单词 | 售清 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 售清 verb —sell off v
如下表所示,烟草销售清单或 收银条和总记录之间 有很多互相矛盾的地方。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Tobacco is sold on presentation of [...] a “tobacco” card issued by HRM to staff members. unesdoc.unesco.org |
工发组织认为加工和出售清洁产品企业(配制商)的 ODS 消费数据是可靠的,因为它 是根据出售产品的数量得来的。 multilateralfund.org | UNIDO stated that the ODS consumption data from [...] enterprises that mix and sell cleaning products (formulators) [...]are reliable as they are based [...]on the quantity of products sold. multilateralfund.org |
此 外,業界人士應留意,供業界更換標籤並繼續出售產品的30天寬限期旨在讓 零 售 商 清理 附有不正確標籤的產品。 cfs.gov.hk | Traders should also note that the [...] allowance of 30 days [...] to continue selling products while changing label was for retailers to clear their stock of [...]products with incorrect label. cfs.gov.hk |
就法案委員會對葡萄酒價格的關注,香港酒類行業協會表示,大部分葡 萄酒進口商已由本年 4 月 1 [...] 日起調低其貨品售價,但基於零售商仍 須 售清減 稅 前購入的存貨,以及部分葡萄酒出口國家的幣值上升,所以葡萄酒的零售 [...]價格未必可以因應節省的稅款而調低。 legco.gov.hk | In response to the Bills Committee's concern about wine prices, the Hong Kong Wine and Spirits Industry Coalition [...] (HKWSIC) has replied that most wine [...] importers have been selling their products [...]at reduced prices since 1 April this year. legco.gov.hk |
沒錯,的確討論了很久,但政府一直沒有一套最後方案,如 果我們在去年 11 月中以前便按政府原先提出的“1 加 [...] 6”要求實施了營養標 籤的話,我們現在便要全部再做一遍,或要在 2010 年前把食品售清。 legco.gov.hk | Had we accepted the "one plus six" requirement proposed by the Government in the first place before mid-November [...] last year and introduced nutrition labelling, we will have to redo the [...] whole thing, or to sell all the foods before 2010. legco.gov.hk |
查其碳减排工作,中国官员坚决反对;美国公布对台军 售清单后,中国首次提出对参与军售的美国公司实施制 裁;中国加强了在中国南海的巡逻;中国严厉回应对其 网络审查制度的批评;在贸易争端中,中国态度越来越 强硬(中国向国际贸易组织就美国的鸡肉产品及欧盟对 中国鞋实施的反倾销税提出投诉)。 crisisgroup.org | Specific examples include: Chinese officials’ strict opposition at the December 2009 Copenhagen conference to a push from Western countries to allow outside parties to verify carbon emission reductions; its threat for the first time to impose sanctions on American companies participating in the recently announced U.S. arms sale to Taiwan; increased patrols in the South China Sea; a stronger response to criticisms of Internet censorship; and increased willingness to challenge other countries on trade issues (evidenced by its recently filed complaints at the World Trade Organisation against imported U.S. chicken products and the European Union’s anti-dumping tariffs on Chinese shoe imports). crisisgroup.org |
通过把自己的实力和专业化与合作伙伴的水平捆绑在一起,厂商可以不受 销 售 量 的 迷惑 , 清 醒 地了解自己的生态系统的真正实力。 tipschina.gov.cn | By tying those competencies and specializations with [...] partner levels, providers [...] are able to clearly understand the true capabilities of their ecosystem without being distracted by sales volumes. tipschina.gov.cn |
2. 决定在其今后的实质性会议上停止对《各国政府禁止、撤消、严格限制 或不批准消费和/或出售的产品综合清 单 》 的审议。 daccess-ods.un.org | Decides to discontinue consideration of [...] the Consolidated List of Products [...] Whose Consumption and/or Sale Have Been Banned, Withdrawn, [...]Severely Restricted or Not Approved [...]by Governments at its future substantive sessions. daccess-ods.un.org |
