单词 | 唧筒座 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 唧筒座—Antlia (constellation)See also:唧筒—a pump water pump 唧—(onom.) pump (water) 唧唧—(onom.) chirping of insects, sighing noise etc 筒n—tuben kaleidoscopen
他们携带着旗帜、棍 棒和自动武器/唧筒式枪机。 daccess-ods.un.org | They were carrying flags, sticks and automatic/pumpaction weapons. daccess-ods.un.org |
22 时 30 分,4 名武装人员手持一支俄罗斯步枪和一支唧筒散弹枪,对 Ahmad Lababidi 的办公室和车开枪。 daccess-ods.un.org | At 2230 hours, four armed persons armed with a Russian rifle and a pumpaction gun fired on the office of Ahmad Lababidi, located in Ansari district, Jisr al-Sindiyanah, and on his car. daccess-ods.un.org |
将听筒线插入底座上标有 “handset”(听筒)的端口。 jabra.cn | Connect the handset cable to the port marked “handset” on the base. jabra.com |
轻击泵基座,直到缸筒完全装入腔内。 graco.com | Tap pump base [...] until the cylinder isfully seated in bore. graco.com |
多名业界代表建议說,为宣传“食物安全「诚」諾",除了围裙、餐牌座和牙签筒外,还可考虑印有“食物安全「诚」諾"中文字样的襟章供承諾人的员工佩戴;食物温 度计和计时器等工具供厨房员工使用;以及纸巾向顾客派发。 cfs.gov.hk | Trade representatives suggested that, apart from apron, menu stand and toothpick, badge printed with the Chinese rendition of “Food Safety Charter” for staff of signatories to wear, tools such as food thermometer and timer for use in kitchen, tissue pack for distribution to customers, etc. might also be considered for the purpose of the publicity on the Charter. cfs.gov.hk |
注意美标所标准中插座花筒和手持 花筒的警句包括 “FOR OUTDOOR USE ONLY”.(只适合室外使用). afsl.org | The cautionary labeling required by AFSL matches the labeling for Spike or Hand-held Fountains, including the statement “FOR OUTDOOR USE ONLY”. afsl.org |
注:任何由多于一个筒组成的礼花弹或彗尾装 置,其全部筒子均固定在一个木制或塑料底座上,且所有筒子在底座上的间距至少有 12.7 毫米(0.5 英寸),则该装置总的化学成分含 量不能超过 500 克(17.5 盎司)。 afsl.org | securely attached to a single wood or plastic base and the tubes are separated from each other on the base by a distance of at least 12.7 mm (0.5 inches), must not contain in excess of 500 grams (17.5 ounces ) total chemical composition. afsl.org |
只要具备这些条件(EX号码和化学分 析报告) , 美标所将按照花筒标准中插座花筒或手持话筒的相关要求测试该产品. afsl.org | Once these criteria (EX numbers and chemical analysis) are met, AFSL will test the [...] devices under the AFSL Standard for Fountains and apply the [...] requirement for either Spike Fountains or Hand-heldFountains. afsl.org |
成品一般由一支带有底座的筒子和几个有独立引线的小礼花弹组成,并包装在一 起。 afsl.org | The finished unit consists of an assembled tube and base unit with a number of individually fused Shells, packaged together. afsl.org |
注:任何由多于一个筒组成的地面礼花装置, 其全部筒子均固定在一个木制或塑料底座上,且所有筒子在底座上的间距至少有 0.5 英寸 (12.7 毫米),则该装置总的化学成分含量不能 超过 500 克(17.5 盎司)。 afsl.org | NOTE: Any Mine device consisting of more than one tube where the tubes are securely attached to a single wood or plastic base and the tubes are separated from each other on the base by a distance of at least 12.7 mm (0.5 inches) must not contain in excess of 500 grams (17.5 ounces ) total chemical composition. afsl.org |
2-2.1 符合本标准的含有多个发射筒安装在底座上且其中任何一个发射筒的内径大于 等于 1.5 英寸的装置,必须通过一项 60 度斜 板测试,程序见附录 D。 afsl.org | 2-2.1 Devices subject to this [...] Standard containing multiple launcher tubes mounted on a base and that have any tube [...]measuring 1.5 inches [...](3.8 cm) or more inside diameter must withstand a minimum tilt angle of 60 degrees when tested in accordance with the procedures in Appendix D. afsl.org |
