单词 | 唐山大地震 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 唐山大地震—Great Tangshan Earthquake (1976)See also:唐山—Tangshan prefecture level city in Hebei 大地震n—massive earthquaken 大地震—great earthquake 大大地adv—welladv
最终《唐山大地震》获得了最佳影片奖,在我看来,这是因为这部影片拥有了一切。 china.embassy.gov.au | Ultimately Aftershock won bestfilm because, [...] in my own view, it has everything. china.embassy.gov.au |
他出演的电影《唐山大地震》是一部关於毁灭性地震後的灾难影片,今年夏天在亚洲上映,其後在全球广泛发行。 tagheuer.com | His upcoming movie,"Aftershock",a disaster movie about the aftermath of a deadly earthquake, comes out [...] this summer in Asia, before a wider release. tagheuer.com |
2005)。Bilham (2004, p.9) 指出,1976 年的唐山大地震造成唐山至少 35%的人死亡,随着地震多发地区城市的规模越来越大,未来的地震有望造成愈 [...] 百万甚至更多的死亡。 alnap.org | Bilham (2004, p. 9) notes that the [...] 1976Tangshan earthquake killedat least 35% of the populationof Tangshan, [...]andsuggests that with the growth [...]of megacities in seismically vulnerable locations we can expect earthquakes in the future that will cause a million or more fatalities. alnap.org |
最新草拟的一项协 议是在该局与 Massey大学之间,目的是建立火山地震监测网,但资金尚未收到。 daccess-ods.un.org | The last agreement drafted was [...] between the Department [...] and Massey University on establishment ofvolcano-seismicmonitoringnetwork, [...]but funding is yet to be received.41 81. daccess-ods.un.org |
我的特别顾问亚历山大·唐纳及其团队在 这一过程中始终积极为双方之间的谈判提供支持。 daccess-ods.un.org | My Special Adviser, Alexander Downer, and his team [...] have been available throughout the process to support the negotiations between the two sides. daccess-ods.un.org |
新指标扩大了自然灾害的覆盖范围,纳入了干旱和极端温度等天气和气候灾害、 洪水和风暴等其他天气和气候灾害、以及地震或火山等地球物理灾害。 daccess-ods.un.org | It improves coverage of natural disasters by including weather and climaterelated disasters such as drought and extreme temperatures, other weather and climate-related disasters such as floods and storms, as well as geophysical disasters such as earthquakes or volcanoes. daccess-ods.un.org |
最后,我要感谢我的特别顾问亚历山大·唐纳和我的特别代表塔耶-布鲁 克·泽里洪,感谢为我的塞浦路斯斡旋任务服务的工作人员,感谢他们专心致志、 执着地履行安全理事会授予他们的职责。 daccess-ods.un.org | In conclusion, I wish to thank my [...] Special Adviser, Alexander Downer,my Special Representative, Tayé-Brook Zerihoun, and the men and women serving in my good offices mission in Cyprus for the dedication and commitment with which they have discharged the responsibilities entrusted to themby the Security [...]Council. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,像一次严重地震这样的重大事件,如果发生在海洋中间或无人居住地区, 并没有造成上面所说的三个结果之一,就不符合第 [...] 3 条所说的标准。 daccess-ods.un.org | Accordingly, a major [...] event such as a serious earthquake, which takes place [...]in the middle of the ocean or in an uninhabited [...]area, and which accordingly does not result in at least one of the three envisaged outcomes, would not satisfy the threshold requirement in article 3. daccess-ods.un.org |
参加者包括来自大气、地球物理学和天文学服务管理局、菲律宾火山地震研究所、民防办公室、国家测绘资源和信息局、矿山和地球科学局及灾害协调 理事会其他成员机构的人员。 daccess-ods.un.org | Participants included personnel from PAGASA, PHIVOLCS, the Office of Civil Defence, the National Mapping Resource and Information Authority, the Mines and Geoscience Bureau and other NDCC member agencies. daccess-ods.un.org |
通过组织和承办各种会议,促进 了减少地震和火山爆发风险方面的能力建设。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Capacity-buildinginearthquake and volcanic risk reduction [...] was promoted through the organization and sponsorship of conferences. unesdoc.unesco.org |
除此以外,各种形式的山崩,可能由地震引起,可能只是岩石的自然运动,或是由暴雨引起,都可能带来更大的灾难。 swissworld.org | Any kind oflandslide - perhaps triggered by an earthquake, or by thenatural movement of the rocks, or indeed by torrential rain - is made even more disastrous if, as is likely, the debris fallsinto one of Switzerland's [...] many lakes. swissworld.org |