其他原因可能包括:利用不同会计办法、纳税年 度、折旧办法、存货估价办法和国外税抵扣额的差异;将各项活动分开进行, [...] 这些活动如果归入单一的应税实体,可能在财务上不利;在某些活动中(如预 期的或潜在的销售、合并、清算或 家族内馈赠或遗产)利用仅为某些运作方式 提供的优惠待遇。 daccess-ods.un.org | Other reasons might include: taking advantage of differences in accounting methods, taxable years, depreciation methods, inventory valuation methods and foreign tax credits; segregating activities that if combined in a single taxable entity, might be disadvantageous in fiscal terms; and taking advantage of favourable treatment for [...] certain activities (e.g., [...] anticipated or potential sales, mergers, liquidations or intrafamily gifts [...]or bequests) that is available [...]for some operations, but not for others. daccess-ods.un.org |
经常有人在现场为低收入家 [...] 庭提供卫生服务,有多种行为者参与提供这种服务,这些活动涉及到从建设、维 护和排空厕所和化粪池到与公共设施的管理和 销 售 有 关 的诸 如 清 洁 剂 和肥皂的一 系列产品。 daccess-ods.un.org | Sanitation for low-income households is often provided on site and multiple actors are involved, with activities ranging from constructing, maintaining and [...] emptying latrines and septic tanks to managing [...] public facilities and selling related products such as cleaners and soap. daccess-ods.un.org |
香港會計準則第三十二號及第一號(修訂),「可 沽 售 金 融 工具 及 清 盤 產 生之責任」,由二零零九 年一月一日或以後開始之年度期間生效 asiasat.com | HKAS 32 and HKAS1 (Amendments), [...] ‘Puttable Financial Instruments and [...] Obligations Arising on Liquidation’, effective for annual [...]periods beginning on or after 1 January 2009 asiasat.com |
语法解释为计算单元格A17(即销售人员ANNIE)在 " 销 售 人 员 " 清 单 $C $2:$C$13的范围内(即图9所示的原始数据表)出现的次数。 oapdf.com | Grammar to explain the purpose of calculating the cell A17 (or sales ANNIE) in the "sales" a list of $ C $ 2: $ C $ 13 within the scope of (that is, as shown in Figure 9 of the original data sheets) of the number. oapdf.com |
他们必须能向其销售团队清晰地 描绘出,新的 绩效标准在实践中是什么样的,并能在这一可能令销售人员感到望而生畏的转变过程 [...] 中,给予他们辅导和支持,因为对有些人来说,这可能是他们在职业生涯中第一次拜 访高层次的决策者。 wilsonlearning.com.cn | They would have to be [...] able to paint a clear picture for the sales force of what [...]new performance standards look like in practice, [...]and deftly coach and support their people in the daunting transition to calling on upper-level decision makers for what may be the first time in their careers. wilsonlearning.eu |
本公司还宣布,其董事会已批准在资产 出 售 完 成 后,按照 《 清 算 和 解散计划 》 清 算 和 解散本公司。 china.blackstone.com | The Company also announced that its [...] Board of Directors [...] has approved the liquidation and dissolution of the Company pursuant to a Plan of Liquidation and Dissolution following the completion [...]of the asset sale. blackstone.com |
倘若任何上述供分派的股份由涉及催缴或其他责任的股份组成,在该分派下有权 [...] 获得任何该等股份的任何人可在特别决议通过后十天内,以书面通知指 示 清盘 人,出售其部 分并支付出售所得款给他,如属可行清盘人应照办。 cr-power.com | In case any of the shares to be divided as aforesaid consist of shares which involve a liability to calls or otherwise, any person entitled under such division to any of the said shares may, within ten days after the passing of [...] the special resolution, by notice in [...] writing direct the liquidator to sell his proportion [...]and pay him the net proceeds and [...]the liquidator shall if practicable act accordingly. cr-power.com |