3-1.2座式和插座式花筒的视觉效果在高度 上不应超过 5 米(16.4 英尺)。 afsl.org | 3-1.2Visual effects of base, spike, and reloadable Fountains must not extend beyond 5 meters (16.4 feet) in height. afsl.org |
Lezyne 铝木合金高压立式打气筒外管及底座均由铝合金CNC加工而成,钢制活塞及铝合金结合木头握把。 lezyne.com | The Lezyne Alloy Floor Drive is a high pressure floor pump with a CNC machined aluminum barreland base, a steel piston an aluminum and varnished wood handle. lezyne.com |
2-4.2.3 底座筒必须能够承受其适用 次数的两倍装填次数,而不出现烧筒,炸筒, [...] 脱底等不良现象。 afsl.org | 2-4.2.3 The base tubemustbe able [...] to withstand at least 2 times the intended number of uses without burnout, blowout, separation [...]from the base or other malfunction. afsl.org |
1-2.8 塞子 - 非燃烧材料组成,使用压或其 它方法固定在一个吐珠筒火药腔的底部,以防 止炸筒或炸坏插座。 afsl.org | 1-2.8 Plug - The non-flammable material pressed or otherwise firmly affixed to the bottom of a Roman Candle and intended to prevent blowout or expulsion of the spike. afsl.org |
2-1.6.4 在使用过程中,底座与筒子不能 起引燃的作用。 afsl.org | 2-1.6.4 The base/tube assembly must not provide a source of ignition during use. afsl.org |
当影视的制作中不允许话筒出现成为首要因素时,FMK4071电影话筒套装配有一个4 071 话筒和微型隐蔽话筒座,领带安装座,多种 预置胶带,防风罩和微型过滤网罩等附件,用于避免各种噪声。 dpamicrophones.com | When it is imperative that the microphone be invisible for film orTV production, the FMK4071 Film Microphone Kit pairs the 4071 with a miniature concealer, tie pods, various pre-cut tape pieces, as well as a windjammer and miniature mesh filter to avoid pops and wind noise. dpamicrophones.dk |
2-2.4 任何柱形或锥形花筒,重复装填的效 果筒,或装填好的底座筒,放置在 12 度斜板 上不可翻倒,测试时应取其最易翻倒之位置。 afsl.org | 2-2.4 Any tube or cone Fountain, reloadable insert, or base tube loaded with a reloadable insert, must remain upright when tilted 12 degrees from the horizontal against its shortest base dimension. afsl.org |
2-4.2.7 底座筒的口径必须合适,不 可造成效果筒的进出困难。 afsl.org | 2-4.2.7 The base tube must be designed so that the fountain insert will not bind to allow for easy removal of the insert. afsl.org |
3-1.1座式和插座式花筒的视觉效果不应超 过地面水平 5 米(16.4 英尺)直径的圆圈范围。 afsl.org | 3-1 LIMIT OFVISUALEFFECTS 3-1.1 Visual effects of base, spike, and reloadable Fountains must not extend beyond a 5meter (16.4-foot) diameter circle at ground level. afsl.org |
a) 在中心特设的“食物安全「诚」諾"网页内列出其名称、所在地区及主要提供 的菜式,而有关网页将会增设更方便使用的搜寻功能; b) 获发“食物安全「诚」諾"於有关处所内展示,有助承諾人建立其确保食物安 全的正面形象; c) 获发更合适的宣传品(例如胶贴、牙签筒、塑胶餐牌座等)及教材,以便推广“食 物安全五要点"; d) 获邀參加中心在二零零九年七月至十二月举行的食物安全讲座; e) 參加的食物业协会代表会获邀出席在二零零九年九月举行的业界食物安全讲 座中的证书颁发典禮; f) 巡回展览中会展示一份承諾人名单,而展览场地内会有一部电脑,方便市民找 cfs.gov.hk | a) listed in the designated “Food Safety Charter” webpage of CFS with the name, district and major type of cuisine served, and the webpage will have a more user-friendly search function; b) provided with a Charter for display in the respective premises to help build a positive image of the signatories in ensuring food safety; c) provided with more tailor-made publicity materials (e.g. plastic stickers, toothpick cfs.gov.hk |