单词 | 唇形科 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 唇形科—Labiatae, the taxonomic family including lavender, mintSee also:唇n—lipn lipsn footn
如果已卸下,要装上新的U形杯,让其唇缘朝向喷枪手柄 (17)。 graco.com | If removed, install [...] the new one with itslips facinginto the gun [...]handle (17). graco.com |
唇形改善手术 hksh.com | Lip Contouring GummySmile [...] Brow Lift hksh.com |
使转换接头的唇缘朝左,将转换接头推到液压活塞 轴的左端。 graco.com | With the lip of the adapter facing [...] left, slide the adapter onto the left end of the hydraulic piston shaft. graco.com |
一大批具体的建议已提交给对话的协调员,如建立大学的对话与网络;青年科学家的 对话,邀请教科文组织教席担任者参与对话活动;两个地区的实习记者和资深新闻工作者的 对话;举行青年论坛;重新启动文学作品翻译委员会,增加用欧洲语言翻译的阿拉伯作品; 学校教科书的比较研究;文化产业专业人士的对话;举办跨地区会议,探讨欧洲历史教科书中阿拉伯伊斯兰文化的形象。 unesdoc.unesco.org | A host of concrete proposals were suggested to the coordinators of the Dialogue, such as: dialogue and networking among universities; dialogue among young scientists, involving UNESCO chairholders in dialogue activities; dialogue among student journalists and seasoned media practitioners from both regions; the holding of youth forums; reactivation of the Committee for the Translation of Literary Works and increase in the translation of Arabic works into European languages; a comparative study of school textbooks; dialogue involving professionals from cultural industries; the organization of an interregional conference on the image of Arab-Islamic culture in European historybooks. unesdoc.unesco.org |
几个代表团希望向更广泛的公众传播发放用户界面友好型的《中期战略》简写本,以提升教科文的形象及公众对其活动的了解程度。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Several delegations called for the publication of a “user-friendly” abridged version of the Medium-Term Strategy to be disseminated among a broader public to enhance the public visibility of the Organization and awareness about its activities. unesdoc.unesco.org |
教科文组织也应该加强行动,在各级教育中引进和使用信息传播技术,特别是通过发展 全国性的远程教育课程和接受其它阿拉伯语的在线内容,开发多语种教学内容,通过提供不同形式的授课方式增加终身学习的机会。 unesdoc.unesco.org | UNESCO wasalso urged to increase action with respect to the introduction and use of ICTs at all levels of education, especially through the development of national distance education courses and access to other online content to be made available in Arabic, multilingual content development, and enhancing lifelong learning opportunities through access to diversified delivery systems. unesdoc.unesco.org |
(e) 专题研讨会:围绕各种有关外层空间研究和利用的问题,采取双边或多边形式,吸收科学家、外交官以及军事和技术专家参加。 daccess-ods.un.org | (e) Thematic workshops on various outer space research and use issues, [...] organized on a bilateral or multilateralbasis,with the [...] participation of scientists, diplomats, military [...]and technical experts. daccess-ods.un.org |
Pedicel 1-2毫米花萼钟状,大约2.5毫米在花中,在果期对5毫米,在上唇里面被绒毛,被微柔毛的黄褐色;二唇形,3浅裂的瓣片,中间宽卵形的上唇的齿; 卵形的侧齿,大约倍于中间切成齿形; 披针形的下部齿,近等长侧面裂片。 flora.ac.cn | Calyx campanulate, ca. 2.5 mm in flower, to 5 mm in fruit, yellow-brown [...] tomentose, puberulent [...] inside upperlip;limb 2-lipped, 3-lobed, middle tooth ofupper lipbroadly ovate; [...]lateral teeth ovate, [...]ca. 1/2 as long as middle tooth; lower teeth lanceolate, nearly as long as lateral lobes. flora.ac.cn |
提供给总统府办公室的其他非官方资金主要来自以下各方:科特迪瓦海关 署以“回扣”形式提供的在科特迪瓦海港阿比让和圣佩德罗港获得的关税“折扣”, 国家官方彩票机构,科特迪瓦炼油公司( Société ivoirienne de raffinage)以 及科特迪瓦咖啡可可豆业管理委员会(Comité de Gestion de la Filière Café Cacao)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Other unofficial funds supplied to the office of the Presidency were derived mainly from the Ivorian customs agency in the form of “kickbacks” from customs tax “discounts” at the seaports of Abidjan and San Pedro, the official national lottery, the Ivorian oil refinery company (Société ivoirienne de raffinage), and the Ivorian management agency for cocoa and coffee (Comité de gestion de la filière café cacao). daccess-ods.un.org |
