

单词 唐纳



Donald (name)


Donald Trump (1946-), American business magnate

See also:

Tang dynasty (618-907)
surname Tang
in vain

bring into
pay (tax etc)
surname Na
reinforce sole of shoes or stockings by close sewing
nano- (one billionth)


enjoy v

External sources (not reviewed)

特雷弗手肖恩一本书的另一个陌生的土地,亚特兰蒂斯: 由 L . 唐纳 利 伊 格内修斯的上古世界,并且建议他们一起在肖恩的圣诞假期。
Trevor hands Sean a book about another
strange land, Atlantis: The Antediluvian World by
[...] Ignatius L. Donnelly, and suggests [...]
they get together during Sean’s Christmas break.
他们还会晤了国会黑人核心小组 唐纳 德 ·佩 恩众议员以及一些非政府组 织。
They also met with Congressman Donald Payne of the Congressional Black Caucus and with NGOs.
委员会三名成员唐纳德·马利、H.M.G.S.帕利哈卡拉和弗朗索瓦·里瓦 索,在第五十三届会议上就这个议程项目提出了引人深思的论文。
Three Board members, Donald Mahley, H. M. G. S. Palihakkara and François Rivasseau, presented food-for-thought papers on the agenda item at the fifty-third session.
此外,在同次会议上,委员会听取了下列人士关于闭会期间活动结果的报告: 新田晃先生(日本)关于 2009 年 11 月 11 日和 12 日以及 2010 年 3 月 18 日和 19 日分别在东京举行的“亚洲区域 3R(减少、再利用、再循环)论坛首届会议”和“扩 大发展中国家废物管理服务”国际协商会议的结果;韩国代表关于 2010 年 3 月
16 日和 17
[...] 日在首尔举行的题为“联合国减缓气候变化、燃油效率和可持续城市 交通论坛”国际专家小组会议的结果 唐纳 德 ·库珀先生(《斯德哥尔摩公约》) 关于 2009 年 12 月 3 日和 4 日在日内瓦举行的“化学品健全管理案例研究研讨会” [...]
Also at the same meeting, the Commission heard presentations by the following on the outcomes of intersessional events: Mr. Akira Nitta (Japan), on the outcomes of the “Inaugural Meeting of the Regional 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) Forum in Asia” and the International Consultative Meeting on “Expanding Waste Management Services in Developing Countries”, which were held in Tokyo on 11 and 12 November 2009 and on 18 and 19 March 2010, respectively; the representative of the Republic of Korea, on the outcome of the International Expert Group Meeting entitled “United Nations Forum on Climate Change Mitigation, Fuel Efficiency and Sustainable Urban Transport”, which was held in
Seoul on 16 and 17
[...] March 2010; and Mr. Donald Cooper (Stockholm Convention), on the outcome of the “Workshop [...]
on Case Studies in
the Sound Management of Chemicals”, which was held in Geneva on 3 and 4 December 2009.
有当然会主办,由特邀嘉宾主持人,语言分校教授,保罗博士Pivec,教授,博士玛雅Pivec(编辑,审稿,并高度出版作者)主持,如副教授,专家艾莉森清除(过去SIGCSE主席会议审稿人,作者)和助理教授,博 唐纳 德 乔 伊斯(作者,博士财团前任主席,在ACM SIGCSE审阅)参加Q&A环节。
There course will be hosted and moderated  by Language Campus Professor, Dr. Paul Pivec, invited guest moderator, Professor Dr. Maja Pivec (Editor, Reviewer, and highly published Author), with experts such as Associate Professor, Alison Clear (Past SIGCSE Chair, Conference reviewer, Author) and Associate Professor, Dr. Donald Joyce  (Author, previous chair of doctoral consortia, reviewer at ACM SIGCSE) participating in the Q & A sessions.
以下是新教:纽曼,在父亲(伦敦,1840等)教 会 ; 唐纳 森 ,一个关键的历史的基督教点燃。
The following are Protestant: NEWMAN, The Church of the Fathers (London, 1840, etc.); DONALDSON, A critical history of Christian lit.
9 月 4 日,安理会通过主席声明(S/PRST/2008/34),欢迎希族塞人和土族塞 人领袖为统一塞浦路斯展开全面谈判,并任命亚历山 大 · 唐纳 为 秘 书长的塞浦路 斯问题特别顾问。
On 4 September, the Council adopted a presidential statement (S/PRST/2008/34), by which it welcomed the launch of fully-fledged negotiations between the leaders of the Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots aimed at the reunification of Cyprus, as well as the appointment of Alexander Downer as Special Adviser to the Secretary-General for Cyprus.
自从我提出上次报告(S/2009/610)以来,我的特别顾问亚历山 大 · 唐纳 和/ 或我的特别代表塔耶-布鲁克·泽里洪继续为两位领导人及其代表的一系列会议 提供了便利。