待发行後,大唐优先股将(a)与以下各项的持有人享有同等的申索权:(i)本公 司任何类别优先股本;及(ii)与可换股优先股或有关优先股具有同等地位的本公司 其他责任;及(b)优先於(包括有关任何清算事件後所分派的所得款项,惟以缴足款 项为限)对本公司普通股持有人及本公司所直接或间接产生且与普通股享有同等或 显示为同等的申索权的其他责任持有人的任何付款。 cre8ir.com | The Datang Pre-emptive Preferred Shares will, upon issue, rank (a) pari passu with the claims of holders of (i) any class of preferred share capital of the Company and (ii) other obligations of the Company [...] which rank pari passu withthe Convertible Preferred Shares [...]or such preferred shares, and (b) in priority (including with respect to distribution of proceeds upon any liquidation event up to the amount paid up) to any payment to the holders of Ordinary Shares of the Company and other obligations of the Company, incurred directly or indirectly by it, which rank, or are expressed to rank, pari passu the claims of the Ordinary Shares. cre8ir.com |
我还要感谢我的特别顾问亚历山大·唐纳及斡 旋小组。 daccess-ods.un.org | I also express my gratitude to my Special Adviser,Alexander Downer, and the good offices team. daccess-ods.un.org |
9 月 4 日,安理会通过主席声明(S/PRST/2008/34),欢迎希族塞人和土族塞 [...] 人领袖为统一塞浦路斯展开全面谈判,并任命亚历山大·唐纳为秘书长的塞浦路 斯问题特别顾问。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 4 September, the Council adopted a presidential statement (S/PRST/2008/34), by which it welcomed the launch of fully-fledged negotiations between the leaders of the Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots aimed at the [...] reunification of Cyprus, as well as the [...] appointmentof Alexander Downer as Special [...]Adviser to the Secretary-General for Cyprus. daccess-ods.un.org |
自从我提出上次报告(S/2009/610)以来,我的特别顾问亚历山大·唐纳和/ 或我的特别代表塔耶-布鲁克·泽里洪继续为两位领导人及其代表的一系列会议 [...] 提供了便利。 daccess-ods.un.org | Since my previous report (S/2009/610), my [...] Special Adviser, Alexander Downer, and/or my [...]Special Representative, Tayé-Brook Zerihoun, [...]have continued to facilitate a series of meetings between the leaders and between their representatives. daccess-ods.un.org |
教科文组织将为建立和运作海洋灾害(海啸、风暴潮)及其他自然灾害(例如洪水、 干旱、滑坡、地震、火山爆发)的监测网络和预警系统提供科学意见、协调和政策支助,为 [...] 在交换有关灾害风险评估和减灾的数据与信息方面开展国际和地区合作构建平台,为防灾教 [...]育和宣传提供政策指导,尤其是为保护濒危学校和文化遗产提供指导方针。 unesdoc.unesco.org | UNESCO will provide scientific contributions, coordination and policy support on the establishment and operation of [...] monitoring networks and early [...] warning systems for ocean-related hazards(tsunami, storm surges) [...]and for other natural hazards [...](such as floods, drought, landslides, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions), foster platforms for international and regional cooperation in exchange of data and information on disaster risk assessment and mitigation, and provide policy guidance for education and public awareness in disaster preparedness and guidelines particularly for the protection of schools and cultural heritage at risk. unesdoc.unesco.org |
世界资 源学会进行的全球分析显示,全世界目前开工的矿场和勘探地点有四分之一以上 与严格保护区的 10 [...] 公里半径覆叠,甚至在其范围之内;现时所有开工的矿场和 勘探地点几乎三分之一是位于具有高度养护价值的完整生态系统地区之内;现时 [...] 所有开工的矿场几乎三分之一是位于情况紧张的流域;现时开工的矿场和勘探地 点几乎五分之一是位于地震危险大或极大的地区;三分之一以上位于天生就有水 质问题的地区。 daccess-ods.un.org | Global analysis undertaken by the World Resources Institute showed that more than one quarter of the world’s active mines and exploration sites overlap with or are within a 10-kilometre radius of a strictly protected area; nearly one third of all active mines and exploration sites are located within areas of intact ecosystems of high conservation value; almost one third of all active mines are located in stressed watersheds; nearly one fifth of active [...] mines and exploration sites are [...] in areas of highor very high seismic hazard;andmore than [...]one third are in areas that [...]may be predisposed to water quality problems. daccess-ods.un.org |