在今天召开的美国矫形外科医师学会(AAOS)2013年年会上,研究人员展示了一项新的研究,他们对现有文献中的与长骨(长度大于宽度的骨头)有关的吸烟和骨折愈合的内容进行了回顾。 chinese.eurekalert.org | In a new study presented today [...] at the 2013 Annual Meeting of the [...] American Academyof OrthopaedicSurgeons (AAOS), [...]researchers reviewed existing literature [...]on smoking and the healing of fractures involving long bones (bones that are longer than they are wide). chinese.eurekalert.org |
最不发达国家的农业面临巨大挑战,原因包括最不发达国家对有形基础设 施、科技研发及农业技术推广服务的投资有限。 daccess-ods.un.org | The agriculture sector in least developed countries faces huge challenges [...] owing to lack of adequate [...] investment in physical infrastructure, scientific and technological [...]development, research and agricultural extension services. daccess-ods.un.org |
9) 在 JECFA 已进行了一项安全性评估但 [...] CCFACCCFA/CCCF 或食典委确定有必要提 供额外科学指导的情形下,CCFACCCFA/CCCF 或食典委可向 JECFA [...]提出一项更加 具体的要求,以获得作出一项危险性管理决定所必需的科学指导。 codexalimentarius.org | 9) In cases where JECFA has performed a safety assessment and [...] CCFAC CCFA/CCCF or the CAC [...] determines that additionalscientific guidanceis necessary, [...]CCFAC CCFA/CCCF or CAC may make [...]a more specific request to JECFA to obtain the scientific guidance necessary for a risk management decision. codexalimentarius.org |
VYTAL mei以不同的微注颜料植入技术,重塑完美唇形、强化天然唇色,同时修饰不对称的情况。 vytalmei.com | VYTAL mei applies different micropigmentation [...] techniquesto thelips,which will help restructure the shape ofyourlips,enhance their colour [...]and correct asymmetry. vytalmei.com |
显着的花冠二唇形;浅裂,开展的下唇3(或4); 2裂的上唇,短于更下部的唇。 flora.ac.cn | Corolla conspicuously 2-lipped; lower lip3(or 4)-lobed, patent; upper lip 2-lobed, shorter than lower lip. flora.ac.cn |
为修改褪色和变色的部位,我们可令肌肤回复原来的天然色彩,或重新设计更安全、更自然的唇形。 vytalmei.com | We correct tattoosthat have faded and changed colours, by giving your skin its natural colour back or by creating a new, safer, more natural look. vytalmei.com |
另外有意思的是,椭圆形 口和圆形唇的配合。 e-yaji.com | Another unusual feature is the combination of an [...] oval mouth with a circular lip. e-yaji.com |
密封的杆端轴承防污染并通过唇形密封喷淋水。 schaeffler.cn | Sealed rod ends are protected against [...] contamination and spray waterby lip seals. schaeffler.us |
所采取举措的实例包括:在阿富 [...] 汗,残疾部门协调小组之下设立了获得服务无障碍委员会;在波斯尼亚和黑塞哥 维那,莫斯塔尔开设了一家新的整形外科中心;在几内亚比绍,比绍的热内卢身 体康复中心改装了设备,即将重新开张;在约旦,启用了机构和方案的国家认证 [...]标准;在尼加拉瓜,偏远地区的医生数目有所增加;秘鲁正在进行康复服务的分 [...]散化;塔吉克斯坦发布了供相关部委工作人员遵行的“地雷幸存者心理社会支持 准则”和“医学和社会诊断准则”;泰国正在为从业人员拟订全面指南;乌干达 已制定、启用和散发了服务无障碍标准。 daccess-ods.un.org | Examples of initiatives undertaken include: in Afghanistan, a Physical Accessibility committee was established under Disability Sector Coordination [...] Group; in Bosnia and [...] Herzegovina, a new orthopaediccentre opened in [...]Mostar; in GuineaBissau, the Janeiro Physical Rehabilitation Centre in Bissau [...]has been re-equipped and will soon reopen; in Jordan, national accreditation standards for institutions and programmes were launched; in Nicaragua, the number of physicians in remote areas has been increased; in Peru, the decentralisation of rehabilitation services is underway; in Tajikistan, a “Guideline on psycho-social support for landmine survivors” and a “Medical and Social Diagnostic Guideline” for staff of relevant ministries and agencies were published; in Thailand, a comprehensive guide for practitioners is being developed; and, in Uganda, accessibility standards were developed, launched and disseminated. daccess-ods.un.org |
唇形:VYTAL mei可以改变因唇部出现皱纹、肌肤松弛或原来欠理想的唇形而显得「苦兮兮」的外观。 vytalmei.com | Shape of the mouth: VYTAL mei can help [...] change the shape of a mouth, that looks unhappy due to wrinkles, loose skin, or the natural shapeofthe lips. vytalmei.com |
