

单词 唏哩哗啦

哩哩啦啦 past participle ()

scattered past-p

See also:


with a crash
(onom.) sound of a crash


sound of gurgling water


(onom.) crashing sound

External sources (not reviewed)

至於無謀,政府最“叻”的是說: 唏 ! 你叻的話,便搞掂 40 席,咁 就搞啦!你 們不用負責任,你們沒有責任,你們夠叻的話便搞掂 40 席好 了”。
With regard to the lack of strategy, the best the Government could say is "Hey, if you are clever enough, just snap up 40 seats, and you will do whatever you like!
许多乘客抱怨说,由于定时点名、监狱警卫的 哗 和 其 他蓄意打 扰,他们在监狱里无法入睡。
Many passengers complained that they were prevented from sleeping in the prison due to regular roll-calls, noise from the prison guards and other deliberate disturbances.
他前天 的 表現, 實 在令人唏噓。
His behaviour on the day before yesterday was really lamentable.
不過,這亦反映出同樣的實情在以 往的歲月裏是如何被㆟忽視, 實令唏噓不已。
But it is also saddening to reflect on how little recognition has been paid to those same truths in the years and months gone by.
这项工作的重要性以及更广泛的国际反恐努力 的重要性不幸在最近几个星期受到再次强调——去 年圣诞节发生试图炸毁飞往底特律的航班的事件、今
[...] 年三月在莫斯科发生地铁爆炸、就在几天前在离我们 开会会场不足哩之外 的时报广场发生的蠢事和在 昨天在伊拉克发生的伤亡惨重的爆炸。
The importance of this work and of the broader international efforts to combat terrorism has been underscored tragically and repeatedly in recent weeks by the attempted bombing of a flight bound for Detroit last Christmas Day, by the March bombings in the Moscow subway, by the very
troubling events in Times Square just days
[...] ago, less than a mile from where we meet, [...]
and by the deadly bombings in Iraq just yesterday.
踏 入 二 十一世 紀,禽 流 感,又俗稱“雞瘟” 的 這 類問題, 成 為一個現代 議會討論的 重 要 議 題 , 令我感到非唏噓和 諷刺。
That avian flu, commonly called "chicken plague", has still to be discussed as such an important subject in a legislature in the 21st century is really something very saddening and ironical.
答案當然是否定的,但為了令市民相信這是事實,政府今年 不惜誇大財政困難,使市民對財政預算不存期望,致使市民對一個不願解決 民困的政府的不滿程度大大減低,一個政府淪落至如此地步,又怎不教人歎唏噓呢
The reply is of course no. However, in order to convince the citizens that was a fact, the Government went so far this year as to exaggerate its financial difficulties, eliminating any public expectations of the Budget, so minimizing public dissatisfaction with the Government for its refusal to relieve public hardship.
有無 數這類情況, 均 令我們很 多 時 候感唏噓和 無 奈 。
In many similar cases, we could do nothing but sigh helplessly.
譚耀宗議員:主席女士,過去數 年 , 由 於 失 業 率 高 、 職 位空缺 少 ,勞工巿 場 供應充足 , 很多公司、機構的 僱 主,由 於有大 量選擇, 因
而在選擇過程中, 認 為 青 年 人 沒 有 經 驗 , 不 會 聘 用他們 ; 但 他 們 又 認 為 30 歲 或以上的人年 紀 大,也 不 會 聘 用他們 , 因此,
[...] 有些時候 , 實在令我們參與 再 培 訓 工 作 的人感唏噓。
MR TAM YIU-CHUNG (in Cantonese): Madam President,
over the past few years, because of the high
[...] unemployment rate and limited vacancies [...]
in the market, there has been ample labour supply.
谨随信转交古巴共和国外交部就臭名昭著的国际恐怖分子路易斯·波萨 达·卡里莱斯被无罪释放一事发表的声明,这不过是美利坚合众 哗 众 取 宠作秀 式审判的结果(见附件)。
I have the honour to enclose herewith the statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cuba in connection with the acquittal of the notorious international terrorist Luis Posada Carriles, following his sham trial in the United States of America (see annex).
哗变已 经导致该地区特别是北基伍省居民 安全状况严重倒退,进而导致对在该地区活动的其 他武装团体的压力减轻。
That mutiny has made for a serious downturn in security for the civilian population of that area, especially in North Kivu, thereby leading to the limits attempting to cover developing hot spots, and the overall situation in North Kivu has been deteriorating.
这对图书馆来说是极具挑战 性,包括 1946
[...] 年以来联合国文件档案库收藏在内,图书馆的各种收藏约有 48 000 英呎长(9 英哩)。
This has been particularly challenging for the Library
itself, which houses approximately
[...] 48,000 linear feet (9 miles) of collections, [...]
including the archive collection of United Nations documents since 1946.
在外國的城市,例如 羅 省 , 當他 們 的 空 氣污染指數到達 200
或 300 點 時 , 市 民 仍 然 置 身車輛之 中 , 所受的 影 響 並非那麼大 ; 以 香港的
[...] 銅鑼灣或 旺 角 為 例,每 一 平哩 便 有 近 10 萬 人, 所以不應該與 [...]
外 國的空 氣污染指數達 200 點 時 比較。
In overseas cities such as Los Angeles, when the API reaches 200 or 300, members of the public will still be in their cars and the impact on them is not that pronounced, but when it comes to Causeway Bay
or Mong Kok with a density close to
[...] 100 000 people per sq mile, the situation cannot [...]
be compared to API 200 in an overseas country.
(b) 未能将互联网的连接推广到“最后 哩 ” , 甚至使农村的客户完全无 法利用互联网。
(b) A failure to roll out
[...] connectivity the “last mile” or even further, [...]
leaving rural customers without access