请⽤蘸有少量市售图像显⽰屏清洁剂(不含有机溶剂)的软布轻轻擦 拭图像显⽰屏表⾯。 ricoh.com | Clean the surface of the picture display by wiping gently with a soft cloth containing a small amount of display cleaner (that does [...] not contain organic solvents) sold in stores. ricoh.com |
根據本第 29 條規定完成的出售、實現、贖回、清 算 或 其他處置所產生的任何淨現金收益,在扣除閣下對 吾等負有的所有欠款及債務後(不論是實際的還是潛在的,是當前的還是未來的,或是其他),應當按照 [...] 後述方式處理:(a)若閣下的帳戶沒有關閉,撥入至閣下的任何帳戶;或(b)向閣下歸還。 tanrich.com | Any net cash proceeds received by us [...] pursuant to a sale, realization, redemption, liquidation or other disposal [...]under this Clause 29 [...]shall either be (a) if your Account has not been closed, credited to any of your Account; or (b) returned to you, after first deducting or providing for all monies and sums due or owing and other liabilities accrued or accruing due to us and outstanding (whether actual or contingent, present or future or otherwise). tanrich.com |
货源也来自不同方面:政权更 替下的国家库存、国防部门清仓出售 的 过 时武器和制 造商——或因腐败——不愿遵守国际商定的国内管 [...] 制规定。 daccess-ods.un.org | Supply also originates from various sources: stockpiles of [...] nations undergoing regime change, defence [...] departments’ clearance sales of obsolete weapons, [...]and manufacturers unwilling — perhaps [...]because of corruption — to meet internationally agreed domestic controls. daccess-ods.un.org |
本公司打算提出一份委托声明书,意在召开本公司特殊股东大会,就其智能带宽管理业务每项资产的 出 售 及 在 资产 出 售 完 成 后根据 《 清 算 和解散计划》解散本公司的事宜,以及有关本公司 IQstream 业务的最终决议,寻求股东批准。 china.blackstone.com | The Company intends to file a proxy statement with respect to a special meeting of the Company's stockholders to seek [...] stockholder approval [...] for each of the sale of the assets of its Intelligent Bandwidth Management business and the dissolution of the Company pursuant to the Plan of Liquidation and Dissolution following [...]the completion [...]of the asset sale and a final determination regarding the Company's IQstream business. blackstone.com |
股份其後按每手買賣單位分發給客戶﹔少 於一手的股份可由清盤人出售,並 按比例分配所得收益。 hkicc.org.hk | After that, shares were to be distributed to [...] clients in board lots; any shares less than a [...] board lot could be sold by the liquidators and proceeds distributed [...]ratably. hkicc.org.hk |
其中 2 种物质 (二恶英和呋喃)为副产品,不出售也不被使用,因此没有列入《各国政府禁止、 撤消、严格限制或不批准消费和/或出 售 的 产 品综 合 清 单 》。 daccess-ods.un.org | Two of the substances (dioxins and furans) are by-products and, since they are not sold or used, are not included in the Consolidated [...] List of Products Whose [...] Consumption and/or Sale have been Banned, Withdrawn, Severely Restricted or Not Approved by Governments. daccess-ods.un.org |
在 7 月 23 日第 46 次会议上,理事会面前有理事会副主席 Somduth Soborun(毛里求斯)根据非正式协商提出的题为“各国政府禁止、撤消、严格限 制或不批准消费和/或出售的产品综合 清 单 ” 的决议草案(E/2010/L.38)。 daccess-ods.un.org | At its 46th meeting, on 23 July, the Council had before it a draft resolution entitled “Consolidated List of Products Whose Consumption and/or Sale Have Been Banned, Withdrawn, Severely Restricted or Not Approved by Governments” (E/2010/L.38), submitted by the Vice-President of the Council, Somduth Soborun (Mauritius), on the basis of informal consultations. daccess-ods.un.org |
委員都清楚知道,出售居屋 的收益,一直是我們的主要收入來源之一,而我們收取的租金,僅可應付日常管理和維修保養的開支。 housingauthority.gov.hk | As Members are fully aware, [...] the proceeds from the sale of HOS have been one [...]of the major sources of our income, given that [...]the rents we charge can only barely cover day-to-day management and maintenance costs. housingauthority.gov.hk |
