

单词 售完即止

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

5.6 商户须知道使用售完即止免责声明不足以保障他们不会触犯饵诱 式广告宣传的罪行。
5.6 Traders are advised that the use of the disclaimer “while stocks last” will unlikely be sufficient to protect traders from committing the offence of bait advertising.
You have arrived at the bigboXX clearance centre,
[...] where items are sellingatbargain prices.
Offer valid while stocks last.
方刚议员察悉,市面上"数量有限售完即止"广手法非 常普遍,他因而促请政府当局在条例草案中提供足够的保障,以免 [...]
忠诚行事的企业不慎触犯饵诱式广告宣传或先诱後转销售行为的罪 行,例如指明一间企业必须供应的商品数量,以便诚实的商户可以 遵守。
Noting that
[...] the "while stocks last" promotion approach [...]
is very common, Hon Vincent FANG has called on the Administration
to provide sufficient safeguards in the Bill to ensure that businesses acting in good faith would not be inadvertently caught by the offences of bait advertising or bait and switch, for example, by specifying the amount of stock that a business must supply so that honest traders could comply.
政府当局表示,即使"数量有限售完即止"责条文可能 不足以保障商户不触犯饵诱式广告宣传的罪行,但如他们能以指明 的价格在某段合理期间供应某一合理数量的有关货物,他们将可无 须承担有关罪行的法律责任。
The Administration has advised that even though the "while stockslast"disclaimer itself may not be sufficient for traders to protect themselves from committing the offence of bait advertising, traders would not be liable to the offence if they are able to supply the products at the specified price for a period that is, and in quantities that are, reasonable having regard to the nature of the market and the advertisement.
尽管"数量有限售完即止"责条文或许不足以保障商户不触犯饵 诱式广告宣传的罪行,但如他们能以指明的 价格在某段期间或以某一数量供应货物,他 们将可无须承担有关罪行的法律责任。
While the "while stocks last" disclaimer itself might not be sufficient for traders to protect themselves from committing the offence of bait advertising, they would not be liable to the offence if they were able to supply the products at the specified price for a period or in quantities that were reasonable.
由於市面上“数量有限售完即止推广手法非常普遍,有委员促请当局在条例草案提供足够的保障,以 免忠诚行事的企业不慎触犯有关罪行。
Since the "while stocks last" promotion approach is very common in the market, a Member has called on the authorities to provide sufficient safeguards in the Bill to ensure that businesses acting in good faith would not be inadvertently caught by the offences concerned.
永泰已向买方作出若干声明及保证,包括在股份售完期余下集团的经审计综合资 产净值不会低於 1,129,350,000 港元,为按照南聯编制南聯集团截至二零一一年十二月三 十一的经审计综合账目所采用的会计原则及惯例以及该 物业之价值为 1,129,350,000 港元(该价值为编制南聯集团截至二零一一年十二月三十一日止年度之经 审计综合账目所使用的价值,该价值是以仲量聯行有限公司对於二零一一年十二月三十 一日就南聯在麗晶中心之权益(包括构成该物业的单位及車位以及将构成经分派业务一 部分的麗晶中心的其他单位中心 B 座的 505 至 510 单位)的独立估值为基准) 之基准计算得出。
Wing Tai has provided certain representations and warranties to the Purchaser, including that the audited consolidated net asset value of the Remaining Groupas at the date of the Share Sale Completion will not be less than HK$1,129,350,000, calculated in accordance with accounting principles and practices adopted by Winsor in the preparation of the audited consolidated accounts of the Winsor Group for the year ended 31 December 2011 and on the basis that the Property is valued at HK$1,129,350,000 (which was the value used in the preparation of the audited consolidated accounts of the Winsor Group for the year ended 31 December 2011 which was based on an independent valuation of the Property by Jones Lang Lasalle Limited as at 31 December 2011 of Winsor's interest in Regent Centre, which included those units and carparks comprising the Property and other parts of Regent Centre, being Units 505-510, Tower B of Regent Centre, that will form part of the Distributed Businesses).
倘若农业食品与兽医局有理 由 相信在持牌 加工场所 加工处 理 的 任 何 肉类制品或鱼类制品经
[...] 搀杂、受 污染或 因其他理由 不适宜供人 食用,农业食品与兽医局可 向该加工场所 的持牌 人 发出书面指示,要求该持牌收有 关 肉类制品或鱼 类制品的所 有 存 货 ,以及止售供应或分销该肉类制品 或鱼类制品。
Where AVA has reason to believe that any meat product or fish product which has been processed in a licensed processing establishment is adulterated, contaminated or otherwise unfit for human consumption, AVA may issue a written directive to the licensee of
the processing
[...] establishment requiring the licenseetoforthwith recall allstocks andto ceasethesale,supply ordistribution, of the [...]
meat product or fish product.
