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委员会还指出,这几大类侵犯行 为据称是在公共机关的直接指示使同意或默许下发生的。
It further noted that these generalized abuses are allegedly conducted under the direct order from public authorities, at their instigation or with their consent or acquiescence.
国际和平研究所谴责对豢养和班负有责任并为他们提供武器 者。
The Institute blamed those who had taken the responsibility for grooming and indoctrinating the Taliban and providing them with weapons.
专家注意到,虽然《禁止酷刑公约》规定酷刑 行为必须是公职人员或其他以官方身份行事的人员实施或在使同意、默许 下实施的,但前南斯拉夫问题国际刑事法庭裁定危害人类罪背景下的酷刑定义与 该公约的定义不同,而在《公约》的框架外,国际习惯法没有规定对酷刑行为承 担刑事责任的必须是公务员。
It was noted that while the Convention Against Torture requires an act of torture to have been inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in an official capacity, the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia decided that the definition of torture in the context of crimes against humanity is not identical to the definition in the Convention and that outside the framework of the Convention, customary international law does not impose a public official requirement in relation to criminal responsibility for torture.
(c) 明知船舶或飞机成为海盗船舶或飞机的事实,而自愿参加其活动的行为 以及意便利有关海盗行为的行为,根据中国《刑法》,可以将其作为相 关具体行为所构成犯罪的共同犯罪处理(第 25、26、27、29 条);海盗 行为的行为,还可能构成中国《刑法》规定的传授犯罪方法罪(第 295 条)。
(c) Any act of voluntary
[...] participation in the operation of a ship or of an aircraft with knowledge of facts making it a pirateship or aircraft or of inciting or intentionally facilitating an act of piracy may, in accordance with the Criminal [...]
Code, be dealt with
as complicity in the commission of the offence constituted by the specific act in question (articles 25, 26, 27 and 29); acts inciting piracy may also constitute the offence of passing on criminal methods (article 295).
根据《刑法》中新增加的第 36a
条——该条是与修正《刑法》的法案(斯洛 文尼亚共和国第 91/11 号官方公告)一并提出的并于 2012 年 5 月 15 日生效,其
[...] 中规定,除非法律另行规定,《刑法》中适用于犯罪人有关的条款同样适用于助实施刑事犯罪的参与人。
According to new article 36a of the Criminal Code, which was introduced with the Act amending the Criminal Code (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia No. 91/11) and entered into force on 15 May 2012, the provisions of the Criminal Code
applicable to the offender will also apply to a
[...] participant who abets or aids in the [...]
commission of a criminal offence, unless otherwise provided by law.
该《法 案》确定了酷刑的定义,并增设了与公职人员施行酷刑的行为、或与无论其国籍 为何也无论其身处境内或境外的其他人员在公职人使同意或默许下施行酷 刑的行为相关的若干项罪行。
The Act provides for a definition of torture and creates offences relating to an act of torture by a public official or other person acting at the instigation of, or with the consent or acquiescence of, a public official, regardless of nationality, within or outside the State.
刑法》第 208 条规定,对招募未成年人从事犯罪活动或年人从 事不道德行动的,处以最高达 10 年的监禁。
Article 208 of the Criminal Code provides for criminal sanctions of up to 10 years of imprisonment for enrolment of minors in criminal activity or instigation tocommit immoral actions.
[...] 索马里沿海海盗袭击的人或从中非法获益的人,确认按国际法的界定,个人和实 体意协助海盗行为即是参与海盗行为。
The Council also underlined the need to investigate those who illicitly finance, plan, organize or unlawfully profit from pirate attacks off the coast
of Somalia, recognizing that individuals and
[...] entitieswho incite orintentionally [...]
facilitate an act of piracy are themselves
engaging in piracy as defined under international law.
最后,公司应当反思在多起针对公司的着名案例中上述三种情形相互交叉 的事实:国家法律制度不健全、基于社区的业务混乱,以及公司请求或接受导致
[...] 安全部队实施被指控犯罪的强制措 1 施,之后公司被法院依法起诉协助并
Finally, companies should reflect on the fact that the three scenarios just described have intersected in several well-known cases brought against companies: weak national legal systems, community-based operational disruptions and company requests for or acceptance of coercive measures by security forces
leading to the commission of alleged crimes, which the company is then charged in courts of
[...] law with aiding and abetting.
公约》第 28 条指出,各缔约国承允于 各自的刑事管辖权范围内采取必要步骤,对违 反使反本《公约》的人进行起诉并施以 制裁。
Article 28 of the Convention deals with the States Parties’ undertaking to take, within the context of their own criminal jurisdiction, all necessary steps to prosecute and impose penalties upon persons who commit, or order to be committed, a breach of the Convention.
[...] 在《公约》中没有明确规定,委员会也认为“合谋或参与”一词应涵盖包括使同意或默许”在内的情形,从而使根据第 [...]
