

单词 唇齿相依

See also:


be interdependent

External sources (not reviewed)

然而,本框架鼓励采用一种更具综合性的方法,把(无论是公共的还是私 营的)文化部门所有活动之 唇齿相依 的 概 念引入进来。
However, this framework encourages a more comprehensive approach with
the adoption of the notion of a strong and
[...] vibrant inter-dependency between all the [...]
activities of the cultural sector, public or private.
各国必须齐心协力探索巩固空间安全和稳定局面的途径,因为安全和稳 定两唇齿相依。
States must join their efforts in search of a way to consolidate space security and stability, because one depends critically on the other.
證監會相信,鑑於全球金融市唇齒 相依,香港作為一個國際金融中心,也應採取措施增加淡倉透明度。
The SFC believes that, given the interconnections [...]
between global financial markets, Hong Kong, as an international financial
centre, should also take steps to increase the transparency of short positions.
這其實是說明了一個事實,便是僱主和僱員之間的關係 唇 齒相 依,大家都在同一條船上。
If business is not good and the company has to close down, employees cannot stay away from this.
唇亡齿寒这 个成语来比喻关系密切,利 相 关。
The idiom of "The Lips Being Lost, The Teeth Feel Cold--Chun Wang Chi Han" refers to two things which are so closely related that they have common interests and share same fate.
由於航空業 和 旅遊業唇齒相 依 的 關 係 , 在連鎖 反 應 的 影響下,旅遊業 和航空業 將同時 受到嚴重 的 打 擊 。
Since the
[...] relationship between the aviation industry and the tourism industry is as close as lips and teeth, the chain [...]
effects will deal heavy
blows to the aviation industry and the tourism industry at the same time.
尼尔森地区拥有许多一流的精品酒庄,何不游览一下该地区,品尝一下让 唇齿 留 香 的葡萄酒?
The Nelson region has some of the countries great boutique wineries,  why not explore the region while taking in a spot of wine tasting
然 而 ,經濟和 政 治唇齒相 依 的,要 經濟開 放 , 同時 又實行 政 治 封 鎖 是 不 可 能 的 。
It is impossible to open up the economy and at the same time enforce political blockades.
酒稅等間接稅是從商品發售中徵稅,這種徵稅行為本身就是形成商品市 價的直接因素,與經濟發展也唇齒 相依 的 關 係。
Indirect taxes such as the duty on alcoholic beverages are levied upon the sale of commodities. This levy is a direct factor that determines the market prices of commodities and it also has a great bearing on economic development.
本港經濟與㆗國經唇齒相依,㆗ 國的經濟和出口貿易㆒旦受損,便會立即對香港造 成損害,甚至可能在比例㆖,損害程度更大。
Any damage to the Chinese economy and Chinese export trade will be immediately reflected in damage to Hong Kong, possibly to an even larger proportionate degree.
齿轮箱 输出轴和连 杆体现出虚拟凸轮轴的效果,当压力下降时加速 (泵的 [...]
下缸体处于转换位置时),当压力增加时降速 (两个下 缸体都在填料时)。
The output
[...] shaft of the gearbox and the connecting [...]
rods experience the effect of the imaginary camshaft by speeding up when
the pressure drops (pump lower is at a changeover) and slowing down when pressure increases (both lowers are pumping).
牵引电机安装在转向架上,并通过一个膜式联轴器与 齿 轮 级 相 连。
The drive's output gear is mounted on [...]
a quill shaft.
福伊特并联缓速器通过增齿轮和 变速 相 联 , 换而言之缓速器的转速会比传动轴更高。
In other words, the retarder speed is higher than the drive shaft.
要把 握 中 國 加入世 界 貿易組織所 帶來的發展 契 機 , 香港無須 發 展 為 另 一個上海 ,
因為內地 正製造更多 的 上 海 ;香港應 該充分發 揮“一 國 兩
[...] 制 ” 的 優 點 , 與內地 建唇齒相 依 、 互 補 合作的 關 係 , 以 優 [...]
質 服 務 與 國 際 機 構 競 逐 內 地 市 場 , 靠 自 己 的 努 力
和 優勢向外爭 取 國 際 商 機。
To seize the development opportunity brought about by China's accession to the World Trade Organization, Hong Kong needs not develop into another Shanghai because the Mainland is working on the creation of more Shanghais currently. Hong Kong should give full play to the
advantage of "one country, two
[...] systems" and foster a mutually dependent and complementary [...]
kind of close relationship with
the Mainland, make use of our quality services to compete with international organizations in the mainland market, and rely on our own efforts and competitive edge to strive for international business opportunities.
叶片五边形,基部截形或心形截形,半裂至中部或3 分裂,中央裂片1或2具齿或全缘, 相 等 2裂 的侧面裂片。
Leaf blade pentagonal, base truncate or
cordate-truncate, 3-cleft to middle or 3-partite, central
[...] lobe 1- or 2-denticulate or entire, lateral lobes unequally 2-lobed.