(E) 於第5(a)节,以「1,015,931,725股」取代「占紧随公开售完已发行普通股 百分比之二点五(2.5%)」等字句;及 (F) 於第13节,修订及将原有条文全句重列如下:「董事会可随时及不时更改、搁 置、订整个或部分计划;惟倘更改或修订计划条款及条件规定本公 司须根据或涉及适用法律及法规或联交所规则之股东批准规定,则须获本公 司股东批准。
(E) in section 5(a), replacing the words
[...] ‘‘two and ahalf percent(2.5%) of the issued and outstanding Common Shares immediately following the closingof the Public Offering’’ with ‘‘1,015,931,725’’; and (F) in section 13, amending and restating the original provision in its entirety as follows: ‘‘The Board may at any time and from time to time alter, suspend, terminateor amend the Plan in whole [...]
or in part; provided,
however, that alterations or amendments to the terms and conditions of the Plan which are required to be approved by the shareholders of the Company under applicable laws and regulations or stock exchange rules must be approved by the shareholders of the Company.
用于运输的包装材料如托盘纸箱篮子等已包含在产, 对于装材料将给予价格返还。
Packaging used for transportation, such as pallets, spacers, boxes,
wire baskets etc. are invoiced at cost
[...] price and credited if returnedimmediately,free to our plant and in [...]
good condition.
首 先,作出共计 8 580 万美元的调整,涉及任务务范围出现变化 的特别任务国尼泊尔特派团(联尼特派团)、联合国派驻国际咨询和监察 委员会的代表和联合国布隆迪办事处(联布办事处)。
First, adjustments totalling $85.8 million were made in
respect of missions whose
[...] mandates hadbeen completedor discontinuedorwhere there had been changes in the scope of mandates, namelythe United Nations [...]
Mission in Nepal (UNMIN),
the United Nations representative to the International Advisory and Monitoring Board and the United Nations Office in Burundi (BNUB).
无论如何,知识产权许可协议中载有下述规定的条 款是不受影响的,例如,许可于 X
[...] 年后终止或在发生实际违约如被许可人 没有及时升级或产品时自动终止的事件并非破产) 的条款不受影响(见《破产法指南》建议 [...]
72 的脚注 39)。
In any case, clauses included in intellectual property licence agreements that provide, for example, that a licence terminates after X years or upon material breach such as failure
of the licensee to upgrade or marketthe licensed products on time (that is, where the event that
[...] triggers the automatic termination is notinsolvency) are [...]
not affected
(see footnote 39, recommendation 72 of the Insolvency Guide).
第 1 段(a):即完作为对应措施对叙利亚平民完全不合情理的 暴力行为和杀戮。
Paragraph 1 (a): It is essential that all acts of violence and all killing of Syrian civilians which, as a response, are out of all proportion, should cease immediately and completely.
开 发 阶 段 的 支 出,只 有
[...] 在 同 时 满 足 下 列 条 件 时,才 能 予 以 资 本 化无 形 资 产 以 使 其 能 够 使 用 或术 上 具 有 可 行 性;具 有 完 成 该 无 形 资 产 [...]
并 使 用 或 出 售 的 意 图;无 形 资 产 产 生 经 济 利 益 的 方 式,包 括 能 够 证 明 运 用 该 无 形 资 产 生 产 的 产 品 存 在 市 场 或 无 形
资 产 自 身 存 在 市 场,无 形 资 产 将 在 内 部 使 用 的,能 够 证 明 其 有 用 性;有 足 够 的 技 术、财 务 资 源 和 其 他 资 源 支 持, 以 完 成 该 无 形 资 产 的 开 发,并 有 能 力 使 用 或 出 售 该 无 形 资 产;归 属 於 该 无 形 资 产 开 发 阶 段 的 支 出 能 够 可 靠 地 计 量。
Expenditure incurred on projects to
develop new products is capitalised anddeferred only when the Group can demonstrate the
[...] technical feasibility of completing the intangible asset so that it will be available for useor sale, its intention [...]
to complete and its
ability to use or sell the asset, how the asset will generate future economic benefits (including demonstration that the product derived from the intangible asset or the intangible asset itself will be marketable or, in the case of internal use, the usefulness of the intangible asset as such), the availability of technical and financial resources to complete the project and procure the use or sale of the intangible asset, and the ability to measure reliably the expenditure during the development.