2011年3月11日下午2:46,日本东部大地震摇撼了享誉国际的建筑仙台媒体文化中心(SMT)大楼。 shanghaibiennale.org | At 2:46 p.m. March 11, 2011, the [...] Great East Japan Earthquakeshookthe internationally [...]renowned architecture space Sendai Mediatheque building (smt). shanghaibiennale.org |
日本代表对国际社会在日本东部发生特大地震和海啸之后向它提供的 热情援助表示感谢,并向经社会通报说,日本将采取一些措施,分享其在减 [...] 少损失的防范措施和减少灾害风险措施方面所汲取的经验教训。 daccess-ods.un.org | The representative of Japan, while expressing gratitude for the warm assistance extended by the [...] international community following the [...] great east Japanearthquake and tsunami, [...]informed the Commission that Japan would [...]take steps to share its experience and lessons learned on the various preventive and risk reduction measures which mitigated damage. daccess-ods.un.org |
避免高风险地理区域 (容易发生水灾的平原、大坝、河流、山脉、多震地区) molexpn.cn | Avoidance of geographically high risk [...] areas (flood plains, dams, rivers, hills,seismic areas) molexpn.cn |
虽然澳大利亚并不接近大地震发生的板块构造边界处,但偶尔也有可能并确实会发生地震。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Although Australia does not lie in [...] close proximity to a tectonic plate [...] boundary where large earthquakes can occur, occasionally [...]it can and does experience earthquakes. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
海啸警报系统 [...] 的主要活动是,在太平洋地区或邻近地区发生可能引 起海啸的重大地震之后,及时发出警报和进行观测。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The primary activity of ITSU is to issue timely warnings and watches [...] following majorearthquakes in or nearthe Pacific [...]basin, which may result in tsunamis. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在为实施《兵库行动框架》(HFA)做贡献方面,本组织的活动将致力于促进更好地 了解自然灾害,如地震、山地滑坡、火山喷发、水灾、海啸及它们的危害程度;帮助设立可 [...] 靠的早期预测系统;鼓励合理利用土地;确保采用符合要求的建筑物设计;保护教育建筑物 [...]和文化古迹;加强环境保护以预防灾害;通过教育和培训 提高防灾能力和公共意识;推动 灾后调查、恢复和重建,尤其是教育建筑物和文化遗址地灾后恢复和重建。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In its contribution to the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA), the Organization’s activities seek to promote a [...] better understanding of [...] natural hazards suchas earthquakes, landslides, volcanic [...]eruptions, floods, tsunamis and of their [...]intensity; to help set up reliable early warning systems; to encourage rational land use plans; to secure the adoption of suitable building design; to protect educational buildings and cultural monuments; to strengthen environmental protection for the prevention of natural disasters; to enhance preparedness and public awareness through education and training; and to foster post-disaster investigation, recovery and rehabilitation notably for educational buildings and cultural sites. unesdoc.unesco.org |
通过综合方法降低极端水文情况(洪水、干旱等)、地震、滑坡、火山爆发所带来的风险以及人为灾害的风险,侧重于政策咨询、监测评估网络和能力 [...] 的加强、知识传播和教育。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Risks from hydrological extremes (floods, [...] droughts, etc.),earthquakes,landslides, volcanoesas well as risks [...]from man-made disasters [...]mitigated through integrated approaches focusing on policy advice, strengthened networks and capacities for monitoring and assessment, knowledge dissemination and education. unesdoc.unesco.org |
该平台——在报 告期间每月召集多个总部外办事处召开电话会议——针对教科文组织的活动提供 [...] 战略重点,以应对自然灾害或冲突频发的情况:最主要的包括海地地震、巴基斯 坦洪水、印度尼西亚海啸和火山喷发、日本地震和海啸以及阿拉伯国家、北非乃 至整个非洲地区的灾害应对和危机、改革和变革。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This Platform – which has convened as a multifield office teleconference on a monthly basis during the reporting period – is delivering strategic focus to UNESCO’s activities in response to the high number of natural disasters or conflicts: notably the Haiti [...] earthquake, Pakistan floods, [...] tsunamiandvolcanic eruption inIndonesia,earthquake and tsunami [...]in Japan, as well as disaster [...]responses and crisis, reform and change in the Arab States, North Africa and the Africa region as a whole. unesdoc.unesco.org |