古人有句话说:‘唇没有了,齿 就 会 感到寒冷。
Yu and Guo
[...] are as closely interdependent as lips and teeth.
主席先生,㆗港經唇齒相依,㆗國能否獲得美國延續最惠國待遇,已成為本港工商 界㆟士、甚至廣大市民所關心的問題。
Whether or not China will have its Most Favoured Nation (MFN) status renewed by the United States has become a question of concern among Hong Kong business and industrial circles and even the general public.
公民 自由必須按照與本港治唇齒相依的 實 際問題和情況予以考慮。
Civil liberties must be considered in the light of pragmatic considerations and conditions that surround Hong Kong's security.
條例草案明顯是為勞工而設的,但我個人認為勞資雙方 唇 齒 相依 的關 係,尤其是中小型企業(“中小企”),彼此是利益共存的。
However, I personally think that employers and employees are inter-dependent, especially in small and medium enterprises (SMEs), where they share mutual interests.
在今次的 SARS 爆發和防治工作上,凸顯了香港與內地,尤其是廣東省唇齒相依。
The outbreak, prevention and treatment of SARS have
[...] highlighted the interdependence between Hong Kong [...]
and the Mainland, in particular that with Guangdong Province.
香港與㆗唇齒相依,大 家都希望㆗港關係良好,令主權可 以順利移交。
Everybody wants a good relationship between China and Hong Kong in the interest of a smooth transfer of sovereignty.
过去十年来,发动机马力已提高了34%,但轮 齿 轮 大小 却 依 然 未变,此外机油箱容量也已降低而换油期也已延长。
Engine horsepower has increased by 34% over the
[...] last decade, but axle gear sizes have remained [...]
constant, sump capacities have been reduced,
and drain intervals have been extended.
況且,金融服務業是一個高增值行業,跟其他專業服務更是息息相 關唇齒相依。
In addition, the financial industry is a high-value-added industry and it maintains close and symbiotic relationships with other professional services.
电动滚筒通过行星变速箱将电机功率以线性方 式直接传输到输送系统,与采用辅助传动系统齿轮减速电相比, 机械功耗大幅降低。
The symbiosis of energy efficient synchronous motor technology and drum motor technology which is mechanically extremely energy efficient has made this possible (82% total efficiency): Drum Motors transfer the power of
the electric motor via
[...] the planetary gear box directly linear to the conveyor system, meaning that the mechanical power loss in comparison [...]
to geared motors with
secondary transmission is dramatically reduced.
主席,香港和深 圳僅一 河 相 隔唇齒相依,應 是 最 好 及 優 先的合作夥伴, 加 上 邊 境 地 區 發展潛 力最大, 作為一個長 遠 的 策 略 , 香港政 府應主 動 與 深 圳 特 區 政 府 研究全面合作的 可 能性, 爭取早日把它 建 成 集 “一國 兩 制 ” 優 勢 於 一 身 , 有 很 強國際 競爭力 的 跨 境經濟區 , 以 促 進香港的 高 科技、 高 增值製 造 業及邊 境 地 區 的 開 發。
Given the vast development potential in the border area, the Hong Kong Government should, as a long-term strategy, take the initiative to work together with the Shenzhen Government to study the possibility of comprehensive co-operation between the two places. The study should aim at expediting the establishment of an internationally competitive cross-boundary economic zone which would blend together the advantages of both "one country" and "two systems", so as to facilitate the development of Hong Kong's hi-tech, high value-added manufacturing industries and the border zone.
在客觀環境㆘,香港的政治發展空 間有限,九七年前,受殖民㆞的憲法限制;九七年後,更要獨力面對國際㆖舉足輕重、政 權穩定、經濟㆖和香唇齒相依的㆗國,所以單憑本身的政治力量,兼且受制於經濟已不 能走回脫離㆗國而單獨發展的道路㆖,港㆟容易感到薄弱及無奈。
Therefore, in the context of its limited political clout and the economic constraints which make it impossible for Hong Kong to break from China to take to its own road of development, Hong Kong people are liable to feel weak and helpless.
不 論 內地還 是 本港, 不 論 農 場 、 運
輸、屠宰、批 發 還 是 零 售,其實全部 都 在 同 一 條 行 業 鏈 上,彼
[...] 此一環 接 一 環, 環環緊 扣,大唇齒相依,唇 亡 齒寒,任 何 一 環 不合作,都 [...]
會 影響整個行 業, 因 此 , 各方面 好應該 肩 並 肩 , 合 力進行改善。
The problem simply cannot be solved that way. The Mainland, Hong Kong, chicken farms, the chicken conveyance business, the chicken slaughtering occupation, retailers and wholesalers are all the segments of
the same production line; they are all
[...] interlocked and interdependent, and the inco-ordination [...]
of any one of them is bound
to affect the entire poultry industry.




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