Since my previous report (S/2009/610), my Special Adviser, Alexander Downer, and/or my Special Representative, Tayé-Brook Zerihoun, have continued to facilitate a series of meetings between the leaders and between their representatives.
我的特别顾问亚历山大·唐纳及其团队在 这一过程中始终积极为双方之间的谈判提供支持。
My Special Adviser, Alexander Downer, and his team have been available throughout the process to support the negotiations between the two sides.
因主席缺席,副主席麦唐纳先生 (苏里南)主持 会议。
In the absence of the President, Mr. Mac-Donald (Suriname), Vice-President, took the Chair.
11 月 4 日上午,秘书长塞浦路斯问题特别顾问亚历山 大 · 唐纳 在 安理会非公 开磋商中向安理会通报了季米特里斯·赫里斯托菲亚斯总统、土族塞人领袖德尔 维斯·埃罗格卢和秘书长最近举行的三方会议(10 月 30 日和 31 日,纽约)。
The Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on Cyprus, Alexander Downer, briefed the Council in closed consultations on the morning of 4 November on the latest tripartite meeting between the President, Demetris Christofias, the Turkish Cypriot leader, Derviş Eroğlu, and the Secretary-General (30 and 31 October, in New York).
我还要感谢我的特别顾问亚历山大· 唐纳 及斡 旋小组。
I also express my gratitude to my Special Adviser, Alexander Downer, and the good offices team.
在本届会议上,委员会重新设立了 唐纳 德 ·M. 麦克雷先生和 A. 罗 汉·佩雷拉先生担任联合主席的最惠国条款研究组。
At the present session, the Study Group had before it an informal document, in tabular form, identifying the arbitrators and counsel in investment cases involving MFN clauses, together with the type of MFN provision that was being interpreted.
另参阅 2005 至 2008 年德国及法国政府就要求启动对美国前国防部 唐纳 德 ·拉 姆斯菲尔德的刑事诉讼程序 所做的决定。
Reference was also made to the
[...] decisions by the German and French authorities between 2005 and 2008 concerning the request for the opening of criminal procedures against the former US Secretary of Defence, [...]
Donald Rumsfeld.
检查团成员来自中央项目办、中央案例研究办、两省项目办、莫特麦 唐纳 公 司 和英国国际发 展部。
The mission team consisted of participants from Central Project Management Office, CCSO, two Provincial Project Management Offices (PPMOs), MM and DFID.
最后,我要感谢我的特别顾问亚历山 大 · 唐纳 和 我 的特别代表塔耶-布鲁 克·泽里洪,感谢为我的塞浦路斯斡旋任务服务的工作人员,感谢他们专心致志、 执着地履行安全理事会授予他们的职责。
In conclusion, I wish to thank my Special Adviser, Alexander Downer, my Special Representative, Tayé-Brook Zerihoun, and the men and women serving in my good offices mission in Cyprus for the dedication and commitment with which they have discharged the responsibilities entrusted to them by the Security Council.
2004年6 月,当时美国的国防部唐纳德·拉 姆斯菲尔德承认,一名被怀疑为伊斯兰辅助 者组织头目的人被关押了七个多月,但是没有通知红十字委员会已将其拘留;他 [...]
In June 2004, the then United States Secretary of Defense Donald [...]
Rumsfeld admitted that a suspected leader of Ansar al-Aslam
had been held for more than seven months without ICRC being notified of his detention; he also stated: “He was not at Abu Ghraib.
莫特麦唐纳公司 负责项目的主要咨询服务工作,其咨询服务子合同公司包括:HTSPE(英 国)、DHI(丹麦)、中国水利水电科学研究院(北京)、北京中水新华国际工程咨询有限公 司、中国农业大学国际农村发展中心(北京)、甘肃省水文水资源勘测局和辽宁省水文水资源 勘测局等咨询机构。
Sub-consultancy contracts are in place with HTSPE (UK), DHI (Denmark), IWHR (Beijing), Xinhua IECCO (Beijing), CIAD (Beijing), Gansu Hydrological and Water Resources Bureau and the Liaoning Hydrological and Water Resources Bureau.
研究组还收到一唐纳德·麦 克雷先生编写的关于“投资协定中最惠国条 款的解释和适用”的工作文件。
It also had before it a working paper on the “Interpretation and Application of MFN Clauses in Investment Agreements” prepared by Donald McRae.
在其第六十届(2008 年)会议上,委员会审议了特别报告员的第四次报告 (A/CN.4/594)并决定成立一个工作组, 唐纳 德 ·麦 克雷先生主持,以便审议由 于驱逐具有双重或多重国籍的人以及由于驱逐而取消国籍所引起的问题。
