

单词 唁函

See also:

extend condolences


letter n


External sources (not reviewed)

為讓社會各界人士可表達他們對事件的關注,以及對死傷者以及家 屬的深切悼念與慰問,政府會在十八區適當地點提供 唁 冊 供 市民簽 署。
In order to let members of the public express their condolences and sympathy for the victims and their families, the Government will be putting condolence books in 18 districts of Hong Kong.
喪禮的部分時段會開放予公眾唁,政 府將在尊重家屬意願的大前提下,提供協助(例如人流 管理)。
Some sessions of the funeral will be opened to the public for paying tribute to Mr WONG. The Government will provide assistance (such as crowd control) according to the wishes of Mr WONG's family.
52 当时,位于拜特哈嫩的Abd al-Dayem吊唁帐篷 受到箭形弹药的袭击,导致平民死 亡。
This incident, involving an alleged attack on the Abd al-Dayem
condolence tents in Beit Hanoun on 5 January
[...] 2009 using flechette munitions, [...]
and resulting in the deaths of civilians, was
reported to Israeli authorities by several human rights organizations.52 After examining the results of a command investigation regarding this incident together with the complaints that had been received, the MAG referred the case for an MPCID criminal investigation, which was recently concluded.
稍後我會邀請民政事務總署署長向各位講解十八區 唁 冊 的 安排。
I will be inviting the Director of Home Affairs to bring us up to date on the arrangements.
主席(以阿拉伯语发言):我将代表大会全体成 员,向马耳他和沙特阿拉伯两国发 唁 电。
The President( spoke in Arabic ): On behalf of all members of the General
[...] Assembly, I shall send letters of [...]
condolences to Malta and Saudi Arabia.
香港交易及結算所有限公司及香港聯合交易所有限公司對本 函 之 內 容概不負責,對其準 確性或完整性亦不發表任何聲明,並明確表示,概不就因本 函 全 部 或任何部份內容而產 生或因倚賴該等內容而引致之任何損失承擔任何責任。
Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this circular, makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaims any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this circular.
唁學童前來6歲死者Jack Pinto的葬禮,向他作最後告別。
Mourners arrive for the funeral service of Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting victim, Jack Pinto, 6, Monday, Dec. 17, 2012, in Newtown, Conn.
董事於作出一切合理查詢後,確認據彼等深知及盡信本 函所 載 資料在各重大方面均屬準確完備,並無誤導或欺詐成份,本 函 並 無遺漏其他事項, 以致本函或其任何陳述有所誤導。
The Directors, having made all reasonable enquiries, confirm that to the best of their knowledge and belief the
[...] contained in this circular is accurate and complete in all material respects and not misleading or deceptive, and there are no other matters the omission of which would make any statement herein or this circular misleading.
世 界各国首脑为阿富汗的这一巨大损失发来唁 电,我在此表示感谢。
On behalf of the Afghan people, I am grateful for the messages of condolences expressed by leaders around the world at this terrible national loss in Afghanistan.
调查发现,尽管箭弹瞄准并击中了开阔地的恐怖分子,但箭弹撒出的飞镖 可能意外地击中了 Al Dayem 吊唁帐篷附近的平民。
The investigation found that, although the shells were aimed at and hit the terrorist squad in open terrain, darts from the flechette shells could have incidentally struck civilians near the Al Dayem condolence tent.
该系统将跟踪联检组向各参加组织提出的报告、说明和 函 或 建议的接 受、执行和影响状况;管理立法机构审议联检组报告的工作;并提供关于报告、 说明和函所载 联检组建议的接受、执行和影响类别的统计资料,这些资料最终 在联检组年度报告中提出。
The system will track
[...] the status of acceptance, implementation and impact achieved of reports, notes and letters or recommendations addressed by JIU to the participating organizations; manage the [...]
consideration of
JIU reports by legislative bodies; and provide statistical information in terms of categories of acceptance, implementation and impact achieved of JIU recommendations contained in reports, notes and letters, which are eventually presented in the JIU annual report.
閣下如已售出或轉讓名下全部富聯國際集團有限公司之股份,應立即將本 函 連 同 隨附之代 表委任表格送交買主或受讓人,或經手買賣或轉讓之銀行、股票經紀或其他代理,以便轉交 買主或受讓人。
If you have sold or transferred all your shares in USI Holdings Limited, you should at once hand this circular and the enclosed proxy form to the purchaser or transferee, or to the bank, stockbroker or other agent through whom the sale or transfer was effected for transmission to the purchaser or the transferee.
董事共同及個別 對本函所載 資料的準確性承擔全部責任,並在作出一切合理查詢後確認,就彼等所知及 所信,本函所載 意見乃經審慎週詳考慮後始行作出,且本 函 概 無 遺漏任何其他事實致 令本函所載任何聲明產生誤導。
The Directors jointly and individually accept full responsibility for the accuracy of
the information
[...] contained in this circular and confirm, having made all reasonable enquiries, that to the best of their knowledge and belief, opinions expressed in this circular have been arrived at after due and careful consideration and there are no other facts the omission of which would make any statement in this circular misleading.




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