公布“香港快乐指数2009”,香港的快乐指数不跌反 升,负责研究的主任指出“快乐其实是可以垂手可得”,这与梁刘柔芬议 员的概念,其实是不谋而合的。 legco.gov.hk | Recently, the "Hong Kong Happiness Index 2009" published by the Lingnan University shows that the happiness index of Hong Kong has risen rather than dropped. The person in charge of the survey pointed out that "it is actually easy to be happy", which coincides exactly with Mrs Sophie LEUNG's idea. legco.gov.hk |
(b) 开展全国性的提高认识运动,禁止和唾弃一切形式的暴力侵害儿童行 为,并建立可为儿童普遍利用的申诉机制 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) Undertake a national awareness-raising campaign on the prohibition and unacceptability of all forms of violence against children as well as to make available complaints mechanisms widely accessible to children daccess-ods.un.org |
但这种脆弱的立场维持不了多久,美 国不遗余力地寻找“站得住脚”的借口,转移国际上的注意力,把厄立特里亚妖 魔化,将其描述为一个“一心要破坏非洲之角区域稳定的遭唾弃的国家”。 daccess-ods.un.org | But this [...] tenuous position could notbe maintained for long and the United States spared no efforts to find “plausible” pretexts so as to divert international attention and to portray and demonize Eritrea as a “pariah State bent on [...]destabilizing the Horn of Africa region”. daccess-ods.un.org |
这种具备向下钻取功能的交互式控件允许您将大图像数据显现出来,以便让数据垂手可得。 evget.com | This interactive control with drill-down capabilities allows you to surface big-picture data, making it [...] availableat your fingertips. evget.com |
按照医生和卫生署的资料,甲型H1N1流感(人类猪型流感)主要是透过打喷嚏或咳嗽的「飞沫」(唾沫)和接触过「飞沫」的对象(包括手指等)而传播。 catholic.org.hk | According to the information provided by doctors and the Department of Health, Influenza A (H1N1)[Human Swine Flu] is mainly transmitted [...] through droplets expelled during [...] sneezing or coughing and through objects in contact with these droplets,such as fingers. catholic.org.hk |
另外,一个注日内瓦的代理商更为其客人以三百三十万瑞郎,标得埃及国王Fouad一世的怀表,如此天价令它在全球最炙手可热怀表排名中名列第五。 vacheron-constantin.com | Meanwhile, a [...] Geneva-based agent acquired for aclient the King Fouad 1st pocket-watch for the sum of over 3.3 million francs, a world record giving it 5th ranking among the world's most coveted pocket-watches. vacheron-constantin.com |
贝尔法斯特马拉松(Belfast City Marathon)每年也吸引全世界的马拉松爱好者来到北爱尔兰(Northern Ireland)参加马拉松长跑、竞走、和接力活动,接力比赛中,五位选手可以分担这长得惊人的26.2英里行程。 discoverireland.com | The Belfast City Marathon also attracts athletes from all over the world to Northern Ireland for a marathon run and walk, team relay and fun run. discoverireland.com |
容许我现在再次苦口婆心,希望大家不要 [...] 再纠缠於老年退休金计划是退休金抑或养老金;是社会福利抑或社会保障等等意识形 态之争,平白让㆒项垂手可得的计划变成泡影。 legco.gov.hk | Allow me to be wellmeaning again now, I would like to urge all of you not to indulge any more in ideological disputes as regards whether the OPS is a retirement fund or an [...] old age fund, or whether the OPS is social welfare or social protection [...] and thereby forfeiting a scheme which almost comestohand. legco.gov.hk |
最後, 我 想 继 续 提 醒 政 府 ,提高 市 民资讯科技的能 力 是 越来越重 要 的工 作 , 而 且 目 标 不 应只是 使 更 多市民 可以享 受 互 联网上垂手 可 得的资讯,而 是 可以进 一 步 有 能 力在自 己 的 行 业 应 用 资讯科技,配合知识 经济时 代 对 劳工的 要求。 legco.gov.hk | Finally, I wish to remind the Government again that an increasingly important task now is to upgrade the IT skills of the public, with the objective of not only enabling more people to access the readily available information on the Internet, but also enabling them to further develop the ability to apply IT in their respectives trades, so that the requirements on labour in the knowledge-based economy can be met. legco.gov.hk |