At its sixtieth session (2008), the Commission considered the fourth report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/594) and decided to establish a working group, chaired by Mr. Donald M. McRae, in order to consider the issues raised by the expulsion of persons having dual or multiple nationality and by denationalization in relation to expulsion.1238 During the same session, the Commission approved the working group’s conclusions and requested the Drafting Committee to take them into consideration in its work.1239 112.
年夏波兰总唐纳 德· 图斯克这样告诉记者,“而是面向成千上万电视机前以及 来到现场的人们宣传波兰的品牌和声誉。
It’s investment in the brand and reputation of Poland among the hundreds of millions who will watch it on TV and the hundreds of thousands who’ll come here.
珍珠链”战略于国防顾问 Booz Allen Hamilton 为国防部唐 纳德·拉 姆斯菲尔德所做的内部报告《亚洲能源前景》中首次提 出。
The “string of pearls” strategy first appeared in the internal report “Energy Futures in Asia” produced by defence contractor Booz Allen Hamilton for Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld.
副主席麦唐纳德先 生(苏里南)主持会议。
Mr. Mac-Donald (Suriname), Vice-President, took the Chair.
下列小组成员介绍了情况:粮食署副执行主任兼首席营运官 Amir Abdulla、 卡塔尔国际发展部主任 Ahmed Almeraikhi、非洲开发银行总唐纳德 ·卡贝鲁卡、 TNT(荷兰)前首席执行官 Peter Bakker、联合国难民事务高级专员安东尼奥·曼 努埃尔·德奥利维拉·古特雷斯。
Presentations were made by the following panellists: Amir Abdulla, Deputy Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer, WFP; Ahmed Almeraikhi, Director, International Development Department of Qatar; Donald Kaberuka, President, African Development Bank; Peter Bakker, former Chief Executive Officer, TNT (Netherlands); and António Manuel de Oliveira Guterres, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.
唐纳森 1 957年出生于英国剑桥,现任英国伦敦帝国学院皇家学会研究纯粹数学教授及数学科学研究所所长。
Simon K Donaldson, born 1957 in Cambridge, UK, is currently the Royal Society Research Professor of Pure Mathematics and President of the Institute for Mathematical Sciences at Imperial College, London, UK.
2009 年 6 月 2 日至 5 日,乌克兰国 家空间局官员对加拿大进行了工作访问,会见了加拿大航天局、麦 唐纳 —德 特威尔联合有限公司、加拿大出口发展公司和庞巴迪公司的高级官员。
From 2 to 5 June 2009, NSAU officials undertook a working visit to Canada, where they met with senior officials of the Canadian Space Agency (CSA), MDA Corporation, Export Development Canada (EDC) and Bombardier.
20 分硬币上的图案是鸭嘴兽,但此图案很快换成板球传奇人 唐纳 德 • 布莱德曼(Donald Bradman);10 分硬币上的图案是一只跳舞的雄琴鸟;5 分硬币上的图案是一只针鼹鼠。
The 20 cent coin carries a platypus, (soon to be replaced by cricket legend Donald Bradman); the 10 cent coin features a male lyrebird dancing; and the 5 cent coin depicts an echidna.
剧院经常上演古典剧作家,如欧里庇德斯、莎士比亚、契柯夫、斯特林堡、莫里哀,和现代剧作家如田纳西•威廉斯、阿瑟•米勒、塞谬尔•贝克特、B•布莱希特和爱德华•阿尔贝以及当代作家如萨拉•凯恩、马里尤斯•封•马延堡、马丁•麦 唐纳 和 拉 尔斯•诺伦的作品。
Norwegian theatre is also internationally oriented, and regularly stages productions by classic playwrights such as Euripides, Shakespeare, Chekhov, Strindberg, Molière, modern dramatists such as Tennessee Williams, Arthur Miller, Samuel Beckett, Bertolt Brecht and Edward Albee, and contemporary writers such as Sarah Kane, Marius von Mayenburg, Martin McDonagh and Lars Norén.
于是唐纳德在 1973年说服他的朋友 Lord Caldecote ,即Delta金属集团主席和前剑桥大学工程师派遣Delta毕业工程师埃德兰伯恩到剑桥大学工程系学习DUCT的开发,同时将该系统应用到工业中。
In 1973 Donald persuaded his friend Lord Caldecote, then chairman of the Delta Metal Group and an ex-Cambridge engineer, to send Delta graduate engineer Ed Lambourne to work on the development of DUCT at Cambridge University Engineering Department, ultimately leading to transferal of the system into industry.




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