这种有机硅的硬度可通过改变A、 B组分的混合比来进行调节, 能够帮助矫形外科产品及假肢生产商灵活调整产品, 降低生产成本。 wacker.com | The hardness of the silicone can be varied by altering the relative mixing proportions of the two components A and B. Benefits for manufacturers oforthopedic and prosthetic devices include greater versatility and lower production costs. wacker.com |
带锐齿的阔大叶片以及其名字中的“Holly”(冬青)一词,时常让人误以为高山刺芹是冬青属植物,事实上,高山刺芹与胡萝卜同属无害的伞形科植物。 clarinsusa.com | The plant's large, spiky-edged leaves and name place it in [...] the holly family but in reality Eryngium alpinum is [...] a harmless apiaceae (umbelliferae) [...]from the same family as the carrot. clarinsusa.com |
半透明琥珀色与雄黄色的琥珀,金;由三块琥珀作成,肩部、底以金丝箍圈箍敛,上有黄金颈,底有塞洞的黄金塞子;凸形唇、平面略敛底,底缘箍圈当作突出凸形圈足;琥珀无饰纹,颈上部有绳纹一周,下有细绳纹环;底中心金塞子刻“珍”一字楷款 e-yaji.com | Translucent orange and yellow-ochre amber, and gold; made of three segments of amber joined at the shoulders and base with gold, with a gold neck and a gold plug in a hole in the foot; with a convexlip and slightly recessed flat foot, the lower join doubling as a protruding convex footrim; the amber undecorated, the gold with formalizedfloral filigree work, the upper-neck rim with a simulated-rope band, repeated on a smaller scale at the edge of the shoulder and base joints, the slightly raised circular gold plug on the foot engraved in regular script with the single character zhen (precious) e-yaji.com |
在该方面,非政府组织科有助于形成诸如与具有联合国咨商关系的非政府组织会议、联合国训练研究所、全球契约、 [...] 新闻部、联合国协会世界联合会、与非政府组织联络处以及联合国开发计划署南 南合作特设局之类的一些主要伙伴关系。 daccess-ods.un.org | The NonGovernmental Organizations Section had been instrumental [...] in forging several key partnerships in that regard, suchas with the Conference of Non-Governmental [...]Organizations in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations, the United Nations Institute for Training and Research, the Global Compact, the Department of Public Information, the World Federation United Nations Associations, the Non-governmental Liaison Service and the United Nations Development Programme Special Unit for South-South Cooperation. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,在面对艾滋病毒和艾滋病的不断威胁 时,我们必须认识到,人类大家庭需要世界范围的 [...] 团结,以便实事求是地评估过去的做法,它们也许 更多地基于意识形态而非科学和价值观,并且采取 尊重人的尊严和促进每一个人以及所有社会综合发 [...]展的坚决行动。 daccess-ods.un.org | Yet, in the face of the ongoing threat of HIV and AIDS, we must acknowledge the demands of the human family for worldwide solidarity, for honest evaluation of [...] past approaches that may have been [...] based moreon ideologythanonscience andvalues, and [...]for determined action that respects [...]human dignity and promotes the integral development of each and every person and of all society. daccess-ods.un.org |
1 在二战之后,产生一个较狭义的国际性发展 概念,并制定了体制、政策、科目形式,以及―― 最重要的一点是,旨在第三世 界减贫的干预措施。2 虽然现代发展事业的根源也来自于产生国际人权运动的同 一冲突,但这两个领域在很大程度上是互不相干的,尽管它们有着共同目标,却 在很大程度上保持各处独立的轨迹,一直到近代。 daccess-ods.un.org | Broadly speaking, development refers to processes [...] of social change and to [...] projects meant to transform national economies, particularly in former colonies or third world States.1 A narrower conception of international developmentevolved afterthe Second [...]World War with the [...]establishment of institutions, policies, disciplinary formations and – most importantly – practices of intervention aimed toward the alleviation of poverty in the third world.2 Although the modern development enterprise found its roots in the same conflict as that which gave birth to the international human rights movement, the two disciplines have largely existed in parallel and, despite their shared goals, have largely remained separate pursuits until recent times. daccess-ods.un.org |