如果客人不感興趣的話,script 也列明不要緊,接着,還有其他話可說:“不 如買張 3T 電腦啦,有多寶。
If the customer is not interested, the script also says that it does not matter and an employee can go on to say other things, "Why not place a computer-generated trio bet, since there is a jackpot this time?
然后啦A梦和 其他人的休息上的一个小岛,鸡眼,suniyo和sizuka游泳,但大雄不知道游泳等 啦 A 梦 给了他一个小工具,大雄的美人鱼,不知何故再次看到了海盗船,但别人不相信他。
Then doraemon and other’s rest on a island and jiyan,suniyo and sizuka take a swim but nobita does not know swimming and so doraemon gave him a gadget [...]
and nobita turned
to a mermaid and somehow again sees the pirate ship but the others don’t believe him.
在这个漫长的过程中,才会 逐渐淘汰急功近利哗众取 宠之作,过分人为的炒作和护盘只能形成昙花一 现的短期效应。
Only through this lengthy process will quick returns based on sensationalism be phased out, as excessive hype and artificial market support can only offer short-term flash-in-the-pan results.
同时,在政府控制的南方,12 月 13 日阿比让中心监狱发哗变,导致 两人死亡,六名囚犯受重伤。
Meanwhile, in the Government-controlled south, a mutiny at Abidjan’s central prison on 13 December reportedly resulted in two deaths and six severely injured inmates.
对话的效果往往优哗众取 宠,部分原因是对话可帮助各当事方更多了解彼此的动机和意图。
Dialogue often achieves more than grandstanding, in part because it can provide parties with greater insight into each other’s motivations and intentions.
只需要几分钟,您便可以离开滑雪度假区或大城市的忙乱与 哗 , 走 进荒野的和平宁静天地。
In just a few minutes, you can leave behind the hustle and bustle of a ski resort or a city and arrive in the peace and quiet of the wilderness.
(d) 增加資產的可用時間-擬議的管理系統可按維修人員的數目 及工作量、車輛/裝備工具預設的保養條件( 如車輛行哩數 及 車齡) 、備用零件及後備車輛/裝備工具的供應情況,制訂 比現時採用的定時模式更適切的預防性維修保養時間表,藉 此縮短需要等待或安排維修人員及備用零件的時間,從而增 加資產的可用時間。
(d) Increase asset availability – the proposed AMMS will take into account the number of maintenance staff and their workload on hand, pre-set maintenance requirements for vehicles/equipment such as vehicle mileage and age, availability of spare parts and maintenance reserve, and devise a more suitable preventive maintenance schedule than the fixed schedule currently used.
屋頂農園或陽台花園大小並不重要,都市農業有助於人口稠密區,可提高經濟成長及改善飲食品質,亦可減少食品相關的碳排放量,包括運輸(食 哩 程 較低)及生產成本(包裝與儲存)。
It doesn’t matter how large or small your rooftop farm or patio garden is, urbanized agriculture positively affects metropolitan areas with stimulated economic growth and better food quality.
以平易、斯文、温暖的设计紧闭着热闹 哗 的 世 界,Ganh 饭店就成为了喜爱 Nha Trang 特产美味的人的一个熟悉地方。
Closing the bustling, noisy outer world with a blue background and the close natural cozy design, Ganh restaurant has become a familiar with people who love delicious Nha Trang specialty.
不幸的是,啦A梦的 机器允许虚构的怪兽来现实世界中,击败了整个人类种族,使未来(大雄的时间),一个恶魔统治的世界。
Unfortunately, Doraemon’s machine allowed [...]
the fictional monsters to come to the real world and defeated the entire human
races, thus turning the future (Nobita’s time) into a demon-ruled world.
注:为减少天花板可能发出的嗡嗡或 啦 声 响 , 可在扬声器开孔邻近的板牆筋和石膏水泥板间使 用些泥胶。
Note: To reduce the possibility of the ceiling buzzing or rattling, adhesive mastic can be applied between the studs and sheetrock in the vicinity of the speaker aperture.
以下食物會使胃食管反 流症狀惡化:含脂肪高或油膩食物、 哩 汁 、 辛辣 食物、含咖啡因飲料(例如茶或汽水類飲料)、薄 荷、大蒜或洋葱,以及酸性食物例如橙汁、葡萄柚 汁,或番茄為主的菜。
These foods can worsen GER symptoms: fatty or greasy food, curry sauces, spicy food, drinks that have caffeine (such as tea and soft drinks), mint, garlic and onion, and acidic foods like orange or grapefruit juice and tomato-based dishes.
如果 動議輸了的話,政府更加大有道理不用 啦 ! 這 些貧困的病㆟更加甚麼都拿不到,而 且原動議亦無提出長遠的計劃。
If the motion is voted down, the Government will then have every reason not to do anything about it, and the poor patients will get no improvement at all.
呵呵…其實,事情也沒那麼嚴啦, 大 不了等待下一趟的水上德士。
Actually need not to worry, you can always wait for the next trip.
例如,3月份遣返的卢 根据安理会第1925(2010)号决议于2010年建立 的联合评估进程最近完成了报告和分析工作,其中 有很大一部分是4月初南北基伍省发 哗 变 之 前进行 的。
Much of the reporting and analysis work done most recently by the joint assessment process established in 2010 under Council resolution 1925 (2010) was performed prior to the outbreak of the mutiny in the Kivus in early April.
此外,也由于此站正是我家乡的Grand Prix赛事,加上此赛道是我最熟悉的一站,所以德国站对我而言别具意义!在家乡车迷们的面前竞速驰骋,能真正的感受到充满爆发力的引擎声与支持声浪,届时场上将会充满热情 哗 的 赛 车氛围。
Going to Germany is a bit special for me as it’s my home Grand Prix and the circuit is the one that I know the best.




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