AIA 香港将以先到先得形式,提供「Mighty THOR」慈 善套票及「Hammer」包厢套票供客户认捐,完即止
AIA Hong Kong will offer the “Mighty THOR” Bundle Ticket or the “Hammer” VIP Ticket for redemption on a first-come, first-served basis and while stocks last.
在发生(其中 包括)以下事项的情况下,任何一方可向另一方发出书面通产品:(a)另一订约方违反或违背遥控产品销售协议的任何重大条款;或(b)对另 一方展开出无力偿债、破产(包括重组)、清盘或结束的任何法律程序。
Either party may, by written notice to the
[...] otherparty,terminate withimmediate effect theRemoteControlSale Agreement if, among [...]
other things: (a)
the other party violates or breaches any material term of the Remote Control Sale Agreement; or (b) any proceedings in insolvency, bankruptcy (including reorganisation) liquidation or winding up are instituted against the other party.
(a)即完布古奈姆山地区的建筑活动和以色列人的一切其他定 居活动,以及在耶路撒冷的一切非法措施和行动
(a) Theimmediate andfull cessation of the construction [...]
in Jebel Abu Ghneim and of all other Israeli settlement activities,
as well as of all illegal measures and actions in Jerusalem
他在 2007 年报告(A/HRC/4/36)中建议: 在土着居 民和其传统拥有的土地的权利要求登 记在案 以及集体所有权凭 证颁发之前,社区占 据地区的土地和批准 经济用 地特许 和其他 特 许 ; 建 立 机 制 ,在集体所有权登记之前保护土着居 民的土 地,着土地集体所有权登记程序。
In his 2007 report (A/HRC/4/36), he recommended that the sale of land and the granting of economic land and other concessions in areas
occupied by indigenous
[...] communitiesbe banned pending the registration of indigenous claims over traditional lands and the collective titling process; and that mechanisms be put in place to protect indigenous land pending the registration of collective title, and that the process of registration of collective title over indigenous land be finalized.
要求叙利亚政府放弃其使用安保解决方案的政策,以便能暴力和杀戮行为;保障和平示威权利,以期实现叙利亚人民的改革和变革 [...]
要求;承诺立即和充分执行理事会关于叙利亚危机的所有决议,尤其是 2012 年 1 月 22 日第 7444
号决议、2012 年 2 月 12 日第 7446 号决议和阿拉伯国家联盟第二 十三届首脑会议 3 月 29 日在巴格达通过的第 554 号决议,联合国大会各项有关 决议,特别是第 66/253 号决议,以及联合国和阿拉伯国家联盟联合特使科菲·安 南先生计划中的所有六项要点。
To demand that the Syrian Government renounces its policy of using the
security solution, in
[...] order to permit theimmediate andcomplete cessationof all acts[...]
of violence and killing; guarantees
the right of peaceful demonstration, with a view to realizing the demands of the Syrian people for reform and change; and undertakes to implement, immediately and in full, all the Council resolutions concerning the Syrian crisis and, in particular, No. 7444 of 22 January 2012, No. 7446 of 12 February 2012, and No. 554, which was adopted in Baghdad on 29 March by the twenty-third summit of the League of Arab States; the relevant United Nations General Assembly resolutions and, in particular, 66/253; and all six points of the plan of the Joint Special Envoy of the United Nations and the League of Arab States, Mr. Kofi Annan.
正如你在 7 月 13
[...] 日的声明中十分正确地指出的那样,的确迫切需要采取集 体和果断行动,即完叙利亚上演的惨剧,而若不作为,则无异于给 今后的屠杀发放通行证。
As you very rightly pointed out in your statement of 13 July, there is indeed an
urgent need for collective and
[...] decisive action to immediately and fully stop the tragedy unfolding [...]
in Syria, and inaction becomes
a licence for further massacres.
鉴于以色列的非法行为明确违反了《日内瓦第 四公约》,违背了安全理事会的有关决议,因此以色 列必须立即行为,即完非法 定居点活动。
Since Israel’s illegal practices constituted a clear breach of the Fourth Geneva Convention and ran counter to relevant Security Council resolutions,
it was incumbent upon Israel tocease them
[...] forthwithand desistimmediatelyand completely fromall illegal settlement [...]
倘若价格差额有 损竞争,《法案》将止售,按不同价格将相同级别及质量 [...]
Itprohibits sellers from offering [...]
different prices to different purchasers of commodities of like grade and quality where
the difference injures competition.