1 条充分参与的所有公职人员必须 承担第 4 条下的个人刑事责任。
In addition, even if not explicitly stated in the
Convention, the Committee considers instances that
[...] include “instigation, consent or [...]
acquiescence”, to be covered by the terms
“complicity or participation”, giving rise to individual criminal responsibility under article 4 of all public officials sufficiently involved under article 1.
为防范酷刑和虐待行为,《刑事诉讼法》第 282 条就国家警察局在实施逮捕行动时应遵守的纪律做出如下规定:通过出示警官证 或警徽来亮明身份;只有在确实必要的情况下才可以动用武力;只有当情况即将 严重危及自身或他人生命和身体完整性的时候才可以使用武器;无论在抓捕的时 候还是在关押期间,不实施也使允许他人实施酷刑、折磨或者其他残忍、 不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚;向被逮捕者告知逮捕理由,并且告知被逮捕者 有权把他的处境告诉亲属或所选择的其他人,有权得到律师的帮助,有权要求接 受法医或者在场其他医生的检查,以证明其身体状况或者在必要的情况下进行治 疗;向被捕者的亲属或其他与被捕者有关的人通知被捕者将被带到的地点;在具 有公共文件性质的专用登记中注明逮捕的日期、时间和地点。
They shall also inform detained persons, of among other things, the grounds for their arrest and of their right to inform a relative or person of their own choosing of their circumstances, the right to the assistance of counsel and to be examined by a forensic doctor or, if the attendance of such a physician would entail a serious delay, by another available doctor in order to report on their physical condition and provide treatment if necessary; at the time of arrest, inform the relatives or associates of the detainee of the facility to which the detainee will be taken; and record the place, date and time of arrest in a special register that shall be a public document.
User must agree not to transfer any illegal, intrusive, ill-spoken, virulent, threatening, harmful, vulgar or obscene
information or data; not to transfer any
[...] information that might abetsomebody in a crime; [...]
not to transfer any information that
encourage negative domestic situation or pertain to national security; not to transfer any information that does not abide by the local legislation, national laws and international laws; not to interfere or disturb network service, not to use network service in any illegal way.
对任何运动员施用或企图对其施用某种禁用物质或禁用方法,或者协助、鼓 励、资助、盖使用禁用物质与方法的行为,或其他类型的违反反兴 [...]
(h) administration or attempted administration of a prohibited substance or prohibited
method to any athlete, or assisting,
[...] encouraging, aiding,abetting,covering up [...]
or any other type of complicity involving
an anti-doping rule violation or any attempted violation.
刑法》总则规定,帮助和与刑事犯罪的一种形式(刑事犯罪也适 用与恐怖主义有关的犯罪),并阐明了承担刑事责任条件和惩罚从犯。
The general part of the Criminal Code
[...] defines aiding and abetting as theforms of [...]
participation in criminal offences (which
also apply to terrorism-related offences), setting out the conditions for criminal liability and the punishment of accomplices.
这些定居者执意实施此类无法无天和暴力行为, 无疑是受到以色列宗教和政治领袖的驱使,因为这些 领袖继续无耻地用煽动性言论、种族主义举措、包括 在这一庄严组织的大会讲台上使用充满仇恨和侮辱 性言论动定居者。
These settlers are undoubtedly driven to persist in such acts of lawlessness and violence by Israeli religious and political leaders who continue to shamelessly provoke and incite them with inflammatory rhetoric, racist initiatives and hate-filled and offensive remarks, including from the rostrum of the General Assembly of this Organization.
(a) 采用完全符合《公约》第1条第1 款的“公务人员”一词的定义,以 便将任何公务人员或以其他官方身份行事的人员施加的使、或同意或默许 采取的行为都列入其中
(a) To adopt a definition of the term “public official” fully in line with article 1, paragraph 1, of the Convention, so as to include all acts inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of all public officials or other persons acting in an official capacity
对于那些对被拘留者实施了酷刑或虐待的警官,以及那使怂恿、同 意或默许这类行为的高级警官,必须通过内部警察监督机制,由检察机关和司法 机关进行全面调查。
The responsibility of police officers who commitacts of torture or inflict illtreatment on detained persons, as well as the responsibility of senior officers who instigate, encourage, consent to or acquiesce in such acts, must be fully investigated both through internal police monitoring mechanisms and through competent prosecutorial and judicial authorities.
尊重人权,在发生侵犯人权行为时进行必要调查,采取防范此类侵犯行为的 措施,及确保根据国家法律在法院对此类行为的实施者使提出起诉并予以 惩处。
Respect human rights, conduct the necessary investigations when they are violated, take measures to prevent such violations and ensure that those committing orinstigating them are brought before the courts and punished in accordance with national legislation.
科索沃机构寻求保护塞族人的权利和改善塞族 人的生活,但塞尔维亚政府却一直在利用和迷惑他 们,拒绝同科索沃机构融合与合作。
While the institutions of Kosovo seek to protect the rights and improve the lives of the members of the Serb community, the Government of Serbia has been exploiting and confusing them with calls to reject integration and cooperation with Kosovo’s institutions.




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