在轉讓給其他人或處理之前,建議物理銷毀記憶卡或使用 市 售 的 電 腦資 料 清 除 軟 體完 全 清 除 記憶 卡中的資料。 en.leica-camera.com | It is recommended to physically destroy the memory card or use the commercially available computer data deletion software to completely erase the data in the memory card before transferring to another party or disposing. us.leica-camera.com |
核查工作确认,该工厂提交的下文表 1 所示 2006 年 1 月至 12 月期间氟氯化碳生产、 存货清单和销售数据属实。 multilateralfund.org | The verification confirmed the CFC production, inventory and sales data submitted by the Plant for the period January to December 2006 as shown in the Table 1 below. multilateralfund.org |
(c) 吾等可以出售、實現、贖回、清算或 以其他方式處置全部或部分投資,用以抵償閣下對吾等負有的 全部債務,此等出售應當適用以下第 [...] 29.5 條的規定;及 tanrich.com | (c) we may sell, realize, redeem, liquidate or otherwise dispose [...] of all or part of Investments to satisfy all of your indebtedness [...]to us and Clause 29.5 below shall apply to any such sale; and tanrich.com |
在「零售分期支付销售合约」期限结束时或者在任何下列条件下,每项保险车辆的所有担保终止: a) 本协议中的损失付款; b) 提前清偿「零售分期 支付销售合约」或者对原贷款进行重新融资; [...] c) 向新的登记购买者或消费者销售或转让保险车辆;或者 d) 重新获得保险车辆的日期。 iasdirect.com | All coverage terminates at the end of the Retail Installment Sales Contract term with respect to each covered vehicle or under any of the following conditions: a) [...] payment of a loss under this [...] Agreement; b) early Retail Installment Sales Contract payoff [...]or refinancing of original loan; [...]c) sale or transfer of the covered vehicle to a new registered Buyer/Customer or; d) date of repossession of the covered vehicle. iasdirect.com |
以預付款項作為 出資金以達到建 [...] 議收購的目的: 寶 山 生 命 同 意 向 越 南 生 命 預 付 總 金 額 為 越 南 盾 40,000,000,000 [...] (相等約人民幣12,000,000元)作為出資金,使 越南生命得以付清銷售股份 ,其代表目標公司的80%注冊資 本。 sinolifegroup.com | Bao Son Life agrees to make a prepayment, in a total sum of VND40,000 million (equivalent to approximately RMB12.0 million), to Vietnam Life by way of capital [...] contribution in order to enable Vietnam Life [...] to pay up for the Sale Shares, which represent [...]80% of the authorized capital of the Target Company. sinolifegroup.com |
其职能包括全面遵守《联合国 财务条例和细则》,维持财务控制,维护和管理特派团账户,支付资金以 结 清销 售商和 供应商账单和工作人员差旅费报销,管理本国工作人员的工资和津贴付 款,管理混合行动银行账户。 daccess-ods.un.org | Its functions include maintaining financial controls, maintaining and administering mission accounts, the disbursement of funds in settlement of invoices from vendors and suppliers and travel claims of staff, administering payroll and subsistence allowance payments for national staff and administering the bank accounts of the Operation, in full compliance with the Financial Regulations and Rules of the United Nations. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果客戶在股份分發通知發出後 60 天內並未 [...] 繳付手續費,清盤人必須發出催繳通知,如在催繳通知發出後 60 天內仍未繳付,客戶須被視為已指示 清 盤 人 出 售 其 股 份並將任何出 售所得收益淨額支付給客戶。 hkicc.org.hk | If clients did not pay the fee within 60 days of the notice of share distribution the liquidator must send a reminder and if no payment is made within 60 days after [...] that, the clients were deemed to have [...] instructed the liquidators to sell the shares [...]and pay any net proceeds to the clients. hkicc.org.hk |