倘电脑图像创作及制作的分包合约的结果可以可靠地估计,收益及成本乃根据於报告期末合约工作完成之进度确 认至相关结算止完工作所产生的合约成本占总估计合约成本的比例计量。
Where the outcome of a subcontracting contract of CG creation and production can be estimated reliably, revenue and costs are recognised by reference to the stage of completion of the contract activity at the end of the reporting period, as measured by the proportion that contract costs incurred for workperformed todate bear to the estimated total contract costs.
[...] [...] 在这方面明确立场的公然冒犯,这一立场谴责以色列政府决定在被占领的东耶路 撒冷建造这些非法定居单位,要求占领国以色列即完括东耶路撒冷 在内的被占领巴勒斯坦领土上的一切定居活动,包括所谓的“自然增长”,并拆 [...]
The decision to proceed with the illegal and provocative plan is a clear affront to the international community’s clear position in this regard, including by the Quartet, condemning the Israeli Government’s decision to construct these illegal settlement units in Occupied East Jerusalem and
calling on Israel, the
[...] occupying Power, toimmediately andcompletely cease all settlement [...]
activities in the Occupied Palestinian
Territory, including East Jerusalem, including so-called “natural growth”, and to dismantle all settlement outposts.
公报还呼吁以色列即完勒斯坦被占领土建造非法的定居点,作 为证明它对中东和平进程有关协议的承诺和承认国际社会为确保公正持久和平 [...]
It also appealed
[...] to Israel tocease forthwith and completely the building of illegal [...]
settlements in the Occupied Palestinian
Territory as evidence of its commitment to the accords on the Middle East peace process and in recognition of the efforts of the international community to secure a just and lasting peace.
11. 重申极为赞赏马哈茂德·阿巴斯总统为在中东实现全面、公正、持久和 平作出不懈努力,赞赏他坚持为括圣城(耶路撒冷)在内的巴 勒斯坦被占领土内建立以色列定居点而提出的巴勒斯坦民族原则,坚持以与上届 [...]
11- REITERATES its deep appreciation for the tireless efforts made by President Mahmoud Abbas for the achievement of comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the Middle East, and his commitment to the
Palestinian National's principles that
[...] proposed foran immediateandcomplete halt oftheIsraeli [...]
settlement in the Occupied Palestinian
Territory, including Al-Quds Al-Sharif (Jerusalem), and the need to resume the Palestinian-Israeli negotiations from the point at which they stopped with the previous Israeli Government
3.2 在上述期间,精确市场研究中心的访问员到访三个展舘的每个展位,向每名符合条件的 参展商美食博览 2011推广预先包装食物的参展商)亲自派发统计调查 [...]
问卷,并邀请他们填写问卷,及将填妥的问卷在 2011 年 8 月 15
日或之前亲自交回访问 员,又或以传真或电邮方式交回精确市场研究中心。
3.2 During the said period, enumerators of the Consumer Search visited each booth in the three halls, delivered
questionnaires to each eligible exhibitor
[...] (i.e. those exhibitorswho sold or promotedprepackaged food [...]
products during the Food Expo
2011) by hand, and invited the exhibitors to complete and return the questionnaires to the enumerators on or before 15 August 2011 by hand, fax or email.
因此,我们也期望明年,当政府 看到明年红酒商真的尽快销售现有存货,就是售完40%的酒税减价 时,政府会研究是否有空间取得各位议员的支持,再进一步减低酒税,令香 港成为红酒推销中心或令普罗大众也可饮用每瓶数十元的酒,令大家看到 80%和 [...]
In view of this, we also hope that next year, when the Government finds that the wine
trade has been really
[...] tryingto sell their existing stock quickly and that even though their existing stock has not beensold out, it still reduces [...]
prices according
to the wine duty rate of 40%, the Government will consider if there is room to secure Members' support and reduce the wine duty further, so that Hong Kong can become a marketing centre for wine, the general public can also enjoy wine at a cost of tens of dollars a bottle and everyone can see the difference between a wine duty of 80% and 40%.
白俄罗斯共和国负责发放军事物资进出口许可证的国家机关采取措施,应武器及各类相关军用物资,包括武器弹药,并按照第 [...]
1556(2004)号决 议第7 和 8 段,禁止提供技术培训或援助。
The State bodies of the Republic of Belarus authorized to issue export and import
permits for military goods have adopted
[...] measures to prevent the sale orsupply of arms [...]
and related materiel of all types,
including weapons and ammunition, and to prohibit the provision of technical training or assistance in accordance with paragraphs 7 and 8 of Security Council resolution 1556 (2004).




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